Member Reviews

The Clinic is a mesmerizing mystery that engages the reader throughout keeping the anticipation on high alert. Suspicion of foul play makes the novel most interesting, but the conclusion is most satisfying. Thanks for the ARC.

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An extraordinary read, this book captivates from the outset, maintaining its unyielding grip until the final chapter. The characters are so finely etched and unexpectedly relatable (even the most unrelatable ones - weird, I know!), it left me astounded.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this. Just when you believe you've figured it out, a twist occurs. The character growth of Meg and the contrasting perspective from Cara added depth. I wholeheartedly recommend this as a fantastic read!

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Good weekend read. I found the story a bit slow at first, but was immediately captivated by the core cast of characters introduced a few chapters in. Many twists and turns throughout the story, and the ending left me surprised, but I found myself questioning the main characters choices many times. Set inside an addiction treatment facility, I was intrigued to read the author chose the setting (loosely) based on her own experiences.

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The Clinic was a wonderfully plotted thriller. I did guess some of what happens, but it didn’t lessen my interest in the story.

Meg’s sister dies while in rehab, and Meg decides to check herself in under a different last name. People said that her sister killed herself, but Meg believes she was murdered instead.

Everyone in the luxury rehab clinic has a reason to kill someone. So, which one of them did it? And how did her sister’s fingerprints get on two notes that were stuffed in Meg’s pockets? Be sure to read The Clinic to find out!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC. This review contains my honest, unbiased opinion.

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This was a terrific mystery. The twists and turns were amazing. I never saw the results that happened. It was a really great read

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I think that this will absolutely be a popular read! The overall setting and split perspective is a refreshing change from most thrillers currently on the market. Excellently written!

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I sadly did not finish this book. I couldn't connect to the characters or the plot. I tried a few times to try and finish it but I couldn't.
I love the cover and the idea of the book.

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Typically I don’t love love love rehab stories, but this one really kept me intrigued. What I tend not to enjoy is reading in such a haze (like from the character who is in rehab) that I have to concentrate so hard to keep things straight. This book, since we had two POVs, was very easy to follow which I really appreciated. Even from Meg who was going through withdraws,she kept her wits about her. I would definitely recommend this read!

Megs sister Haley has reportedly died while in rehab, but Meg finds this suspicious. She decides to check herself into the exclusive facility and see if she can figure out what happened. Cara manages the day to day of the center, under the mysterious Dr. Lutz. She isn’t sure who is telling the truth as police begin to investigate Haley’s death, and she questions her safety while at work. Will her and Meg figure things out, or suffer the same fate as Haley?

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted ARC!

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This was gifted by Netgalley & the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Located in the remote Pacific Northwest lies a rehab center. You would think that this remote setting would be the perfect place for somebody who needs rehab to escape from reality and obtain help they need right? Wrong. One of the patients mysteriously dies and her sister is determined to find out what really happened here. She becomes a patient at this clinic herself to figure out what’s going on and how things are running. She doesn’t expect that she will be battling her own addictions, while trying to figure out the truth. It’s much more complicated than she ever imagined. And now she’s completely isolated from everybody she knows and loves.

I originally picked this book up because it was compared to Tarryn Fisher and Stacy Willingham. I’ve been a fan of both authors and certain work that they put out. I really liked how little information we got going into the book. It makes the book that much more fun when we have no idea what to expect and there’s no spoilers. I will say that the atmosphere was a 10 out of 10. I loved everything about how The Pacific Northwest was described. It really makes it so that you can feel like you are a part of the environment. The actual story itself was just OK for me. I enjoyed it quite a bit, but there were parts that were slow for me and they were other parts of the explanation that I didn’t love. I do think that this was an overall fun book and I would be curious to read more from the author.

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A torrential downpour outside blocked any kind of view from her window. A chill seeped in, causing her to shiver. The weather outside was gloomy, permeating the building that she now resided in. She heard the squeak of sneakers on the tile floor outside her room, the rush of wheels from a runaway cart, the clattering of medical tools as they hit the floor. And then the lights went out.

The Clinic is a dual perspective thriller following Meg, who is entering rehab after her sister was found dead in this same facility. She feels that it wasn’t an accident, but a murder instead. You also follow Cate, who is the manager at the rehab facility. She is starting to think some sinister things are going on within these walls.

This was a fantastic read! I was immediately drawn into the story and the secluded setting. The rich, famous people in rehab storyline added some drama that kept me turning pages. A locked room mystery with all the characters having a motive had me constantly guessing. I must caution the reader though before going into this book. It deals heavily with drug addiction and if that is a trigger for you then please know this before going in.

I highly recommend this one for readers who enjoy locked room thrillers, Hollywood drama, and character redemption stories.

