Member Reviews

I have read another book by the same author, Hell Followed With Us, and going in this one with high expectation... and not disappointed. At all.
I love the mystery and thrill, and all the struggles of Gloria/Silas in navigating his life. I adore the gloomy, haunted, dark academia feeling of the setting. The world building was amazing, along with all the detailed and gory details. I love all the characters and the storytelling is just * chef kiss *
All the love!

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This book reached through my ribcage, grabbed me by my heart, and refused to let go.

I knew to expect autistic and queer rep (which as a queer, autistic person myself, I was so eager for), but what I did not adequately prepare for was how much the storytelling of this book (set so long in the past) had to say about the current climate we live in. At certain moments, I was left screaming in AFAB rage, mourning for the trans community, and pumping my fist into the air at points well said. This book drives so many points about the tragedy of patriarchy and how the world in general treats those who dare to be different without being preachy or really saying much at all. We experience it all through the gifted writing and the character of Silas who leaps off the page, feeling like someone I have known all my life. Silas is myself. Silas is everyone who has ached to be themselves in a world that refuses to accept things it does not understand.

I do also want to note that as a medical provider, I felt the medical aspects of this book were well researched and well done, on top of capturing a moment in the history of medicine that should never ever ever be forgotten.

I'm struggling to find words to sum out how speechless this book left me; how it chilled me to the bone in ways that had nothing to do with ghosts, because the horrors it describes are real. They happened, they ARE happening now.

This author deserves a million stars. I want to read this book again and again and again.

My only critique is that I felt like the brief content warnings at the beginning of the book should be expanded upon. Please be aware that this book is graphic and does not pull it's punches. I loved that about the book, but it is not for the faint of heart. The author says it best. For some readers, it would be best for them to walk away from this book. For everyone else, READ IT!

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This book blew me away. I was already a big fan of White's previous works, so I was thrilled to get into The Spirit Bares Its Teeth and it does not disappoint. This book is not for the faint of heart. It is graphic, violent, and many of the disturbing elements of this book are rooted in real points of our history adding a deep level of unease. A story featuring an autistic trans protagonist stuck within the politics of Victorian England is already an enticing plot, but add in the elements of magic and the spiritual realm and a masterpiece is made. I grimaced through a fair portion of this book, and yet I could not put it down. Despite it's intensity, we are enveloped in the mind of Silas and feel the strength of his resilience and the warmth of the relationships he builds - all despite being thrust into the worst situations imaginable. I don't want to give much away about the plot as it's fun to discover as you read, but truly this book is one I have not stopped thinking about since I put it down. It is an incredible story, and while it's fiction, it's links to the real world, both modern and victorian, are a huge part of its success. My heart aches for the many who were hidden away due to living their truths or speaking their minds. Thank you for this story. It is important. Thank you for Silas and Daphne who will make so many feel seen, loved, and maybe even a little less alone. Just thank you!

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This is my first ever review, please excuse any mistakes!

TW Note and author letter:

“The Spirit Bares its Teeth was inspired by Victorian England’s sordid history of labeling certain people “ill” or “other” to justify cruelty against them” (9)

Noting TWs is a critically important aspect for authors writing violent and unpredictable histories and experiences. White’s care to include them on his Good Read’s and website showcase his intricate steps to care for his audience. Additionally, in his author’s letter, he writes explicitly about his book’s content and the history it depicts. He notes that unlike surgery, this reading experience can be walked away from. That we as his readers must mind our own mental, physical and emotional well-being.


The Spirit Bares its Teeth is a wound, a festering, painful wound. It is a book that, by the end, will have you in tears from both exhaustion and overwhelming relief. It is a book I am honored to have received an ARC for. Thank you to Peachtree Teen and Andrew Joseph White for the opportunity.

The Spirit Bares its Teeth follows Silas Bell, a young, autistic trans boy as he navigates the gendered, misogynistic world of 1883 London. His parents are eager to get him married to a Speaker, and Silas, born with violet eyes and viewed as a girl by all but his brother, his lot in life is to be a dutiful wife and bring more violet eyed children into the world. The purpose of violet eyes? A strong connection to the veil, the place where the dead reside. After a disastrous attempt to escape this life. Silas is whisked away to Braxton’s Sanatorium and Finishing School, a place claiming to cure “veil-sickness” where he encounters both living and dead girls who need the support only he has the strength to provide, despite his own reservations. As he uncovers the darkness the school hides, will Silas survive its walls?

