Member Reviews

It's kind of funny that a book centered around addiction would be as addicting as this was. That being said, I did have a few questions while reading it. Having not gone through addiction and recovery myself, I was flabbergasted that most of the therapies they did were patient led. Is that normal? They also seemed to just be able to do whatever and go wherever they wanted. Was it because they were considered VIPs? Were there regular patients elsewhere in the facility or are they able to make enough money off of a half dozen rich addicts? When I set these questions aside and allowed the story to simply entertain me I enjoyed it so much more.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn

This book is twisty and sure keeps you on your toes for the entirety of the novel. However a little slower than I enjoy myself reading :)
I loved the premise of a woman who died in rehab being further looked into by her family- it was a little unbelievable yet relatable all at the same time. The book deals with talk of su!cide, dr^g use and other triggering activities and content. But none of it was enough to make me uncomfortable. However, I'm not easily swayed by triggers.

The takeaway is that. Yes. I would HIGHLY recommend this book to fellow thriller lovers. I did enjoy the journey.

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For fans of remote, atmospheric locations and locked-room mysteries, The Clinic is a layered psychological thriller which takes place in a carefully guarded rehab facility. Meg goes undercover as a patient when her famous sister suddenly dies while seeking treatment, and every character she meets is secretive and shady.

I liked the unreliable narrator, mental health, addiction and science aspects, but it was way too slow of a burn and there were so many characters to keep track of I almost needed to make myself a master list. While the plot was unique, the twists at the end were way too far fetched and implausible. I'm not a fan of thrillers where I have to extend belief in order for the ending to make sense, so the payoff didn't work for me. I also found the book much too long at nearly 450 pages. Overall, this had the building blocks of a good thriller but this one was just meh for me.

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4⭐️📖 To this first book of 2024. Thanks Net Galley for an ARC. In this twisty ride, we follow Meg, an unreliable professional poker player who finds her estranged sister has died in rehab. She doesn’t believe the story that her sister committed suicide, so she enters rehab (an alcohol and opiate addict herself), trying to learn what happened.
The short chapters with shifting narrator kept me coming back for more. This felt deeper than a traditional thriller. The reader eventually finds the author wrote this book with a deep respect and understanding of addiction—which I think made the book more than your average thriller.

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Today is January 1st. I really wanted to finish this book before the end of 2023 but I'm kind of glad I didn't because now this book gets to be my first 5 star read of 2024 and my first review of the year. This book was filled with excitement. The plot of the book is like nothing I've ever read before. I will be thinking about this book for awhile. The characters were well written. They were likeable and interesting. The development of the story flowed well and kept my attention all the way to the end. My favorite aspect of the story was that the author didn't give away what was happening to quickly making me continuously question what was actually happening. I had so many theories in my head about how this was all going to play out and I never once considered the outcome to be what actually happened. I greatly enjoyed this book and plan to read past and future books by her. Thank you Netgalley for sharing this book with me in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a very enjoyable read.

Meg works as a poker player and undercover security agent for a casino in L.A, while her sister is a singer and would-be actress. When Meg is told that her sister Haley died by suicide at an expensive rehab facility, she decides to use her own issues with drugs and alcohol to investigate what happened. She doesn't believe her sister capable of suicide, and needs to discover what really happened.

The story is told from two points of view - Meg and Cara - the relatively new manager at the facility. During the slow and steady start to the novel, we meet the few celebrity guests at the facility, the unusual owner, and the therapist. The local police, having determined the death was a suicide, nevertheless attempt to investigate the facility, much to the annoyance of the owner Dr Lutz, who becomes increasingly less and less willing to co-operate. Cara discovers several unusual practices at the clinic, from unethical billing practices to non-approved treatment plans.

The descriptions of the clinic are very atmospheric, as it is remote, and often shrouded in fog. The celebrities staying at the facility are very unlikeable for the most part, and Meg is not honest about her own drug addiction. Lots of unreliable narration!

While the novel started slowly, it soon picked up the pace, and the big reveal really did take me by surprise. I knew things were not as they seemed, but didn't guess the twist. The ending felt rushed unfortunately, and not so believable. However, i really liked the book, and the writing.

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Set in a rehab facility which is something I haven't read before. I enjoyed the storyline, the characters and the mystery, Lots of twists and turns, self-discovery while dealing with trauma and addiction. The lengths we would go to find the truth. Overall it was a good thriller and I would read more by this author.

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I would like to preface this review by saying thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark for sending me an ARC of The Clinic in exchange for my honest opinion.

When Meg's sister is found dead in a secret rehab clinic, Meg decides to get down to the bottom of what really happened to Hayley.

I liked the concept of this book more than the execution. This whole book felt like it was dragged out longer than it needed to be. There were so many twists and turns in this book to the point where you're like "OK, I get it now". I did appreciate the back stories with all the characters and the duel POVs but this book definitely could have been 100 pages shorter.

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Meg, a troubled addict, decides to go undercover to find out what happened to her sister Haley who overdosed in a rehab clinic. Meg checks in to the posh clinic determined to find out what happened to her sister. This page Turner kept me turning the pages to find out exactly what happened.
This book was an exciting read delving into the mind of an addict and how far people will go.

