Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this one! It had me on the edge of my seat pretty much the entire time. There were a few parts that felt extra wordy and long but for the most part it was a gripping book. Very short chapters make it hard to put down and I didn’t see a lot of the twists, which is always a bonus! Along with a couple slower parts, I also thought some of the decisions/behaviors of some characters didn’t seem to fit or flow, where you kind of just scratch your head and have to force yourself to go along with it. But overall a pretty good psych thriller to pick up!

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The atmosphere in this one was very good. A secluded clinic for mental health and substance abuse where someone has been murdered. A sister who goes undercover as a patient to try and figure out what happened to her sister. The beginning was a little slow but it picked up and had several unforeseen twists at the end. I enjoyed this overall, thought some of the twists at the end I didn’t love. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This book started slow and it took me a while to get into it. I kept starting and stopping. When it picked up though it got good! Dual POV’s mystery within a mystery who-dunnit

More suspense than thriller with the backdrop of a rehab facility where its guests confront their deepest traumas and make you wonder if you can truly trust anything.

Meg works for a casino in LA, catching cheaters and popping a few too many pain pills to cope, following a far different path than her sister Haley, a famous actress. But suddenly reports surface of Haley dying at the remote rehab facility where she had been forced to go to get her addictions under control. There are whispers of suicide, but Meg can't believe it. She decides that the best way to find out what happened to her sister is to check in herself - to investigate what really happened from the inside.

Thank you to Sourcebooks and Netgalley for letting me read this early!

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Enjoyed the plot of this book. Just when you think you have figured out the culprit a twist is thrown in to throw you off.

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I really enjoyed this book. It definitely wasn’t super realistic (most thrillers aren’t), but boy it kept me on my toes. I felt invested in the story and really enjoyed the dual POV as the story unfolded. This is the first book I have read by this author and based on how much I liked this one I would definitely read more.

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A perfect atmospheric read for spooky fall!

When singer (and Meg’s sister) Hailey turns up dead at a bespoke, remote, rehab facility, Meg doesn’t believe she’s actually gone. So Meg—also an addict—checks herself into the same facility. The research and treatments are groundbreaking—but did Hailey kill herself? Or is one of the other handful of guests a killer?

Told from dual perspectives of Meg and the facilities manager, Cara, this is a game of cat and mouse and I’m pretty sure nobody knows who’s the cat and who’s the mouse.

The setting is SO atmospheric. The characters come to life on the pages. And while I wasn’t entirely shocked by the twists, they were good ones.

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The clinic by cate Quinn When her sister is dead in a posh rehab , meg goes undercover to find out the truth

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Secrets abound at a high end rehab clinic located in the remote pacific northwest. When a famous actress turns up dead, her sister is determined to prove it was not suicide like the clinic is claiming.

The story is told from two perspectives: Cara, the clinic manager and Meg, the sister of the famous actresses who mysteriously died in rehab. Meg works in casino security and is addicted to pain killers and an alcoholic. She checks herself into the same rehab as her sister to get to the bottom of her death. Meg is gritty, tough, and knows how to read people’s tells as a poker player. Her story wasn’t always easy to read about, but the author did a great job of helping us understand why Meg is who she is.

This book is very creepy and twisty! The plot was so intriguing and kept me hooked. Once I got to the last 25% I couldn’t put this book down! I was completely shocked by the ending and while it didn’t feel super realistic to me I still enjoyed the story and it’s resolution. I also appreciated how this book took a serious look at mental health, trauma, and addiction.

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I did not see those twists and turns coming! Set on the Pacific Northwest coast at a state of the art drug and alcohol rehab and told in alternating viewpoints, we are quickly enmeshed in the drama of addiction treatment and the unethical practices of many of these facilities. This isn’t your normal unethical rehab, though and there are lots of secrets and hidden agendas. It started off a little slow, but before you know it you are pulled into the drama and engrossed in the characters. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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aARC provided by NetGalley in return for an honest review.

