Member Reviews

I had such a hard time putting this one down! Once I started reading, I couldn't stop. I loved the viewpoints between Meg and Cara. With Meg's viewpoint it was centered more towards the patient side of things with figuring out who murdered her sister, and with Cara it was the behind the scenes viewpoint with doctors and digging into Dr. Lutz's past. There were so many twists I did not see coming, and gave such a great insight on those struggling with addiction and the causes behind it, all while spinning a gripping thriller!
Definitely recommend this one!

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This book grabbed my attention in the beginning and then turned into a slow burn for me. At times, I was confused with where the book was going and not in the way of twists changing my opinion but more like the author wasn’t sure about where she was going. The concept seemed original but it just took a while to get there. Overall, i thought it was a decent read.

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The Clinic" by Cate Quinn is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the complexities of addiction, trauma, and mystery. The story revolves around Meg, a woman working for a casino in Los Angeles, whose life is marred by her struggles with painkiller addiction and alcohol abuse. This addiction stems from a traumatic event that injured her shoulder, leading her into a downward spiral.

The plot thickens when Meg's sister, Haley, a troubled country singer grappling with her own demons, is reported dead in a remote rehab clinic on the Oregon coast. Refusing to believe the reports of Haley's death as a mere incident, Meg takes a bold step. She decides to go undercover, checking herself into the clinic under an alias to unearth the truth behind her sister's death. This decision plunges her into a world far more complex and dangerous than she anticipated.

Meg's journey is not just about uncovering the mystery of Haley's death but also about confronting her own inner demons. The clinic itself emerges as a character in the story, a world of luxury and therapy that caters to the rich and famous, offering a stark contrast to the dark undercurrents running beneath its surface. As Meg delves deeper, she encounters a range of characters, each with their own secrets and agendas, including Cara, the clinic's administrative manager, and Max, the psychologist committed to his patients.

The narrative is marked by its switch between the perspectives of Meg and Cara, providing a comprehensive view of the unfolding events. Themes like childhood trauma, betrayal, mental health, and manipulation are skillfully woven into the story, adding layers of depth and complexity. The clinic, with its secluded and luxurious setting, becomes a pivotal backdrop against which the drama of addiction, paranoia, and the quest for truth plays out.

Overall, "The Clinic" is a suspenseful and emotionally charged novel that skillfully intertwines a tale of personal struggle with a compelling mystery. It's a story that keeps the reader engaged from start to finish, with its rich characterizations, vivid world-building, and a plot filled with twists and turns that lead to a startling revelation​​​​.

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If you like complex stories, this is for you.

I really wanted to like this novel and did at the beginning but didn't by the end. So I had a hard time rating it. The writing is good but the overall story has so many complicated twists and turns that I lost interest. I give it a 4 for writing and a 3 for storyline. 3.5 overall.

Only for the author: 22% - what it was that ...should be What was it
35% - patients are at already work...should be patients are at work already
37% - have you little hissy fit...should be have your...
58% - think want we're doing...think what we're doing
71% - I move into to the...I move into the
76% - I thought could...I thought I could
78% - go to the spa to something...go to the spa ???
93% - cables. like...cables, like or cables. Like

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This book was just okay for me. Maybe I read it at a bad time in my life or I just wasn't in the right headspace. I enjoyed the story itself. The plot was very intriguing and the short chapters made it for a fast read. The twisted clinic was the perfect atmosphere for this book. I absolutely love the cover!

I think this is more of 'it's not the book, it's me.' read for me. I may pick this book up again at a later date and see how I feel about it then. I definitely appreciated the fact that Cate Quinn took her own experience in rehab and turned it into a dark and twisted story about addiction, mental health and phycological issues. I highly recommend checking trigger warnings before picking this one up though.

Thank you so much to Sourcebooks Landmark and Netgalley for the e-arc!

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Thanks to NetGalley, Sourcebooks and Author Cate Quinn for advanced copy for honest review.

Sisters Meg and Haley were going through a rough patch in life. Haley, who is famous, enters a rehab facility in Oregon. She has died while in the facility's care. But how? This can't be true. Meg, who has been injured on the job is now addicted to painkillers and drinking, decides to enter the rehab facility to get help for herself. While on 'the inside' now, Meg will try uncover the truth of what happened to her sister. because the rumors of suicide could not be possible. Then Meg questions her choice, will the same happen to her?
4 Stars, recommend!

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The first thing that immediately drew me to this book was the amazing cover, creepy victorian mansion set on a cliffside, yes please! Then I read the synopsis and was even more intrigued.

