Member Reviews

The Clinic by Cate Quinn, is a psychological thriller which is one of my favorite genres to read. I found this to be an entertaining read, and would recommend it to others.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Sourcebooks, and I am leaving this review voluntarily and the opinion expressed here are my own.

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Unfortunately, I just couldn't get into this book. I'd read a few chapters, put it down, and then week's later pick it up based only on my determination to see it through.

The Clinic isn't a terrible book, mind you, it's just not that great either. In a sea of incredible thrillers constantly released, I found this middling.

I'm a new fan of multiple POVs, but didn't really enjoy either perspective. Even with the shorter chapters, the book seemed to draaag. The cover pulled me in, but the story left me wanting. While I wouldn't rec this to a friend, I wouldn't outright tell someone not to read this. There seem to be a lot of reviewers who enjoyed the book, so perhaps it's just not for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the e-ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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Couldn’t put this one down! I love the different character perspectives and unpredictable plot twists. I kept thinking I had it figured out but then something else happened to change my mind. Great character development as well, deals with the topics of addiction and trauma with a fresh eye-opening viewpoint. This book is a thriller and family drama all in one.

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For those battling addiction, rehab can be a difficult experience that nevertheless offers hope for a better future. But in The Clinic by Cate Quinn, a young woman suspects that something dark and threatening is happening at a rehab clinic for the rich and famous—so she checks herself in to find answers.

Full review published on and aired on Shelf Discovery.

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I'm so mad at myself for reading this whole book. I am just going with the fact that I'm so dang nosey that I had to know how it was going to wrap up.

Meg's sister Haley Banks is a famous singer. Get used to hearing Haley Banks name because this book only mentions her name about five thousand times. Anyways Haley Banks goes to rehab and ends up dying. Her death is being ruled a "suicide" but Meg just knows she was murdered.

Meg has some issues with alcohol and pain pills so she decides to check into the fancy pants rehab that Haley was at. Once there we meet all the famous people at the rehab and they all a bit out there.
Then the book tries too damn hard.

Please do not read this book thinking it's the truth of rehabs. There's so much that happens in this high class rehab that had me "what the fuck" ing.
Each chapter is told by either Meg or one of the workers named Cara. And every chapter tries to end on a semi cliffhanger.

Then the twists. I do not even have words for how aggravated I was with them.

I'm putting my own self in time out for finishing this book.
Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.

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Wow! I really enjoyed this! The story was written well and I did not guess or see the twist coming.

Thank you Sourcebooks and NetGalley for this copy of The Clinic in return for my honest review.

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I loved this book! The pacing kept me burning the midnight oil because I couldn't put it down. I'm a sucker for a good twist and The Clinic did not disappoint. I haven't read Cate Quinn's previous books but I've added them to my TBR list.

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Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark for the free review copy, this is my honest opinion that I am leaving voluntarily.

The Clinic starts of with Haley Banks point of view of her death while in recovery at a luxury rehab center, then switches to the manager's point of view as she deals with the dead body and the police arriving, then switches again to Meg, Haley's little sister, as she pulls a sting operation on loan sharks operating in a casino and then finding out about her sister's death on the news. The rest of the book follows Meg's journey in to finding out what happened to her sister.

The characters do not set out to be likable, and I didn't like them, but I still really enjoyed the story. Rehab can be a wonderful thing, but so often it's not, there's a very long history of rehab clinics being underfunded and putting their patients into situations where they wind up relapsing. Finding out that the author based the experiences at the rehab, minus the murder and general creepiness on their own personal experience with addiction makes this all the more important. The story is good, but the social commentary on rehab clinics, mental illness, and addictions is very well done.

If you enjoyed Girl, Interrupted, you might like this book. Other books that this book reminded me of: The Sanatorium by Sarah Pearse, Rachel's Holiday by Marian Keyes, We Have Always Lived In The Castle by Shirley Jackson.

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Twists and turns abound!
This was the first book by Cate Quinn that I've read, and it won't be the last. Prepare to lose sleep as you'll be sucked in within a few minutes and won't want to put it down.
No point in rehashing, and potentially spoiling, the plot. Read the blurb. Better yet, just buy the book, you won't be disappointed.

Character development

Nada, zip, none, zero.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC!

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I really enjoyed everything about this book. I was on vacation while reading it and had to find time to get back to it because I was so invested in the story. I haven't read anything from this author before and look forward to reading more.

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This book was right up my alley. I absolutely love the cover and it sucked me in right away. It was an addicting read for sure. I really enjoyed the plot of the story and the setting. It was a very interesting story with lots of twists and an awesome ending. A perfect mystery/ suspense for sure. The author did great and I'll be checking out more books by her.

