Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC! I enjoyed the deep craziness that this book delved into for mental health, addiction and trauma recovery. I wasn’t expecting that ending but it works. And of course, it’s always amazing what having lots of money will buy people. Unfortunately, the publisher needed to check again for the tons of grammar errors in this ARC.

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this book did not disappoint. What a fun story, entertaining from start to finish. Thank you for my copy in exchange for a review.

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4 stars for this wonderfully written Cate Quinn novel.

The Clinic is the story of Meg. She works at an LA casino catching cheaters of the game. Meg is great at her job, one tough cookie and addicted to popping pills. After getting wind that her sister, famous actress Haley Banks, has died in the rehab clinic she was attending Meg spirals. They claim the death as a suicide but Meg refuses to believe this. To uncover the truth, Meg checks herself into the facility and the outcome I did not see coming!

The story unfolds with two POV's...Meg and Cara, the rehab's office manager.

Meg is entirely likable. From beginning to end I was rooting for her. I wanted her to fight her addiction and get her happily ever after.

Cara on the other hand drove me a little bit crazy and wasn't as likable. I don't even know what it was about her but I found her mousy, annoying and struggled connecting with her.

The chapters were short and suspenseful. The patients at the facility, all (washed up famous people), fighting their demons were so interesting. The battle of each (including Meg) dealing with addiction, sobriety and mental health were seriously captivating. So much felt realistic. At times I caught my heart racing with each turning page at what was going to happen next.

There were so many twists and turns I just didn't expect. But also at times (in the beginning) it dragged a little for me. I had a tough time getting into it, but once I did, it took off and I couldn't put it down. The ending of the book was really out there, however. While I did love the excitement and whirlwind of events, I thought the ending coming undone-which I started to piece together (that Hayley was indeed still alive), but never saw the weird scientific part of changing identities. That was OUT THERE FOR ME.

I also kept questioning a few things. I never did understand if the rest of the patients were also in on this or just Hayley. I assumed no one else knew give Hayley was the Dr.'s test. The ending came together to fast for me and felt rushed with some explanations missing.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable read that I'd recommend! I did also very much love reading the author's acknowledgments and hearing about her own story of rehab and fighting addiction. So brave and vulnerable to tell her truths.

Thank you so much to Netgally and Sourcebooks Landmark for this copy in return of my honest, unbiased review!

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The Clinic is a fast paced, hard to put down psychological thriller with an eerie PNW coastline setting. The story is told from two perspectives. Meg has placed herself in this rehab clinic with hopes of solving the mystery of her pop singer sisters death & Cara the manager of The Clinic.

The pace with the alternating POVs and the short chapter held my interest throughout. I did feel at times the story felt inconsistent/jumbled. My mind was racing with theories and conclusions and I felt like the ending had a bit too much going on and we’re quickly told but not delved in.

The book has content surrounding mental health and addiction. I really appreciated the authors note and her sharing her own story. This was my first book by Quinn and I’m curious to check out more.

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This fast-paced, multiple POV kept me guessing every step of the way. A little outlandish but it felt like a modern Agatha Christie-type mystery. Would definitely recommend!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy.

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Meg is a ballsy, undercover security agent for a casino rooting out criminals and loan sharks. She's also addicted to alcohol and pills. When her singer sister, Haley, suddenly commits suicide at a posh drug rehab clinic on the Oregon coast, Meg is sure it's murder and checks herself in. But not without a secretly stashed cell phone and supply of oxy. She clashes with the staff and the other patients determined to find who killed Haley. The setting and visuals would make this an excellent movie. If the Clinic was a spa instead of a rehab everyone would love to spend time there (pool that winds through various areas like a scent cave, sound cave, etc)...minus all the criminal activity of course! The main thing that nags me is that a facility like this would need support staff (cooks, janitors, nurses, etc) and while there's vague mention of nurses and really no need to talk about them throughout the story, when it comes to the climax at the back of your mind you're thinking, "surely there are other people there?" Keeping it vague as not to spoil, at the end regarding Cara and research, that felt ingenuine as she's a trained as a hotel manager.

