Member Reviews

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC!

where can I start? this book is MAGNIFICENT. it is also super super gross. very descriptive body horror. BUT if you know that going into it you’re fine. the main character is trans and autistic. this is my second historical book with a trans MC (the other being a lady for a duke by alexis hall quicunquevult – VERY different premises), and it is very well written and very interesting to read about. as a cis woman, i love reading stories about trans people, as it’s not my experience.

final thoughts – andrew joseph white is an incredibly talented author. so excited to see what he writes next!

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This is book is amazedly written. The way the author writes the characters in such an amazing way that even if you don't agree with their actions, you can understand the impulse behind, the sheer fear and desperation that leads a person to do whatever it takes to survive, to live. That was what I loved the most about this book that no matter what I felt about some of the characters actions or their behavior toward the other girls, I understood it, I could see myself behaving in a similar fashion if I found myself in their shoes.
I fell in love with Silas, even if I really could not understand his experience and his pain, there were parts of his character that I found that I could relate to. And I was so happy that despite the absolute awful way they met, that Silas and Daphne were able to find and love one another.

10000/10. Would recommend to others. Absolutely loved this book.

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"I want to lay out my dissected body next to his and show him the pieces of us that are the same. Could he tell his arteries from mine, the folds of my brain from his own? If I excised both our eyes and laid them out on a microscope, would there be a difference?"

I was super thrilled when I was approved for this ARC! I got an ARC of the authors first book as well, and it was amazing! It's been almost a day since I finished the book, but I'm still not sure how to express myself, or what to write. IT WAS JUST SO GOOD!! I am in no way in the same position as the main character, but at the same time I felt seen by this book. The observations on identity and neurodivergence were amazing, and the writing all in all was just as viscerally beautiful as Hell Followed With Us. I loved Silas and Daphne and Mary and Isabella, and I ate up every word. I suck at writing reviews for things I love because my thoughts get all excited and jumbled up and it stops making sense. TLDR: I LOVED THIS

My only critique is about some of the side characters. Some of them felt like they were obviously less thought out than others, which is fine if they're not very important, but towards the end I still had no idea who Charlotte and Louise were. I knew one of them had red hair and the other had glasses, and maybe one of them used to be a feminist and one of them was a coward while the other was a "perfect wife", but I didn't really know which characteristics fit which character. I know it was mentioned once, but then not really again so I couldn't keep it straight in my head. I was also sad we didn't see more of the Groundskeeper. I felt like it was a really big deal to Silas to meet him, but sometimes it felt like he was forgotten, and we don't really know what his fate was in the end. I just wanted to know more about him.
These were all minor things though, and it didn't impact my enjoyment

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saying this in the most positive way possible: this book made me feel sick to my stomach. not just bc of the medical gore but mostly bc of the other horrifying things going on in the book. its certainly not an easy read but a powerful one - the uncomfortable parts fit very well into the story and its message. and the representation was great in the way that it really made experiences far from what i personally know feel palpable and i still found bits and pieces of the book relatable in a way.

my minor letdowns are that the romance was insta love and i will always be an insta love hater but it was still very sweet and a little ray of light in the dark atmosphere of the book. i also did have some issues getting thru the book at parts, cant even put my finger on why. i was pulled in at the beginning but then somewhere in the middle i kinda lost interest until i reached the second half of the book and the pages were suddenly flying by. so definitely think the second half is the stronger half.

definitely left a lasting impression on me and, even tho i very much advise looking up the cws, i can recommend it to anyone interested in gothic horror and queer historical fiction

thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc! :)

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I absolutely devoured this book. I am an avid horror reader, and the absolute most horrifying part of this book was the treatment of the characters. I did enjoy the detailed medical/body horror. It was very well done without being too overwhelming. I think thja book does a great job with representation. It can span the gap from teens to adults very easily. I plan to get my hands on a few physical copies once released so I can encourage my students to read it. Having a relatively happy ending was a nice touch.

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I would like to thank NetGalley for this ARC because this was SO DAMN GOOD.

This novel gives just a bit of tidbit of what happened in late-Victorian era with girls, neurodivergent people, trans people, anybody who was not a rich man and didnt do what a rich man wanted it to do, with an amazingly diverse cast.

I just find it incredible how White writes about the human body and its full glory of horror. Gore was a strong suit in the authors debut work as well, but now it rises to an unexpectedly high level thanks to the surgeon protagonist. I never thought I'll ever see an on-page C-section and being less mortified by it than a character taking off his shoes.