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3 stars
This book is a mystery thriller, following two perspectives. This book was very character focused, Meg, one of the main characters really drove the story. She had a lot going on both past and present and so much trauma and unresolved issues with family, work, and love. All the other side characters were very much props in this story and used to draw suspicion in different directions, they were kind of just scattered through the book and popped up doing questionable things. The chapters were short, and the story moved pretty quickly. The writing was ok and easy to follow, but there were points when some timelines and events did not match up when changing perspectives. It was a little confusing and I had to backtrack to double check things. The story definitely kept me on my toes with all the surprise, twist, throwing doubt and miss direction to a lot of different places. I did enjoy parts of this story, but it was ok for me and had definitely entertaining qualities, so I would recommend it, but it was ok for me.
Trigger warnings: substance use, kidnapping, blood, child abuse, torture
I received an advanced ebook, via Netgalley. This review is my own honest opinion.

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This was a wild ride. The twists and turns in the story is what kept me reading. There was some disturbingly minded characters which is what made this book unique. Loved her take on mental health. Short chapters always get me excited as well. Started out slow but ended solid.

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This was incredibly good! I could see it being picked up by some book clubs for sure. Highly recommend from me! Spooooooky season is upon us!

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I really enjoyed this ARC. The reader is left deciphering what is happening at a remote rehabilitation center, where one death has occurred under suspicious circumstances. Enter the sister of the deceased (who is also an addict) trying to figure out what happened to her sister and uncover her past trauma and addiction at the same time.

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I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this novel.

Even though Meg and her sister Haley have had their ups and downs, when Meg hears that Haley died at the rehab clinic where she was trying to get clean and it was ruled a suicide, Meg knows something is amiss. Her sister would never commit suicide and heroin wasn’t a drug she used.

Meg has struggled with anger and violence her whole life, but she found a job that suits her well. She gambles and, in doing so, takes down bad guys. It’s a job where she can drink a lot and, since she had a run in with some gangsters and busted up her shoulder, oxycodone. But she’s not an alcoholic and she’s taking *prescription* drugs—that she just happens to get her hands on in a way that isn’t exactly on the up and up.

Even though she’s sure she doesn’t have a substance abuse problem like her sister, she finagles her way into the same program and gets her boss to pay for the extremely expensive luxury rehab of the stars by telling him it’s a way to take out more bad guys.

The author does a great job with accuracy of people battling substance abuse—because she herself has been to rehab. Because all of the patients are murder suspects, the novel doesn’t dwell on what great people they are when they’re not drinking or using, but on the aspects that might make them good suspects.

I enjoyed this mystery. The two narrators—Meg and the clinic director Cara—are not exactly the most likeable characters, but I thought the twists and turns were fun and the ending well done.

NetGalley provided an advance copy of this novel, which RELEASES JANUARY 23, 2024.

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I received and ARC of the Clinic and ended up really enjoying the book! It started out a bit slow for me but really got going and had an ending I didn't see coming. The storyline was unique and refreshing from the repeat books that are out there. I got into the mystery and couldn't figure out who the killer was until it was revealed. The author used real life experience for this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Cate Quinn, and Sourcebooks Landmark for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.


Meg works for a casino in LA, catching cheaters and popping a few too many pain pills to cope, following a far different path than her sister Haley, a famous actress. But suddenly reports surface of Haley dying at the remote rehab facility where she had been forced to go to get her addictions under control.

There are whispers of suicide, but Meg can't believe it. She decides that the best way to find out what happened to her sister is to check in herself – to investigate what really happened from the inside.

Battling her own addictions and figuring out the truth will be much more difficult than she imagined, far away from friends, family – and anyone who could help her.


I really enjoy this book! This is the first Care Quinn book I have read and it definitely won’t be my last! I was hooked from the beginning! Once I hit about halfway through I couldn’t put it down! It kept me guessing, pretty sure I though almost every character was the murderer at one point throughout the story! So well written!

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Three stars because the book kept my interest. But, totally implausible content, in my opinion, that detracted from the read. The characters were so unlikeable. I would hate to think that so many people entering a rehab facility to better themselves and their lives, would be so horrid. The “professional” staff includes many unsavory characters as well, Some with criminal records. Really? . The end dragged on with a preposterous outcome. Thank you NetGalley and SourceBooks Lanmark for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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“The Clinic” by Cate Quinn is a mystery/thriller. This book is a “locked room” type of mystery that takes place in a rehab clinic (nice little twist). I found the story to be engaging (though it took a while to get going), the characters to be interesting (all of them flawed and it did take me a bit of time to keep them separate), and I liked the narration coming from the two characters - Meg and Cara (though Cara’s a bit harder to get to know; meaning after reading the book I still don’t know a lot about her other than “rules were made to be followed”). I found the ending a bit too neatly tied up, but minor quibble. Another minor quibble was pointed out in another review - which is that Meg never would’ve been able to smuggle in her stash because strip/cavity searches are done upon admittance to rehab facilities [so I’ve read and been told]. I did like the author’s approach to portraying addictions and that some of that was based upon her own journey, I find applaudable. I may be in the minority, but I did figure out who might’ve done it from one scene, though I couldn’t make all the puzzle pieces fit - but I’ll admit that it was a good twist. I’d recommend this book to those who enjoy a locked room mystery with a spooky atmosphere thrown in. The book does take a while to get rolling, but once it does it becomes very engaging … and doesn’t everyone need a Harry in their lives?

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