This book discusses and includes many violent, horrendous and vitally important pieces of historical truths. Silas, as a trans boy, women who are viewed as too wild (Mary) or too sexual (Isabella), people with mental illness, they are individuals to be “fixed,” and in doing so, in “fixing” them, the status quo is upheld. White critiques deeply the medical malpractices of the time, the operating theaters and the dangers they upheld. He weaves jagged prose with vivid detail that creates an unforgettable story. The love and passion that is woven into this story is palpable, it bleeds in every description of a young boy asserting his identity, and finding love with someone just like himself.

While this book is disconsolate in many ways, with the tragedy of anti-trans rhetoric that is frighteningly well translated from then to now, it also carries with it an unapologetic love for trans identity, of finding comfort among friends, of love and affection in unlikely places. White has created a text that had me in tears, enraged, my fingers typing up my notes in angry clacks. It also made me appreciate the trans friends I have with me even more, and redefines what it means to truly be in support. Please read this book, read it and listen to it.

I truly hope that this book receives a special edition, and I will be eager to purchase it officially when it is released. I will be excitedly sharing this book with everyone I know. Again, thank you t Peachteen and Andrew Joseph White for this opportunity.

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I can very easily tell that The Spirit Bares Its Teeth is going to be one of my favourite reads of the year. Andrew Joseph White writes with a sense of ferality and rage in this book contrasted with the narrative of someone who has suffered deeply that is both compelling and horrifying to read.

That is to say, this book is not an easy read. White touches on the intersections of misogyny, ableism, and transphobia in very explicit manners that are heart wrenching and graphic, so I highly recommend looking up content warnings before entering this book, but if that's something you feel ready for, I truly do not think young adult literature has a more poignant, nuanced perspective of these topics. White handles each of these topics with sensitivity and care, but does not spare the details of what makes Braxton's Sanitorium and Finishing School so terrifying. Specifically, I cannot remember another book that takes his perspective not from that of a woman's, but of a young, autistic trans man who society does not see as one, and heavily forces into the role of a woman. Silas' battle between the misogyny he faces for being perceived as a woman intertwined with his desire to live his life as a man tore me through the gut.

Speaking of, the characters in this book absolutely sparkle. I was constantly gutted for Silas, rooting for him as, despite his awful circumstances, he slowly found people who were like him, and came to see that a hopeful life was within reach. The other young women at Braxton's have claws and teeth just like him, and then there is Daphne, and my heart was racing like Silas' every time she was on the page. She was romantic and sharp and quick witted-- so much so I could not get over her.

Occasionally, I did find there was small details where I really found myself fighting with my suspension of disbelief to continue with the story. In some ways, the plot with Louise's letters and the specific quotes from Ovid felt too specific to Daphne's interests that it did feel a little unreal. Additionally, while I know the author consulted a queer historian, there were some lines early on about corsets that felt a little grating to me-- I would highly recommend fashion historian Karolina Zebrowska's video "How Victorian Men Taught Us to Hate Corsets" when Silas was, for example, talking about corsets rearranging organs, considering the themes of the book.

However, even these small things did not detract from how I knew this would be an all time favourite for me. I cannot wait to see what else Andrew Joseph White has to write, and how he hones his craft even further.

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I don’t even really know how I feel about this one.
Definitely more gruesome and harrowing than what I would normally read. At times left me feeling a little queasy.

However, the writing is really good and I appreciated the way it captured historical views towards women, queer people and other minorities with the added twist of this warped, corrupt medium organisation/society.

The connection between Daphne and Silas was definitely the highlight for me. You could just feel their relief at finding someone who understood their situation of being in the wrong body.

Not one I could say I ‘enjoyed’ as such. Felt quite traumatising at times and was so full of injustices and cruelty that were hard to read. Thankfully, the end was pretty satisfying (albeit gruesome).

I love this kind of mix of historical and fantasy/paranormal elements. Was a good read, just a bit too graphic for me. If you like your books hard-hitting and a bit gory this could be one to try!

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After devouring Andrew Joseph White’s debut novel, Hell Followed With Us, in one sitting, I knew I needed to read his sophomore novel. Boy o’ boy did this book not disappoint and surely lived up to its successor.

The Spirit Bares Its Teeth is definitely not for people who can’t handle a little gore nor graphic scenes. Some of the scenes definitely surprised me in how graphic they went, but I was absolutely entranced by White’s storytelling. I mean, where does he come up with this stuff!! Overall, this is a story that explores misogyny, ableism, transphobia, sexual assault, gaslighting, abuse, and more.