The roller coaster of emotions throughout the novel was also entertaining, just when I thought Silas has a little bit of control, a wave of despair sweeps away everything, but then hope and friendhsip arises, just to be crushed over by betrayal, just like watching an ancient greek tragedy, keeping me on the edge. The main theme this time was more focused on the mysogyny, ableism and classism, but still embodied what Write is most passionate about: queer, especially trans rage.

I loved it to pieces! I think I have a new auto-buy author.

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Wow. This book was PHENOMENAL. I don't think I have ever really read anything quite like it so it is challenging to find other books to compare it to. It definitely falls within the historical horror genre, and has supernatural, Victorian vibes. I do recommend checking the trigger warnings, as there are some elements that some readers may find disturbing.

While this story did start off a little slow for me, I trusted the other reviewers and stuck with it-and I am so glad I did! The main character, Silas, is trans and autistic and I found myself constantly rooting for Silas throughout this entire journey as he navigates the oppressive society of 1883 London as he is pushed toward conformity.

Do yourself a favor, and read this book. If you like dark, spooky, supernatural, Victorian vibes-this book is for you.

Thank you so much to Netgalley and the publisher for this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The author's writing felt like poetry. The characters felt so raw, honest, and brutally real. It allowed me to have shifting opinions about them-my love for certain characters and how strong I hated others.

Saying that please check tws and take care of yourself.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Absolutely loved this book. The set up and story telling was amazing. I love horror and this was definitely one of my favorites I’ve read recently. Definitely would make sure you are reading trigger warnings otherwise I had no complaints about this book!

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The Spirit Bares its Teeth by Andrew Joseph White follows Silas, an autistic trans boy, who has been sent to a finishing school for girls after he is found wearing men's clothing and attempts to join a patriarchal medium society to escape his fate of becoming a wife at 16. At the finishing school, he discovers a dark secret: the school is haunted by the ghosts of former students who died under mysterious circumstances.

One of the things I like the most about this book is the way that White set up the worldbuilding for the novel. It gave the book an engaging gothic atmosphere that supported the natural horror of the oppressive society that Silas lives in. Another aspect that I loved was Silas himself and his first-person narration. He is a complex and sympathetic character who makes the book incredibly intimate because the reader learns so much of how he has been harmed by the patriarchal, ableist, and transphobic society created by the worldbuilding. A third element that I found fascinating was the sections of the book with all-black pages where you can see what the ghosts of the finishing school are thinking and how much their voices are contrasting with Silas’ through White’s use of syntax and punctuation. These sections add a layer of mystery and horror to the story by inviting the reader to learn more about the school before Silas. This book also makes a lot of critical commentary on how trans men have been harmed by patriarchy through the gothic horror genre and shows the solidarity that can be found in both cis and trans women.

I had no noteworthy criticisms of this book. However, I would like to note that this book deals with quite a few heavy topics. Trigger warnings that are most commonly associated with gothic horror should be expected, and there are others listed in the author’s note at the beginning of the book.

Overall, this is a very unique YA horror novel that combines a compelling plot, a relatable protagonist, a chilling setting, and a powerful message. If you were excited about Andrew Joseph White’s sophomore novel, you were 1000% right to be. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys gothic horror with a twist and have given it 5 stars.

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Huge thanks to Netgalley for so kindly providing me this ARC in exchange for a review, and for giving me such a special opportunity to review one of the man, the myth, the legend AJW's books in advance!

Not to beat a dead horse and be like everyone else who mentions Hell Followed With Us, but I think it's par for the course when an author releases a second book. We have this natural need to know if a first incredible book is truly the author's talent and hard work, or if it's some lucky break.

Hell Followed With Us has remained my favorite book of all time since I read it shortly after release. The only thing that kept me from enthusiastically mentioning AJW as my favorite author was, well, the fact that he had only released one book. Hell Followed With Us, my book soulmate, the story I mourned never being able to experience again, pales in comparison to The Spirit Bares its Teeth. Of course, both are huge five star reviews, but when it was mentioned that this book was being worked on for much longer than HFWU, it all made sense. Is it really an AJW book if I don't read at least half of it in one sitting? Heck, if the PDF format hadn't forced me to read the whole book on my phone and stop for the night when my eyes burned, it would've been even more.

