Member Reviews

Meg and her sister Haley couldn't be more different. Meg spends her days working in casinos to catch cheaters while also popping too many pain pills to deal with an old injury. Haley is a famous pop star who is spending sometime in a rehab facility. Haley and Meg don't talk much but when it becomes national news that Haley dies of a drug overdose in rehab Meg knows she has to do something. Meg decides to go undercover as a patient in the rehab facility. While there she works to find out what happened to her sister, uncovers some traumatic memories form her childhood, and realized that there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than expected.

The narration of this book switches from Meg to Cara, who is an employee at the facility. I did find myself getting bored while reading Cara's chapters since they were mostly about the history of the facility as well as explaining the treatments they offer there. Meg's chapters were when all the action occurs. She is finding out more and more about Haley and her relationship with the other patients in the facility.

This fast-paced thriller is something I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a good nail-biter with a twist at the end you would never see coming. Huge thank you to Cate Quinn and NetGalley for sending me this ARC!

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I will not be surprised when I see the movie adaptation to "The Clinic" on the big screen! This was such a good book. I was not expecting that twist at the end!

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It was an interesting premise, the plot moved soo slowly. The character jumping had me confused at first, but once I figured out who was who, I quickly decided that I didn't like Meg. I don't know why exactly, she just was unlikable.

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*****I received this ebook free from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review.

This story is about a sister who goes into a rehab clinic to prove the death of her sister wasn’t suicide. This book has a lot of twists and turns, especially the further into it you get. Overall it was a really enjoyable read.

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I slogged through this - for some reason it took me a couple weeks to finish as I kept picking it up only to put it right back down again. Nothing really grabbed me, neither viewpoint of Meg or Cara was all that interesting to me and I honestly found it a bit too far fetched in places. I understand this is fiction but still.

Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read in exchange for my review. It just wasn't for me.

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3 stars!

I don't have too much to say on this one - it's an enjoyable read, a bit predictable at times but there are a few twists! I would have preferred for it to be a bit faster paced, but that's just a personal preference.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.

This book is full of twists, secrets, and lies. Although I thought this book was very predictable; I also found it quite enjoyable. I didn’t find the characters relatable but I did find them entertaining. I do wish the book had been a bit longer and the characters stories were more in depth. I don’t feel like we really knew much about any of them.

I do think the mystery loving book readers will enjoy this book for the most part. It’s super fast pace and easy to follow.

3 stars!

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I would like to thank NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this ARC of The Clinic by Cate Quinn. Meg works for a casino in LA. Haley, her sister, is a famous actress. Reports suddenly surface of her sister dying at the remote rehab facility that she was forced to go to in order to get her addictions under control. Some say suicide. Meg does not believe it though. In order to find out what actually happened to her sister, she checks herself in. By doing this, Meg can investigate what actually happened from the inside of the rehab facility. The twists and turns in this book though! I would recommend if you like mysteries and psychological thrillers! I cannot wait to read Cate's next book! 😍❤️😍

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Though she is an addict herself Meg goes in undercover to a rehab facility to find out and uncover to find out what exactly happened to her sister who died. I feel like this book kept me on my toes trying to figure out what the twists were going to be. There are not many books that can keep me engaged like this and not have me knowing what the twist is going to be but this one definitely did. This is definitely a book I will be picking up a physical copy for my library as I will definitely be going back to do a reread to see if there were bread crumbs or anything that I might have missed! I would reccomend if you like physiological thrillers and will be reading more of Cate Quinn in the future!

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Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for this ARC. Meg works for casinos catching cheaters and finds out her famous sister died while in a posh rehab facility; Meg decides to infiltrate the clinic to find her sisters killer while maybe tackling her own substance issues. While everyone in the clinic is a suspect, Meg must root thru the other residence rehabbers and their secrets and motives. All is not as it seems in this facility from the hippie owner to questionable practices. None of the main characters are particularly likeable; tho the minor characters are much more relatable. Being 383 pages, it’s about 100 too many and seemed to drag getting to the end where the twists of Megs fedora and lady imagines was kinda of a deflatable letdown.

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3.5 rounded up to 4 for originality of the plot. Even with such an outlandish ending!
Meg is a drug addicted undercover who checks into a rehab to try to solve her sister Hayley's death. But ends up uncovering so much more!
The story is told from 2 points of view: Meg, the addict, somewhat likeable, and Cara, nurse at the clinic, very unlikeable.
Some of the plot was hard to believe. For example, how Meg snuck in all that oxy considering she was popping quite a few at a time.
Or the ending...that got wild!
Over all I enjoyed it, and would love to see this as a movie.
Thank you, Netgalley, publisher, and author for the ARC.

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This was my first time reading Cate Quinn and I’m so happy I read this book! I really liked the multiple POVs and how we get to know each character fully. There’s a lot of trauma, but it was written so well throughout the story and it didn’t feel over the top or too much. I couldn’t put this book down and the short chapters didn’t help with the situation lol! Loved the plot twist, truly didn’t see it coming. Thank you Cate Quinn, NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this digital arc.

