Member Reviews

I had a bit of trouble getting past the first 35%. After trying to get back through it I had to just put it down. It wasn't getting any better and I'm not going to push through.

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Meg catches cheaters at a casino in LA. She has a big problem though. Meg is addicted to Oxycodone and alcohol. And this is a tough combination. When Meg discovers her famous actress sister, Haley, has committed suicide in a clinic rehab, Meg knows this is a lie. She checks herself into this clinic and discovers more than she bargained for.

There are two narrators, Meg and Cara. Cara is a worker at the clinic. And she is a bit naïve and a bit dense. She just didn’t fit what I would expect this clinic to hire. And when you read this, you will see what I am talking about.

But, I have to say the intensity in this book is spot on. And I didn’t know who to believe or what to believe. This was very close to a 5 star read for me. The only reason it is not is the narrator, Cara. But, I loved all the twists and turns…and the ending! Don’t miss it!

Need a good thriller with unique twists…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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3.5 ⭐️’s
When Meg finds out her sister, Haley, has died of an apparent overdose in an elite rehab facility, she doesn’t believe it. Entering the rehab herself to find out what really happened to Haley, Meg isn’t willing to admit she has an addiction problem of her own and hasn’t given up her OxyContin. The facility is state of the art and caters to the rich and famous, but things are just a bit off. Someone inside murdered Haley, but who? There’s more than meets the eye with the clinic founder and director, but Meg has to face her own ghosts before she can finally put the puzzle of Haley’s murder together. Thank you to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

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I really enjoyed this one! Unique cast of characters, all who had some back story/secrets that made you want to keep reading and learn what they were. The atmosphere was perfect. That big clinic/rehab all alone, on a hill, surrounded by fog. All of that plus a mysterious suicide.…maybe? I suggest you read to find out!

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn was a thrilling change of pace for me as I start off 2024 and I really enjoyed this book. Haley is about as famous as they come, and her sister Meg is undercover security for a casino. The two girls both have addiction issues and a strained relationship. But when reports surface of Harley dying in a fancy rehabilitation facility, Meg knows she must go undercover to get help for herself and answers for Haley. I received an ARC of this book, all opinions are my own.

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Intense thriller set in a remote rehabilitation clinic. Meg is a casino worker who is skilled at catching cheaters. Her sister Haley is a famous actress who is battling an addiction problem that is well covered by social media. When Haley overdoses at rehab and there is talk that it may be a suicide, Meg can’t believe it. Having her own problem with drugs, Meg checks herself into the same rehab to investigate. Fast paced thriller, not to be missed.

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The clinic is Quinn’s follow-up to the black widows and is a compelling mystery. A famous actress dies in a secluded rehab where she is going for treatment under mysterious circumstances. Her sister goes undercover as a patient to find out what happened and uncovers secrets that places her in danger. I won’t say more and risk giving anything further away. The plot moves at a brisk pace and the short chapters help move the plot forward. This sets itself apart by tackling themes of trauma, addiction, and mental illness in a sinister atmosphere. Recommended for anyone who loves a good mystery!
Thanks to the publisher for arc via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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"The Clinic" by Cate Quinn seems to promise a thrilling ride, as Meg, a casino worker with a drug addiction, sets out to investigate her sister's suspicious death at a rehab clinic. However, while the premise is intriguing, the book just seemed to be a mediocre reading experience.

One of the main issues with the book is that it's a bit repetitive, with too many chapters starting with Meg waking up feeling ill from her continued drug use. Additionally, I just didn't find many of the characters easy to like or care about.

Despite this, the book still manages to offer entertainment value through its plot and interesting setting. The investigation into the clinic's dark secrets kept me engaged, and the exploration of addiction adds depth to the story. However, these strengths are not enough to compensate for the book's shortcomings.

Overall, "The Clinic" is a decent read for those looking for a quick thriller, but it falls short of standing out. With a better structure and a stronger emotional impact, it could have been a more memorable and impactful book.

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If you love yourself a Hulu limited series mystery this will be right up your alley.

Our setting is a prison turned rehab, cliffside remotely in the Pacific Northwest. Our FMC
Meg works in a casino catching cheaters, but her life turns upside down when she gets news that her sister has unalived herself at her rehab.

Megan knows her sister and doesn’t believe she would unalive herself so she checks into the clinic to try to solve what she believes is her sister’s murder.

On arrival the doctors are odd and the patients don’t seem quite right. Some keep freezing up and forgetting where they are midsentence. Also, someone is leaving Meg notes to stop looking. The weird thing about these notes is they look a lot like her sister’s handwriting and are signed to Meggy, a pet name only her sister uses for her.

Who’s leaving her notes, why do the patients keep having issues, what is are these docs up to, and what happened to her sister?

Megan also has a drug problem so she’ll have to fix herself to try to solve what happened to her sister.

I gave this book 4.5 stars. I loved the pacing of the book and the multiple pov’s. I liked the twist at the end and can honestly say I didn’t see it coming. I felt like I was playing detective right along side Meg the whole way, trying to connect the dots. I felt like characters were flawed in the best possible ways. This story was twisting me this way and that, turning pages for answers.

Can you figure out what happened to Haley?