First, I must say I enjoyed this book and I understand that these are uncorrected proofs. However, this particular ARC is one of the roughest I have ever read. There appeared to have been very little editing done before releasing the galleys and at times the lack of editing made it difficult to read through. I often had to reread for context in order to understand the author's meaning.

That said, the main character Meg is a volatile, unreliable, and moderately unlikable protagonist who works undercover in casino security, exposing the worst of the criminals that haunt the casino. She is also an addict, battling an injury incurred when a group of said criminals made her as an undercover and tortured her in a warehouse, dislocating her shoulder. As she sinks deeper into addiction, Meg gets the news that her sister Haley, also an addict, has died in rehab of all places. Instead of grieving her sister, Meg sets out to find out more about Haley's supposed suicide.

The story moves between Meg's narrative and that of Cara, the manager of The Clinic where Haley was found dead. The high-end rehab is run by Dr. Lutz, a Swiss physician who has devoted his career to helping addicts along with his chief physician, Max. The three of them manage a group of high-profile celebrity clients, providing top of the line treatments that most patients could only dream of. Until Haley Banks' death and the ensuing police investigation because something isn't right and Meg isn't the only one who thinks Haley's suicide is suspicious.

With well-plotted and unexpected twists, this book moves like a freight train and keeps you guessing at every turn. I finished it in the space of three days and very much enjoyed it.

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Good mystery with twists. Not a fan of books on addiction but still liked the book. The end dragged a bit but all around good thriller. Thank you for the ARC

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Lots of twists in this story as you would expect from the teasers provided. The sisters personalities add so much, but the plot structure is amazing it its ability to keep the reader’s attention.

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Thank you Net Galley for the free ARC. Not sure I liked the story. A sister goes to rehab and ends up dead, The other sister, an addict herself,
does not believe it was an overdose and decides to investigate.

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I’ve honestly struggled with how to assess this novel. The premise was really good and promising but it was really…. over the top at times and that made it hard to read for me.

The story follows Meg, a troubled poker player with deep seated family and personal issues. When her famous sister commits suicide in The Clinic Rehab, Meg drops everything to investigate it from inside. The other POV is from Cara, the semi-recent hire of the mysterious owner of The Clinic, the lavish rehab designed for the rich and famous.

The cast of characters is interesting enough: the bad boy rocker, an old school actor, a pop star, a band chick, and an aging model.

As someone who’s dealt with severe addiction in my family I was very curious to read this book but I just don’t feel like it was done well enough (although, maybe I’m just sensitive.)

The writing was decent and the storyline was good and definitely original, I just wish there was more depth to the characters overall.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the opportunity to read this ARC before its intended release of January 23, 2024.

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I thought this would be more of a creepy, jumpy thriller, but instead it was more of a slow burn, "what is actually happening" kind of thriller. I really enjoyed the story, told from two perspectives. Meg, who is dealing with her own addictions, and Cara, the clinic's manager, also reeling from an embarrassing public mistake. Meg checks herself into the mysterious rehab clinic where her sister, with whom she has a tumultuous relationship, has recently died by suicide. Meg is convinced her sister's death is nefarious, and she is determined to get to the bottom of it. There were lots of twists, some of which I didn't see coming.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the opportunity to read a digital copy of this novel!

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn was an edge of your seat mystery/thriller about two sisters, one presumed dead, the other a high stakes gambler taking down bad guys. When Meghan learns her sisters been found dead at a luxury rehab facility in the foggy northwest she plots to infiltrate the rehab and uncover the truth.

This book really hit hard on the struggles with addictions and the sometimes complicated dynamics between both sisters, and friends. There was some talk of mental health and what an actual Sociopath v. Psychopath look like.

Things I loved about this book

✨ The pacing. The chapters were SO short and full of important information. I never felt like time was dragging or like we were wasting time with useless words.
✨The FMC was really intriguing to read about. She’s kind of this badass, unbothered gambler whose job is outing loan sharks. She’s been put in very dangerous situations at times and heavily uses opioids to “cope”.
✨ Despite what I’ve seen some reviewers say, I really enjoyed the ending. It was explosive and chaotic, but that’s what we’re here for, isn’t it? I am fully onboard with a little outlandishness.