The blood, sweat and tears put into this book ooze off the page like the bodily fluids it so disgustingly and wonderfully loves to mention. This is the most frightening book I have ever read, and it is not for a second too ridiculous to be believed or too far-fetched to imagine in a dystopian future, despite the novel being set in the past. It digs to the root of unforgivable, timeless human evil. There's really not much more I can say while adhering to my standard of spoiler-free reviews, so I'll leave you with this; if you're a fast reader and like ebooks, you should run to Netgalley and request this book. If not, I hope to see you in September so I can see what you all think.

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I was lucky to get an arc of Andrew Joseph White's first novel, Hell Followed with Us, and loved reading it. That's why I was so excited to get an arc for this book through NetGalley!

This book was amazing. Victorian ghosts and medical gore are right up my alley so the setting and plot of this book had me from the first page. Silas was also a character whose perspective I loved reading. His inner thoughts were honestly just as interesting as the action-packed moments of the plot. The way he thinks about himself and the world around him is endlessly engaging.

I'm pretty sure this is a standalone, but I already want more.

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Prepare to be angry. Prepare to be disgusted. Prepare to get your heart broken and stiched back together, not neatly but still perfect.

Oh, I enjoyed that book so much! After I've read "Hell Followed With Us" and loved it, "The Spirit Bares Its Teeth" was one of my most anticipated books this year.
At first, I have to be honest, it was a bit difficult to find your way into the story, for it felt like you just jumped into that world without any explanation of it whatsoever. But the more I read, the more I understood it.
It is a deep dive into being trans and autistic, what it means to be a man or a woman and how society tries to make rules about that. It also is a perfect example of how language changes the way we precieve (SPOILER!) for as soon as Silas used she/her pronouns and Daphnes real name it totally changed the way I saw this character.
Even though the plottwists are a little predictable, they aren't less shocking and especially the last 100 pages have the perfect arc of suspense!

Thank you NetGalley for providing an e-ARC of this book!

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- thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an arc to review!

- the fact that my jaw was on the floor reading this the entire time should say a lot. visceral, gutsy, and emotional, Andrew Joseph White delivered a story with a strong autistic protagonist, a story of trans resilience and love, and a story that explores the horrors of women being exploited, and their validation for fighting back against the systems that hold them in chains.

- the exploration of the Veil and the allegory of the rabbit inside Silas made the world surrounding him feel like one big puzzle, with each chapter bringing a new perspective and dimension to the bloody, carnage filled England.

- everything about this book is perfect, and I’m so glad that it has been published into a gory and visceral novel. congrats to White. this book will be one of my favorites for a long time.

- trigger warnings (taken from AJW’s website, since they’re very specific /gen):
Graphic violence
Sexual assault - implied, attempted, and on-page
Medical gore, including an on-page Cesarean section
Transphobia (explicit misgendering, dead-naming, transphobic violence/conversion therapy)
Anti-autistic ableism
Medical/psychiatric abuse, including dubious diagnosis and treatment
Gaslighting and abuse
Minor discussions of miscarriage

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This book had me enthralled since the first chapter. I couldn’t put it down. Even though I may not personally understand everything that the main character is going through ( I am not autistic nor a Trans Man ) but I truly aches for everything he went through but I understood the other women he was with and the history that men has put us throughout the years. This book will make you sad yet full of rage of everything that these characters go through all at the same time.

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"The worst part about a spirit to me - what makes my heart hurt the most - is that their body takes the form of the worst thing ever done to them. Or the worst thing they ever did. Either one, whatever left the biggest scar on their soul."

Andrew Joseph White is quickly proving himself to have one of the most unique voices in literature. I was fortunate enough to receive an ARC of this book through NetGalley and while it did take me a minute to make my way through it, I read the last half of the book with a ferocity that could not be contained even by my work schedule.

The Spirit Bares Its Teeth is an absolute masterful blending of genres. It is simultaneously a nuanced queer narrative, a historical fantasy, and a horror novel. Each character in this novel is nuanced and has a rich and complex backstory, even if Silas (and therefore the reader) never gets to know the true depth of it. White does such a good job of making the reader genuinely want good things for Silas and the girls of Braxton's that any tragedy that befalls them hits hard even when you know it is coming.

