Member Reviews

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley.

The Clinic - Kate Quinn - Publication date 23 January 2024

The Clinic - a thriller set in a remote rehab clinic on the Pacific Northwest coast, in which the death of a woman, Haley, prompts her sister, Meg, to enter the clinic as a patient in order to discover the truth of her death. Did Haley really commit suicide using heroin or is the clinic's director hiding the truth?

The Clinic is primarily told from the perspectives of Meg, Haley's addicted sister and Cara, the straight-laced clinic administrator. An odd assortment of addicts add to the plot line - each a unique character. All have demons and secrets - and the clinic has its own share of secrets behind its locked doors.

With plenty of interesting and unreliable characters and enough twists and turns to keep the reader guessing, The Clinic was an enjoyable read. Just when I thought I'd figured out where the story line was taking me, another twist and a turn in another direction. The chapters are short, which I love.

The Clinic stalled for me in a few places, but overall well-written and an interesting read.

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Wow! Didn’t know what to expect from this book but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was so excited to be selected for an ARC of this book thanks to NetGalley, Sourcebook Landmarks, and the amazing author, Cate Quinn! The cover alone for this book is absolutely breathtaking! This book was a solid 4/5 for me!

The plot is around the main character Meg. Meg suffers from her own alcohol and drug problems while working a job that can put her life in danger at times. When Meg finds out her big-time Hollywood sister is dead at a luxurious rehab center, Meg is certain this is no accident. Meg makes it her mission to uncover the truth about her sister and her own past. She gets herself admitted into the rehab center to work through what is truly going on. She finds there is way more going on than she signed up for. But she is determined to protect her sister even if she is already gone.

The story takes multiple perspectives and is set up in a thriller style of writing. I love that the author puts effort into explaining all these characters and their past experiences. I really enjoyed that! What made me not give it 5 stars is that I wish there was more cliffhangers/excitement almost like I wanted to be more scared earlier on. You could tell some of the characters were questionable and I started thinking how this could go. I had some ideas/predictions and I did guess some of them but not fully. The ending had me baffled and I was shocked at the outcome of events! Kind of crazy and I really could see this book having a follow-up story. Overall, great writing and an intriguing story! Highly recommend it if you are looking for your next psychological thriller book!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! Wow! I do not give 5 stars very often and rarely to thrillers. This book was amazing. I was hooked from the first chapter and all throughout the story I was at a loss when each and every twist presented itself. Kudos to the author for keeping me engaged and on my toes!!

The main Meg, has lost her superstar sister while she was in rehab. Meg, an interesting character with a compromising background, decides to enter the same rehab to find out what really happened to her sister.

A modern day who dunnit with good ol Agatha Christie vibes. A set of characters and each one is a viable suspect. I suspected each and every one of them at some point. With the risk of sounding cheesy the writing in this book instead made the entire book realistic and even believable. Likely because it was based on the author's own journey to sobriety. The descriptive nature of the clinic and the setting, were top notch. I just loved this entire story. Great job Cate Quinn, I wish I could read this one again! I will definitely read others by this author. Especially after reading her personal experience and challenge at the end of this book. I am interested in making the comparison pre 2020 to this novel. What I can say, is that I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!

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Meg is suspicious when she is informed that her sister Haley has commited suicide in a rehab facility.  Meg checks herself into the same facility to investigate and things begin to spiral.  Dr Lutz is mysterious and it is obvious that he is hiding something. When the police get involved, Meg has a difficult time separating the truth from the lies.  Cara is the manager of the center and tries to help Meg, but things get dangerous and twisted. Is Meg going to find out the truth, or will her and anyone who helps her come totheir own demise?  Who is involved in the twisted things going on at the facility and who can Meg trust to get the answers she is looking for?

I enjoyed this read very much and was surprised at the ending, which I like in a good thriller. 

Thank you  NetGalley, Sourcebooks and Cate Quinn for the e-ARC.

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I am on a roll with all of the amazing #arcs that I have been granted on @netgalley lately!!

I am not normally an ebook reader, as I prefer a physical copy, but I have started to prioritize my NG shelf because of all the amazing titles, including #theclinic by @catequinnauthor.