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In The Clinic one sister checks into a rehab facility undercover to find out why her sister died under their care. But then it started to get creepy with unconventional therapies and a small cast of patients who are all celebrities. While there were definitely some twists but I was not entirely surprised by them. Warning: this book contains trauma and addiction. Also, this author was once in rehab for alcohol addiction! #netgalley #theclinic

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Meg works undercover at a casino catching cheating poker players. When she hears that her famous sister has passed away during another stay at a rehab clinic, she just cannot accept Haley’s death. Meg is determined to find out what really happened at the rehab clinic. The only way to do that is to go to the clinic as an addict. Meg battles her own addiction, so maybe this will be perfect for her and she will finally drop the booze and pills. Will Meg be able to uncover what really happened to Haley at the clinic? Was it suicide, murder, or an overdose? Who can she trust? Meg is about to find out there is so much more going on at the clinic than she could have imagined.

This was my first book by Cate Quinn, and it definitely won’t be my last. I really enjoyed the short chapters, they left me wanting more. I found myself reading just one more chapter many times. I really enjoyed all the different characters and plot twists. Cate Quinn did a fantastic job taking the experience she had in rehab herself and turning it into a fantastic thriller. I highly recommend it to anyone that enjoys thrillers! I give it 4/5 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the advanced copy. This was my first book by this author. Overall it was an enjoyable read. It alternates between the POV of Meg, a troubled addict concerned about the details of her sister’s death, and Cara, a worker at the rehab center where Haley, a famous country singer was found dead. It was decently paced. The beginning was a little hard to get into to ,but the last half of the book flew by.

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3.5 rounded up to 4 stars

This was a quick and easily devoured read by Cate Quinn. I was not sure how I would feel about this book due to the topic of mental health and addiction and my own personal experiences with people going through rehab, but I felt like it gave an honest view on the situation. It contained the thriller feeling while also being respectful of situations that people struggle through on a daily basis. The reality of the situation probably had a lot to do with the fact that Cate Quinn recently went to rehab and experienced the system while healing herself. This added a level of realism that would not have been there if she had not been through the system herself.

Meg works at a casino catching bad guys so when her sister ends up dead in a drug facility she is determined to find out what happened especially after the suspicious phone call she left. She checks herself into the facility to solve the murder of her sister, but it also leads to her own discovery about her own life and her own infliction with addiction to alcohol and drugs.

This rated a 3.5 star due to the lengthy beginning that could have been easily shortened while the ending felt rushed. The fact that the entire process from beginning to end for Meg was chaos I felt like the ending tied up too neatly for everything that happened. I also felt like the two POVs was not entirely necessary as Cara was not a character that I felt connected to or really understood throughout the novel.

Although I had a few issues I felt the novel was a good read and would recommend for people who enjoy a messy thriller with topics of mental health and the system of drug rehabilitation.

Thank you for the e-ARC!

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Thanks so much for the ARC, Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley! This was hands down one of my favorite thrillers that I have read for a while. I loved the premise of this book. A sister goes into the same rehab facility to try to get to the bottom of what happened to her sister. This was full of twists, turns, red herrings and great dialogue. I loved these characters and their backgrounds. Would recommend to others!

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The premise of this book sounded very intriguing. At times it drew me in and then it lost me. Overall, I just could not really get into the book. It just wasn't for me.

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The synopsis of this book hooked me and made me want to read it. I really liked the atmosphere and setting that the book took place. I was engaged and eager to keep reading the entire time. This is definitely a book I will be buying for my shelves.

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This fast-paced thriller following Meg’s admission to rehab to secretly investigate her sister’s alleged suicide while at the clinic didn’t disappoint.

Meg herself is addicted to alcohol and oxy and that along with the effects of treatment and withdrawal make her an unreliable narrator.

