Member Reviews

Sisters might drift apart, but their bond can’t be broken.

Meg is shocked to find out her sister has died at a remote rehab facility. They haven’t been close in years, but Meg knows the rumors of Haley committing suicide are false. Determined to found out the truth she decides to enter the facility. Meg is surrounded by an array of suspects, yet facing her own demons to get answers might be her demise.

This novel started out with suspense and the need for answers. Yet, after a few chapters the story’s pace slowed down. I wanted action or something to keep me reading, but it took a while to reignite my interest. Meg and her determination were the highlight of this novel.

Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this e-ARC.

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WOW! I haven’t had a book grab my attention so fast and held it all the way through till the end. There were so many twist and turns in this book. Amazing story line and characters! Highly Highly Recommend!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for providing me this advance reader copy of The Clinic by Cate Quinn in exchange for my honest review - The Clinic is out right at the start of next year, January 23, 2024!

I was lulled into the plot of this one so hard by the premise, and we had a really good start - our protagonist Meg is an undercover poker player (she's not a cop, it's never really established?), but she also is an addict, pegging her as an unreliable narrator. This one flips back and forth between Meg's POV and the POV of a character named Cara. To be honest, Cara's POV chapters didn't add anything to this story - she had a half backstory that didn't really add anything to further the plot, so I had trouble connecting why she was going to become a character that gets her own POV. The plot starts off strong, with Meg going undercover as a patient to figure out what happened to her sister Haley, who mysteriously overdosed while a patient at The Clinic - after Meg arrives, things start to spiral out of control, including the trajectory of the plot. It was disjointed, confusing and got to a really unrealistic endpoint, that ultimately didn't wrap up. The ending was my biggest critique with this book, because everything wrapped up nicely in a little bow, and some of the "reveals" weren't followed through (ex - Meg's brain imaging etc.) and ended up meaning nothing to the end of the book. I'm really disappointed I didn't like this more, because I was really intrigued by the premise.

One thing the author does really well is talk about some of the feelings surrounding the cycle of addiction - I read in her acknowledgements that this book was derived from her own experiences with alcohol, and I'm really proud that she's in a good place and channeled this into a book, I just wish the execution would have been a bit different.

Thank you again to NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC - The Clinic is out 1/23/24!

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Theres not much better than starting a new book and not wanting to stop it! The Clinic had my attention and held my attention. I couldnt read it fast enough!

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Not sure how I felt about this book. Had started off greT with the casino part then got into the rehab abs I found it frustrating and too much going on with the people and the cops. Sometimes less is better.
The twists were good, but overall just an OK read.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an early release of this book.

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A big thank you to Netgalley, publishers, and author, Cate Quinn, for allowing me to read an early copy of The Clinic. The review is mine with no outside influence.

The Clinic is about a rehab for the wealthy, run by a shady doctor, and comes under scrutiny when one of the famous addicts dies. While the premise is good, the execution could have used some work. First the cons: there are too many different storylines or elements all happening at the same time. Suspicious death, mysterious (possibly dangerous), addicts with all different backstories (most of which are not fully flushed out which would have helped the reader connect to the characters, but would have made the story even more complicated), small town police, questionable love (at least attraction) story, childhood trauma, drug/alcohol addiction, and I think there are a few I am missing that all made this story a bit convoluted. While all the idea and stories connected, a few were a reach at best and some were not needed at all.

It felt at times the story had trouble getting started. Some people referred to this as a "slow burn." in my opinion, it was not so much a slow burn, and more the author had a lot to say during the action, but just had trouble getting started. Once the action started, there was a massive dump of information that felt less thriller and more over share.

Here are the pros: Most of the characters (what you could connect with, anyway) were likable. Flawed, but human - relatable in many ways. The story was well written and did actually make sense once it was finishing. The twists and turns were fun. Comfortably predictable, but executed well. There was just a lot of the story that did not need to be included to make it a good read. It is a good thriller, a fun who-did-it, and as a whole, enjoyable! 3.5 stars

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Thank you to Sourcebooks and Netgalley for my copy of THE CLINIC by Cate Quinn, out 1/23/24!

This thriller is set at a remote rehab clinic. It follows Meg, who pops too many pills and catches cheaters at casinos, who discovers her famous sister Haley has been found dead at this clinic. With whispers of suicide or an overdose, Meg doesn’t believe it. So, she checks herself into the rehab to find our firsthand what happened.

