Member Reviews

THE CLINIC by Cate Quinn is a rollicking roller coaster of a ride (say THAT three times fast) that left me breathless and turning pages way past my bedtime.

When Meg, security at a casino learns that her sister Haley has died, she can’t believe the very finding that it was suicide. After all, Haley was 27 years old and had the world at her feet. After enduring a horrible upbringing both Meg and Haley have addiction issues. Is it any wonder? When Meg is told that her sister was in a high end, rehab at the time of her death, Meg decides to check in herself to figure out what really happened to Haley. Although her boyfriend Harry encourages her to get her own addictions under control while there, Meg is merely there to gather evidence. We meet the owner, Dr. Lutz, the psychologist Dr. Max , the manager/nurse, ratchet, Cara, and a few of her fellow inmates, I mean patients. And who keeps sending her messages to leave? As Maggie gets closer to the truth, she reluctantly finds herself really caring about her fellow participants and learning much about herself. Research, experimental treatments, cryotherapy, all staff members with a violent past are just some of the issues that Meg faces in her search for the truth. And the ending blew my mind. I did NOT see that coming!

This one had me hooked from the get-go. There seemed to be a new twist with every page turned, and it kept my heart pulsing throughout. I could hear footsteps in the tiled hallway and felt the extreme cold of the cryotherapy chamber. I love any book that will make me an active participant, sort of a fly on the wall. I really enjoy Kate Quinn’s writing style and will certainly add her to my list of authors to follow.

Thank you to NetGalley and source books for this arc opportunity. All opinions are my own and given voluntarily.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC of The Clinic by Cate Quinn, published by Sourcebooks Landmark

Written from two viewpoints, all current day events, Cara is an employee of the Detox facility, she has recently been hired to manage the detox center, and Meg who is an alcoholic and user of drugs, she has reluctantly admitted herself in order to find out more of what happened to her sister in the facility. As the story unfolds we learn more about Cara's background and what led to her being employed here. We also learn more about Meg's past and her relationship with her sister

When I started reading this novel i thought it was going to be great, I like how it started and how the characters were introduced.  Then it got boring for me and I just wasn't engaged in the story or the characters. Maybe its cause the story jumped between the two narrators too much, or at times I found the events a little far fetched and not believable, I felt it wasn't how things would really have happened. I had a hard time connecting with the characters I just got bored reading because I honestly thought the concept and overview was great when I requested this book. I think maybe it took too long for things to happen. The twist at the end did surprise me however and  was well thought out, well played.
I'm sure others enjoyed the novel more than I did. I would still read another novel by this author

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Thank you to NetGalley and Source Books for allowing me to read this eARC of “The Clinic” by Cate Quinn in exchange for my honest review. This book releases January 23, 2024.
Unfortunately, this book was a 1/5 stars. I understand that ARCs are not necessarily final copies of the book, but I don’t think this book has ever even been touched by an editor, and if so, they need a new job. The amount of grammatical, spelling, and overall errors within the first 100 pages made this unreadable. The female police officer literally switches from female, to a male character, then back to female. I had to go back and check twice to make sure I was reading it correctly, and yes, it was true. Additionally, I have personally worked in the addictions field for years and although this book was an incredible idea, it was just too unbelievable, even for fiction. The entire story was so unrealistic that it wasn’t even interesting anymore. With that being said, I absolutely commend the author for being open and honest about her own addiction and experiences. She shared that this was her first time writing a book while sober, which is amazing accomplishment. The cover is great and it had a great premise, but it just didn’t deliver.

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I had high hopes for The Clinic based off the description and it did not disappoint. Megan is facing her own additions when she learns of her sister, Haley’s suicide at the rehab facility. Megan doesn’t think this seems right and she decided to check herself into the clinic to find out what’s really going on. Was this really a suicide or is something more sinister going on?

I really enjoyed that this book was told from two perspectives. We get Meg’s take as a patient at the clinic and Cara’s take as the clinic manager. I found myself flying to pages trying to figure out what’s going on with the patients as well as the staff. Someone must be lying but who is it?!

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An interesting twisty plot as an addict goes undercover at a celeb rehab place investigating the death of her sister. What could go wrong? Interesting premise and characters.

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Interesting premise, story gets a little complicated but stick with it! Well written.and keeps your attention.

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It took a few days and I loved every word. While typically reading about addicts is a trigger for me due to my family history, this book was a perfect blend of sci-fi, mystery, and thriller. The characters were wrote perfectly. I loved the surprise twist of Haley/Jade.

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Haley Banks, the world renowned singer, has died of apparent suicide from shooting heroin while inside a rehab facility!

