Member Reviews

Wow! This is such a twisted read! It takes you right up to the last page to see the full story play out. Meg is placed in unimaginable situations that span all the emotions. This book has it all, murder, suspense, growing of person, healing, family, friendship, awakening to truth. Must read. I was given an advanced reader copy of this very well written book by NetGalley and I am freely sharing my review.

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When Meg gets word that her sister overdosed at a rehab center and that it was ruled a suicide, she immediately believes that there is another explanation. After all, her sister was not suicidal, nor did she use the drug that killed her. Meg is also an addict and an alcoholic, arguably functional. She decides to go undercover as a patient to investigate her sister's death. Her loved ones want her to focus on treatment but she can totally do both...right?

This was a suspenseful and entertaining thriller. And despite her issues, I like Meg. She had a troubled childhood to which she adapted with unhealthy coping mechanisms. She doesn't have great self awareness preferring to hide from traumatic memories rather than face the pain... until it becomes clear that she must get to the bottom of her trauma to figure out who hurt her sister. Meg showed personal growth which is always nice to see. She also had an interesting job which worked well with her lifestyle.

I had suspicions about what happened to Meg's sister which changed more than once and I was invested in finding out what happened. I loved the description of the rehab facility and the explanation of the treatment method in development.

Somethings seemed a little far fetched... like Meg sneaking drugs and lock picks into a state of the art rehab in her bag and on her person. Also, the prologue does not really make sense once you read the ending. That said, thrillers are meant to be entertaining and I usually allow for some suspension of belief in exchange for fast paced and gripping suspense.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a thriller that had me guessing the whole time. I did not want to stop reading because I needed to know what would happen next. Switching back and forth between Cara and Meg's points of views kept me ready to see what happened next. Being from the Pacific Northwest myself, I could picture the setting in my mind very clearly.

Thank you to SOURCEBOOKS Landmark and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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The narrative brilliantly shifts between perspectives creating a riveting plot with unpredictable twists. The author skillfully addresses addiction and rehab challenges while weaving a suspenseful tale. I was hooked from the first page, embracing the unreliable narrator trope and a cast of characters you can't quite trust. Oh, and don't even get me started on the cover – instant captivation! If you're into gripping mysteries with unexpected turns, “The Clinic” is a must-read. Also, don't miss the author's note; it adds an extra layer to this already special book.

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Add this one to your thriller list- it comes out 1/23/24! The Clinic takes place at a luxury rehab center where a celebrity patient has just died. The patient’s estranged sister suspects foul play, and decides to check into the center herself to find out what really happened. It’s partly a locked room mystery and partly a broader conspiracy as we discover that the center staff have reasons of their own to cover up the truth. The book started off a little slow for me, but it picked up about a third of the way through and finished with lots of great twists and turns- I ended up really enjoying it.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark, NetGalley, and, of course, the author for the early read!

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THE CLINIC was a great book that kept me in suspense. I liked the short chapters and different points of view. It was definitely different than other thrillers that I've read lately and I appreciated that.

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I liked the twist and the mystery. I enjoyed that the characters had personality and flaws. I didn't really care about the MC's past and trauma. There were moments that I just felt I didn't care enough. But I really enjoyed the clinic setting and like I said, the twist was fun.

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This book was top notch, i recommend it to all my reader friends! Thank you so much to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this ARC!

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The Clinic is fast-paced psychological thriller set in a drug rehab center that caters to the rich and famous. When one of its famous clients, Haley, dies under mysterious circumstances, her sister, Meg, who is also an addict, goes undercover to investigate her sibling's death, disbelieving the narrative that the death is a suicide.

I particularly appreciated a few things about this book:

1) The author based the story on her own experience as a patient in rehab.
2) The highly unconventional & unbelievable treatment described in the book is actually being used in some medical settings experimentally.
3) Most thrillers have predictable plots that I am able to guess prior to the ending/big reveal. While I was on the right track in this book, there were still some surprises for me, which is rare.

Overall, this is a great book for people who like short chapters, unreliable narrators, "everyone's a suspect" tropes, and lots of plot twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the end.

Trigger warnings: trauma, suicide/murder, substance abuse.