While she battles her own addiction, she tries to figure out who she can trust as she seeks out the truth. This book is very readable, but it is ABSURD! I read it super fast because the chapters are short and choppy, but some of the female characters were hard to distinguish which made the plot twist less fun than it could have been.

Definitely interesting to learn that the author spent her own time at a rehab clinic, making some of the experience authentic and believable. The acknowledgements section is superb. The twist just makes you suspend all disbelief and I couldn’t get past it. Definitely a unique setting and story, so I’ll give her that!

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An excellently blended combination of suspenseful thriller. Meg learns her sister has died in a clinic that caters to the rich and famous. She is told her death is due to an overdose, but she refuses to believe it. So she checks herself in hoping to get more answers, but what she uncovers are secrets that people will kill to keep.

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I love me a good unreliable narrator trope and being a thriller set at an isolated rehab clinic on the coast, I was even more hooked. The very short chapters and frequently alternating POVs kept the story moving quickly and while I had some suspicions, I definitely did not guess how the ending would go overall. My first by Cate Quinn and definitely will not be my last.

Thank you so much Netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for my review copy!

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Very original concept that I enjoyed most of the way but the ending felt6 a tad far fetched.

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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I really enjoyed this psychological thriller,
Meg is an undercover security agent for a casino. She becomes addicted to oxy after a tough case resulting in a shoulder injury. Meg’s sister Haley is a music star currently in rehab in a luxury rehab center. After Meg hears that Haley commits suicide - she can’t believe it. Meg checks herself into the rehab to find out what really happened.

There are so many twist in this story. I loved the short chapters and multiple view points. I didn’t see the end coming.

Thank you to Netgalley and Sorcebooks for an advance digital copy.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a very thrilling suspenseful read. The book was simple and short which is exactly what readers need sometimes to get through reading ruts.

Meg finds out her sister has died in rehab and ends up becoming a patient there to find out the truth behind her sister’s death. Needless to say.. the clinic is full of secrets and not the most ethical treatments. Can Meg survive the treatments to find out what actually happened to her sister?

Thank you Netgalley for this read in exchange for an honest review. This is a perfect book for a gloomy weekend. The Clinic will be published on January 23, 2024!

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I give it a 3 outta 5.
A story of a luxury rehab facility that has a dark side. Rockstars, actors and anyone who can afford the cost of a beautiful rehab facility in the middle of a backcountry town. A death that not only rocks the residents and the town’s police department but the dead girls sister who an addict her self. She must find out the truth in her sister’s death. Not trusting a sole she must uncover her sister’s murder and the truth behind her own addiction before it’s too late. The book started out kinda slowly and then the end felt a bit rushed. But definitely kept you wanting to read.

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Cate Quinn's The Clinic is a captivating psychological thriller that delves into the dark side of the medical industry and the desperation of those seeking extraordinary treatments. The story follows Meg, a troubled poker player struggling with addiction, who is drawn into the mysterious world of Serenity Grove, an exclusive rehabilitation facility renowned for its unconventional methods.

Quinn masterfully creates a sense of suspense and unease, gradually revealing the sinister secrets that lie beneath the clinic's seemingly idyllic façade. The narrative is driven by Meg's internal struggles and her growing suspicion that something sinister is at play within the clinic's walls.

The characters in The Clinic are well-developed and complex, each carrying their own burdens and motivations. Meg is a compelling protagonist, a flawed but relatable character grappling with her own demons and wrestling with the ethical implications of the clinic's practices. The supporting cast, including the enigmatic staff members and the fellow patients, adds depth and intrigue to the story.

The novel's plot is tightly woven, with each chapter revealing new twists and turns. Quinn skillfully manipulates the narrative, keeping the reader guessing and maintaining a sense of suspense and uncertainty. The pace is brisk, with the story unfolding at a steady clip that never loses its momentum.

While The Clinic is a suspenseful and engrossing read, there are a few aspects that could have been further developed. The exploration of the psychological impact of addiction and the ethical implications of the clinic's experimental treatments could have been more in-depth, adding an extra layer of complexity to the story. Additionally, the resolution felt somewhat abrupt, leaving some questions unanswered and the overall conclusion slightly less satisfying than it could have been.