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2.5 Stars
Happy pub day to this book!
The concept of this story was really interesting and kept my attention until that completely unbelievable ending (is it obvious I hated the ending of this book lol). The twists/reveals were also underwhelming for me as well. This also felt longer than it had to be but it was an enjoyable enough reading journey nonetheless though it was definitely not what I was expecting at all.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC!

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Very twisty, unpredictable, and just an all around good psychological thriller. I haven’t read any other Cate Quinn books but I am going to now! Would definitely recommend to my bestie to read. Does not disappoint

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This was quite the psychological thriller!!
When they rule Meg’s famous sister’s death a suicide, Meg can’t believe it and is determined to find out what really happened. And the best way for her to do that is to commit herself to the same remote rehab facility that caters to the celebrities. An undercover casino security operator, Meg has some experience with investigations. But investigating something so personal, while also battling her own addiction leaves her vulnerable and alone with a possible killer.
Unreliable narrators, a cast of addicts who have mastered the art of lying, and poker face strategies will have you searching for clues as to what is true and what is not. Belief will have to be suspended for some of this, it is fiction after all, the twists will keep you guessing until the very end.
Please be sure to read the author’s note at the end. I appreciate how she so vulnerably shared her personal story.
Thank you NetGalley, Sourcebooks Landmark and Cate Quinn for the gifted arc.

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Thank you Cate Quinn, SOURCEBOOKS Landmark, and NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC E-Book. This was my first Cate Quinn book and it was a wild ride. I enjoyed the book and kept thinking I had it figured out and then another twist would be thrown. It definitely kept me on the edge of my seat and was hard to put down. 3.5 stars

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This story has some great complicated characters, twists and touches on sensitive issues. Meg is complicated, hooked on pain pills and alcohol and pushes down her feelings. She discovers her sister Haley, died while in rehab. Meg has to find out what really happened so checks herself into the clinic. Cara is the administrator of the clinic , a rule follower. The story is told crom the viewpoints of Meg and Cara. I was interested to know if Meg would allow herself to be helped and if Cara would soften. I truly enjoyed this story.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Kudos to Sourcebooks Landmark, NetGalley and ultimately Cate Quinn for an advanced copy of the book to read. I truly found a new author as this book was a great read and I can’t wait to read more from Cate Quinn.

Meg and her sister, Haley, have always had an on again off again relationship. While Haley is in rehab there are reports that she has passed away and Meg decides to check into the rehab to see if she can determine what happened.

The book was done in a back and forth point of view and I really thought this worked for the book.

I enjoyed this genre and while some instances could be a trigger for former addicts, the whole book was phenomenal. The ending was not at all what I was expecting…..but it was a great ending.

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This book was intense, and I loved the twists it presented. I highly enjoyed shocking surprises and the tragedy made it a page turner. Every chapter seemed to have more and more and I could not put this book down. People are going to a rehab facility to get clean, however not is all as it seems. Meg goes in to the facility to find out what happened to her sister, Haley. Her sister died and she wants answers because this is not what Haley would have chosen. This book is suspenseful and I could not believe the things that were happening.

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The Clinic is a rehab facility located in an isolated area off the coast in the PNW area. Haley goes there for rehab. She’s a famous country singer who needs to clean up her act so she can get into acting. Instead she ends up dead. Was it a suicide or murder? Meg, Haley’s sister, has her own drug problems and she works in Los Angeles at a casino catching cheaters and loan sharks. When she hears her sister has died of an apparent suicide, she doesn’t believe it. So she checks into The Clinic to find out what happened to her sister.

There are two POV, Meg and Cara, the office manager at The Clinic. The chapters are short - there’s around 112 chapters, and most times end in a cliffhanger. The book is set up to make you want to keep reading.

But it’s 448 pages. And there’s a lot going on. Meg and Haley are both addicts. There’s something from their childhood that they are both self medicating against. There are issues with the rehab facility. The author dips into an issue that is much more than this book and that I won’t detail out because it’s a spoiler. There’s also the treatment plans and what they consist of. Then there’s the other patients and the staff. Plus Meg is going through withdrawal and having side effects from the treatment plan. It gets pretty messy, and a bit confusing in parts.

Still, I read it and liked it okay. I didn’t love it.

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I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I know, that sounds terrible, but it’s a good thing! I expected this to be kind of generic but I was happily wrong. The writing about addiction was nuanced and respectful. Most of the characters were interesting and well-developed, though I wanted more from Cara’s storyline (however, I liked the information we got from it). While the big reveal is kind of ridiculous, and the explanations for everything were out there and over the top, it’s kind of fun if you suspend your disbelief. It was fast (I read it in one night) and exciting, and the tension was high - everything you could want in a thriller. I definitely recommend checking it out!

Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC. The Clinic is out today!

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This book sounded like it was right up my alley, but instead, it was a struggle to finish. It took me twice as long as usual to finish. Some parts were way too slow, and others were downright ridiculous and over the top. I had a hard time getting, and staying, engaged. I couldn't connect with the characters, and things were too drawn out. There was never a "Wow!" moment as is typical with this genre. I thought the short chapters would mean a fast pace, but that wasn't the case. The multiple subplots and unnecessary characters made the story feel disjointed.

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So well written had me guessing from beginning to end.Cate Quinn is a wonderful storyteller her characters really come alive.#netgalley #theclinic

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