I am very happy that the romance between Silas and Daphne took the backseat in this novel (trust me, I love romance just as much as the next guy) because there was bigger, more important elements in the novel to explore and focus on.

Lastly, I definitely recommend checking out the trigger warnings prior to reading this book. I cannot wait to read what White comes up with next!

Thank you to Netgalley and PeachTree for the e-ARC!

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4.5 ✰ “They can’t keep scraping away any layers of me thinking they can find the girl they want underneath. All of this is me.”

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publishing team for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Where do I start? This book was everything I wanted from it and more. I’m an enthusiast for ghost stories, and ghost stories in a Victorian setting. What else can I ask for? The way the author combined this fictional world with real struggles women and trans individuals went through, and sadly still go through nowadays, was so fascinating to me. Everything Silas went through made me so sad, I cried several times, not only because it was sad, but because it made me so angry.

“𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐈’𝐦 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈’𝐦 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. 𝐈𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦? 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐞? 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐈 𝐦𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫, 𝐈 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐞.”

❥Writing 10/10
❥World 10/10
❥Characters 10/10
❥Romance 8/10

The only reason I didn’t completely connect with the romance is that it happened way too fast for me, it is not insta love, but I like my romances to take a bit more time to develop in books. That’s just a personal preference, but Silas and Daphne were so sweet together.

Now listen to me, you want a book with women's rage??? THIS. BOOK. IS. FOR. YOU. Those people deserved everything that was coming for them.

꧁𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐕𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐎𝐦𝐧𝐢𝐚꧂

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I'm generally a slow and easily distractible reader, but I devoured this book in just 48 hours

I hadn't realised until I met the protagonist, how badly I needed to read the story of an authentic autistic voice. The TW list is comprehensive, but nothing on it is something I personally need to consider, but I do now need to process the issues surrounding not knowing/hiding my autistic tics and stims.

I loved this book so much, do take on board the CNs, the author doesn't shy away from graphic details, though they are never just there for shock value

I read this as an ebook, but will be grabbing a physical copy as soon as I can!

I received an advance copy for free from NetGalley, on the expectation that I would provide an honest review.

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A really gripping novel from start to finish. It was intriguing throughout and filled with suspense. It was really nice to see t4t and autism representation. I would love to see Andrew Joseph White venture outside of young adult novels, the body horror in this book shows great promise.

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Thanks to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review. Andrew Joseph White did it again! His first novel was already fresh, unique and stunning — but this one it’s just another level of outstanding literature.

Even as only his second novel, White already has a style all his own: captivating, innovative and introspective, but without losing the excitement and intensity of a storyline that won't let you put the book down.

It is categorized as a young adult, but I think it has so many layers and such deep reflections that it can resonate with any reader who is lucky enough to get their hands on this novel. While it has a mesmerizing plot, its strength is its varied, deep and strong characters, who I plan to reread more than once because they have already earned a place in my heart.

I think it's important and necessary that there are authors like White: authors who write for young people and talk about gender, trans voices, dissidence, queer people and, above all, how all these people can end up finding their place in the world even if things get very difficult. His work is admirable and I look forward to reading everything he writes, as well as revisiting the two books he has already published.

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I received an eARC from the publisher via NetGalley, all opinions are mine.

'Do you know how angry the dead can be?'

Trans boy Silas is sent to a finishing school/sanitorium for young women with 'Veil Sickness', and must do his best to survive while solving the mystery of what happened to the ghosts that haunt its grounds. Queer Gothic horror at its finest!

I thoroughly enjoyed the author's debut 'Hell Followed With Us' and dove into this headfirst. Reader, it was like getting on a rollercoaster, strapping in, and suddenly realising you've started your ride at the top of the first drop, and it isn't slowing down any time soon!

The historical fiction aspect felt grounded and realistic, the fantasy elements were eerie and fascinating, the queer horror at its heart was brutal, unforgiving, and absolutely showstopping. Make no mistake, this is gritty, gory, and unrelenting in the misery it visits upon its characters, but not in a way I ever found to be over the top or too much for the story it was crafting - just terrifying and infuriating as I refused to put it down until I hit the epilogue.

Because of the oft-unrelenting nature of the plot, the occasional brief snatches of joy, or peace, or simple understanding are all the more effective. There's a moment where Silas is truly seen and understood for one of the first times in his life, and I honestly had to take a breather and have a little cry! The characters' hearts beat so clearly on page, it was like warm afternoon sunlight breaking through a bitterly cold sky.

