Member Reviews

The Clinic by Cate Quinn was a very intriguing thriller.
This amazing book is very well written and the descriptions are brilliant. I felt I was in the plot with the characters. The characters were strong, interesting and believable. Very fast moving with a gripping plot. It captures you, compelling you to turn the pages until all of the words are used up.

Thank You NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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When a celebrity dies mysteriously at an exclusive rehab center called "The Clinic", her sister (dealing with some dependency issues of her own), checks herself in to see if she can get to the bottom of her death.

As someone who lives in the PNW, the synopsis of this one really called to me. I was ready to be sucked in by the atmosphere of this eerie, gothic setting. The beginning was fantastic! I was pulled in by the prose, highlighting many an impressive sentence on my kindle. Unfortunately things kind of fell apart for me in the second half. Just a bit too outlandish and illogical. It was also a tad too long. That said, it was still an enjoyable read and I will definitely read what Quinn writes next!

Thank you Sourcebooks for the gifted eARC.

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I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I'll be honest I picked this book to read purely based on the cover. It has a creepy vibe and I was all for it. I was happy to find a murder mystery that I could not put down! I thought the use of different POVs helped to tell the story in a fast and quick-paced way. I didn't feel like there was ever much of a lull or dull point that I was just trying to push through. While there were a couple of scenes towards the end that felt a little disjointed to me, personally. I will say that I did not see the twist coming which always makes me happy. I found a new author to look out for!

Thank you Netgally for giving me a chance to read and review this book. The opinions and thoughts in this review are mine and mine alone.

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Oh man! I have feelings about The Clinic and they aren’t pretty! First off, it took me eleven days to wade through this over the top, ridiculous novel! Every night, I’d settle in to read and fall asleep after about ten minutes. I just couldn’t get into this one! Plus- the main characters are unlikable and hard to connect with. This book was at least one hundred pages long! I wish I would have DNFed it! ⁣
⁣Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my honest review. The Clinic comes out January 23, 2024.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is about Meg who checks herself into a celebrity rehab clinic after learning that her famous sister Haley has died there. In addition to working on her own addictions, Meg eventually unravels a variety of secrets hiding at The Clinic.

The book definitely had several twists that kept me guessing about what would happen. Thanks #NetGalley for the advanced reader copy!

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This is a new author for me. I picked up this book because the description intrigued me - checking yourself into some kind of rehab clinic gave me chills and the thought that you just might not be able to get out!

Meg works for a casino in LA, catching cheaters and popping a few too many pain pills to cope, following a far different path than her sister Haley, a famous actress. But suddenly reports surface of Haley dying at the remote rehab facility where she had been forced to go to get her addictions under control.

There are whispers of suicide, but Meg can't believe it. She decides that the best way to find out what happened to her sister is to check in herself – to investigate what really happened from the inside.

Battling her own addictions and figuring out the truth will be much more difficult than she imagined, far away from friends, family – and anyone who could help her.

My Thoughts:
This was a great thriller and I was engrossed from beginning to end. The book has a spooky cover that foreshadows what is inside. Unbelievable what was happening at that clinic! Meg had no idea what she was getting into. It took guts to do what she did - even while battling her own addiction. The narrator is unreliable in this one. The plot was tense and had good movement. The spa setting was over the top fancy. There are many twists and surprises to keep your attention focused. I recommend to anyone who likes a good psychological thriller.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark through Netgalley for an advance copy. Expected publication is January 23, 2024.

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Thanks to #NetGalley and #SourcebooksLandmark for the book #TheClinic by #CateQuinn. This book is about addiction, abuse and illegal actions. It’s full of emotions, drugs and timid of manipulations I would suggest this as a recommendation.

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The concept of a casino worker posing as a patient at a rehab center is engrossing and less than believable, but once I met the characters and both narrators, I was hooked. Meg finds out that her sister Haley has died suddenly at the rehab center and is determined to investigate her death. Once she has checked in as a patient, Meg is a dynamic undercover operative who has little sense of danger and no idea what she is doing. The other characters at the clinic are introduced quickly, the main one being Cara, the manager and the second narrator of the story. None of the characters is particularly relatable as I found all of them puzzling, particularly the unreliable narrators. However, they were each well-developed and mysteriously sinister at times. I must say that at times I felt totally clueless about what would happen next and the misdirection and twists were engaging if somewhat frustrating because they were frequent and not so much clues as total red herrings. I enjoyed the book, especially the premise of the plot, although I did not think it very believable. The plot itself was engrossing and the characters were dynamic and realistically portrayed. This novel was like taking a trip to the dark side of rehab centers, not convincing me that they are good places to go, but rather that perhaps there is a better way to get the help you need. Adjectives to describe this novel include dark, mysterious and addictive!
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16th CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for providing me a copy to read of this book. I found it intriguing and gave me the appropriate amount of creepy to want to keep reading. Four stars!

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Big thanks to Source Books and Net Galley for this an advanced copy of The Clinic by Cate Quinn to read and review.

I love a good thriller, and there was a lot about this that I enjoyed. It hooked me quickly with an intriguing premise. ANd I generally enjoy books that have multiple perspectives.

The book really lost steam in the third act, and ultimately it wasn't as strong as I wished it would be. It got a bit convoluted and felt like the ending wasn't as crisp as it could have been. We had been working up to a real WOW moment, and instead, it fell a bit flat for me.

