Member Reviews

This was an exciting thriller that captured me and kept me guessing until the end. Very well written. We are exposed to addiction and mental health issues.
Many thanks to SOURCEBOOKS Landmark and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really loved the premise for the story as the main character, Meg, had skills of noticing people's reactions and "tells" for her job at a casino (reminded me of a TV series I love, PokerFace!). Meg noticed the details of any situation, so she thought she could uncover what really happened to her famous sister, Haley, who recently went to rehab. I couldn't put the book down as Meg went undercover at the same luxury rehab facility to try to solve what befell her sister. The story detailed the backgrounds of the others in rehab, giving each a potential motive to harm Haley, although many professed to care for her. I really wish the book would have continued to highlight Meg's deduction skills, as that was such a strong part of the story. Despite herself, Meg begins to realize she may need real help too, as she realizes she has experienced dark childhood trauma that she cannot remember. As she remembers, it seemed she would delve into the darkness to recover herself in the process. Had the book continued on this path, it likely would have been a 4-5 star for me. However it took a strange turn, where the "trauma" reveal was rather anticlimactic and a twist that was hinted at was exposed (but the clues supporting the outcome just didn't seem to be there). It was just announced, basically. I enjoy stories where I either slowly pick up on the clues as the story progresses or I am shocked and go "How did I miss that?" But this just seemed to come out of nowhere. The sinister reason the Clinic was operating also seemed to materialize out of nowhere, making the story seem like it was trying to cram too many plot ideas into one book, making it more convoluted and unbelievable. The author's note about the inspiration for the story, dealing with her own addiction, added to the meaning of the story.. I do wish that Meg's mother would have been a bigger part of the main story, seeing more of their relationship. I do wish the clinic had been more realistic (the drugs seemed too easily accessible, especially after a break in previously. Also there is a difference between psychologists (PhD or PsyD), psychiatrist (MD) and counselors but the book sometimes labeled the same character with all of those). I did enjoy the final scene where Meg gives the readers a glimpse of hope for her better future.

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I wanted to love The Clinic. The cover is fabulous. The synopsis is thrilling. The beginning of the book was interesting. Then it became a slow burn, a lot of convoluted twists and an ending that left me less than thrilled. I will absolutely read more by Cate Quinn but unfortunately this one was just not for me.

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This book was a wild ride!

I totally thought I had this book figured out but nope. Knowing what I know now I feel like I need to re read it. I also feel like whoa how did I not figure that out?!

I enjoyed reading the ending about the author and how her own Rehab experience ties into the book.

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This was overall an okay read for me! I didn’t love it like I was hoping to, and it felt very long to me. There were some interesting aspects, but it ended up being middle of the road.

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This book with it's interesting description and concept caught my eye but quickly became a huge disappointment, sadly.
I really wanted to like the book; I appreciated it's topic and the research made by the author. But I didn't like the heroine, the book lost it's momentum and became a long read for me with not believable ending..
Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for the copy.

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Wow - I didn’t know what I was getting into when I started this book but the story is captivating. I applaud the author’s willingness to be vulnerable and write about a clinic and addicts after going to one herself. I find the world of celebrity to be fascinating and to add that to something as difficult as rehab really created a unique story. I loved Meg and felt for her… that am I having a troubling memory or is this just the drugs back and forth and not knowing what is real. Add in Vegas drug dealers and a famous sister… this book had me guessing.

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Told from several points of view. The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a fast-paced thriller.that has you second-guessing everything that you think you know. Hailey is a famous actress that goes to the clinic for rehab from drugs, but one night she ends up dead and no staff was around just the other rehab patients. So it has to be one of them?. Her sister Meg works for a casino undercover, but quickly decides.she is going to go undercover to The Clinic to find out who really killed Hailey..
This one had me from the very beginning. I loved how much I detested most of the characters. That means the author did her job correctly. Each new twist had me with my mouth hanging open in shock. Like wow, really,? Even the ending had the shock of all shocks and it was incredible.

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This book was an interesting, different psychological thriller. The protagonist, Meg, a former FBI analyst, now works for a casino catching cheaters. She is addicted to pain pills that were initially prescribed for a legitimate injury. Now they are being popped like a favorite candy.. Meg finds out her sister Haley has committed suicide at a remote rehab facility she decides to go undercover there to find out the truth. This is where the real story begins. The characters at this facility are all addicts and none can be trusted. There are many twists that kept me guessing the what really occurred to Haley. I did enjoy reading this book.

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I had high hopes for this as the setting felt creepy and started off on good note, but it lacked for me. Maybe it could be that I don’t particularly enjoy hospital/ rehab stories, but this did not have enough suspense for me. I was super hopeful because I think PCNW is such a cool area and because one of the main characters name was also Meg, but just struggled reading through this. Towards the middle it felt like I kept reading and just never got to the point and the only suspense was towards the end. Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. I

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I am becoming a huge fan of Ms. Quinn, In this book we see addiction and what it can do to a person.
When Meg finds out her sister has died in rehab, she takes a sabbatical from her job at the casino where she truly could use a break. Meg is convinced that Haley was actually murdered.