It follows, then, that what I most ardently adore about this book is actually its sense of hope. Torn from grasping hands and held close to heart, fought for again and again, won with fury and determination. This is not a classically happy tale, but it is ferociously, bitterly hopeful, and in some ways that means so much more to me.

Now, if you choose to read this, I definitely recommend checking the list of trigger warnings in the author's note at the beginning! This is violent, gory, and the full scale of aggressions micro to macro are visited upon characters whose society deems them 'unwell'. Nightmares are around every corner and creep into every chapter - but it is so incredibly well done that I wouldn't want anything less.

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This book is haunting and beautifully written. It's also deeply disturbing and traumatic. It unlocks and shines an uncomfortable light on so much religious trauma. There's no shortage of terror in this book. Torture runs rampant, with people suffering horrifying physical consequences for defying those in power.

The connection between Daphne and Silas is so comforting in the midst of so much awfulness. This is a terrifying mirror into corruption and power structures, and how they create suffering and trauma even for the people in power. In this world, power makes monsters of men.

There was a small typo near the end of the second paragraph on page 71. "a gir will do lots of things" should say "a girl will do lots of things"

In the end, the book had an ending that nearly tied up the loose threads, gave a comforting sort of closure, and offered up a hard-won happiness for these incredible characters, who were finally able to live authentically after all they'd been through.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I read Hell Followed With Us for the first time in August of 2022, and have since read it twice more, solidifying its place as my favorite book. Andrew Joseph White's next book was the most anticipated on my to-be-read for 2023. And boy, did it not disappoint. It was terrifying and gruesome and haunting, but in a way that makes the hairs on the back of your next raise and the feeling of dread settle in your stomach. Everything about it, from the horror to the characters and the romance to the depictions of gender and disability and more made this book feel like it came from the heart (and many months of research). As an autistic and trans reader, Silas will forever have a place in my own heart, right next to Benji.

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This definitely has made it to my list of my favorite books of the year. Queer horror that delivers as advertised, at last. I've read a few horror books lately that don't get the dread factor down right and they're just atmospheric and gothic, not scary, to me. "The Spirit Bares Its Teeth" got the atmospheric part down, infused with an undercurrent of dread throughout the narrative arc.

The book is the story of Silas Bell, who's a trans man trapped in a time and a universe that's oppressive toward women who don't fit in, who aren't obedient, biddable brood mares, in a body that doesn't belong to him. He dreams of working as a surgeon and living as his true self, but he doesn't realize how far out of reach that dream is until it's too late.

The universe in "The Spirit Bares Its Teeth" was fascinating and very well done. It takes place in an alternate historical England in which some people are born with violet eyes, which gives them the ability to work the Veil, the magical division separating the realm of humans and spirits. Men are seen as the only ones with the ability to do spirit work, and women, even those born with violet eyes, are forced to marry young and bear children; if they touch the Veil they are said to have Veil sickness and in need of treatment. But really, Veil sickness is anyone who doesn't obey the heteronormative mold.

Naively thinking to escape his fate, Silas poses as another man and attempts an induction ceremony into the all-powerful Speakers Society, which controls the use of spirit work in the country. But things go horribly wrong and to escape a prison sentence, he's sent instead to a sanitorium of horrors, where abuse, torture and dangerous medical experiments are rife, all in the name of molding obedient little girls into proper wives and mothers. There Silas encounters ghosts with horror stories of their own and finds an unexpected kindred spirit in the suitor in his arranged engagement, who is also trans.

First and foremost, I loved the characters. The trans representation was so well done and not fetishized or performative, but it helped me understand the trans experience better. It felt so authentic in the way it described the historical struggles of trans people and how they viewed their gender identity with all the barriers for men and women who aren't stereotypically cis and straight. This ultimately was a feminist novel as well, women and men who don't belong taking back their power in an oppressive patriarchal system, but it wasn't stereotypical, preachy or in-your-face about it. It almost read like historical nonfiction minus the supernatural elements since I was fascinated to learn that medical experimentation like that was more common than you might think.

It wasn't all horrific abuse and oppression, though. There were several moments of trans joy as well as the horror. I loved the gentle romance between Silas and Daphne against all odds, and the transformation of Silas's character from the meek and obedient. I also could tell he was autistic without the author actually saying it, which I appreciated; really added to the character and rang true to the time period as well.