While it did have some good twists and turns I did find a lot of the story lacking for me. I'm always for an unreliable main character, they're my favorite kinds and Meg is the one that really saved the story for me. I questioned myself so many times while reading this whether she was crazy and hallucinating everything or if it all was actually happening. I loved the short chapters (as I always appreciate, especially in a thriller) and I also think that helped me find more to enjoy in this book.

The ending is what really got me though holy cow. It had plenty of twists and turns throughout but man that ending really blew me away with how crazy it was. This is one thriller that I can definitively say I did not see the ending coming. The only reason my rating is a high 3 is only because of the slow parts that dragged a little for me and took me out the story. Overall though this was a pretty solid thriller especially a rehab thriller which I don't believe I've ever read before.

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Meg works undercover at a casino, busting loan sharks and never folding. Her sister Haley, a famous actress, finds herself on a different path leading her to a fancy rehab clinic. When Meg hears her sister has died by suicide within the clinic’s walls, she doesn’t believe it, so she goes undercover as a patient to get some answers.

THE CLINIC by Cate Quinn is a quick-paced, atmospheric, experimental thriller.

This is my first read by Quinn and I had such a fun time with it! The short chapters and alternating POVs had me cruising through and the frequent cliffhangers made it hard to put down.

I loved getting to know the characters and the setting of a fancy, exclusive, remote rehab facility was fun as well!

Definitely one I’d recommend and might have me dabbling in some of Quinn’s backlist 👀

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publication Date: January 23

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This was a unique thriller that kept me guessing and surprised me with the ending.

Plot -
Meg quasi-undercover checks herself into a luxury rehab facility to investigate the death of her sister. The clinic says it was an overdose, but Meg doesn't buy it. While there, someone is messing with her, and leaving her notes purporting to be from her sister. The tension ramps up as Meg gets closer to the truth.

Thoughts -
First off, the book is a little longer than it needs to be and starts off a bit slow. However, once it got going, I found myself really enjoying the ride. Despite checking herself in under false pretenses, Meg actually was suffering from addiction issues, and we were left to watch her learn that she needed to help herself before she could help anyone else. Personally, I enjoyed the backstory on what black market science the clinic was working on behind the scenes. It really amped up the creepy factor.
The ending was a surprise to me, and I won't say more about it due to spoilers, but it wasn't where I expected the book to be going, despite the fact that in hindsight, there were obvious signs.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes a good, tense thriller.

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First of all, love the cover. It’s intriguing and mysterious and made me excited to find out what the story would be about. Meg works for a casino, battling addictions of her own when her sister, famous singer Haley, dies inside a remote luxury rehab center. This prompts Meg to enter the clinic as a patient to find out the truth about her sister’s death.

I enjoyed this whodunit thriller! I love a flawed main character, and though Meg was exasparating at times, I also rooted for her to get her act together so she can solve the case. The author is really skilled in making you guess who the killer is. I kept changing my guesses per chapter who the villain is. And though I question the motivations of the killer in the end, what I liked about this book is the insider’s view of how luxury rehab centers work, and how crippling addiction is.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm giving this book a 2 ⭐ & tbh I feel that's stretching it. This book has soooo much too it but everything just comes together as a big unbelievable mess .
The setting seemed peaceful & maybe could have been used more in the books like in therapy ? Something to take away from the ridiculousness .

Usually I would have enjoyed a book like this but unfortunately the whole book just never came together for me.

#Arc #honestreview #TheClinic 🥶

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To be honest, the cover is what drew me to this book. That building, wow. Suffice to say, the setting was the strongest part of the story for me. I think the environment could have been used a bit more on the externals of the facility but that's just me. The two main characters were strong in conviction but I found one of them to be weak to the point of boredom. I loved the twists and turns around all the creepy corners. The story could have been shorter and I think all that was in there, didn't need to be.

I'd recommend this book to anyone who likes a creepy setting and one strong female lead. The twists are well thought out too.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn was a mediocre read for me. Meg is a casino worker whose famous sister has supposedly died by suicide in rehab. Meg doesn’t believe her sister would have committed suicide so she gets herself admitted into the same rehab facility to investigate on her own. Things inside the facility are complicated, with questionable treatment methods, nurses with criminal backgrounds, and other celebrities who are entirely unlikeable. The crazy amount of plot holes is impossible to overlook in this book. I couldn’t set aside reality enough to find entertainment in this story. The single character that I actually thought was decent had a personality switch in the end and I couldn’t even like them. Personally, I don’t understand why other people have rated this highly. I think this is pushing it to be given 2/5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for allowing me access to an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Publication date January 23rd, 2024. This review will be found on Instagram and Goodreads indefinitely.
Instagram book reviews @CandaceOnline

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Reading challenge - 2023 Booklist Queen: Winter Read... the cover looked wintry, there was frozen fog... but it mentioned fall. I read it in winter. I'm counting it.

