Member Reviews

In Cate Quinn's recent Thriller, The Clinic, the Reader is transported to the Pacific Northwest coast, where a remote Addictions Treatment Center caters to the rich and famous.

One of the perspectives we follow is Meg, whose estranged sister, Haley, a famous actress, has been receiving in-patient care there. When Meg hears the news that her sister has overdosed while in treatment, and rumors swirl it was possibly suicide, Meg doesn't believe it. As in, she really thinks there is no way in heck her sister would have overdosed, let alone on purpose. Meg suspects foul play and decides to go undercover at the Clinic to try to figure out what really happened to Haley.

We also follow a woman employed at the Clinic, Cara. She's relatively new and as she begins to settle in and get to know everyone around her, she too suspects something may be off. As the narrative shifts back and forth, it offers the Reader an inside glimpse into the Clinic from both a worker's and a patient's perspective. It's through that dual view that the truth is able to come to light.

Y'all, this is a very basic way of summing up all that is going on in this story, but I don't want to risk giving anything else away. It's best to go into this knowing as little as possible. I enjoyed the set-up of this one a lot, as well as the setting. It hooked me from the very start. I felt like the opening scene really set the stage for all that was about to play out.

I really loved Meg as a main character. Her perspective just fit my tastes so well. She's tough, smart and no-nonsense, but also flawed and struggling with a lot of things in her life; including her own addiction to painkillers and alcohol. I liked learning about her, the events in her past that had propelled her to her current state. I felt like Quinn did an incredible job of bringing Meg to life, breathing humanity into her and making her actions and motivations understandable. Honestly, I became very attached to her.

That's unsurprising though, as I love flawed characters. If characters are too perfect, I don't like 'em. No one is perfect, why would I want my fictional characters to be?

I was excited to go undercover with Meg and investigate the Clinic. It seemed shady as all get out from the start and I liked meeting all the various players within that setting. It also felt very claustrophobic; like once Meg was in there, it felt like there was seriously no turning back. The fact that she was also grappling with her own addictions issues, and that her mind wasn't in top form through that, added to the sense of being trapped and desperate.

I feel like Quinn really succeeded in that regard.

I wasn't as sold on the other perspective, Cara, but I do understand and appreciate why it was necessary for the overall story. For things to ultimately play out the way they did, both women were needed.

This definitely went in an unexpected direction for me and I thought it was so much fun. It gets pretty wild and I loved being with Meg as she tried to navigate through all the chaos. Some of her choices, oh baby, were they intense.

I would definitely recommend this to Readers who enjoy tense, suspenseful Thrillers with flawed MCs and questionable organizations. This had a lot of action and a full cast of unlikable side characters as well. It's engaging and a bit OTT. Overall, a great read!

Thank you so much to the publisher, Sourcebooks Landmark, for providing me with a copy to read and review.
I cannot wait to read more from Cate Quinn!!!

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The Clinic by @catequinnauthor is a fantastic psychological thriller featuring themes related to the bonds of family, trauma, and addiction.

The main character, Meg, decides to play amateur sleuth after her sister dies in a posh rehabilitation center called The Clinic. Meg does not believe that her sister died of an overdose as the facility claims and decides to enroll herself at The Clinic. With this decision, Meg must face her own addictions, past trauma, and ultimate mental health diagnosis. The story has tons of twists and every one is hiding their own secrets.

I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to readers who love a psychological locked door thriller.

Thank you @bookmarked for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

(This same review was shared on the Barnes & Noble website)

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I received an ARC from Sourcebook Landmark which I am grateful for in exchange for review.

I went into the clinic without knowing much about the book or the author. This is the first book that I read by this author. The story is a murder mystery that revolves around the death of Haley while she is in a rehab center, trying to get clean from her drug addiction. Haley’s sister Meg has a complicated relationship with her, and upon hearing of her suicide, she became suspicious and decided to check herself into the same rehab center to see if her sister truly committed suicide or was murdered.

The book is written from multiple points of view. The primary narrator is Meg, who is battling an addiction to OxyContin and alcohol, although she isn’t prepared to admit it. Cara is the administrator and a master of many trades at this prestigious rehabilitation centre.

