Member Reviews

this book was so dang good. i was hooked the entire time and found it was so unique!! definitely one everyone should have on their TBR

releasing in January 🤩

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Oh man I love books with the let me find out what happened to my family member plot. This was no different, the MC has to come to terms with her sisters passing but instead goes undercoverish at the clinic her sister is at and find out answers about her sister as well as herself. I absolutely loved this book and confronting her past demons was written very well I give it a solid 5/5

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This is a thriller you will not want to put down! I highly recommend it for fans of twisty mysteries and ones where you, as the reader, begin to question your own sanity. What exactly is this place? Did Hayley actually commit suicide? There are many questions to unravel in this fast-paced thriller that you'll immediately want answers to!

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If you're looking for a psychological thriller that takes place almost entirely in an additional rehab clinic appropriately situated out in the boonies, of course (so that if something goes awry and, believe me, something DOES go awry), this is the book for you.
Our main character is Meg, an interesting woman with an exciting job and an unhinged backstory. Meg is a professional poker player, and because she can "read" people, she works with law enforcement to combat cheaters and organized crime. Unfortunately, one consequence of her job is an oxycontin addiction.
When Meg's famous sister Haley dies at "the clinic", everyone says it's suicide; however, Meg knows her sister, and Hely would never kill herself. Instead, Megs believes Haley has been murdered. So, of course, Meg goes undercover to find the truth…and maybe in the battle her own addiction and defeat the demons from her past.
The Clinic is a novel filled with crazy patients and even crazier staff. Chapters alternate from Meg's point of view to the point of view of Cara, the clinic's administrator. I think Cara serves as the one character who presents the events of the plot from the most reliable point of view…or does she?
An engaging, intriguing read with twists and turns I didn't see coming. An excellent, solid suspense story to add to your 2024 TBR list.

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𝔹𝕠𝕠𝕜 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨💫

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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑐 by @catequinnauthor is a captivating, memorable, twisty thriller, that will keep you on your toes and you will find yourself handcuffed to these pages! I finished this book awhile ago and I am still thinking of this story and the characters.

This story was brilliantly smart and the character development was on point. This is not your typical everyday thriller, there is a lot going on but all the stories intertwine smartly and creatively. The setting is very atmospheric, the dark gothicy setting allows for extra creepy vibes.

Main character Meg was so well created and I felt very invested in her outcome. Meg suffers from opioid addiction and we follow her as she tries to get clean; however there are other reasons why she chose to attend The Clinic- which is super fancy and smart facility, where mostly famous celebrities attend.

This is not only a thriller but there are aspects of romance, family dynamics, and growing friendship.

✨special thanks to @netgalley @bookmarked for the early copy. Add this one to your TBR, you won’t be disappointed! SYNOPSIS in comments✨

QOTD: what book are you starting out the week with?


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I thought this was a unique read and I did like the suspense. It was a bit out there in terms of believability, but I am glad I stuck with it. I know of numerous patrons who will want to read it so we will definitely purchase.

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The twist at the end was a stretch for me to believe in, being somewhat unrealistic. And in yet another novel, the affable but slow and bumbling cops arrive at the scene to discover that our heroine has managed everything herself. There are many creative and original elements here, but a predictable ending.

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This one is a thriller on many levels. An unreliable narrator. An unreliable cast of characters. Twists. Turns. Suspense. Intrigue.

The small snippets of Meg & Haley's childhoods had be enraptured, and the unique identities of all the rehab patients added more interest to an already engaging story. I had no idea the layers of therapy that are utilized for those with the means to access it...

My only big critique was Meg, though. Her "sneakiness" was a bit too farfetched; no one heard her calls, found her stash, etc. It was necessary to fuel the plot, but grated on me in terms of realism. (I know, I know. That's MY problem to deal with.)

Overall: 4 stars
I'll tell my students about: mental health/trauma, murder/gore, substance abuse, parental death, sex, alcohol, language

**Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for the free ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.**

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I have mixed feelings on this book. I loved the overall storyline and concept of the book, I just feel like some of the details didn't make complete sense. I know the author was inspired by her own addiction and recovery, but it seemed not well researched. Maybe it's my own naivete, but the thought of just getting into an exclusive rehab on a whim and smuggling drugs in without any notice from the staff that you're not going through withdrawal seemed odd to me. The last quarter of the book had some situations that seemed far fetched as well. It was a quick, easy read though.

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3.5-4 stars

The Clinic is an upscale rehab facility for addiction, catering to the wealthy and famous, stuck in the boonies of the Pacific Northwest. When a famous pop star dies there while in rehab, her estranged sister, Meg, immediately knows it wasn't suicide as reported. An addict herself, Meg checks into the rehab under the guise of getting clean, when really she wants to find out who killed her sister.

