Member Reviews

This was the first book I have read by Cate Quinn and I really enjoyed it. I loved that this book had short chapters, multiple viewpoints, characters with history and depth, themes of addiction and childhood trauma. These are all the things that made this a really enjoyable read for me. The beginning does start off a little slow but once it picks up hold on. I definitely didn't see the plot twist coming which I love when that happens. I would definitely recommend this book.

Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for allowing me to read this ARC in advance for my honest opinion.

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This book follows Meg who works undercover at a casino catching cheaters. Following a near death run in and subsequent injury with some loan sharks, she has developed an opioid and alcohol problem. Her sister, Haley, is a famous singer, and is frequently in the news. When the news reports that Haley has died by overdose at a remote rehab in the Pacific Northwest, Meg decides that she will check in under the guise of getting treatment but investigate her death. At the treatment center, things seem suspicious. Meg has to contend with a volatile group of patients, an unorthodox treatment staff, and an absolutely isolated location as well as her own addictions as she searches for the truth about her sister's death.

Things I liked: I'm always a fan of an unlikeable and unreliable narrator.
Major thing that bothered me: in the first few pages of the book, naloxone is introduced, misspelled, as a kind of smelling salt to take the edge off of cocaine use. This is wildly inaccurate and dangerous misinformation, which is disappointing for a book that is all about a rehab center. It was hard for me to move past that.

Overall, I still enjoyed this book and would recommend it to others. Thanks to SOURCEBOOKS Landmark and NetGalley for the free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I’ll admit, I was intrigued by this EPIC cover and the synopsis drew me in. Then I opened it up and my jaw dropped for the first time (of many!) when I saw this was 115(!) chapters long. But, this psychological thriller flew by for me.

Told between two different point-of-views—there’s Meg, who’s looking into her sister’s suicide from inside the swanky, remote celebrity rehab and Cara, the manager of the facility. I liked this approach, I think it added to the depth of intrigue as you get to experience the story from both women who are trying to figure out just what’s going on at The Clinic.

Yes, some plot elements (that I won’t spoil) are a little far-fetched toward the end, but if you can suspend belief a bit it’s a wild ride. As much as everyone is suspicious here, there are some twists you just can’t really see coming.

There is a personal connection to rehab that I really appreciate the author disclosing, I think the thought and care she took around trauma and addiction is important to note. There’s so much going on in the end, I felt the psychological disorders discussed as they relate to certain characters were a little lost on me, but might resonate more for someone with a bit more knowledge.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This one wasn't for me unfortunately. The very beginning grabbed my attention, but it slowed down pretty quickly and it took me until around 40% to be invested in it. However, it felt a bit drawn out and the conclusion had me feeling like I REALLY had to suspend disbelief for it to be real. I also noticed a couple plot holes throughout.

Loved the premise, the location, and the multiple POVs, but unfortunately this wasn't one of my favorites.

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Unfortunately, I could not get into this book. I tried, I seriously did but ended up DNFing it. The story seemed to lag, the characters weren't very memorable except for one who kept wanting her oxy. The short chapters were a plus though.

Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks for giving me the opportunity to read this book.

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The Clinic is a luxurious rehab center set atop a remote oceanside cliff, somewhere along the Oregon coast, When popstar Haley Banks dies of an apparent heroin overdose at the facility, her sister, Meg, doesn't believe the official story. Meg is a casino cop of sorts and decides to launch her own investigation into her sister's death y posing as patient. Not much of a stretch for Meg, who is addicted to alcohol and Oxy. If she is wrong about Haley's death, she may get clean. If she's right, she may be killed. The story is told in 2 POV narrative by Meg and Cara, the manager of The Clinic. You won't see this ending coming!

*Special thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for this e-arc.*

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If you’re a short chapter/multiple POV lover like me, this book will be great for you. It’s a fast paced thriller with twists up until the end! Although I mostly enjoyed this book, the subplot I was invested in fell way flat for me and I was super disappointed.
Thank you NetGalley for this e-ARC!