The body horror here is not nearly as intense as in Hell Followed With Us, but it feels more rooted in Silas' characterization. Even when I wanted to look away because it was gross and made me want to squirm, it felt disingenuous to do so because it was how Silas communicated his emotions and the world around him.

I cannot wait to purchase the physical copy of this book and be able to see how the formatting works in print, especially during the climax. I can't wait to see what White does next because this was an absolutely stellar read for me!

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Pre-order THE SPIRIT BARES ITS TEETH by Andrew Joseph White!!!
Release Date: September 5, 2023

TSBIT is a haunting and visceral YA horror novel that refuses to shy away from the lurid details hidden within the history of medical study. With a cast of queer characters, an actually autistic and trans main character, and enough blood, gore, and mystery to satiate even the hungriest true crime fan, this book will be devoured by scary-movie loving teens and adults alike! It may even inspire you to try out some historical fiction.

As an autistic and trans reader, the representation was excellent. Transgender experiences were discussed with openness and respect. Autistic experiences and behaviors were not mocked, but validated. It's a refreshing and meaningful contribution to modern literature, in a time when the harsher side of history feels more likely to repeat itself.

Wonderful, heartbreaking and gutsplitting prose promises to split you open and sew you back up again in what I'm sure will be an instant hit from this New York Times bestselling author.

Don't miss your chance! Pre-order today, and be the first of your friends to peel apart a spectral haunting that you *will* fall in love with, even as it lives in your nightmares.

Cover Designer: Lily Steele
Illustrator: Evangeline Gallagher

Thank you so much Holiday House and Peachtree Teen for the access to this digital ARC via NetGalley! It was a privilege and a pleasure 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵

#horror #GothicHorror #gore #YAbooks #YoungAdult #trans #ActuallyAutistic #books #preorder #HistoricalFiction #AlternateHistory #ghosts #romance #medical #fiction #BookReview #review #noSpoilers

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Add Andrew Joseph White as one of my new all time favorite authors ASAP.

This book destroyed me in every unimaginable way possible. His writing, this story, these characters- they reached into my chest and pulled every part out. And then slowly I was put together, and somehow my heart was a hundred times bigger.

There's nothing easy, or quiet, or gentle about this novel. It's the sharp edge of glass that pierces the skin and the mind, it doesn't censor itself at all. There is no room for ignorance here. There is no room for question. There's hardly anything warm here, except for when the world and its humans and its raw characters create that warmth long after everyone else has snuffed it.

This is resilience, but it is also born of necessity. Violence, gore, the truth of power and the minds of men. It blends truth and fantasy but fantasy is a fine line that can't be sorted into characters, it can't be defined here, they're the same. The results are the same. The history. The blood. The bodies.

This book left me raw and broken in some of the best ways. Silas, Daphne, Mary, Isabelle, Louise, Charlotte, all of the girls all of the boys all of them.. they're inside of me and it's finally that we can all scream.

We need this novel more than anything right now, as rights are being taken away, as the numbers of minorities and groups of humans are tread upon and unalived and dissected. The Spirit Bares Its Teeth is so powerful. Every word was a sucker-punch to my insides, over and over, there's no mercy here, none at all.

Because that's what this world is.

Anyway, I just finished this novel and I'm still thinking and trying to remember how to breathe so I'll leave it at what I can actually decipher from my thoughts.

I fucking love this book. I love every single thing that Andrew White is doing for literature and for communities and for trans people, for readers, for future generations, for past generations, for us. I am so thankful that we have this. That we will leave this behind. This is history. Our lives are non-negotiable. Our love, our fierce humanity, our existence is not a question, or an option.

We bleed raw, and red, and warm. We are here, and we are not going anywhere. We will take everyone down with us.

The best novel I've ever read since I don't know when. Brilliant.

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Thank you Netgally and peach tree for the ARC. What can I say about this book The spirit bares its teeth, how about so much! This book was amazing. I instantly fell in love with the main character Silas not only autistic and trans but in a time that so much was agents women made me feel like I was there and feeling all he was going through.
I will recommend this book to everyone that asks me what my favorite book of the year is and this is it! This was a great YA horror book with just the right amount of gross.

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I follow the author on twitter (and read his previous book) so I fully expected the gore, what I didn't expect were the feelings I got from reading about a trans autistic mc. This was imo incredibly well done and I loved reading through Silas's thought and how his brain works, as an autistic queer person it means so much having this representation done so well.

Andrew Joseph White quickly became a favourite author!

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