Overall I enjoyed it, but wanted to like it more.

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The Clinic is a place for people with money, where they can go to deal with addiction and psychological issues. On the surface, anyway. When Meg learns that her sister Haley has been at The Clinic for rehab and turns up dead, Meg is determined to find out what happened. Nothing could have prepared her for what she finds once she spends time inside.

This is a story that deals with addiction and rehabilitation, questionable scientific practices, and personality disorders that drive character behavior. A phenomenal thriller with lots of shocking twists and turns right until the very end, this is sure to be a favorite of any lover of psychological thrillers.

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4/5 stars! Wow I was hooked from the very beginning. There was so many twists and turns that I didn’t see coming. It constantly kept me guessing. This book is released January 23, 2024. Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark, Cate Quinn and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

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James Bond is a sociopath.

Think about it. We love watching him on screen, but it would be really difficult to maintain a relationship in real life. Such is the life of our main character Meg. Childhood trauma and mishaps from her work life have her popping oxy and tiny bottles of Jack Daniels while on the job as casino security. A second POV is presented via Cara -- the straight-laced manager of "The Clinic." After Meg's big sister Haley dies while in rehab at The Clinic, Meg checks in so she can investigate. Getting herself sobered up at the same time will be a difficult side project. Since Cate Quinn has firsthand experience with rehab, this book gives much food for thought regarding addiction, trauma, and successful rehabilitation methods. A revealing and thought-provoking read that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Includes a Reading Group Guide and interview with the author.

Thank you to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for a DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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In this novel by Cate Quinn, you are taken into an exclusive rehab center where anything is possible. As you make your way through this book, you come to question who is telling the truth and is this rehab center everything it appears to be. With unique characters and an interesting plot, the reader is taken through the process of alcohol and drug withdrawals in an easy to read format. This read is something that is unique to this genre.

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I liked the writing and the premise, however I felt the execution was a bit lacking. I didn't understand the POV of Cara. It seemed sort of useless except for when the police were at the clinic. I also felt that this book was too long. I was disappointed not to have any gothic vibes from an isolated rehab :( it's the same way I felt about The Sanitorium by Sarah Pearce. The cover and premise make you feel a different way then the actual book. All in all, not a bad book but didn't blow me away. Just okay.

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A fast-paced, suspenseful, sobering and intriguing look at the world of addiction, rehab (particularly celebrity rehab in this book), and the reality that those who work in rehab clinics may be poorly prepared, have questionable backgrounds and/or may not always have the patients' best interests in mind.

This novel is told through two viewpoints: that of Meg, who works undercover at an LA casino to catch scammers; and Cara, who was appointed manager of The Clinic only months before. Both are unreliable narrators. Megan, an addict herself, keeps going only by popping pain pills, cutting herself off from relationships and refusing to deal with the multiple traumas she has endured. Cara means well and wants to do a good job, but she doesn't have the background or skills to deal with what she's facing.

When Meg learns that her sister Haley has died of an apparent suicide at The Clinic, a remote celebrity rehab facility in the Pacific Northwest, she decides to enter the facility herself and learn the truth about what happened to her sister. One thing she knows for certain, Haley did not commit suicide, she was murdered.

Quinn has written an engaging thriller filled with twists and turns impossible to predict. Very entertaining!

My thanks to Sourcebook Landmark for allowing me access to a DRC via NetGalley. Publication is 1/23/24. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own and are freely given.

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This book started out so strong for me. I was hooked instantly - which is actually very rare for me. The plot, the setting, the whole idea was so good. The idea of the fugu and not being able to move - freaky!!! Towards the middle it started to feel like this book was just going on and on and not going anywhere. If this book had been right around 300 pages instead of over 400 it would have been so much better. Everything that happened in the last 50-100 pages got weird and dull. I set this book down so many times when I only had 1 hour left bc it just wasn’t doing it anymore

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a thriller set in a posh addictions rehab clinic in a secluded area in the Pacific Northwest. The staff and celebrity clientele are small and personal attention is assured. But strange goings-on, secrets galore, unique treatment and questionable medical ethics raise doubts in everyone's minds. The rehab clients gamble with their lives and those of their families, occupations and reputations to feed their addictions. Crimes aren't unusual.

Meg works undercover in casinos to unearth sharks. But she has addictions of her own. She enters The Clinic as a client to discover what happened to her celebrity sister Haley and discovers layer upon layer of sinister events and learns more about her family's past. The motley staff members seem to have something to hide, too.

Though the premise pulled me in, the very frequent unnecessary F-bombs and predictable nature of the plot were disappointing. Parts felt over the top. But I appreciate that the author built on her own rehab experiences to structure the story.

My sincere thank you to SOURCEBOOKS Landmark and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this twisty turny novel.

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The Clinic is a suspenseful story with plenty of conflict twisty surprise's and drama broken character's and a ever changing plot
I received a advance readers copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving a review

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4.5 ⭐️
This book was so good I read it in just a couple days. I did not see the twist coming . This book was very descriptive, it had me visualizing everything throughout . The only negative was some characters were not likeable.

Thank you sourcebooks landmark and NetGalley for providing an advance copy in exchange for an honest review

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