Thank you Netgalley & Sourcebooks Landmark for giving me the chance to read and review this book.

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I really liked this psychological thriller. I was enthralled in the beginning of the book and couldn't put it down. I really liked the dual perspective and short chapters. I connected well with Meg and really liked all the detailed descriptions in the writing. The best thing is that it touches on sensitive topics like addiction and mental health and it was nicely intertwined into the storyline. The only feedback I'd give is that the medical aspect could've been researched more.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the advanced read of The Clinic by Cate Quinn.

This is a psychological thriller that I could not put down! It takes place in a remote rehab clinic on the Pacific Northwest Coast. The death of famous actress Haley Banks prompts her sister Meg to enter the clinic as a patient and uncover the truth behind how (or if!) Haley died.

It is a true thriller, with so many twists and turns, you really can’t put it down. I’m pretty sure I put the blame on almost every single character at some point throughout the book. It is dual perspective, with short chapters, and full of secrets, tension, and an unreliable narrator. The book centers on the exploration of trauma and addiction, and how one influences the other.

I thought this was well done and would definitely recommend to others. I did give it 4 stars, because the end got so twisty, it felt maybe like a little too much?! But even so, I’d still recommend reading this if you love a thriller, especially one with an ending you can’t predict!

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Great thriller. I’ve never read a rehab book before. The state of the art facility was fascinating. And the trauma that leads to addiction. All characters are a suspect and lots of twists at the end. Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC

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I really struggled with finishing this book. I had a hard time staying invested in the storyline, but that is just me. I am not one for police investigations

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I love a good closed door mystery. This one is set in a fancy but extremely remote rehab facility where you quickly find that something nefarious is happening. The chapters were super short and went back and forth between a patient who is trying to find out what happened to her sister and the manager who is trying to decide if the doctor she's working for is being honest about his motives in helping addicts. The fast paced style kept me completely glued to the book. I totally didn't expect the outcome.

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Story is themed from the authors time in rehab. Great characters with lots of drama. Megs sister, Haley dies i rehab. Meg decides to go undercover and find her sisters killer. But lots of sinister happenings are going on in the rehab. Lots of twists to keep you yearning for answers. Recommended.

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Meg works in a casino catching cheaters. She;'s also an opioid addict. When her sister dies while in rehab, supposedly from suicide, Meg decides to check into the same rehab center and figure out why. She suspects murder. The rehab center turns out to be a bit "sketchy" -- out in the middle of nowhere (somewhere along the Pacific Northwest coast), only a few very rich clients, and therapies that seem really strange and unusual.

This is a fast-paced mystery with lots of twists and turns. The reader never knows who to believe and the suspects change frequently. I felt that there were just too many questions and (in my mind) plot holes to really get too involved. For one thing, Meg is able to sneak in a stash of Oxy which she regularly takes. She is able to bypass the regular drug tests by using "fake pee" that she also snuck in, and she has a secret cell phone which she regularly uses to contact a friend outside. Since there is frequent reference to security, staff, and cameras, I found the completely implausible. Plus, I actually figured out the biggest "shocking surprise" long before the big reveal.

Is this an OK read? Yes. I found that I couldn't stop reading despite all the moments that made me roll my eyes. Not terrible, just a bit of a stretch. If you can overlook all this, it's worth your time.

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The Clinic by @catequinnauthor is out TODAY and while only a few chapters in, I’m intrigued. Set in an exclusive rehab clinic, the mysterious death of Meg’s sister prompts her to enter the clinic herself to find out the truth. But while life on the inside might bring her closer to the truth, it also removes her from anyone that could help her in the midst of danger.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn
Published: January 23, 2024
Sourcebooks Landmark
Genre: Amateur Sleuth Mysteries
Pages: 444
KKECReads Rating: 4/5
I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily.

Cate Quinn is a former journalist for The Guardian, The Times and The Mirror alongside many travel and lifestyle magazines. A travel journalist for ten years, Cate has called many countries home, but currently lives in Devon, England, with her beloved partner and two children.

This was different. I found the concept interesting, and the storyline kept me engaged. I devoured the story and enjoyed the perspectives. The treatment was weird but also interesting.

The characters were all well-developed and interesting. I do wish Dr. Lux was a bit more fleshed out, either in person or in the research Cara did. But I enjoyed the dynamics and how each personality brought elements to the story.

I felt this book was too long, though. The story was decent, and the drama and the twists were well-written, but this could have been wrapped up in 300 pages at most. The story kept getting dragged out, and while the writing was fantastic and the plot flowed, after finishing the book, I can’t help but feel the length was unnecessary to deliver a thriller.

I enjoyed the writing style and storytelling. I look forward to reading more from Cate Quinn in the future. I like how she develops her characters and brings a story to life.

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