Meg, Haley Banks’ sister, can’t believe what she’s seeing on the television. She hasn’t talked to her sister in years, but she knows in her heart that her sister would never commit suicide. Meg is struggling with her own drug addiction from a shoulder injury she sustained from work. She dulls the pain with oxy and liquor, but she’s also numbing the nightmares that creep inside her mind.

Meg knows that someone killed her sister, and the only way to investigate the truth is to admit herself into the rehab facility and seek the truth. There’s a lot of famous patients lurking inside and they’ll do anything to cover up the truth.

This was a creepy, locked room thriller that follows the lives of Meg and Cara. Cara is a caretaker inside the rehab facility that has been doing her own bit of investigating into the strange death of Haley, as well as, digging up the bizarre truth about the mastermind behind the facility.

Buckle up for this book because there are SO. MANY. TWISTS! Just when you think it’s over, the author surprises you with more intriguing secrets!

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It's November, and I'll say that The Clinic by Cate Quinn is one of the best books I've read this year.

The Clinic is a top-tier thriller, with twists, turns, and celebrity intrigue. I was drawn to the backstory of every flawed character. This is the kind of book you could read in a day, but choose to savour because you don't want it to end.

The story is told through multiple POV and the transitions are very easy to follow. I loved the amount of action the story had and how the past actions of characters slowly get revealed. I seriously loved this book. I've added Cate Quinn's previous book, Black Widows, to my TBR because this one was so good.

Thank you to @bookmarked and @netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Clinic centers around Meg who works at a casino in Los Angeles. Meg’s life is vastly different than her famous actress sister Haley’s. Soon Meg starts seeing headlines and hearing rumors that her sister has died at a remote rehab facility located in the Pacific Northwest where she went to treat her addictions. In order to find out what happened to Haley, Meg decides to check herself into the rehab facility and investigate undercover. Secretly Meg is battling her own addictions and she quickly discovers that finding the truth will be much harder than she anticipated- especially since she's far away from anyone who can help her.

This is my first read by Cate Quinn and overall I found The Clinic to be an atmospheric, and entertaining thriller with a surprising twist. I loved how the book tackles mental health and delves deep into addiction. I did think that the book was a bit too long, if shortened it would have made a great popcorn thriller. But I do see a lot of readers really enjoying it and I would recommend it to those who enjoy a good thriller.

The Clinic by Cate Quinn will be available on January 23, 2024. Many thanks to Sourcebooks and NetGalley for the gifted copy!

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This book has fairly short chapters so while the number of chapters may be daunting, it ends up being a really fast read. In part to the short chapters just one more! And in part due to the nature of the book.
I really wanted to know what mystery Meg was hiding from and what Haley had worked through before she died. I wanted to know who was responsible for Haley's death almost as bad as her sister. I liked the dual POVs between Meg and Cara, the manager of the clinic. It really helped build the suspense surrounding the mystery of whodunit and what is actually going on.
There are some things you may figure out but I'll tell you there's one twist that you'll be like what?!
There's not much else to say to keep this spoiler free, but if you're looking at this book, pick it up. The author hooks you very early on and while reading about addicts and withdrawals may be hard, I think it made the story...more. An incredible job.

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I had a hard time getting through this one. What started with a lot of promise soon turned into having to overlook way too many glaring plot holes. So much is unrealistic.
Why didn’t Meg have a strip search at intake? And why are patients just allowed wander around as they please? Both of the narrators had very similar voices, so I found it hard to keep them straight. Overall, there was way too much going on, but none of it interesting enough to keep me engaged.

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I received this from

I mean, really, kudos to the author for getting clean and sober. But this story was not for me. I struggled to keep the characters straight, the women just blurred together and sounded too much alike.


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Unfortunately a dnf for me. I got 30% into this one and the premise is just so silly. I had high hopes for this one but it just wasn’t for me.

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The Clinic is a mystery and thriller about a girl trying to solve the mystery of her older sisters murder. This book requires willing suspension of disbelief and if you can do that, it’s an entertaining read. If you can’t, it will annoy the pants off of you. From the earliest scenes everything is just so unbelievable from a female officer bringing her infant with her to investigate a crime scene to the literal last scene which in an effort of avoiding spoilers, I won’t disclose.

The book is told by two different narrators who sound identical. In fact all of the characters have such similar voices, it’s nearly impossible to distinguish them from one another. As for the two narrators, I didn’t see the point beyond giving the reader something to keep the story moving. The story by and large had nothing to do with Cara, the clinic caretaker (administrator?), but about half the story is told from her perspective and at the end, unbelievably, she departs from her carefully curated character completely and any scruples she had with the ethics of how things operated were forgotten or despised with no explanation. Meg herself gets a diagnosis in the latter part of the book that just kind of seems to happen to her and only after that are the symptoms revealed - it’s like the author just decided to give Meg have this diagnosis today. And it left me scratching my head a little. One of the characters is allegedly British nobility and without that detail, he might have been more believable. He was not believable as a Brit.

