Member Reviews

An interesting and unique quick read that is thought provoking and beautifully written.

I liked this for the most part, and was only disappointed by the needless animal death that doesn’t serve the story and didn’t need to be there. (Per standard policy at this account, I knocked off one star for this).

That aside, I loved the evocative setting and sense of place created in this book, and if the premise for how our protagonist finds herself in this situation is a fairly standard one, the process and the result are more unusual and intriguing.

It’s an interesting blend of a real world figure solving their own real world problem and the fairy tale trope of the mysterious witch living alone in the woods who has, of course, always been a symbol for e suspicion levied against women who don’t adhere to societal conventions.

I loved the dreamy depictions of nature and isolation, and the interesting effect that both had on the protagonist.

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This book just wasn't for me. I found the whole thing confusing. At times I was bored too. I found myself trying to skim through it to get to the good stuff but I never got there.

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This novel was beautiful and brilliantly written. Each part of the book featured a passage detailing a character’s walk through the woods, and it was detailed so crisply that it felt like I was there, too.

“At the Edge of the Woods” is an examination of a woman at the edge of society. Laura has fled France following a bad chapter of her marriage and found herself in the mountains of Italy. There she finds herself as a bit of a mystery to the townspeople, as she lives in a remote cabin all by herself, in a time when doing so was very against the norm. While she attempts to maintain a reputation as a polite, but private neighbor, Laura’s paranoia and perception of her surroundings starts to shift for the worse after a visit from someone from her past.

I loved the character study Bromwich created. While the novel is a slow burn, it’s an engaging one and offers enough intrigue to keep you invested in what will happen with Laura as time passes and her mental state changes.

The narration for this audiobook was also great. The narrator did a wonderful job capturing each phase of Laura’s life in the woods. I only wish I had an ARC so I could read and listen at the same time. This is a book I’ll be adding to my “to buy” list as I want to own a physical copy!

Thanks to NetGalley, HighBridge Audio and Two Dollar Radio for the ALC!

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What’s again I am writing a review that will be one of the unpopular opinions but I found this book boring at times and confusing adulterous I didn’t understand Laura’s play in the ending just left me bewildered and wanting to know what was that about? A lot of people love this book and so I will not say don’t read it because I honestly believe there is a reader for every book I guess I am just not the reader for this one. Now having said that everyone else loves it and it is an a long book in the beginning I found very interesting but as the story goes on as I said I just got confused, bored and then bewildered. I received this book from NetGalley and Highbridge audio but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review

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Thank you Netgalley for this audio edition of At the Edge of the Woods by Kathryn Bromwich.

I never feel good about reviews like this, because reviews are totally subjective, and this book just wasn't for me. I couldn't snuggle into it the way I desperately wanted to. I didn't understand the character, or her journey to be honest, I just wasn't able to get it. I definitely recognize beautiful writing when I hear it, but it didn't overcome my inability to enjoy the story.

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This one really wasn't for me. It had a ton of elements I should have loved, but I didn't find myself connected to Laura at all, which is an important component for me in the fiction genre. I found her descent into memories and visions uninteresting at best and confusing at worst, with a surreal kind of ending that left many questions. To be fair, I think that was the point of the ending, but it just didn't hit the mark for me. I seem to be in the minority in my opinion of this book though, so I recommend it as a pretty quick read if you're looking for a bit of bizarre fiction!

Thank you to Kathryn Bromwich, HighBridge Audio, and NetGalley for my advance audio copy.

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I absolutely loved this debut author's atmospheric writing style.

It's first person POV storyline. Laura seeks solitude out in the remote mountainous area of Alps where she can have a fresh start. Being an outsider in rural village, endures suspicions of townspeople. A person from her past relationship eventually caught up with her.

A well written literary fiction and I highly recommend it.

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At the Edge of the Woods by Kathryn Bromwich

First off, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Netgalley and HighBridge Audio for providing me with an advanced copy of this truly unique book. "At the Edge of the Woods" by Kathryn Bromwich is not your everyday read. It's almost like a fairy tale, but one that's been dipped in reality and sprinkled with a touch of the ethereal.

The protagonist, Laura, is a woman on the run from her abusive husband. She finds solace in a cabin nestled deep within the woods, a place where she can hide and, more importantly, heal. Her initial plan is simple, but as she immerses herself in the natural world around her, she discovers a profound connection that she hadn't anticipated.

Bromwich's writing is nothing short of beautiful. She paints the setting with such detail and artistry that you can almost smell the earthy scent of the forest, feel the crunch of leaves underfoot, and hear the rustling of the trees in the wind. The atmosphere she creates is palpable, making the woods feel like a character in its own right.

But this book is more than just an atmospheric tale of escape and survival. It's a poignant exploration of a woman's desire to live life on her own terms in a society that often boxes women into predefined roles. Laura's journey is one of self-discovery and liberation, a journey that many women will find relatable and inspiring.

Her isolation, her walks in the mountains and woods, they all lead to a spiritual awakening that is beautifully depicted. Laura becomes one with nature, with the universe, and this transformation is written with such depth and insight that it leaves a lasting impression.

"At the Edge of the Woods" is a book that will make you think, make you feel, and above all, make you appreciate the power of nature and the resilience of the human spirit. It's a book that stays with you long after you've turned the last page, a testament to Bromwich's profound writing.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a book that's a little off the beaten path, one that combines beautiful prose with a powerful narrative, then "At the Edge of the Woods" should definitely be on your reading list.

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If you asked me to write a book report on this book, I would not be able to. I couldn't even tell you in a few words what happened. The entire time, I was simply confused.

I don't understand the ending. Is what even happened real? This feels like a failed attempt at an unreliable narrator. Overall, the book was just unsatisfying and left me with more questions than answers in the worst way.

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This book , while not quite my cup of tea, was well written and a great length--quick enough to finish in a day, but still goes in-depth so you feel like you know the main character. The narrator was absolutely fantastic. I would def read more from this author in the future.

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That beginning quote is so beautiful I was hooked immediately.
I maybe fell in love with the author a little. It was creepy and gorgeous. I want to move away to a cabin, sometimes, but now not so much.

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The mystery of the main character’s circumstances were well hidden during the first part of the novel and if you like detailed descriptions of food you’ll enjoy this book. I had come into this book thinking it would be more modern but I kept reading hoping for some more secrets to be revealed but that was not what this book was and I was disappointed.

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This is an incredibly hard review to write because I am affected by the book, At the Edge of the Woods. I feel like I've just experience something bigger than me. I don't really know (yet) how to respond, and, no matter what I say, you will experience something different. So? The point of a review is to, hopefully, guide people toward or away from a book. This one was such a thinker, so deeply moving, VERY different, shades of a childhood favorite Shirley Jackson......there's too much.

Kathryn Bromwich made me think. She made me feel seen and invisible. So much of the story of an isolated woman in the Italian Alps couldn't possibly relate to me, an aging American whose only travel experiences out of country were college spring breaks immersed in boys and alcohol..... yet..... here I am now, immersed in my West Virginia mountains finally appreciating the outside world.....

Listen, I know this is the weirdest review I've ever written, but when At the Edge of the Woods releases on June 6, 2023 I encourage you to take a look at it and see what you see when you travel to the woods.

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Laura is living in isolation in the Italian Alps, translating documents and tutoring children. In her free time, she explores the forest and mountains. Life is simple, but just the way she likes it until she answers a knock at her door, and the past she has been running from is there to confront her. Filled with folklore, fairytales and a sense of haunted foreboding, this is a gorgeous literary feast for the senses

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