Told in Meg's POV and also in Cara, the clinic manager's POV, the book slowly leads up to a twisty conclusion. This isn't simply a thriller, as there are a lot of topics touched on throughout. The author herself has been in rehab for addiction, so much of the story about trauma being related to addiction seems to be pulled on from personal experience. The part about insurance fraud, etc, while likely true, was just too big of a topic to try and make a sub plot out of. That in and of itself could be an entire book!

The story kept my interest the whole way through, but sometimes I wished it was focused more on the "who killed her" plot and less on the other side plots. Meg was a slightly unreliable narrator as her oxy addled mind and then her detox stricken body and mind couldn't always keep memory and reality separate.

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A really great book. A lot of twists and turns that will keep you interested from beginning until the very end.

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The Clinic has so many emotional stomach punches in this story, with both the characters and with me. Just when I think I know what’s going on, another punch to my gut.
I’ve never been to rehab, but The Clinic is not one I’d want to attend.
Exclusivity for the rich and famous and let’s hope you come out alive.
Maybe if you end up dead, your sister will get herself admitted and look for you too.u
Cate Quinn has done a masterful telling of this multi character, multi story and brought it together, to leaving me in shock with the realization this could happen at any high priced clinic.
Btw, if you’re looking for me, I’ll be sitting over there with my coffee, waiting for her next book to come out.


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Meg works for a casino, catching cheaters and popping a few too many pills. Reports surface that her sister, Hayley dies at a remote rehab facility. There are whispers of suicide, but Meg doesn't buy it. She decides to check herself into rehab to investigate what really happened, from the inside.

This novel is billed as a thriller, but It wasn't your typical thriller. I had a hard time relating too or empathizing with any of the characters. The entire concept seemed a little unbelievable and the "twist" was really far fetched. I was enjoying the suspense, but the ending just kind of ruined the book for me.

Publication Date: January 23, 2024
Thank You NetGalley for the free e-galley.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a page-turning thriller that takes place in a very remote clinic in California. Its clientele is affordable only to the ultra-rich. Meg works undercover in a casino in L.A. However, she has an addiction problem. After her sister’s death is reported while registered at the clinic, Meg decides to check into the clinic to discover the truth surrounding her sister’s death. However, events spiral out of Meg’s control as she attempts to navigate the strict rules of the facility while secretly investigating Haley’s death. I highly recommend this book to readers of suspense and mystery. Thank you to NetGalley for an advance digital copy of this book.

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As a librarian I would recommend this book to someone new to the thriller genre. I think the fast paced plot driven story would appeal to someone just starting their thriller journey. I understand that in reading any thriller you have to put some common sense aside. I am here for the wild ride, so I am okay if no one has cell service. I just had problems suspending disbelief at certain times in this novel, and I think someone well versed in thriller books would have the same problems. The tension is there, and the twists are fun so I would still recommend this title to a patron if they were wanting something twisty dealing with addiction and family issues.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn follows Meg as she deals with childhood trauma while staying in an upscale rehab clinic. Meg is also trying to figure out who killed her sister Hailey during her stay at the Clinic. Thiis book alternates chapters bewteen Meg and Cara, who oversees the day in and outs of the clinic. The Clinic has an amazing plot twist at the end that will make you think how could that have happened. Cate Quinn has written a realistic account of drug addiction and the struggles that they during and after withdrawal. This is the first book that I have read by Cate Quinn and would say it wont be my last. Read a like authors would be Lisa Jewell, Claire Douglas, Ruth Ware, Gilly MacMillan.

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Meg’s job for the casino is catching cheaters. It has landed her in sticky and dangerous situations. One event left her traumatized and constant pain. This had led to her becoming addicted to pain pills and making bad decisions. Her sister Haley is a famous actress who has ended up in rehab. She sends a mysterious message to Meg. Before Meg can respond she finds out on the news that Haley has committed suicide in rehab. Even though they have a strained relationship, Meg knows that Haley has not killed herself. With the help of her boss and coworker, she admits herself into the rehab to find out what really happened.
Cate Quinn does an amazing job of describing the rehab and new treatments being used to create new pathways in the brain. The twist and turns are constant. Just when you think you know who it did there is a new turn. Well worth the read. Be sure to read the author’s personal notes.
Thank you NetGalley, Sourcebooks Landmark and Cate Quinn for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This was fun! I liked Cate Quinn's first book about polygamy, but this was even better. Its a fun popcorn thriller and has a great atmosphere! I would recommend to thriller readers!

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This book took many twists and turns. Haley, a country superstar with a drug problem, is found dead in a rehab facility. Her estranged sister decided to enter the facility to find out what happened. There’s so much going on behind the scenes to these patients. Is it murder or was it accidental? It makes me wonder about rehabs and what they’re actually doing for people with experimental testing.

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When Meg’s sister mysteriously dies in a super fancy and remote rehab clinic she decides to check herself in to see if she can figure out what really happened…😳 You’ll never guess! Sorry all - you’re going to have to wait until January 23 to find out! Thanks to @netgalley and @catequinnauthor for giving me a copy to review!

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