Member Reviews

Whoooaaaa!!!! What did I just read?!? The twists and turns in this book had me hanging on until the end. This is a great book and it’s really neat that this is the first book that the author wrote sober. That alone to me deserves a star. I will admit the beginning of this book starts slow and at times it was a struggle to push through but I’m so glad that I did. Meg is a character you love to hate dealing with lots of demons but in the end she grows on you and you’re rooting for her until the very end. I definitely recommend this one and am thankful for the ARC through NetGalley. Add this one to your shelf you won’t be disappointed.

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WOW! I have no words, except that this book literally took me by STORM!

The story takes place in a rehab clinic (which I don’t feel like I’ve read many books in this setting), and is told from two POV’s.
Meg, who is required to be there, is a patient who seeks to figure out why her celebrity sister is really dead, and then we have Cara, who is the manager of the facility.

The author's approach to mental health awareness, addiction and especially sobriety, made the story even more realistic (especially to someone such as myself who struggles with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues).

It felt like a slow burn, because it was a little hard to get into.
However, the ending was literally everything and I would re-read it again in a heartbeat!

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Narrated by Meg and Cara, this is a twisted tale of a shady rehab on the coast of the Pacific Northwest. Cara is the manager of the rehab or The Clinic. The Clinic caters to very high-profile clients with severe addictions. Because they are 'celebrities', the treatments are to be kept secret and the clinic is shrouded in mystery.

Meg, well, Meg is a mess. She's a professional poker player. She's also a professional drug addict and a plant by the casino to root out the seedy loan sharks who are taking advantage of vulnerable clients. Meg is also the daughter of a Hollywood star and the sister of Haley, a famous country star.....who is in The Clinic.

When Meg is notified that Haley has died while at The Clinic, she has the sense that something isn't quite right, so she heads there herself.....but she must first confront her own addictions before confronting Haley's murderer.
Well...., Here we are. The Clinic had a TON of potential but was a little too bogged down in science and twists. I think there were too many side characters and a bit too much of a focus on Cara and Max than was necessary. Had both of those characters been cut out and the focus just been on Meg and more of the science had been streamlined, it could have been fantastic.

The exploration of sister relationship was fantastic, but I do wish there was more about Mr Priest and about the relationship with their mother as there was clearly something there. It felt like parts of the backstory was missing.

In any case, I still enjoyed this thriller from Cate Quinn.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review.

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Thank you NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for the copy of The Clinic by Cate Quinn. I’m not sure why the writing didn’t grab me, but I was bored for much of the beginning. I liked the intrigue of the notes Meg got, but I’m not sure if they added to the story. Near the end events became completely unrealistic, so if you can suspend belief you will enjoy the reveals. I think if you love surprise endings and unreliable narrators you will love this book, it just was just okay for me.

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I’m going to get right to it, can you say- HOLY PLOT TWIST?! Super enjoyable and believable novel, I couldn't put it down. Loved the setting of the PNW, she nailed this and it made it feel like home. Will definitely recommend to family and friends once it is released!

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This creepy, dark, psychological thriller is set in a luxury drug rehabilitation facility located in a remote setting in the Pacific Northwest. Meg works undercover in a Los Angeles casino catching cheaters. When she hears that her famous sister, Haley, has died by apparent suicide in a remote rehab facility, Meg is driven to check in to the facility to battle her own addiction and find out the truth about Haley's death. .

The story is told from the perspectives of two characters, Meg, and Cara, the clinic manager. Meg checks in to the clinic and we take a wild, twisty ride with her through some disturbing situations. I was pleased that the author did not portray mental illness and addiction in the tired, stereotypical manner, but instead, deftly distinguished moral character from mental illness and addiction. The characters' unique personalities, back stories, and individual struggles add intrigue and mystery to the story.

I found the first half of the book slow and wordy with the second half being much better paced. However, the ending felt very rushed. Overall I feel the book could be shortened by a third without loss of significant material. There are multiple twists and turns that kept my interest. I had to suspend believe for much of the ride, but it was intriguing all the same.

Thank you NetGalley, Sourcebooks Landmark, and Cate Quinn for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

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In The Clinic by Cate Quinn, readers are taken on a riveting journey through addiction, sobriety, and psychological intrigue within a remote rehab clinic on the Pacific Northwest coast. The story is narrated from the perspectives of Meg, an undercover casino employee who becomes entangled in the mysteries surrounding her sister Haley's death, and Cara, the enigmatic clinic manager. While the narrative begins with a slow-paced and exposition-heavy start, it gains momentum in the second half, featuring unexpected twists and a suspenseful climax. Quinn's exploration of mental health, addiction, and recovery adds depth to the story, even though some characters are less likable. Despite a few shortcomings, The Clinic offers an engaging psychological thriller that sheds light on the complex struggles of addiction and mental health, earning it a 4 out of 5 stars rating and a recommendation for fans of the genre.