After reading the acknowledgments, I liked this book even more as Cate drew her own personal experiences in a rehab facility into the book. This one is definitely atmospheric and haunting. The book may be difficult for people directly connected to addiction or mental health challenges, as this one dives deep into those issues and more. It felt very character driven, but in a soft and personal way (if that makes sense).

This one started off a bit slow, but picked up quickly, making it hard to put down.

A solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - thank you for my #gifted copy @bookmarked ... catch this on shelves 1/23/2024 ❤️.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn was a fast moving thrill ride full of mystery and intrigue that had me racing through the pages to find answers.

Meg checks into rehab at the Clinic to investigate the sudden death of her sister, Haley, ruled a suicide though Meg doesn’t believe this to be the case. However, Meg is dealing with her own inner demons, her addiction and dark memories from her childhood which she remembers little about that are starting to appear and haunting in her already fragile state.

Cara manages that Clinic and has dedicated herself completely to seeing it succeed. But when the police show up to investigate Haley’s death, she suddenly starts to second guess what is happening at the Clinic and how legal it might be behind the scenes.

Now, something I find with thrillers often is that I don’t always overly care one way or the other about characters. This book was the exception to that typical experience because I genuinely liked a number of the characters and wanted for them to have good endings. From one moment to the next as the characters suspicions shifted from one character to another, I would find myself hoping that they were wrong and said character was innocent because I liked them so much. I enjoyed a number of the side characters throughout the book and found myself deeply invested in the outcome for a number of them.

This thriller also absolutely hooked me. It starts off very quickly and continues to move at a fast pace which held my attention from start to finish. I had a very hard time putting it down once I started and wanted to continue reading any time I had to put it down to see where the story was leading and what was really going on at the Clinic. The author did such a good job of dropping information and suspenseful moments to keep the mystery alive and leave the reader wanting all the answers. The atmosphere was also pleasantly spooky and chill inducing, the Clinic itself seeming insidious and making the reader question everything that the people in charge were really doing to the addicts.

Between Cara slowly unraveling that there is something more going on at her workplace, which she has worked so hard to keep running smoothly due to a deep belief in the work being done, and Meg trying to find answers to her sisters sudden death, it was the kind of thriller that I really enjoy. And the way that the unsolved mysteries kept me on the hook was outstanding. Every time Meg’s past nightmares were hinted at from her childhood I was left internally screaming “BUT WHAT HAPPENED”. It also did not end up being the answer I was expecting in the end.

The Clinic was attention grabbing from start to finish and I honestly had such a hard time putting it down from the moment I started it. Every time I had to set it aside to deal with real life, I was frustrated that I couldn’t just keep reading and wanted to hop back into it immediately. I very much enjoyed this thriller and it was exactly what I was in the mood for before I even knew what that was, and I’m very much glad I picked it up. I’m looking forward to reading more of Cate Quinn’s books after this one and fully intend to dive into her backlist now.

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Review Copy

Basically THE CLINIC was a really good story, albeit a bit predictable about the ending. My problem, well, ok, I had more than one, so let's go.

The writing, while easy to read, was all the same. Switching back and forth between characters each chapter is something I appreciate but not when I can't tell the players apart. Everyone sounded the same.

The author says she has been to rehab, but it doesn't show. Maybe it's different for women, but two men I know who have been through the program have never, ever been left alone during a urine test and could never have smuggled drugs into a locked facility. Just unbelievable.

The story ran a little long and I wish it had been edited down, but overall I ended up thinking it was OK. Read a sample and see what you think.

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This was my first book by this author and it will not be the last! From the characters to the setting, everything about the clinic is well though out. Meg, our protagonist, has many layers to her and leaves the reader wanting to know what is real. With its interesting cast of characters set in a rehabilitation clinic, the possibilities for help, and harm, are varied. If you like mysteries, you'll love The Clinic.

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This book was unexpected. It’s filled with much more depth and character than I thought it would. Really authentic representation of mental illnesses and I love an unreliable narrator. The ending felt rushed and had some plot holes which made it less plausible and confused at time.

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DNF at 13%. Dialogue was stilted and unrealistic. Writing was overly and unnecessarily descriptive. "He strokes his curling beard, woven bracelets dropping down his aging wrist." Then the author mentions that one of the main characters wears flip flops four times in the span of a couple of chapters. I think the characters are all supposed to be quirky, but it comes off as stereotypical instead. Not for me.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a compelling read. Well written with fully defined characters. Well worth the time!