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I’m a sucker for a good thriller set in the eerie, foggy PNW, and The Clinic is everything I could have wanted and more!
An undercover poker player and current addict, Meg checks in to The Clinic to investigate the suicide/murder of her pop-star sister. Little did she know just what she would discover about herself and her drug/alcohol addictions along the way.

The Clinic is all cutting edge - known for being extremely expensive and available only to high end celebrities. It also has some of the most innovative “treatments”.

This psychological thriller was fast paced with short chapters from dual perspectives, elaborate descriptions, and full of tension, drama, and secrets. It kept me on the edge of my seat and wanting more with each turn of the page.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this are in return for my honest review.


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Haley Banks is your typical girl next door country singer. Her sister, Meg, works undercover to catch loan sharks at a local casino. When Haley mysteriously dies at The Clinic, Meg decides she is going to investigate herself. Knowing that there is no way Haley did this herself, as the medical examiner states, Meg must uncover who did this to her sister. Over the course of her month in rehab, Meg unearths more than she anticipated. Not only is she not closer to finding out the truth about Haley, but she realizes things aren't as they seem at this "rehab" facility. Meg's account is paired with insights from The Clinic's manager, Cara. Cara also begins to realize things aren't what she was told. Who can be trusted at The Clinic? Are these high profile "guests" in danger? What is really going on behind closed doors?

This is my first book by Cate Quinn and it definitely won't be my last! I could not put this one down and read it almost in an entire day. The story is fast-paced and keeps you guessing on every page. I was intimidated when I saw there were over 100 chapters, but I could not stop reading once I started. Some of the twists were predictable and it definitely wasn't my favorite thriller of all time, but it was one of the most recent books to keep me this captivated. If you're looking for an easy to read thriller, pick this one up!

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A professional gambler has a problem, she doesn’t know when to fold. She thinks it’s a good thing, but it’s putting her career in jeopardy as part of the casino who roots out con-men, loan sharks, mob bosses and other nefarious persons who want to prey upon people down on their luck. When she awakens from a pain-pill and drug induced stupor to learn her sister has died at a rehab clinic, she immediately knows it’s foul play and not suicide as being reported.
What a roller coaster of a story and I was pretty engaged throughout the narrative. I thought the twists and turns were well done and the pacing was also well thought out. We do have a lot going on in this book, so you will have to work to keep up a bit. However, I do not feel as though the author introduces too many characters and is able to manage the narrative well.
I enjoy a book that dives into mental health issues and addiction. It helps to bring these issues forward even when the people who are suffering from them are actively seeking help. We see some of the lingering issues even while they are in rehab and according to the author notes in the back of the book, she has some experience with a rehab clinic. It did make it feel more authentic.
I wanted to give this book 4.5* but I will round up because I feel as though it was a good thriller which kept me entertained to the final page.

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As if rehab isn’t hard enough on its own, imagine adding in a murder. The alternating POV’s and short chapters had me reading this at a breakneck speed. This was also very creepy and definitely a place you don’t want to go!

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4.5 stars - a great fast paced thriller! I really enjoyed the twists and turns. the short chapters made me not want to put it down!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book had all the elements I love in a thriller: a mysterious death, a creepy setting, and a host of suspicious characters. I really liked the main character Meg’s progression and journey through the book. I also loved the multiple POVs and short chapters; it kept me reading because I had to know what happened next! I had such a hard time getting a read on all the different characters, and I was suspicious of EVERYONE. Even so, I was so surprised by the ending and did not see it coming at all! This thriller will keep you guessing all the way until the end.

Thank you to Sourcebooks for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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I received an ARC for review, all opinions are my own and given freely. Thank you Cate Quinn, Sourcebooks Landmark and Net Galley! 🤍

I love the cover of this book. The cover is what prompted me to request this ARC! It’s beautiful and would be a beautiful edition to anyone’s shelf. The story was good. In my opinion, it could have been shorter. At no point did I have it figured out. The way each character is written, I had each character pegged as the bad guy at one point or the other. It was not a jaw dropping twist for me, more like an “ooooooh”. But overall the book was good.

