Member Reviews

I really wanted to like this book more than I did. I thought it was very well written but I didn't care for the main character and thought the rehab would have been more intriguing. Unfortunately it just fell flat to me, but I'm going to check out more books from the author!

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This story follows our two main characters Meg and Cara. Meg works at a casino basically catching bad guys. She has an older sister named Haley who is a famous country singer. In the beginning she learns that her sister was found dead at a rehab facility that she was attending. Meg decides to go undercover in the facility to find out what really happened to her sister. Cara is a manager who works at the facility. The story follows these two women in alternating points of view to uncover the truth.

I was really interested in this story and uncovering the truth. I liked Meg's character although I did find her to be a bit annoying by talking about how badass she was a lot of the time. Cara was also an interesting perspective to read from. I felt that the story did drag a bit in the middle and I did find myself zoning out a bit. There were some twists and reveals I wasn't able to guess or predict so that's always great! However I didn't love this story and I know that it won't be one that will stick with me or one that I will think about again. Over all 3 stars.

Thank you to Net Galley for providing me with a copy for a fair review.

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3.75 stars rounded up to 4

Meg, who works in a casino as undercover security, finds out that her sister Haley has passed away at The Clinic where she went to receive mental health support. The Clinic helps recovering addicts detox and find their footing again. However, Meg discovers that The Clinic is hiding some big secrets, and that her sister's death is not as straightforward as it seems. Meg decides to check into The Clinic as a patient to find out what happened to her sister. A Hollywood actress with Haley's strong will choosing to commit suicide so randomly just doesn't make sense. As notes warning Meg to get away from The Clinic start appearing in her pockets ,and she is forced to submit to treatments that are... unique... to say the least, Meg realizes that she must hurry to uncover what happened to her sister and what secrets The Clinic is hiding deep inside the premises.

Things I loved about the book:
- Exploration of trauma that is relevant to the author's experience. Those stories need to be told. So many people will find comfort in flawed and recovering characters.
- Quirky characters that I couldn't quite pin down personality-wise (they kept me guessing)
- Murder mystery
- Main character's (Meg's) development and growth throughout the story
- The setting at The Clinic and all the atmospheric "villain-scientist" vibes
- Validation that neurodivergence (ASPD) does not always equate to violence or intrinsic personal corruption

Things I didn't like:
- The story really dragged on in the middle and could have been a teeny bit shorter
- I have mixed feelings about all the chaos near the end... I love twists, but it was a bit much at times... loved the ending overall though. The common thread of unresolved trauma will most likely speak to many readers.

The Clinic is a worthy thriller if you love institutional deception mysteries! It is so clear that Cate Quinn took her time to really care about her characters and give them each a distinct, yet fluid, personality that evolves and reveals itself throughout the story. This is very character-driven, and I loved it. Thank you to the publishers at NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for sending me an e-ARC for review!

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The Clinic, by Cate Quinn, is a fast-paced, entertaining read. The most notable element of the story is the main character’s compelling descriptions of the physical and emotional/psychological experience of being in rehab. The other intriguing element was the research being conducted at the facility—though that was wrapped up too tidily for my taste. Other characters are interesting, but not sufficiently developed to create a connection for the reader—they serve mostly as tools to propel the plot. If you’re looking for complex characters experiencing meaningful growth, this isn’t your book; if you’re looking for a fun weekend read, dive in!

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I devoured this book in two days! Set in a prestigious rehab clinic in a remote part or the Pacific Northwest, THE CLINIC is a locked room thriller that I couldn't stop reading! Haley Banks is a famous singer who has died in rehab under suspicious circumstances. Her sister goes undercover and checks into the clinic to discover what happened to her sister - and who is behind it. What she uncovers is so much more than what she could have ever imagined.

Great pacing and character development - highly recommend!

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The Clinic is definitely a wild thriller/suspense/sci-fi mystery, but it contains enough plot holes and subpar writing to distract the reader from the wild ride.

The elements of psychology are very interesting, but it would have been better explored earlier in the book. The addiction aspect was definitely fascinating, and I liked a mystery set in an upscale rehab center. I also liked the POVs, Meg and Cara. Meg is trying to figure out if her sister truly committed suicide at the clinic, and Cara is the clinic's manager. I thought it was smart to have someone on the "inside," aka Cara, to be able to see the inner workings of the center.

However, a lot was underdeveloped. Cara's backstory is supposed to be a thing, but it's never really fleshed out. Meg's love story is.. disappointing and just a silly addition.

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3.5/5 ⭐

The Clinic follows the story of Meg as she tries to uncover the truth about her twin sister Haley's unexpected death in a rehab facility.

Overall I was fairly intrigued by the book. It's told from only two POVs and short chapters kept my attention throughout the story. Although the first half did prove to be a little slow it was important for character development and scenario building for the second half of the book. Quinn touches on substance abuse, addiction, sobriety, and mental health challenges throughout the book in such a way that you're able to empathize with the characters on a more personal level. Not a super complex book. I was able to finish it in about 2 sittings. I did however feel that the ending was little rushed and ended on a few points that I didn't quite understand or appreciate.