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_The Clinic_ is a thriller with twists and turns. Meg, an addict working in an LA casino, has a troubled past and family life. When her sister Haley, a famous singer, dies in a secluded rehab facility in the Pacific Northwest, Meg knows her death is suspicious. She checks herself in to solve her sister’s murder, and faces her own demons. There are many twists in this read that can feel a bit forced, but overall a solid mystery thriller that also illustrates the horrors of addiction.

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Thank you to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review.
I was excited to read this since Black Widows was a 5 star read for me but sadly was disappointed. The plot was far-fetched/unbelievable with unlikeable, superficial characters. I’m a quick reader and took several days to get through this book. Not one I would recommend but definitely would pick up another new book by this author at a later date.

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The Clinic is a posh rehab facility. Meg is a professional poker player who works with law enforcement but is addicted to oxycodin and alcohol. Her addiction started as a result of an injury while "on the job". She has trouble with personal relationships and hasn't been in touch with family. Her sister is a famous singer. She hears on the TV that her sister has died while at the rehab facility - The Clinic due to an overdose of heroin. She knows that her sister never used heroin and decides to go undercover to investigate. She is admitted to the clinic but takes her oxycodin with her as she really does not want to recover. She and her sister had a rough childhood and Meg has recurring nightmares about a man wearing a fedora and a lady dressed seductively. Meg meets her fellow addicts and tries to find out whether one of them killed her sister or one of the staff. There are plenty of suspects to keep you guessing until the end.
I look forward to reading Cate Quinn's other books - Black Widows and Blood Sisters
Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this author's first book so I was super excited for this and it did not miss the mark. I loved every second of this book

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy. This book was a little bit of a struggle to get through. I found myself bored while reading this. I didn’t really care about the characters. And I was confused for more than half of the book as to which character was who and what their purpose was.

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I really enjoyed this book. Initially I hoped for more background early on of the victim, but found that by the end of the novel you get all of that. There were several twists and turns I did not expect, even on the last page. I would definitely recommend.

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Not since Gone Girl have I been so captivated and surprised with what could possibly come next! Meg works undercover for casinos taking on organized crime members and unearthing all sorts of slimy dangerous characters. Injuries and peril are a part of the job and pills and alcohol are part of the relief.

Meg's sister, Haley, is a pop star who she is presently estranged from. But headlines are everywhere saying that Haley is dead, having committed suicide while in a super exclusive secretive celebrity rehab center. Meg, however, is sure it was murder. The one way to find out is to check herself in and investigate, while getting the help she needs for herself.

The story is told from two POVs - Meg, who has not told anyone that Haley is her sister and Cara the ambitious manager of the facility. To tell more would be to give away too much.

The story is well written, but the end, although engaging, could be tightened up a bit. But this is no complaint., I have not read previous works from Cate Quinn, but I will be looking for both past and future offerings form this imaginative author.

My thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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To say I read a lot would be an understatement, but this book had me hooked from the beginning and I was breathless the entire way through! Haley is in rehab and sister, Meg works in a casino taking down card sharks. But when Haley dies suddenly, Meg immediately goes to the clinic to investigate as things aren't adding up. Childhood memories flood Meg's mind as she remembers episodes she's blocked: something about a Queen of Hearts and a strange man in a fedora. But nothing is as it seems and this book is about SO many things: addiction, paranoia, trust issues, poker tricks, sex trafficking, psycho and sociopathy...oh and blowfish! This is one of those novels that had me stopping to think, "Wait! What did I just read??" It's chilling, it's mesmerizing, and it may be the best book I've read this year so far!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of The Clinic. I had some ambivalence about if I could weather the turbulent waters of reading about a rehab clinic when two of my own children were in one, but I managed.

The truth is while this is the story of a card shark (Meg) entering rehab to find out the details of her sister's death (Haley), this has very little to do with rehab. Sure they mention how clinics can cook the books for more money by raising the cost of drug tests, but it ends about there. The events that transpire are so unbelievable it becomes a clownish and amateurish roller coaster ride into absurdity. Not a fan.

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