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Not gonna lie..I almost DNF’d this book about 20% through. I felt sure the multi POV and short chapters were going to kill this book. However, I hung in there and I’m glad I did. The storyline and pacing start picking up and ended up with a much better twist than I as expecting.

The characters are not very likeable by any means, and there is definitely a few things that you have to overlook (Meg smuggles in a bra full of drugs and a phone to the rehab facility? No one sees or hears her talking on this phone? That was questionable.)

Overall a good thriller. Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it, but probably wouldn’t be high on my list of recommendations.

Thanks to NetGalley, Cate Quinn and Sourcebooks Landmark for the advance readers copy!

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I don’t know what I was expecting with this book, but it was not this! Rehab for celebrities did not hold the allure I expected. Twisted characters and even more twisted motives. What a weird story!

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I really had high hopes for this book. But 20% in and I am not enjoying it enough to keep going. I do wish and hope that others will love this book.

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This book was exceptional until the end where it fell apart due to believability issues and too many plot points. Still a fun read.

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Psychopaths, sociopaths, addiction, murder, this thrill had it all! Loved the isolated location of the rehab centre where everyone isn’t who they appear to be……..great quick read. Book releases Jan 23/24

Thanks to NetGalley, Sourcebooks, and the author for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Scary AF as I could see this happening. It's hard to even review because giving anything away would ruin how creepy and special this book is. Unreliable characters galore, murder, strange experiments and it really had me reading until 3 am. Huge recommend. Just read this book! So freaking good.

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Wow! This one kept me guessing... I couldn't put it down - read it in two days! This is a well paced thriller with great characters and several unexpected twists. Highly recommended

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for an advanced reader copy.

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Thank you to Cate Quinn, Sourcebooks Landmark, and Netgalley for the ARC of The Clinic. I was excited to read this novel as I've not read anything similar to this premise before. The short chapters and the dual POVs kept me captivated and interested and it seemed that I went through the chapters really quickly once I became invested in the story. I really like how the book touched on the psychological aspects behind addiction and mental health issues. I felt it hard to connect with Cara and the ending felt a little too over the top for me. It took me about half of the book to get invested, the first half of the book seemed very wordy and very slow-paced. Once I got to the midpoint I seemed to fly through the rest of the book. It was very twisty and seemed to move quickly once we got to the main story line. Overall it was a good psychological thriller. 3/5 stars.

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Awesome Awesome book!! This book is creepy to me and I loved it!! Definitely highly recommended!! Definitely a must read on a dark night!!

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Secrets abound at a high end rehab clinic located in the remote pacific northwest. When a famous actress turns up dead, her sister is determined to prove it was not suicide like the clinic is claiming. This creepy whodunit will keep you guessing and also question your own feelings with shifting perspectives. Unputdownable!

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This one started out so strong, but that ending. Oh that ending. I will say that I liked the rest of the book so much, that I can still say I liked it but it did go off the rails.

It has a little bit of a police procedural, a lot of family drama and even some mobsters. This was so unique from the start. I related to Meg and found her very relatable. She is a flawed character but I still found myself rooting for her.

I will give the author some leeway as she pours her heart out in the acknowledgements. That took some courage.

I can’t wait to see what she writes next.

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✨The Clinic by Cate Quinn✨

Genre: Thriller
Pages: 320
Pub date: Jan 23, 2024

📚 Meg works for a casino in LA, catching cheaters and popping a few too many pain pills to cope, following a far different path than her sister Haley, a famous actress. But suddenly reports surface of Haley dying at the remote rehab facility where she had been forced to go to get her addictions under control.

There are whispers of suicide, but Meg can't believe it. She decides that the best way to find out what happened to her sister is to check in herself – to investigate what really happened from the inside.

Battling her own addictions and figuring out the truth will be much more difficult than she imagined, far away from friends, family – and anyone who could help her.

📝This was a suspenseful read with unreliable characters and lots of twists and turns. It is definitely a slow build-up, but it held my attention.

The story is told through a dual POV: Cara, the clinic manager, and Meg, Haley’s sister. Meg was a solid character. We watch her deal with the death of her sister and her own opioid addiction.

I wished the author spent more time building the desolate and ominous setting. That would have added to the suspense of the story.

💫Thank you @netgalley and @bookmarked for my #gifted egalley💫

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Quick synopsis: Meg IMO is in a great job of trying to vet out cheaters and mobsters in a casino while her sister is a famous troubled addict actress. Haley, her sister, checks into rehab and unfortunately dies. Meg believes there is a conspiracy and checks into the same rehab (as she has addictions of her own) to try and figure out why.

This had a super original concept once you got past the typical rehab setting. I loved the originality of it. It's something I haven't read before. However, I felt the end just got a bit out there and far fetched. But that's just me! The concept totally worked throughout the rest of the book.

This is the first book by this author that I've read and would be interested to see others.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

3.5 Stars

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