***I received this book in exchange for my honest opinion. Thank you to the author/publishing company and netgalley for this opportunity!

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A thriller set inside a remote rehab clinic?? Absolutely as wild as you would expect it to be!

Meg's sister dies while inside The Clinic and even though Meg and Haley haven't spoken in years Meg is convinced her sister's death is not as it seems. So Meg decides to enter the rehab as a patient and figure out what really happened to her sister.

I'd like to applaud and commend the author on her sobriety journey. I hope she keeps fighting for her sobriety ever day and I wish her all the best!

I think the authors experience in rehab gave this novel a very realistic view into how patients act and feel.
I enjoyed following each characters journey and trying to guess which one of them was the bad guy.
There's a few red herrings and I found the big twist surprising and enjoyable(although a bit far fetched but it's fiction so why not!?)
The chapters were short which led to me flying through this book.
It has it's creepy moments but I do wish there was a bit more suspense and fright involved.

I would read more from this author in the future. If you like locked room thrillers this would be one you'd enjoy!

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This would get 3.5 stars if that were possible, because I think the bones of a really good story are there, but it didn’t quite keep me as hooked as I would have liked a thriller to do. Knowing that the author has been through rehab herself and did a lot of personal study of the treatment methods used in the book gave me valuable insight, because it was impressive how much detail and accuracy she used in that regard.

I think what was lacking for me was the character development; I never felt a connection with any of the narrators. I can imagine this must have been a difficult headspace for the author to put herself back into, but I really would have loved to see some more of the narrators portraying their feelings more intensely. We had a few glimpses towards the end that really kept me engaged.

I do want to give props to the author because I didn’t guess the ending entirely correctly, which is very rare!

There were several punctuation and grammatical errors I noticed so it definitely needs another round of careful editing. Not sure if I’ll be itching to recommend this one to friends but it would make a great film!

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It has potential but ends in crazy town.

The Clinic is a thriller about a starlet who dies in exclusive drug rehab. Her death is ruled a suicide, but her younger sister, Meg, believes it was something else. To solve what really happened, Meg enters treatment at The Clinic, but her investigation leads her into imminent danger.

The premise is juicy (there is more to it than what’s above), but the slow pace, some flat characters, and a major twist knocked down my rating.

The novel is narrated by Meg and Cara, The Clinic manager. Meg is a compelling narrator. She has an interesting job, which gives her a leg up on reading people. Her addiction and watching her struggle to get clean was captivating. Then there is Cara--I forgot about her in the last 20% (even though she narrates some chapters) because I found her boring. She starts out strong, and I was lured in by some ambiguous details about her past. But nothing about her is fully explained, and in the end, her character falls flat.

There are also several side characters--the psychiatrist, the nutty doctor, and other rehab guests. They span the spectrum from annoying to crazy to crazier. Most felt cartoonish and over the top.

My other gripe is that this book is too long, and the events felt drawn out. There is some repetition. With well over 100 chapters, the length could have been cut down. The chapters are thankfully short and most often follow the pattern of two chapters told through Cara’s POV switch to two chapters to Meg.

What kept me reading this was the open and honest commentary on addiction and treatment, including treatment scams that run prevalent across the country. The author’s note provides another layer to this aspect of the novel. But sadly, it all falls by the wayside with an over-the-top plot twist that brings the plot into the realm of the ridiculous.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark in exchange for an honest review.

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I DNFed at about 20%. I was kind of curious to see how things ended up, but not enough to continue reading such a slowwww book. The pacing was ridiculously slow. I felt like everything was overexplained. There also wasn’t enough backstory for me to feel like I cared deeply about any of the characters involved. Thanks anyway for the ARC.

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This was my first book by Cate Quinn but it definitely won’t be my last! It kept me enthralled from beginning to end.

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This book was SO GOOD!!!! I absolutely love books that take place in clinics/psych wards/hospitals and this one did not disappoint. I will definitely be purchasing a hard copy of it when it’s released to add to my shelf. Well done!

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This book was a wild ride, to say the least! You meet an entire cast of messed-up characters and end up falling in love with most of them by the end.

You can tell that Cate Quinn wrote this book from her heart and experience. With every page, I felt like I was truly walking in the shoes of the dual POV characters. She really sets the atmosphere and brings you into the clinic and I don't think that it's somewhere I want to be! At least not with Dr. Lutz in charge.

Beautifully written, twists and turns for the ages, short and easy-to-read chapters, and characters that make you want to scream and cry simultaneously is the perfect blend for a thriller and that's exactly what Quinn delivered in this book. Also, I want to highlight the extraordinary cover of this book! It's beautiful!

You won't regret picking this book up off the shelf when it is released!

