Member Reviews

I read this book while waiting for a hurricane to literally pass over my house and this was just the type of distraction I needed.

I enjoyed the locked-room atmosphere of THE CLINIC, along with most of the characters.

That is surprising seeing as how our main character, Meg, is sort of morally gray. We just aren't sure what we are dealing with other than we know she has prescription medicine and alcohol dependencies.

When her sister dies at a rehab clinic for the famous, Meg goes undercover to find out what happened.

I thought the story was a bit unbelievable at times, but I just really enjoyed the plot and the way Meg's story was told.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for an e-copy of THE CLINIC to review.

I rate THE CLINIC four out of five stars.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a gripping psychological thriller set in a remote rehab clinic on the Pacific Northwest coast. The story begins with Meg, an undercover investigator at a Los Angeles casino, who learns of her estranged sister Haley's death at an exclusive rehab facility. Determined to uncover the truth behind Haley's death, Meg checks herself into the clinic under the guise of a patient. The narrative is split between Meg and Cara, the clinic's manager, as they navigate the eerie and mysterious circumstances surrounding the supposed suicide.

The Clinic excels in its atmospheric setting and complex character portrayals. Quinn's ability to weave a suspenseful and psychologically rich narrative keeps readers hooked from start to finish. However, some may find the pacing uneven at times, and the dark themes may not be suitable for all readers.

Overall, The Clinic is a must-read for fans of psychological thrillers, offering a deep dive into the complexities of addiction, trauma, and the human psyche.

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Unfortunately, I really struggled with this book and could not finish it. I found the main story hard to follow and the POVs were confusing for me.

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This is a great thriller set in a rehab clinic located in the Pacific Northwest. The main character, Meg, checks herself into the clinic to try to find out what happened to her sister who was reported to have committed suicide. This one will keep you guessing.

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*The Clinic* by Cate Quinn – 4 Stars**

Cate Quinn’s *The Clinic* is a dark and gripping thriller that delves into the psychological complexities of its characters while maintaining an intense, fast-paced narrative. Set in a remote, high-end rehabilitation center, the story follows the unraveling of secrets as patients with troubled pasts confront their deepest fears and darkest truths.

Quinn masterfully crafts a tense atmosphere, building suspense with each chapter. The characters are flawed but deeply human, and their interactions drive much of the emotional weight of the story. The twists and turns keep readers on edge, with a few surprises that are truly shocking, making this book hard to put down.

However, at times, the story does dip into familiar thriller tropes, and some plot points might feel predictable to avid readers of the genre. A bit more development of the clinic’s setting and its psychological impact on the characters could have added an extra layer of depth.

Overall, *The Clinic* is a well-executed thriller with enough psychological tension and character intrigue to satisfy fans of the genre. It’s a dark, captivating read that will keep you hooked until the final reveal.

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I really enjoyed The Clinic by Cate Quinn, the novel is full of twists and turns but it does have a great deal of trauma related issues and if you're not prepared for that it is kind of a dark novel. I will say I recommend this novel to anybody that likes a dark thriller.

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This book was good! One sentence summary - a woman checks into a clinic to find out what happened to her twin. I enjoyed the plot and the characters equally! But it only gets 4 stars because it took a WHILE before I was really into it.

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Took too long to take off, I found this boring and unoriginal. It didn’t build the right atmosphere of tension or intrigue, instead I just kept waiting for the pacing to pick up.

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Read this one for my local book club and it was the perfect mystery for an engaged discussion! Lots of points to discuss including the characters (and their many, many flaws) and the multiple unexpected twists. Although a bit of a slower start, the pace picked up midway through and was an overall quick read with the short, action-packed chapters toward the end.

With that said, there was a lot in this that just seemed too out of touch with reality to connect with. The characters themselves were a bit challenging to keep straight and to believe, and the ending just took off in some crazy directions. It's a unique read and a fair mystery, but left me wanting more overall.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for my e-ARC, all thoughts are my own!

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I was getting tired of the same plot twists, same character flaws and same settings UNTIL this book arrived.
Not only was I surprised at how quickly I was devouring the book but how much I was enjoying it.
Well done!

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I was a little skeptical about this book. It;s not normally the genre i would read but it did not disappoint. Go read this book!

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Looking for creepy? Stop right here. Would you checkin to a creepy clinic just to find out what happened to your sister? That’s asking a lot, Undercover as a drug addict she tried to discover what happened to her sister. It feels like a reality show in a drug rehab and add in creepy factor. Fun, fast read.

Thanks Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the opportunity to read this ARC and leave my honest review!