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I loved the setting of a rehab center. I don't see that often in thrillers or books in general. It was very realistic of a rehab center and the events that occur. I loved the twists and turns that i did not see coming.

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“To solve your sister’s murder, you need to solve yourself.”

The Clinic by Cate Quinn follows a rehab center that caters to the rich and famous in the remote Pacific Northwest, where it appears actress Haley Banks has succumbed to her addictions. Her sister, Meg, dealing with her own addictions, does not believe that Haley has committed suicide (accidental or purposefully) and decides to enter The Clinic to investigate who possibly could have killed her, under the guise of getting clean. However, things are not at all what they seem when you add in the constant struggle of power and money in healthcare facilities, and rich characters who are all narcissists, sociopaths, or master manipulators trying to get what they want.

The premise was intriguing, and the setting was superb. Quinn knows how to set a scene and play chess with her characters. Red herrings are abundant and the whodunit nature of this storytelling will keep you turning the pages.

I enjoyed the tie-ins with the casino and backstory of the characters. While the main villain I felt was predictable from the start, I had wrong guesses about others’ involvement. This book had a lot going for it; unfortunately, I feel like the plot needed to be polished A LOT more, as some parts were discombobulated and too much crazy was occurring.

Maybe I just know too much about this subject and how real fraud in this industry is – the house I live in used to be an in-house out-patient drug rehab in South Florida (Florida Shuffle, anyone? – though I’ve never heard it called that before). There was definitely truth, but also glossing-over in Quinn’s tale of addiction centers.

Trigger warning: this novel dealt with a lot of topics that could trigger a lot of different emotions, mainly with mental health, childhood trauma, addiction, recovery, sobriety, and suicide. While the main theme of the book was mystery centering on Healthcare Fraud, power, immoral vs. unethical behavior, and sociopaths – the underlying themes about trauma driving addiction are very prevalent.

With some polishing and fine-tuning, I would have truly enjoyed this novel. But some things were just way too easy and unbelievable (oh look, this door is locked but I happen to have a lockpicking kit on me!) to get passed over in this psychological thriller. Good Bones for sure, but it was missing something for me (or maybe it was just too much going on). 3.4 stars.

Thank you NetGalley for this promising ARC; all opinions are my own.

“One person’s trauma is another person’s bad day.”

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This was overall a good thriller that kept me interested with a bevy of characters. It had an interesting ending and the plot was moderately fast-paced as well. 4 Stars

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When Meg hears of her sister’s suicide from a rehab facility, The Clinic, she’s skeptical. Facing demons of her own and fighting addiction, she enters The Clinic under false pretenses to investigate what she believes is her sister’s murder.

The Clinic is a well written story of addiction, the bond of sisters who lived through trauma, and mental health.

The twists were so well throughout and done so incredibly. I did not see them coming!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of The Clinic!

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Immerse yourself in an extraordinary and thought-provoking psychological thriller that will captivate your mind until the very last page! From the outset, I found myself irresistibly drawn into the narrative, unable to put the book down. The author skillfully weaves an unsettling atmosphere, vividly described scenes, and a tapestry of suspense, drama, and mystery. The pacing, driven by a unique plot and complemented by succinct chapters and dual perspectives, adds to the overall enthralling experience. The characters, led by an unreliable narrator, navigate a maze of secrets, contributing to breathtaking twists that culminate in an ending that left me utterly astonished. This book is an exhilarating rollercoaster ride that I wholeheartedly enjoyed, and the cover is a fitting complement to its brilliance!

Meet Meg, a tenacious casino employee in LA, whose life takes a dark turn when her famous actress sister, Haley, is reported dead at a remote rehab facility. Disbelieving the whispers of suicide surrounding Haley's demise, Meg decides to infiltrate the facility herself to uncover the truth. Faced with her own battles against addiction, Meg delves into a web of secrets and psychological turmoil within the clinic. The narrative skillfully explores themes of addiction, mental health, and psychological complexities, creating a gripping and unputdownable thriller. While the ending may stretch believability, the overall intensity of the story earns it a solid recommendation, delivering a four-star experience!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC!

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"One person's trauma is another person's bad day."

This could have been my last five stars of the year but it ends up being 3.75 rounded up to 4. The last 15% is what ruined the book in my opinion. There's one trope I really hate in a book and that makes me furious when it happens and it happened twice...

85% of the book was a 5 stars for me. I loved every pages of it. It was on my mind constantly whenever I wasn't reading. It was gripping, I was so intrigued, I couldn't trust anyone. It was magical! I LOVED IT!

The gaslighting towards the main character was clear but you couldn't help and doubt yourself as well. If her suspicions are wrong, that means mine are as well, right? This novel had my heart pumping all the way. It was excellent! The chapters were so short that you couldn't help but read another, and another, and another. It's been a while since a book got me this hooked.

And, honestly, do yourself a favor and skip the prologue. That kind of resolve the issue. It makes no sense with the ending that's currently in this book.