Thanks to #NetGalley for the ARC ebook.

Meg, a casino 'cop,' receives a voicemail from her estranged singer sister, Haley, who is in rehab. Coincidentally, Meg is dealing with some addiction issues of her own. Reports of Haley's death send Meg into a spiral that ends with her infiltrating the rehab facility, The Clinic, to prove that Haley did not commit suicide. Meg discovers more than she bargained for about her sister, about The Clinic, and about herself.

There were some good parts to this - I enjoyed the dynamics of the different patients in the rehab facility. But, as someone who has knowledge/experience/education in the psychology and medical fields, there were inconsistencies and things that didn't make sense/add up. As an ARC copy, there were also a lot of spelling/grammar errors that I had a hard time overlooking. The author is British, but the characters are American, and there were moments of British jargon that I'm sure many Americans would not use/know/understand in everyday language.

It was "okay." 3/5 stars.

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This book is as ominous as the cover would lead you to believe. The Clinic is a high end facility where rich people go for rehab. It's also the place where Meg's famous sister, Haley Banks, was murdered. Meg goes "undercover" as a patient to find out what really happened to her sister.

The book alternates between Meg's and Cara's, the clinic manager, points of view. The Clinic seems hippie dippie with it's cryotherapy, anger and sound rooms and the director looks like he'd be right at home at Woodstock.

While I had an inkling about the ending, the journey to get there was awesome. I kept the pages turning and read the book in nearly one sitting. The author mentions this book is written from her own experience with rehab (sans murder of course... or at least I hope!) with some license for creativity.

This is a great book and I'd be curious to read some of her others.

My thanks to Sourcebook Landmark Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If you are looking for a fast paced book to suck you in and keep you on your toes, then look no further than The Clinic.

Set in a remote luxury rehab facility, Meg checks herself in to investigate the mysterious death of her sister labeled a suicide. Meg has her own demons and is an addict herself so she enters the facility under the guise of needing help but takes to prevent it until a series of small inconsistencies start to catch her attention and the downhill spiral takes place. Cara, the manager of the facility thinks everything is on the up and up with the facility’s groundbreaking research until a patient’s death gives her the courage to look at this more closely.

If you are a fan of locked room style mystery thrillers then add The Clinic to your tbr.

Thank you @bookmarked and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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I was excited to read this book after seeing some positive reviews on other platforms, but it was a total no-go for me. Unrelatable characters, unlikeable characters, and a completely unbelievable plot. Good concept, very poor execution. The more I read, the more frustrated I became. F bombs a plenty, a mystery that does not appear as often as it should, focus on the victim's sister (who is a disaster,) and POVs that are bland and campy. The entire thing read like a very bad straight to video movie. A real disappointment.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a solid psychological thriller that felt somewhat familiar. I feel like I’ve read another book or watched a movie with a similar plot line, but that doesn’t bother me because it’s a good storyline. Meg works at a casino, catching cheaters. Her sister is a famous actress who supposedly has died at a rehab clinic. Meg isn’t sure she believes the story, after all she’s the one with addiction issues. Was her death an accident, murder, suicide? She’s determined to uncover the truth. But going undercover might be more than she can handle as she is forced to deal with her own addictions. This is a tight, quick moving, unsettling psychological thriller. I’d like to thank Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an eARC of The Clinic.

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This was a story that had great insight into the world of addiction and ones affected by it. I found the atmosphere to be quite enjoyable and had some nice suspense and twists. I would definitely recommend it to someone who would enjoy those topics.

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Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for a complimentary copy of this novel! Meg and Haley are sisters and both experienced trauma and difficulties growing up. Now, Haley is a well-known actress and Meg helps catch cheaters in casinos. The problem is, Meg relies on oxy too much. Meg’s sister, Haley, also had addictions, so she has checked herself into a secluded, high-end rehab facility in the Northwest US. Suddenly, news reports of Haley’s suicide are popping up, but Meg isn’t convinced Haley died of suicide, especially from the states cause of heroin injection. It’s just not something Haley would do.

So Meg checks into the same rehab facility to discover the truth. But the truth isn’t so simple Meg discovers. The owner behind The Clinic is a shady, guru-like character. The rest of the staff and fellow patients all seem to also have secrets as well. As Meg struggles with her own demons and addictions, she fights to find out the truth of Haley’s death and who had motive to kill her.

This novel had so much going on. Definitely numerous surprises along the way and the truth will blow your mind!!! Definitely recommend!!!

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