Truthfully, the story was fun and it didn’t take any amount of exertion on my part to want to read it. About 20% of the way into the story, you’re invested in the outcome and the chapters are short enough to make you want to keep going long into the night. It wasn’t a bad story. It just isn’t a story that will easily transport you into another world because it takes some effort to not get distracted by more unbelievable aspects throughout.

I’d like to thank Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was a fast pace book that I enjoyed so much more then I ever thought I would and now I need a physical
Copy of it

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I absolutely enjoyed this book. I'd like to thank netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

When I first read the about for The Clinic, I thought it was so intrigued and thought it was so unlike any book.

From the beginning this book held my interest. Please check your tw as this book talks about suicide and drug and alcohol use. It is often hard to believe when we hear a loved one commits suicide, so when Meg, who is an undercover agent hears the news of her sisters suicide while she was in rehab, she is determined to learn the truth. However, she must get through many webs to uncover the truth, and part of that is dealing with her own addiction.
This book had so many twists and turns and it was so enjoyable.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Cate Quinn for this early release copy of The Clinic.

This story delves into addiction, mental health, and sobriety in a sensitive and appropriate way. Where other authors exploit these topics in a less than respectful way, Cate address her characters stories with care. Though I think The Clinic started a bit slow, I wasn’t complaining to have the foundation when things started to pick up halfway through. I think if you go in knowing it’s a bit of a slow burn start, you’ll be prepared to stick with it until it picks up!

Who can Meg trust in the clinic where her sister passed away. She’ll sneak in to find out what really happened to her sister and face her own demons in the process.

Shout out to Cate for shorter chapters. That always helps readers stay engaged! The good twists throughout the book also help… I definitely recommend The Clinic!

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I was excited when NetGalley approved me to read Cate Quinn’s The Clinic. It shouldn’t have taken me so long to finish it, but I was struggling to keep at it when I read the first few chapters. I’m a thriller fan, so when the first few scenes seemed to read more like a crime story, I began reading in fragments. I’m not a huge fan of reading crime stories, but I don’t hate them either, so I kept pushing. I also found Meg to be unlikable, which makes sense since it’s a common go-to response toward an addict that has burned their bridges. So, the fact that I felt genuine empathy for Meg as the novel progressed really spoke on the ability of the author. Once I crossed the threshold of slow reading, I couldn’t put the book down. I enjoyed seeing how the different elements in The Clinic came into play, such as addiction, psychological trauma, and emotions. I commend Quinn for not taking the obvious route when it came to the man with the fedora hat. It would’ve been too easy to make Meg’s trauma centered on it, but I, unfortunately, found the truth of the man on the fedora lacking. Almost rushed even. I didn’t think his presence was enough and what seemed like a central figure in Meg and Haley’s life became almost a passing thought of a person. I was caught off guard at the big reveal toward the end, which was nicely done. Sometimes things seemed to be too neatly tied up to avoid loose ends, but that’s my opinion. I read that this was Quinn’s first novel she wrote sober, and I applaud that. This is my first time reading anything by her, and this one was definitely a four-star worthy work.

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Wrecked and near ruin.

Chemicals and alcohol drain every ounce of hope......until a tiny flame reignites.

Meg knows it first hand. She's an undercover scam detector working in L.A.'s Luckie's Casino. Meg throws back shots and has a hidden stash of oxy in deep-set pockets. But she's driven to play her own poker hand at the tables. Most times she wins big.......except that one time when the bad guys were seeking revenge. That oxy is for the pain inflicted physically and emotionally.

News reaches Meg that her singer/celebrity sister, Haley, had been found dead at a luxury addiction rehab clinic. She and Haley had been estranged for years. They both live in the remnants of a highly abusive mother. But Meg knows that she has to find out exactly what happened to Haley.

Her plan: Voluntarily commit herself to the exact same rehab clinic where Haley was at. The clinic claimed that Haley committed suicide. Meg knows it's a lie. She informs her casino partner, Harry, and enters into a point of almost no return. Stuff is happening here with questionable inmates and a doctor with questionable methods. Will Meg survive?

The Clinic swung back and forth from 3 Stars to 4 Stars. This is a very involved read with many characters to keep track of. But you stick with it to find out what actually happened to Haley. I questioned Meg's ability to get away with concealed contraband for so long undetected. The passages and events are long and tedious at times. As you get to the end, you'll find that this book was based on the author's own experience in rehab. I just wish that she would have stuck with more believability throughout. Either way, The Clinic is an encounter you won't soon forget.

I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark and to Cate Quinn for the opportunity.

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