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This read was very intriguing. It was an interesting premise and I feel like I learned so much about addiction and treatment. I liked finding out at the end that this was a personal story to the author. It made it feel that much more real. I liked the mystery and the idea of celebs in an expensive rehab. The ending really surprised me. It was an engaging read that I flew through.

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This book definitely sucked me in and kept me engaged, however it also really annoyed me. The characters were not likeable at all - I found myself cringing and yelling at them from the start. The pace of the book was either too slow... or is it possible to say too fast. I felt like some parts were boring and other parts were so out there that it was not realistic. I was interested in what came next from the start though and wanted to know what happened at the end (even though I really did not like the end!) Told from two very different perspectives, it is always clear who is talking and the two parts connect seamlessly. Parts are disturbing, parts are impossible to believe, but overall a creepy psychological thriller!
Meg's sister, Haley, dies at a remote rehab facility. Meg can't believe that her sister would commit suicide, so she goes undercover to investigate. Battling her own addictions, she discovers finding the truth is more difficult than she expected. Will she get the answers that she is looking for and will she risk her own life doing so?
Thank you Netgalley for my advanced reader copy.

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I enjoyed the twists in this book. The lead up was thrilling and kept you guessing until the end. I look forward to reading more from Cate Quinn

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•Psychological thriller that keeps you guessing until the end

•Fast paced, short chapters

•Accurate depiction of addiction and mental illness

•Told from dual POV’s, Meg, the FMC who puts her own life at risk to uncover the truth about her sister’s death and Cara, the house manager with growing suspicions and leading an investigation of her own

“Meg works for a casino in LA, catching cheaters and popping a few too many pain pills to cope, following a far different path than her sister Haley, a famous actress. But suddenly reports surface of Haley dying at the remote rehab facility where she had been forced to go to get her addictions under control.

There are whispers of suicide, but Meg can’t believe it. She decides that the best way to find out what happened to her sister is to check in herself―to investigate what really happened from the inside.

Battling her own addictions and figuring out the truth will be much more difficult than she imagined, far away from friends, family―and anyone who could help her.”

Thank you @netgalley and @sourcebooks for this eARC addition!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for providing this book, with my honest review below.

Cate Quinn’s The Clinic was a thrilling ride, taking the readers to a rehab center alongside sociopath Meg and Clinic Manager, Carla, as they start to learn the dark side of the clinic while investigating Haley, Meg’s sister’s death. This book was a fascinating study of psychology and addiction. Author Cate Quinn shares her own personal experience with addiction and a story that resonated about a close friend who didn’t make it past rehab. This was reflected in the book as everything felt entirely real (given the plot) and well researched. There were several twists at the end, but they worked for me. At over 100 (short) chapters, I was surprised by how quickly I read this, but it’s testament to a great book.

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A doctor with a criminal history treats relapsed addicts with questionable methods under the guise of a top notch rehab clinic.

Meg Banks is a poker player who uses her skills to catch unscrupulous card players. Her relationship with her sister is strained since neither one had a loving mother relationship. Meg enters the same rehab clinic after learning about her sisters death while attempting to kick her drug addiction. Meg, who is also detoxing off of oxycontin, is convinced her sister is alive after receiving warning notes to leave the clinic written in Haleys handwriting.

I enjoyed this book immensely as it has readers wondering if Haley is truly alive in the clinic. Clara questions the role of the clinic in rehabilitating the wealthy patients from their addictions. As the police investigates the clinic, Cara must decide if she will assist the police or be an accomplice to the clinic's sinister connections. Cate Quinn is a talented author who uses her personal experience of rehab to bring a page turning story to readers. A highly recommended read for fans of thrilling novels that will have you wondering if Haley is alive to the very end.

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