Thank you to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Landmark, and Cate Quinn for the copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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I stayed up til 2:30 in the morning to finish this book because it got that crazy. An anxiety inducing, twisty thriller that takes place in a luxury rehab center is everything I didn’t know I needed. This heart pounding yet intricately woven multiple POV story enraptures its readers in the tragic death of pop star Haley Banks and her sister who goes undercover at the rehab center to figure out what really happened.

It is mind boggling and all around messed up in the best way. I think Quinn is an incredibly underrated author who has the innate ability to get under her readers skin and trap them in the pages of her writing until the end.

This is truly going to mess with people’s minds when it comes out in January because if I’m staying up til 2:30 to finish it, you know it’s a good one.

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This one starts out slow, remains slow, and ends strangely disconnected. I’m not huge on slow burns but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re bad. The first three quarters of the book, while slow, are honestly really good. It’s a very original idea that’s well written and intriguing. The characters are rich in details, quite possibly my favorite thing about this book is how well each characters personality and quirks are written. Also, the rehab facility itself is a character in its own right. When you’re going to have the majority of your story told in a single setting you really have to nail it. If you dropped me in the clinic I could very likely find my way around with ease which I think really says something about the level of detail Cate Quinn puts in her writing. For me it was a great story that just didn’t stick the landing. While it was unexpected, it was also so far out in left field from what the rest of the story was that it just didn’t feel cohesive.

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Thank you to Cate Quinn, Sourcebook Landmark, and NetGalley for an eARC of The Clinic.

3.5 out of 5 stars

The Clinic is a fast-paced, closed door thriller. The author keeps you on your toes throughout the book, giving equal suspicion on every character and then throwing out a completely wild twist at the end.

Things I loved:

The setting!: The atmosphere of the clinic was just so interestingly written. A gorgeous mansion sitting on the coast and renovated to include a cryo-chamber, spa, gym, and so many other crazy amenities you hear joked about with celebrity rehabs. Quinn did a great job describing the rehab center and truly brought it to life for me.

The crazy cast of characters!: From Meg and Haley to Dr. Lutz and Max. Everyone - patients and staff - had an interesting story and a reason that they may have killed Haley. I honestly didn't know who to suspect until the killer was revealed at the end.

The twist!: I definitely didn't see it coming but did think it could have been set up a bit better throughout the book. It was almost believable to me, but could have benefitted from a tad more foreshadowing.

Things I didn't love:

The relationship wrap up: This started with Haley's relationships and extended to the end with Cara and Meg's relationships. We never really figured out if Haley felt anything for anyone she was involved with. Similarly, I would have loved to hear more about Harry and Meg and Cara and Max's situation. I just didn't think there was enough elaboration and things were left a little too opened ended even with the closure we were given. Also - the random scene with Dex and Meg seemed unnecessary.

The believability of the rehab: I know that this was based on a celebrity rehab, but it almost seemed a bit too over the top. The fact that people wouldn't know Dr. Lutz's history - especially people with that much money was mind boggling. In this day and age, I find it hard to believe no one would have dredged up his past.

Overall I did enjoy this book and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a quick thriller.

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The Clinic is a locked room sort of mystery, set in a creepy, secluded treatment center for the rich and famous. Everyone is a suspect and Cate Quinn keeps you guessing the whole time.

Meg, the sister of ultra-famous country singer Haley, works undercover for an LA casino. When Haley dies - apparently by suicide - while in treatment at The Clinic, Meg decides to use her unique skills to check in and find her sister’s murderer, because she doesn’t believe Haley took her own life.

What sets THE CLINIC apart from other similar thrillers, for me, is the way Quinn writes about addiction. Meg is addicted to opioids and alcohol, and seeing the mystery through her eyes is fascinating. I was not surprised to read, in the acknowledgments, that Quinn was inspired by her own experience in rehab.

I recommend this one to anyone who liked psychological thrillers and creepy settings!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for granting me early access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Clinic is a book about sisters, addiction, rehab, secrets, and gambling. This did not go where I thought it was going to go and yet it was captivating, tense, suspenseful and intriguing.