This is a fast paced novel that will leave you with the WOW factor. I am already looking forward to Quinn's next novel!

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The open honesty from Cate Quinn about something so personal made me realise this book was going to be even better than I expected. And having read other books by the same author, my expectations were already high.
The story is gripping, I didn’t want to put it down. There are several interesting, and often troubled, characters to get to know and working out who is good and who isn’t is a puzzle that kept me occupied whilst reading, and my mind was changed often. After the death of a singer the finger of suspicion is pointed at each person at the clinic. But with both staff and clients keeping secrets there are many twists and turns along the way to finding out. I learned a lot about people and how different mental health conditions affect them whilst reading too. I consider myself to be good at showing empathy but hopefully I’ll be even better after reading this. Highly recommend book.

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We are dollowing two pov's. The first is Meg, who catches "bad guys" at casinos. When Meg finds out her pop star sister, Haley Banks, passed away in a rehab center she immediately volunteers herself to find out what really happened to her sister. Cara is the second pov. She is a manager at the rehab & is very strict on following rules. She believes some shady things are going on in the rehab & starts searching for the truth
I was looking forward to the rehab in a middle of nowhere setting. The story did start out strong & kept me interested. It was the last 100 pages or so that just became so over the top & ridiculous.
It was a disappointing read

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Gothic thriller fails to deliver.

Meg’s sister dies at an expensive and exclusive rehab center. She knows her sister did not commit suicide and so she decides to admit herself to find out what really happened.

I was looking for an atmospheric read after looking at the blurb for this book. The isolated place in the PNW surrounded by fog — and the hook for me was the medical aspect. A rehabilitation center for the rich and famous. Unfortunately, having some actual knowledge about addiction and treatment/therapy meant that I was going to nit pick everything. Yeah, no.

The characters were all such a turn off and the plot just limped along with one completely unrealistic thing happening after another. The twists? Took all my ability to suspend disbelief. I can see by other reviews that many really enjoyed this but it definitely was not appealing to me. It was very slow paced with even the short chapters not making it move along.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the e-book ARC to read and review.

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It had a lot of potential and I was expecting more of a Nellie Bly situation but it fell pretty flat for me and by halfway through, I didn't really care what happened one way or another. It was a quick read though.

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Eh not my cup of tea, underwhelming for me personally. I think my mom may like it so I’ll still recommend to those who may enjoy

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Wonderful story, great character development, great writing! Highly recommend this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it

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Thank you to publisher and NetGalley for my advanced reader copy.
Opinions are my own and grateful for this opportunity - merci!

There are dark things happening at this luxury remote rehab facility called the Clinic.
High profile clients/patients and mysterious treatments.

The drama is hectic with many unreliable characters submerged in the effects of rehab, detoxing, questionable treatments and of course a mysterious death.

The depth of childhood connection to trauma was intense as was a strong sisterly bond.

Enjoyed the short chapters - although there were many (115) left me annoyed wanting to get the the finish yet glued to the page. Well played!

Many twists and turns here which were fun to read. One element left me surprised and hanging … wanting more, but I wont say what cause you should the the book for yourself! It’s an entertaining one!!

A huge thanks for the added reading group guide. I read alone but appreciated the addition to process what I had just read. Much appreciation to the conversation with author section - thank you for your authenticity in sharing your own rehab experience. You are very much still a writer. A good one at that - MERCI!

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3.5/5 stars - Thank you NetGalley, Cate Quinn, and publishers for early access to this enthralling, unique, and un-putdownable psychological thriller that had me guessing until the very end! The short chapters, dual perspectives, and twists kept me on the edge of my seat and flying through this book. Overall, this journey of addiction, mental health, and psychological trauma was unlike anything I’ve ever read before. Stars deducted for the last 15%, which seemed quite unbelievable and a little too convenient. If I was able to suspend more belief, this would have been a really highly rated thriller for me. I will definitely come back for more Cate Quinn!

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Let's start with the good. The end had some great twists and really got exciting. The cast of rehab characters was super fun and I loved reading about them.

The book felt like it didn't know what to be about. It was a tad chaotic. Some of the themes felt too ridiculous to make sense. I also thought it was about 50-100 pages longer than it needed to be because it dragged a bit in the middle. Some of the "twists" and plot points just didn't make a ton of sense to me.

I did enjoy wondering whether the FMC was actually crazy and hallucinating and making things up. An unreliable narrator who doesn't know she's unreliable is a favorite trope of mine in suspense books.

I liked the writing style and will read more by this aurhor. I think this one just wasn't my favorite.

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