This was a strong narrative that kept me on tenterhooks the entire time, wondering if Silas would ever fight back, if the dread would win out in the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advance review copy. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Good! Good! Good! I love trans rights and autism and vivisection and an ambiguous ending and the inherent transness of the trans body and ghosts and teeth and bisexuality and t4t dynamics!

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Thanks to PeachTree and NetGalley for the eARC of The Spirit Bares Its Teeth!!

*4.5 stars rounded up to 5 for the sake of the NetGalley rating system*

I read an eARC of Hell Followed With Us and loved it so I have been anxiously awaiting this book. Andrew Joseph White did not disappoint me!!

This book presents a snappy and quick plot that makes it very readable and hard to put down. I wanted a little more time to get to know some of the girls in the story more, but I know that is part of the nature of the story and our main character's struggle to socialize with others. But a brief interlude somewhere between a lot of the action would have been nice. Additionally, I think I wanted a bit more time with our MC and the love interest, Daphne. Things clicked into place them very quickly, but not in so much of a way that I didn't like them together. I did feel very connected with Silas, our MC. His anxious personality resonated with me and I enjoyed his growth throughout the book as he hashed out what it means to be man, not just in society but how he fits into his own definition of it.

As with Hell Followed With Us, this is a YA book, but more so the older end of YA. There are lots of serious themes and topics that rarely make into YA books, but that is probably why I love White's YA books so much. I love when a book isn't afraid to get gritty and disgusting. I think I liked the nature of the body horror better in Hell Followed With Us, but that is not to discount the body horror in this book. It was very clinical and I still loved it. But if you are squeamish...maybe tread lightly with this book. But I loved it.

Highly recommend this book for fans of horror and specifically body horror!

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Thank you Netgalley and PeachTree Teen for providing me with this book in exchange for a review.


"They must have convinced themselves they would never rot in the same dirt we do."

Andrew Joseph White said "you want body horror and gore with beautiful prose? BET" and proceeded to write this novel.
I thoroughly enjoyed my time reading Hell Followed with Us last year, but this is definitely a step up writing and plot-wise.
Silas is a solid character and we see him navigate Victorian England as an autistic trans boy. You're there to experience the injustice, prejudice, and violence inflicted upon him and afab people every step of the way, and it's visceral and gross and wrong yet you can't look away.
In short, this book goes from 0 to 100 really quick, and you better strap on because it's a hell of a ride.

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One of my most anticipated reads this year and I was NOT disappointed!

Silas is a boy. If only the rest of the world would see him that way. After a failed attempt trying to escape his arranged marriage he’s said to have Veil sickness and sent to a school that turns young women into perfect little wives. He either has to do as they say or go missing like the others.

It’s dark. It’s gritty. It’s gory. It’s everything I’ve come to love about this authors writing. My heart broke for Silas throughout this entire book and I couldn’t stop reading! I did not want to put it down.

An instant new favorite


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“If a dead girl prays to God can he hear her?”

Oh. My. God.

Andrew Joseph White has absolutely knocked it out of the park with this one. I’ve been in quite the reading slump lately, but I devoured this book in under 48 hours. It’s truly a talent for a YA book to keep me on the edge of my seat to this extent. I found myself seriously questioning whether or not we’d get a happy ending. For me, it was unprecedented in this genre and utterly exhilarating.

But, at the same time, it was completely harrowing. I kept thinking, “This is awful, I can’t imagine it getting any worse,” and then, you guessed it, it got so much worse. And frankly, I’m not sure I’m surprised. White has a talent for taking the gruesome, violent reality of things and forcing you to look it in the eyes whether you like it or not. One of the notes I left while reading the book reads: “I feel like every time I whip my head to look at the awful thing that’s just happened a new atrocity pops up behind me… I can’t escape them.” And I think that’s the most apt way to describe this book.

But, that said, this book had some moments of bliss, as well. Between Silas, our autistic trans main character, and his trans love interest. And between Silas and another autistic character he meets. I found myself unable to sit still in the few moments we see Silas find peace with his identity thanks to recognizing it in someone else because they were so truly happy.

While the words “trans” and “autistic” are never used due to the anachronistic issues with the terms, the joy (and the pain) these characters undergo is so unique to the experiences of those communities that White makes it impossible to think them anything but what they are.

I am a huge fan of Hell Followed With Us and had wondered if this novel would be able to live up to its predecessor and I can say with absolute certainty that White has managed that and more. The Spirit Bears Its Teeth is a perfect mix of magic and reality so that it builds upon the themes it sets out to portray rather than overshadowing them. I couldn’t look away, even when I really wanted to, and I think that’s the point.

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