Thanks to Netgalley, Sourcebooks, and Cate Quinn for the advanced copy of this stunning thriller!

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*3.5 stars*

Before starting the review, I want to commend the author for writing her first book while sober. Addiction is no joke, and I am glad she was able to get the help she needed.

Meg is a professional poker player with a drug and alcohol addiction. Self-medicating is the only way she can get through the trauma of a bad call she made at her job. When her famous sister's death at a rehab facility is ruled a suicide, Meg doesn't believe it. Undercover, she checks herself into the Clinic and works to find her sister's killer before it's too late.

The Clinic has a slow build-up, but it pays off. The first 20% is getting to know Meg's past, and the bad blood between her and her sister. Once she arrives at the Clinic, though, things take off. It is fast-paced with a great cast of characters. I didn't know who to suspect and who to trust. Meg has a great voice; she simultaneously solves a mystery and goes through withdrawals, giving her character arc depth. While not likable, Meg has a tough, no-nonsense attitude that appealed to me.

The Clinic deals with the stereotypes around mental health, addiction, and trauma. It's really compelling as everyone has different reasons for wanting to get better. Addiction is a tough process/cycle to beat, and this book doesn't shy away from that. It also addresses the "Florida shuffle," a vicious cycle of manipulating those in rehab to fall into old patterns. I was impressed with how effortlessly these topics are woven into the overall plot.

My biggest issue with this book was the handling of specific medical procedures. Yes, lots of facilities get away with seedy things, but this one asked my imagination to stretch too far. Strip-searches, or something of the sort, are required for rehab facilities. If those weren't mandated, people would be able to smuggle all sorts of things in. Also, there would be more security around medication rooms. Working just in normal medical facilities, the steps to access medication were lengthy and near impossible if you weren't authorized. These discrepancies are necessary for the book's plot to work, but they still need to be pointed out.

I wish the book was only told through Meg's POV. We also got the manager of the Clinic's perspective, but it didn't add anything to the story. The ending was a tad far-fetched for my taste, but not so much that it didn't work.

The Clinic is a twisty thriller that tackles intense subjects along the way. As long as you like a slow-burn and complex characters, I'd recommend this book!

Thank you, NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for the advance copy in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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This book centers around Meg who has checked into a rehab facility while trying to solve her sister’s suspicious death at said clinic. There are two POVs which make it easy to follow, the clinic feels like it’s own ominous character and add in sketchy characters being treated for various addictions but are the treatments safe?!

That plot twist blew my mind! I had an inkling but it definitely didn’t go the way I thought it would…

I have already added Cate Quinn’s first book Black Widows to my TBR because I loved this one for sure!

Thank you to @netgalley, Sourcebooks Landmark and @catequinnauthor for this ARC coming out January 23, 2024 in exchange for my honest feedback.

SWIPE for synopsis from Goodreads. 💛 #ppacreviews #pagesplantsandcoffee

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A suspenseful psychological thriller dealing with the road to recovery of addicts who are the rich and famous. A death of one of the clients, murder or suicide? A cast of characters who you feel you will know. Therapists with unconventional treatments which can be life threatening or is it a cure for addiction. Surprising twists surround this institution. Recommend. Received an ARC and this is my voluntary honest review.

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I loved this book and the story line!!

This story follows Meg, an alcoholic and substance abuse addict, who also reads humans for her job at a casino. Meg’s sister has just died but she knows it was murder. So we follow Meg on thrilling journey to solve her sisters death which occurred in a celebrity rehab spa. The bread crumbs and clues along the way gave me chills. I loved all the twists and turns.

We also follow Cara, the rehab manager. She had just started the position when the death occurred. But starts piecing the puzzle together when detectives start asking more questions. Was Haley really murdered? What does will she uncover?

I loved the character growth with Meg the most. Meg was struggling at the beginning. She was disconnected and spiraling with her addictions. She wasn’t on the best terms with her sister. But we see Meg grow, accept help, learn to love herself, and forgive.

I give this a solid 4/5!

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Would you do anything to save your sister?

Reading the clinic was a wild ride. As someone who’s been in similar* situations of unethical therapy/“help” it was a little jarring to see personal experience being portrayed in a thriller book. But also therapeutic and validating knowing some of these ethics and practices are messed up.

I like this book because it gives you a sense of how real it is to be in this situation. The dialogue was a little hit or miss but I liked the character depth. I did feel it was a little hard to keep up with so many characters that seemed to be so similar. But over all the book was very good. Definitely another book to add to the psychward/ retreat vibe trope. The book is advertised as a thriller, but I will say it felt more like your undercover cop, or FBI book type book which don’t have the same vibe as “pedestrian “ books but it was good nonetheless!! And I know people LOVE the cop/FBI/undercover agents vibe so if that’s you try this one!

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While this story picked up a great deal in the second half, and finally scratched that thriller itch, I struggled to like and connect with these characters.

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