There were some interesting topics covered in the book, relating to rehabilitation centers cycling through patients and releasing them in halfway houses, only to readmit them almost immediately in order to reactivate their insurance, known as the 'Florida Shuffle.' I hadn't heard much about this until recently.

I tend not to like reading closed-in thrillers where the characters are locked in, but this one was really enjoyable and kept me guessing all the way to the end. I would rate this book four stars out of five.

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I received an electronic ARC from Sourcebooks Landmark through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

I did enjoy this novel. Especially the setting, the fast pacing, and the short chapters. However, I sometimes felt like the story went in circles becoming more and more confusing. When everything did come together, it did all make sense. I wonder if there will be a follow-up to learn more about Meg. I would definitely read a follow-up to this novel if there ever is one.

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A hot mess of a book. The writing was rough, with lots of disagreement between subject and verb or weird word choices. I was reading an ARC, though, so some of the errors might get caught before publication. The characters were pretty stock and some of their characteristics downright odd - I mean, who in this day and age has no earthly idea what “codependent” means?? The plot was definitely twisty, but it felt twisty for the sake of it. All in all, it just didn’t come together for me.

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A rehab for the rich but what lies behind those doors.
We follow Meg as she sets out to find out what really happened to her sister at the very prestigious rehabilitation centre set in the middle of nowhere.

The personal touch by the author of writing what she knows and has experienced was such an added benefit to this book. A great reflection of the struggles those with addiction face both during rehab and after. Plus a note to bring awareness to the possibility of revolving door rehabs.

I really enjoyed this book overall. Great storyline and suspense that kept it interesting. I wanted something different from the twist, I felt we were building to more and needed one final push to the ending. Still a solid 4 stars for me and I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

Thank you NetGalley, Cate Quinn and Sourcebooks Landmark for the opportunity to read and provide an honest review of The Clinic.

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Thank You Sourcebooks, NetGalley and Cate Quinn for the gifted eArc of this twisty read! This atmospheric psychological thriller takes us to a luxurious and remote rehabilitation clinic that is often isolated due to weather. Meg admits herself to the clinic in attempt to seek answers in her sister’s mysterious death and uncovers secrets from her own past and while receiving treatments she discovers others have dark secrets as well. This book has unreliable characters, suspicious pasts, mental illnesses, addictions, childhood trauma, medical treatments and it has a lot of twists with an ending you won’t see coming! Make sure to read the author’s note and check for TW’s.

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I went into this with the highest of hopes after LOVING Black Widows a few years ago! The cover was sooo good & I just love her writing style. Although I enjoyed the alter sting perspectives & quick chapters, something felt off with this one. I didn’t love some of the twists. I felt as though the reveal of Mr. Priest was so anticlimactic and I don’t know how I felt about the revelations of the fugu & Lutz/Jade. I wanted to love it but I think this one just was okay for me. 😭 I’m so sorry & so so grateful for the opportunity to read with NG. Thank you so much for allowing me to read it!

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Two sisters, different lifestyles; one is a performer on stage, the other is a performer of sorts on the casino gambling floors. Both have substance abuse issues.

One checks into a clinic, not exactly voluntarily, yet she doesn't exactly become a rule abider when she figures a way to score some drugs.

The other voluntarily checks into the same clinic to find out what happened to her sister, though she doesn't want to be free of the oxy that makes her feel so good. u

I couldn't relate to any of this and didn't think it was worth finishing as I didn't care about any of the characters.
Thankyou NetGalley for an advance reader copy. Honest opinions expressed here are freely given and are my own.

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This was my first book by this author and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was different than most thrillers and kept me on my toes. The characters had some not likable qualities but I feel most books are like that these days. I loved how the author incorporated mental health within her book. It’s such an important subject that needs to be talked about more. The ending was way out there but it is ok. I still had fun with it.