This story is full of twists and the other characters are all who they seem and neither are the traumatic events of Meg’s childhood. My favorite part of the book was the characters and I wouldn’t mind Meg’s character becoming a character in a series.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel. 3.5 stars

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Meg is a professional poker player, working in a casino catching loan sharks and cheaters. After an incident with one such bad guy went badly a year ago, Meg pops one too many pain pills to cope, combined with a lot of whiskey. She has taken a much different path than her sister, the beautiful Hollywood star Haley. But after reports surface that Haley committed suicide in a remote rehab facility, she can’t believe her sister would do that. Meg decides the best way to find out what really happened is to check into the rehab herself. In doing so, she is forced to confront her own addictions and the past she has tried so hard to keep buried.

I have read lots of thrillers with isolated settings - locked room is one of my favorite tropes - but the setting of a rehab facility added an extra layer of depth. All of the characters had interesting backstories, and quite frankly, all of them were unreliable. I couldn’t figure out who had a motive to harm Haley, and the twist of who it was totally threw me for a loop! The aspect of the treatment being used in this rehab facility was fascinating to me; it was one I had never heard of before. Though this story was a mystery, at its core was the important message of hope: hope for rehabilitation for addicts. The author painted a very respectful picture and showed just strong people entering rehab and working their programs can be. The author’s note at the end was also an important message.

“The Clinic” releases January 23, 2024. Thank you to Netgalley, Sourcebooks and Cate Quinn for the ARC! This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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" 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝒌𝒏𝒆𝒘 𝒏𝒐 𝒅𝒓𝒖𝒈 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒉𝒆𝒓. 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒃𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎 𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒅𝒊𝒆 𝒊𝒏."

➡️ swipe for synopsis 👉🏼

Special thanks to @netgalley @bookmarked and @catequinnauthor for this #gifted ARC.


Take 2 sisters.
1 gets famous
The other dives deep into the underbelly of the gambling world, catching the bad guys.

Meg can't be bothered by her famous sister Halry, until one day..... Haley dies and Megs life is flipped upside down because there's NO WAY its a suicide.

Meg has demons of her own that she could use some help with so why not try to find out what REALLY happened to Haley at the Clinic , just try not to get caught.
Weird messages start popping up, and feelings that Haley is still there with Meg fuel her to keep looking for answers......but at what cost?!

The ending seemed a little far-fetched for me, but overall, the writing and the whole storyline were great. I really enjoyed the book.

Jan 23, 2024

QOTD ❓️⁉️❓️ Would you or have you ever gotten plastic surgery to change a feature of yours?


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Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC. The book was very atmospheric, with an intriguing plot. I did not find this book to be stand out. It started off well, set in PNW in a remote clinic, but then fell flat for me. I read it and then a week later didn't really remember much about it. I had higher hopes for it.

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I received this digital ARC free and many thanks to NetGalley. The plot kept me hooked until the very end. I did not want to not put this book down. I was interested and riveted to the storyline and characters. If you like a good psychological thriller, then this is a must read.

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Meg and her sister Kate have never really been close. Too much trauma as kids prevented both of them from being close and lead both to being addicts. But when Meg learns Kate died at rehab she knows something is not right and decides to go to the rehab herself to try to learn what really happened to her sister.
The story alternates between Meg’s perspective and Cara’s who is the manager at the Clinic. What unfolds is a twisted tale of corruption, deceit, and secrets that all lead to a wonderful twisty ending. I loved the way the story evolves and how Meg has so much self discovery on the way. The author did an amazing job of showing a different side to the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder and It was interesting to learn that some of it was based on her own experience in rehab.
Thank you to Netgalley and to the publishers for allowing me to read this advanced copy.

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"The Clinic" by Cate Quinn was a psychological thriller set in a rehab center in the Pacific northwest. I would give it a 3.5 stars if I could. It was slow to start and build the characters and plot, but it did pick up about halfway through. The ending was unexpected and fabulously crafted plot twist.

Meg works in a casino to catch cheaters and has a pain pill and alcohol addiction. She checks herself into the same rehab center where her sister died to investigate the circumstances surrounding her death. This book does an excellent job presenting the life cycles of addiction, recovery and relapse. The book is told from several points of view, with Meg and the clinic manager, Cara as the main two.

The Clinic is definitely a luxurious rehab facility attracting the rich and famous. The patients at the rehab center is who Meg focuses her attention on to determine what happened to her sister.

Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to read this ARC and give my honest review.

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