Member Reviews

The setting was good but the characters were not that enjoyable. The story dragged for me, picked up in the middle (very short chapters were good to have), and then it seemed far fetched. 2.5 stars

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I had tried to read this multiple times and I just got through it. It was okay. There’s a lot going on in the clinic, almost too much. It seemed to drag on. I normally would have DNFd this book but I really wanted to see it through and give it a chance.

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I loved Cate Quinn's last novel. I have a little less enthusiasm for this one, The premise was good. I was invested the entire time, I couldn't wait to know what happened at The Clinic to a famous singer. I never wanted to dnf the book. But it was odd. The writing wasn't stellar, the plot got a little muddy.... and then the ending made me angry. I thought it had potential but the "twist" was so unrealistic and bizarre. It was just unnecessary honestly.....

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Cate Quinn does it again. This book was spooky and definitely kept me guessing. I would highly recommend to anyone that enjoys a twisty thriller.

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When this one started, I didn’t think I was going to like it. I ended up loving it.

Our characters are damaged – every single last one of them. The level of damage and self-destruction make it very hard to read some of them, including one of our main characters. But as we went on, I started to care for them and worry for them.

The reason behind everything is odd – very odd – but it’s fascinating and I was munching my popcorn as I read.

Definitely a good read!

• ARC via Publisher

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The Clinic
Cate Quinn


Meg admits herself into the rehab clinic her celeb actress sister, Haley, suddenly passes away in. Cara is the facility manager still learning about her fellow staff at the clinic. it’s a newer facility with unconventional practices that leave plenty room for questions

✌️dual POV, Meg and Cara’s
📑 short chapters, moves quick! chapters often end of a cliffhanger or a revealing detail, keeps you engaged
🗣️ unreliable narrator + shady characters, suspicion all around!
🧠 goes into the addiction and mental health experience

the middle felt a little too long for me and some parts of key reveals fell flat for me but it was overall a captivating read. you’re definitely in for a shock, this psychological thriller will have you holding your breath for every next page!

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I found this to be a little dark for me. If you love dark vibes with plots around drugs and casinos this is for you. Even though it was a thriller it would not be my first choice; however, the plot was great! Just not my cup of tea.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy to honestly review.

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Delightfully chilling and disturbingly creepy. The setting adds to the overall atmosphere of the story.

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This is a messy cast of unlikeable characters come together in a rehab center. Meg is checking into rehab to track down her sister’s killer. It just so happens she might actually need the help. But she might have bit off more than she can chew as the group are experienced liars and the nurses, doctors, and staff are not who they seem.
This alternates POVs which I love, between Meg and Cara, the manager. Both are naturally suspicious people due to life experiences and come at the death of Meg’s sister from different angles. I did like this, the main reason for the star loss was an odd and out of place mention of transitioning surgeries that felt like it was put there very pointedly. Otherwise, the drama levels rise very smoothly until you’re submerged in the lies, conspiracies, murders and secrets.
I also was intrigued in the story of Meg’s nightmares and how she was uncovering them by getting clean. The twist just within that was a good one in my opinion because I was thinking the entire time something way off base and was actually very happy to be wrong and yet the twist was still a very fun if slightly unrealistic one.

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I found The Clinic to be an enjoyable mystery/thriller it was a pretty quick read since I wanted to know what happened next.

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Song Vibes: High Hopes by Panic! At The Disco

After finishing The Clinic I immediately put Cate Quinn's other 2 novels on my want-to-read list and I honestly wish there were more! While dealing with addiction and trauma, this was also a heck of a story when it came to twists and shocking surprises. I knew something was up but couldn't put my finger on what exactly it was, and I was very thrown when I found out! I loved that Meg's job was unique and different from any other I have read and how her own addiction plays into the rest of the book as she investigates what happened to her sister in rehab. Make sure you read this one cover to cover and go to the link Quinn provides, so you can receive the background for her writing of this novel. It had me in tears and knowing how personal this was to her, makes me love it and her even more. ❤💖

A lot of the time an audiobook will make or break a book for me, so I was happy that even though the audio for The Clinic wasn't my favorite, I still loved it just as much as if I had read it. I could tell that Kate Handford & Laurel Lefkow were doing their best, but I thought the pacing was a large issue, especially with the narrator for Meg. Despite the somewhat stilted narration, I flew through the audiobook and honestly never wanted the book to end. The climax quite literally blew my mind 🤯 and I was very happy with the way Quinn chose to conclude the story. This is for anyone who doesn't mind a slow start and thriller lovers who like when an author writes what they know.

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This was an interesting psychological thriller!!! I loved the twists. I felt so locked in! It started out slow but did pick up. I found the characters to be somewhat unlikeable which made it tough to read and get through, but it picked up the pace and story as it progressed. A good thriller for fans of hospital or clinic settings, which has so much opportunity. Thank you for the arc

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ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

I’m backlogged with my ARC’s but working diligently to get caught up. WOW! This book had so many twists and turns I didn’t see coming! I loved the storyline of two sisters who aren’t very close and one coming to a rehab facility to figure out what happened surrounding her sister’s mysterious death. The characters have creative backstories and the writing sets the scene perfectly! I would definitely recommend to anyone who likes psychological thrillers and mysteries!

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I received an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review. thank you netgalley and sourcebooks!

this book is the most mediocre thriller I have read in a long time. the characters are 1 dimensional and added nothing to the story but to be annoying. the twist at the end is subpar and doesn’t make any sense. finally, the diagnosis for meg was giving me “betty, you have the serial killer gene” from riverdale. honestly very disappointing.

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Gosh idk if I could get in to this this book had so many twist and turns it had be turning pages all night!! She has done it again and I adored it

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I was expecting more from this author. The book is too long and moves too slowly. Although the general idea behind the story is good, somehow it gets lost in the telling.. It was a little too far-fetched for me.

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A really interesting and twisty thriller centering around rehab. I did feel like the book was a tad longer than it needed it to be, but the chapters were super short and the book flew by. I appreciate the author adding that this was her first book written sober. I feel like the authenticity was really there.
There were some questionable choices with mental illness I’m not sure were exactly necessary. But overall it was an enjoyable and twisty thriller!

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Loved this one (it grabbed my attention right away)! then, I got 2/3 of the way in - It got a little too far fetched and I got bored.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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3.5/5 stars.

This was my first Cate Quinn book. I will say, the cover of this book is beautiful. Between the cover and the summary, I knew I wanted to read this book. Unfortunately, I felt the book fell short. I felt it hard to connect to either Meg or Cara. The beginning seemed like a very slow burn, but then turned into an extremely fast, almost rushed, ending. I felt like I still had some questions after finishing the book. I did enjoy the medical and therapy side of the book - I found it fascinating.

I do think this book would be good for most, as it had a lot of great elements of a psychological thriller, but just wasn't one of my favorites.

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Thank you Cate Quinn, Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Meg's famous sister Haley enters rehab and suddenly dies at the clinic. Meg decides to take the situation into her own hands and also enters rehab at the same place her sister died. Meg is on a mission to find out what really happened to Haley, but not everyone wants her to find out.

I really liked The Clinic, short chapters and dual perspectives. Yes Please! I was hooked from the beginning and could not stop reading it.

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