Overall, The Clinic is a well-written and engrossing psychological thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The novel's exploration of the dark side of the medical field and the desperation of those seeking extraordinary treatments is both thought-provoking and suspenseful. While the ending could have been more developed, the novel's overall strengths make it a worthwhile read for fans of psychological thrillers.

Here's a summary of the pros and cons:


Gripping and suspenseful plot
Well-developed and complex characters
Palpable sense of suspense and unease

Psychological impact of addiction and ethical implications could have been explored in more depth
Abrupt resolution leaving some questions unanswered
I would recommend The Clinic to fans of psychological thrillers who enjoy a suspenseful story with complex characters and thought-provoking themes.

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I was given this book by NetGalley for an honest review-
Meg has an addiction. Her sister Hailey is an actress and also has an addiction,
When Meg hears Hailey died at a rehab facility where they claim it was suicide- she doesn’t believe it and decides to Check into the same facility to find the answer. Can she find the answer? Can she cure her addiction?

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This was a good book, though I found the beginning a tad slow the ending certainly made up for it. The chapters are all short, many only a few pages long, this works in some situations but sometimes the story picks up right after the end of the previous chapter. Meg works in a Las Vegas casino as an undercover sting operator, trying to catch guys that are offering gamblers loans to continue playing, though the loans come with insanely high interest. Meg is also addicted to Oxy after injuring her shoulder getting into an altercation with some loan sharks that didn't like her trying to stop their business. She gets news that her sister, Haley, a popular singer, has died after attending a rehab clinic in the pacific northwest. Meg doesn't believe her sister would commit suicide (the reason given for her death), and decides to enter the clinic as a patient to discover what happened. Meg smuggles in a burner phone and Oxy, and her investigation seems scattershot to begin with, seemingly everyone is a suspect. Meg is also targeted and nearly drowns at one point. Meg is persistent and is able to finally figure out what happened, I had figured out the bad person by that point, but there was a twist that I didn't see coming, somewhat far fetched. I enjoyed this book and I would recommend. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Source Landmark books for the ARC.

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A Trip through Crazy Land

This was a great cross between a psychological thriller and a suspense novel. Fascinating characters, an addictive plot, Enough twists and turns to keep you reading straight through. Hard to tell who was a good guy or a bad guy, and some were both. What a trip into the strange and quirky minds of addicts. Not all the addicts were in rehab for treatment either. Loved it.

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This is actually the second book I read from this author (loved Black Widows) so I knew going into this I already enjoyed this authors writing style.

Overall I thought this was a very enjoyable read! It was a little longer than I expected it would be (I actually gasped when I saw 115 chapters in the beginning) but the story flowed very nicely and didn’t seem to drag on at all.

There was a small part towards the ending of the story that I somewhat guessed, but it didn’t completely ruin the ending for me and I still enjoyed it a lot.

I do want to also note I think the book was very well written and I feel a lot of research was put into this. The author did a very good job and I will definitely read her future books as well.

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The Clinic supplied an eerie atmosphere and plenty of suspense. A celebrity rehab mansion hidden and deliberately kept off the grid to protect the client’s privacy. Secluded deep in the woods, surrounded by barbwire fences and inaccessible during high tide and foggy conditions. Ooh, love the setting! So, singer Haley Banks becomes a patient as a last stitched effort to clean up her act and save her career and unfortunately is found dead. Meg, Haley’s sister doesn’t buy the cause of death and decides to go undercover and investigate. If you have any knowledge of intake procedure in a rehab/psychiatric hospital, put that aside—this place is unconventional to say the least. Meg meets quite the cast of suspects when she enters rehab and can’t seem to narrow down her list. She’s not the only one of the case either, enter the small town cops that will give you a good chuckle! Time is of the essence though and Meg must figure out the truth about Haley before she becomes the next victim. I was addicted the whole time and flew through the short chapters. The ending was intense and full of suspense!

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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This thriller about a woman investigating her sister’s murder at a celebrity rehab clinic really had me guessing until the end and the plot went to places I never expected. The story unfolds from two perspectives. Meg, who has issues and addictions of her own, checks into the clinic under an assumed name because she doesn’t believe that her sister died from an overdose and Cara, the clinic’s manager, who begins to suspect things are not what they seem and starts her own investigation. Twist and turns ensue.


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