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An interesting,fictional look behind the scenes at an exclusive rehab,where the cogs are controlled by egotistical money and notoriety seeking individuals.

The heroine,Meg,enters the rehab facility in the hopes of finding answers surrounding the supposed suicide of her sister. In the process she exposes some ugly truths about people who profess to have her best intrests at heart.

This was my first Cate Quinn novel and I enjoyed her writing. She created an errie atmosphere which suited the location of the "clinic", it's quirky staff and the deeply troubld patients. Quinn did a terrific job keeping readers guessing if the heroine was a credible source of truth or if her POV was scewed by memories, drugs, mental illness or a combination.

In the end there where a few unexpected twists and theories that I considered that were totally wrong.
A great read when you are in the mood for an atmospheric suspense!

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This book was a great read. So many twists and turns that I did not expect. I wish it moved a little faster though, there were some slow parts.

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Review of Advance Reader’s Edition

While famed singer/actress Haley Banks struggles with her addiction at The Clinic, her alcoholic sister, Meg, works at Luckie’s Casino, catching cheaters. The Clinic, elite and isolated, is where Haley dies, a suicide victim.

Or is she?

Meg, unable to accept that her older sister committed suicide, checks herself into The Clinic in order to find the truth about Haley’s death.

What will Meg find? And will it be her final act?


Told alternately from the viewpoints of Meg and Cara, the unfolding narrative, with its unexpected revelations, keeps readers guessing. Will someone really kill to protect those closely held secrets?

Short chapters help to keep the story moving as the suspense continues to build; the characters, often unlikable, evolve throughout the telling of the tale. With a strong sense of place . . . and a distinctly creepy factor . . . this tale of addiction and rehab is often compelling.

Readers who enjoy psychological mysteries and creepy tales will find much to appreciate here. But they are likely to be frustrated by the needless overuse of a particularly offensive expletive that lowers the rating for this book.

I received a free copy of this book from SOURCEBOKS Landmark, Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review.
#TheClinic #NetGalley

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Cate Quinn's 'The Clinic' stands out as a skillfully crafted and thoroughly enjoyable novel. The narrative unfolds with a strong emphasis on characters, presenting a diverse cast with histories that are both captivating and unique. Short chapters, a personal favorite, contribute to the book's engaging pace, ensuring the story constantly evolves.

The dual perspectives of two distinct characters add an intriguing layer to the narrative. Notably, Quinn's personal experiences in rehab lend authenticity to the story, creating a genuine atmosphere. The evident dedication to research, including consultations with experts and exploration of experiences similar to the characters', enhances the overall immersive quality of the book.

A highlight of 'The Clinic' is the array of characters with distinct personalities. Even initially unlikable characters, such as Meg with her snarky attitude, become endearing as the story progresses.

Quinn adeptly weaves reality throughout the narrative, leading readers to grapple with uncertainties alongside the characters. This element adds depth to the psychological thriller aspect of the story.

The book features several significant twists that maintain reader engagement, with the main twist executed particularly well and delivering a surprising impact. While some twists might test believability, they contribute to the thrilling nature of the story.

What sets this book apart is its responsible portrayal of addiction and positive depiction of neurodiversity. Unlike the clichéd portrayal of these themes as inherently negative, 'The Clinic' accurately portrays them without moral judgment.

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This captured my attention really quickly and the short chapters kept the pace moving at a fast clip throughout.

Overall I found this to be a riveting psychological thriller and I thought the themes of addiction and the rehab setting was a unique plot line. I did find some of the twists and the resolution of the total story to be a little too “out there” for it to be a five star read for me, but it was unpredictable and enjoyable still!

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This murder mystery, set in a closed environment -- an elite rehab facility -- leaves the reader guessing until the very end. The treatments seemed a little over-the-top extravagant and bizarre, but the facility caters to famous, wealthy people, and I've never been an addict, so how would I know?! The who-done-it reveal at the end was completely unexpected.

I gave this book a solid four stars. It would have been five except that the characters (author?) knew of zero ways of expressing anger, frustration, or surprise except by dropping the f-bomb. It exploded all over the place and thus lost its effectiveness and became wearisome.. A more rich and colorful use of language would have greatly improved the book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The Clinic is a worthy thriller if you love institutional deception mysteries! It is so clear that Cate Quinn took her time to really care about her characters and give them each a distinct, yet fluid, personality that evolves and reveals itself throughout the story. This is very character-driven, and I loved it. Thank you to the publishers at NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for sending me an e-ARC for review!

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3.5 stars. I really enjoyed this story about people in a detox center and the harrowing mystery regarding a death in the center. I found some of the medical info regarding detox was incorrect as I worked in this field. Pick this up, it will keep you on the edge of your seat. Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the arc read in exchange for an honest review!

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