In thrillers, you have to accept the impossible sometimes. You have to let a lot of things slide. The authors are not criminals, they are not experts in every possible situation. There are going to be extremely improbable situations. It's a book! It's fiction. But plot holes that big make me cringe... Which is sad because that would have been a favorite of the year for sure!

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Overall I enjoyed this thriller mystery, I enjoyed the locked room setting and the self discovery through out the book for the main character.
I thought it was a sensitive approach portraying addictions.
I’d not read this author before but would be interested in reading more from her.

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Meg finds out her famous sister Haley has died while in rehab at the clinic, Haley has left her a very strange voicemail right before she died. Meg having her own addiction issues goes to the Clinic but doesn’t mention her relationship with Haley. The people that run this place are shady and creepy to the max. Definitely couldn’t trust them or figure out who to trust.

Definitely a different storyline with treatments I’d never heard of at a rehab, and my husband works for one so did find this interesting. Weren’t really any likeable characters and bothered me how much they elaborate on having a sociopath diagnosis or diagnoses in general. Labeling someone in general doesn’t make them or help them get better.

Wouldn’t read again and wouldn’t recommend to just any of my friends.

Thanks to netgalley for my advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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“We are all trying to block out feelings. Doesn’t matter if we use heroin, prescription pills, food, work whatever.” This story is told from a dual POV – Meg, the sister, Cara, the facility manager. The short chapters along with questionable characters and a secluded setting kept the plot moving and the suspense building.

While I did not feel like there was a lot of character development among the supporting cast members, the overall who-done-it mystery kept me engaged in the storyline. I needed to find out who murdered Haley, and it turns out I missed an early clue! I definitely was not expecting the ending.

I also was interested in the subplot storyline of childhood trauma and addiction. It made me curious to explore this more in other reading in the future.

Unfortunately, there were some elements at the end which were slightly unbelievable costing this one a star. So, I suggest allowing your mind to just go with it and enjoy the ride. Also, there were a lot of typos in this ARC that I hope get fixed before the final publication.

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I enjoyed this read by this author and would pick up more by her. It was very original and kept me engaged. Didn't see the end coming! Thanks for the copy!

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From the author of Black Widows comes her latest and highly anticipated, THE CLINIC — a heart-pounding, twisty personal psychological thriller exploring themes of trauma, addiction, and the complex bonds of two sisters that will keep you turning the pages into the wee hours of the morning.

Meg works with Luckie's Casino in LA, California, and uses her specific skill set to catch criminals. She drinks too much, pops pills, and battles her demons and addictions.

After receiving texts from Haley, her sister, a famous actress (who enjoys drama), she first ignores it until she gets the news that Hayley has died in a rehab called The Clinic in the Pacific Northwest.

What happened to Hayley Banks? The headlines are not favorable, from suicide, heroin overdose, or murder.

With her investigative skills, Meg decides to enter the Clinic to find out what happened to her. What kind of treatment are the patients of the Clinic receiving? Are they safe or ethical?

The mansion house was kind of a fairytale, Victorian style, set on a hill overlooking the coast with wrap-around balconies, turrets, fish-scale siding, and a high fence at a maximum security prison.

As soon as she arrives at the Clinic, she senses things are off, not only between the patients but also among the staff. The illusive D. Lutz owns the Clinic. Meg is determined to find out what went on here. Cara is the manager.

Meg and Haley have a complex relationship but care about one another. To solve her sister's murder, she needs to solve herself and figure out the source of her and Haley's childhood trauma.

Cara finds Haley's things and sees her journal. "My name is Haley Banks. I am an addict. The substance I use is human beings. I am out of control. And I don't care."

Who tore out the pages and why?

However, what dangers are lurking inside The Clinic? Will Meg get her answers and come out alive? What happened to Hayley Banks?

Trauma and addiction are vital themes throughout the narrative, with impacts on the characters they carry through life.

I enjoyed the personal story from the author about her rehab and alcoholism and the process of being with other addicts, which was transformative and allowed an understanding of how trauma is at the root of addiction. This experience inspired the fictional version of THE CLINIC.


I enjoyed THE CLINIC immensely. I found Meg's choice of career fascinating and, of course, being brave enough to go undercover at the Clinic to do her sleuthing to find out what happened to her sister, putting herself in harm's way.

Told from alternating POVs, Meg (enjoyed Meg's character the most) and Cara (the Clinic's manager), the setting is atmospheric and gives Gothic vibes. I enjoyed the short chapters and the eerie cryotherapy chamber was scary. With a cast of supporting characters, THE CLINIC is character-driven and deeply psychological —exploring the depths of human resilience, survival, and complex familial bonds.

This is my first book by the author, and I look forward to reading more. For fans of Carol Goodman, Ruth Ware, Rachel Hawkins, Sarah Pearse, Alice Feeney, and Lisa Jewell.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a digital review copy for my honest feedback and the introduction to this talented author.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 4 Stars
Pub Date: Jan 23, 2024
Jan 2024 Must-Read Books
January Newsletter

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