Meg works to catch cheaters at a casino in LA. When she gets word that her sister, Haley a popular actress had died at a remote celebrity rehab. The cause of death is believed to be suicide, but Meg doesn't buy it. Meg decides to enter the rehab as a patient to address her own addictions as a means of getting to the truth.

Trying to get to the truth while withdrawing from prescription pills and alcohol is not going to be easy. Meg must participate in the program and the unique treatments while wondering who she can trust. Everyone is a suspect, and I was invested in learning if Meg's theories about what happened to Haley are correct.

The remote rehab facility sets the stage and provides atmosphere. There is a sense of tension and danger at the facility. Meg has some interesting interactions there and comes up against a creepy doctor. I also enjoyed the aspect of memory and how our mind tries to make sense of what we are seeing and can affect our thoughts and feelings even when we don't have all the information.

I also liked how the author addressed mental health and addiction. Some people self-medicate the symptoms of their mental illness with drugs and alcohol and sometimes the use of drugs and alcohol can bring on or make mental health symptoms worse.

As I mentioned, I thought the book was going to go one way, but I was WRONG! There was a HUGE twist and reveal which I did not see coming at all! I thought "Hold up, where is this going?". It did go quite a bit into left field, but I rolled with it and enjoyed the ride.

This was a little slow going on at times, but I didn't mind it as I normally would.

Gripping, tense, captivating and shocking.

This book is told through two POV's - Meg and Cara, who works at the rehab. The book addresses mental health, addiction, family secrets, and memory.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. This review is strictly my own.
The Clinic is a captivating story from the beginning. Set in the NW Pacific coast. It's a story of a luxury rehabilitation center that caters to the rich and famous. Murder and lies just keep coming.
You will be taken in from the beginning and never really sure who is guilty or what's happening.

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What a captivating thriller! The clinic by Cate Quinn is set at a remote rehab location for the rich and famous. The story is told from two perspectives. One is Meg, sister to Harley Banks, who died while at this rehab facility. The other is Cara, the manager of the facility. The storyline is excellent and the characters are fantastic. I highly recommend this to thriller lovers! I was fortunate to receive this novel from Netgalley as an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5/5 stars. Thanks to NetGalley for the e-ARC of this book.

This was a WILD ride of a story with some juicy twists and turns along the way, but it was lacking plausibility.

TRIGGER warning: heavy drug and alcohol consumption.

I would absolutely read more by this author and this one was pretty good, but definitely not a 5 star read for me.

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I mean.... wow. While some parts of the endgame felt really implausible, I couldn't put it down. We're talking 448 pages, 115 chapters, 5 hours of nonstop reading. The chapters are quick and will keep you guessing on what's really going down at The Clinic. This book was written with such care as Cate Quinn is an addict herself, and I feel liked it helped us empathize better with her characters. Very quickly we find ourselves grappling with what's real and what's just part of Meg detoxing from her oxycodone addiction. Mix that with the isolation of a rehabilitation facility and the strange rumors about the treatment plan, and you'll be sucked in immediately.

Applause for you, Cate Quinn.

*Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

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Taking my time to savor the pages of this fascinating book over the course of a busy month, I found the storyline's gradual unfolding to be a rewarding journey. The novel's intriguing twists and turns, coupled with the perfect balance of suspense, managed to hold my interest throughout.

Themes of addiction, friendships, and intricate connections were skillfully interwoven, offering a narrative that delves beyond the surface. Despite the absence of a reading buddy to share thoughts and reflections, the exploration of family dynamics and hidden secrets added a compelling layer of complexity that resonated with me.

The author's delicate handling of addiction as a central theme showcased a depth of storytelling, while the narrative seamlessly shifted between past and present, revealing secrets and connections that fueled anticipation. The thematic exploration of family and friends' functions added emotional weight, elevating the story beyond a mere suspenseful tale.

In conclusion, this book is a masterful blend of suspense, thoughtful exploration of relationships, and thematic depth. It invites readers to reflect on the intricacies of human connections and the profound impact of addiction on individuals and their bonds. I wholeheartedly recommend it to those seeking a well-crafted, immersive read that lingers in the mind long after the last page is turned.

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When her sister dies at a clinic, she commits herself into the clinic to find out what happened, and boy, does she ever. Things are going on there. Not good things.

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