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The storyline of this book was unlike anything I’ve read before, which was great. It tells the story of Meg who works in a casino catching cheaters. Her sister is a famous actress and Meg sees televised reports that her sister has died, possibly from suicide, while in a rehab facility. Meg can’t believe her sister would kill herself, so she decides to check herself into the facility to investigate. Meg doesn’t want to admit that she has a drug/alcohol addiction herself and due to that she is having a hard time getting the answers she is looking for. The story is told from 2 main points of view, Meg’s and the clinic manager, Cara. There are several interesting characters who keep the story flowing. With most of the characters being patients with addictions it’s hard for Meg to know who is telling the truth. The ending had a twist that I was not expecting. Thanks for the ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley, Cate Quinn, and Sourcebooks Landmark for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! I hate to admit that I couldn’t really get into this one… I can see why people would like it and I may pick it back up at a later date. If you like thrillers, though, be sure to give it a chance!

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While this book provided a truly enjoyable experience, it did feel excessively lengthy. Despite being engrossed throughout the entire novel, I believe the narrative could benefit from a trim of around 100 pages, particularly in the second quarter. The build-up is substantial, but once it reaches its climax, the story becomes incredibly engaging. With multiple points of view, my personal favorite and what I consider the most crucial is Meg's perspective. The novel delves deeply into themes of addiction and mental health, resonating closely with readers. The portrayal of the rehab center, The Clinic, is both eerie and atmospheric, earning top marks for its unsettling vibes. Overall, "THE CLINIC" stands out as more intimate compared to other recent thrillers I've encountered, and I eagerly anticipate what Cate Quinn has in store for future works.

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Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this early. What a wild ride learning about sisters, addictions and psychological issues. I read this in one weekend. It was a great thriller. I can’t wait to read more by this author

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Super immersive story with a touching author emotional connection to the content (besides the murder of course). Twisty and turny and overall great!

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Synopsis: Meg, an undercover casino employee, finds herself entangled in a web of dark secrets after her sister Haley’s death at the clinic. Unwilling to accept the official account of suicide, Meg adopts the persona of a patient to unravel the enigmatic circumstances surrounding her sister’s demise. As she delves deeper into the clinic’s secrets, she confronts pressing questions about Haley’s death—was it an overdose, suicide, or perhaps even murder?

Cate Quinn draws on her personal experiences to write an exceptional book about addition and mental health in a locked in high cost medical facility. Told from multiple viewpoints, the reader feels like they are inside the clinic discovering what life is like inside and what happened to Haley.

I loved The Clinic. It has it all, a gloriously dysfunctional heroine, a high end glamorous spa setting, evil scientists, and a cast of gorgeous, wealthy patients. Underneath the story, there's a serious look at the nature of addiction and how it can tear lives apart.

In the end, this page turner asks whether the most dangerous secrets are the ones we keep from ourselves.

Many thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark for introducing me to Cate Quinn, an author I very much look forward to picking up and reading more.

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When I read a domestic thriller I want to be drawn into the story, to connect with the characters and to feel like I can’t wait to turn the page to see what happens next. This book was right on the edge for me the entire time. I wanted so much to love it but it fell just a little short for me. The story in my opinion was a little drawn out and also all over the place. The narrators were very unreliable and while I do not mind this it left me a little annoyed. I didn’t dislike the book but it did not have my attention and intrigue like I hoped it would.

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The author wrote this based on her own stint in rehab and the knowing-ness comes through in the writing. Those are the best parts. Then the story veers off to a wacky murder mystery that never really connects. I think the poker player in rehab storyline would have been more successful as a whole reading experience.

Copy provided by the publisher and NetGalley

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A brilliantly devious story that keeps the reader engaged throughout. Meg lives her life just for her - or so she believes. She finally decides to check herself into rehab- not to get help for herself but to help her sister. Will her own addictions be cured or will they get in the way of helping her sister. Or, will she discover the true cause of those addictions? Thrilled to read this one from NetGalley and Sourcebooks.

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This was a totally unexpected HIT for me! So thoroughly enjoyable with a fresh premise and twists I didn’t see coming. Definitely a little out there/unbelievable with a few things but soooo entertaining!

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