Our main character, Meg, is a bit…complex, to say the least. She works at a casino where basically she plays poker for a living to catch people trying to cheat. She has always been good at cards and knows she was taught how to play as a child, but her childhood memories are pretty fuzzy, if they are there at all. Right now, she’s just trying to do her job and ignore the fact that she has to pop several Oxy tabs a day just to function.

Things take a turn when Meg learns her sister, Haley, who happens to be a famous actress, has reportedly died while at a prestigious rehab facility tucked far away on the Pacific coast. So Meg does what any normal sister would do and decides to go undercover as an addict to find out what really happened to her sister: was it really a suicide or was it murder?

Meg soon finds that getting into the rehab was the easy part. It’s getting out unscathed, both mentally and physically, that’s going to be the tough part. As things start to unravel and become even more convoluted than she thought possible, Meg wonders if maybe she is the one going crazy…

This book really draws you in and gives you a very real and gritty look at what it looks like to deal with addiction. As a nurse, I see people dealing with all kinds of addiction, and everything that Meg and the others at the rehab are going through is all very true to life. The author handled the subject of addiction and its impact on both the one addicted and those around them very well.

The setting was everything - a remote rehab facility catering only to the very rich set on the Pacific Northwest coast (what more could you ask for?) There were some twists at the end that I didn’t even see coming! Definitely one to check out if you’re in the mood for something a little moody and mysterious!

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I read this is one night and stayed up so late to finish it! I found the mystery to be really compelling and didn't expect the ending.

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Haley Banks is a huge country superstar, but also an addict. So when she commits supposed suicide at The Clinic, her sister Megan, who is also an addict, just can't believe it. She decides to check into the clinic as well to investigate. What she finds are a series of crazy twists and turns and a jaw dropping conclusion!

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This book was on the slower side for me. I really had trouble wanted to move forward with reading it. I did pull through and finish and would give this book a high 2 star/low 3 star.

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I tried to like this book but just could t get into it. I read longer before DNFing than normal because I kept waiting for the pace to pick up or a huge revelation to occur that would get me reinterested in the story. Unfortunately it was too slow for me.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn. This book started out a bit slow but about 50 percent in, the action did not stop. It held my attention, had truly shocking twists and the ending was wrapped up perfectly. I do wish the beginning was a bit shorter. Overall, I loved the characters and I happy I read this book.

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Cate Quinn’s The Clinic is a gripping psychological thriller that intertwines a captivating mystery with poignant explorations of addiction and mental health. The story follows Meg, an undercover investigator at a Los Angeles casino, who is battling her own demons of pain pill addiction and alcohol abuse. When her estranged sister Haley is reported dead at a remote rehab facility on the Oregon coast, Meg checks herself into The Clinic to uncover the truth behind her sister’s demise.

The narrative alternates between Meg and Cara, the clinic's administrative manager, offering readers a multi-faceted view of the unfolding drama. Meg is impulsive, guarded, and often uses humor to mask her pain, while Cara embodies a strict, rule-oriented demeanor that clashes with Meg’s chaotic presence. Their contrasting personalities enrich the story, showcasing Quinn’s talent for character development. Each character, from the aloof psychologist Max to the unconventional Dr. Lutz, adds depth and intrigue to the narrative.

Quinn masterfully builds tension through vivid world-building that makes The Clinic feel like a character in its own right—an eerie, oppressive space that harbors secrets and shadows. The book’s pacing, while engaging, could benefit from tighter editing; some sections feel overly drawn out, particularly in the middle. However, once the plot picks up momentum, the twists and revelations are both shocking and satisfying, keeping readers on the edge of their seats.

What truly sets The Clinic apart is its authentic portrayal of addiction and mental health, drawn from Quinn’s personal experiences. The nuanced exploration of these themes avoids clichés, presenting a more complex understanding of the characters' struggles. The short chapters enhance the fast-paced narrative, making it easy to become engrossed in the story.

Overall, The Clinic is an unsettling yet compelling read, rich in character and atmosphere. With its blend of psychological depth and thrilling twists, this book leaves a lasting impact, and I eagerly await Quinn's next installment.

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At first, I was shocked and a little turned off by the number of chapters. There’s 115ish chapters told in dual POVs- Meg, a professional poker play who sniffs out loan sharks, and Cara, the manager of The Clinic- a rehab for high profile addicts. The Clinic is run by Dr Lutz who is well known for his prestige in the addiction treatment community. Meg’s sister is a famous singer/actress and patient at The Clinic until she turns up dead and makes national headlines. Meg makes the decision to go undercover at The Clinic to find out what’s REALLY going on.

This is one of the most action packed, suspenseful, nail biting thrillers I’ve read. If the thriller doesn’t give me anxiety in the last 20%, I don’t want it. My jaw was perpetually on the floor and I was on the edge of my seat until the end. I can’t wait to recommend this book to literally everyone.

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