Some things I didn’t like

✨ The sisters past was never explained fully. We’re kind of lead to believe they had a very traumatic upbringing and we understand their mother was awful to them but we never get a glimpse as to what that actually entailed, and while I’m not saying I necessarily need or want on page violence/trauma, I did need more to fully feel what they were saying.
✨ There’s multiple mentions of a man with playing cards for eyes and the way that unfolded was pretty unsatisfying. I won’t say more because then I feel it will get spoilery!

Anyways, this was my first Cate Quinn novel and suffice to say, I will definitely be picking up more from this author and would highly recommend checking out “The Clinic”! Thank you to net galley and sourcebooks Landmark for supplying me with this E ARC.

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Our main protagonist was *unbearably unlikable* but, I’m so glad I stuck with it- the ending made sense for the character and her development. This had a ton of twists, some predictable and familiar and some not so much- I think this would be a great movie or series on tv, and I’d definitely read something else by Cate in the future! This was a great read in a spooky month, and I thank NetGalley and cates publisher for allowing me an arc in exchange for a review!

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"The Clinic" by Cate Quinn is a gripping thriller set in a remote rehab facility on the Pacific Northwest coast, where the death of a famous actress prompts her sister to enter the clinic as a patient in search of the truth.

The story revolves around Meg, who works in a casino in Los Angeles, leading a life far different from her sister, Haley, a renowned actress. When reports surface of Haley's death at a rehab facility, with whispers of suicide, Meg is unable to accept this explanation. She decides to infiltrate the clinic as a patient, hoping to uncover the real circumstances surrounding her sister's demise.

What sets this thriller apart is its unique setting—a remote rehab facility nestled in the wilderness. Cate Quinn vividly captures the isolation and tension of this setting, creating an atmosphere that is both claustrophobic and mysterious. As Meg delves deeper into the clinic's secrets, the sense of unease and paranoia intensifies, making it a page-turner from start to finish.

Meg is a complex and relatable character. Her struggles with addiction and determination to find the truth about her sister make her a compelling protagonist. The story also delves into the challenges of addiction and the complexities of family relationships, adding depth to the narrative.

Cate Quinn's writing is sharp and atmospheric, and she skillfully unravels the layers of mystery, keeping readers guessing about the true nature of Haley's death. The plot is filled with twists and turns, and the pacing is well-crafted, maintaining a sense of urgency throughout the story.

As Meg battles her own demons and investigates the clinic's secrets, she uncovers shocking revelations and faces unexpected dangers. "The Clinic" is a suspenseful and emotionally charged thriller that explores themes of addiction, family, and the quest for truth.

In summary, "The Clinic" is a captivating and atmospheric thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. Cate Quinn's storytelling prowess shines as she weaves a complex web of mystery and suspense. If you enjoy psychological thrillers with a unique and gripping premise, this novel is well worth your attention.

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I liked this, as other reviews have said it is a bit of a slow start, I enjoyed the build up. I also found the settings and characters very intriguing. Each character was drawn uniquely and had good build up.

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The Clinic is a thriller about a girl who dies in exclusive drug rehab. Her death is ruled a suicide, but her younger sister, Meg, believes it was something else. To solve what really happened, Meg enters treatment at The Clinic, but her investigation leads her into imminent danger.

The premise is juicy (there is more to it than what’s above), but the slow pace, some flat characters, and overly long made this just okay for me.

The Clinic has a slow build-up. The first 20% is getting to know Meg's past, and the bad blood between her and her sister. Once she arrives at the Clinic, though, things take off more. I didn't know who to suspect and who to trust. Meg has a great voice; she simultaneously solves a mystery and goes through withdrawals, giving her character depth. The author's own experiences with rehab inspired some of the story, and while it was interesting to learn of some newer addiction treatments there seemed to be a lot of medical inaccuracies and unrealistic situations.
Somewhat interesting and an ending you likely won’t see coming (I know I didn’t). I would recommend.
Thanks to Netgalley, Sourcebooks, and Cate Quinn for the advanced copy

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