Member Reviews

A locked room mystery set in a celebrity rehab. Riveting, captivating, engaging. Oh, I loved this. Gobbled it up from start to finish.

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Starts off a bit slow. But through good character development it won’t disappoint. Thank you NetGalley for my chance with this one

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Haley is an actress with a known drug problem who admits herself into a very pricey rehab facility for celebrities. Her sister, Meg, works at a casino and catches cheaters. She has her own drug problem. They have a strained relationship. But, when Meg sees on the news that Haley died of an overdose, Meg knows it isn't true. She gets herself admitted to the facility to solve the murder.

This rehab facility has an interesting owner and an eclectic group of patients. Nothing is as it seems.

I don't read alot of thrillers. I didn't feel very invested in the characters, but I did enjoy watching the story unfold.

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This is a mystery / thriller set in a luxury celebrity rehab center. Do we really need to know anything else?? I had seen that the author herself went to rehab and was inspired to write about addition in her book. Be sure to read the acknowledgments!

Thank you to the publisher and #Netgalley for the ARC!

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Thank you @netgalley @sourcebookslandmark for the #gifted copy of this e-book!

What it’s about:

Meg, a quote complicated character, works in a casino catching people who cheat while gambling. She blends in, pretends to also be gambling to catch the bad guys. The problem, she has a pill addiction which started from an injury from a traumatic event in her life.

Her sister Haley is the complete opposite personality wise however similar in her addiction and vices. A famous actress she is currently in a rehab clinic trying to get clean.

Meg gets wind her sister committed suicide at the clinic and although they aren’t the closest she just knows that Haley wouldn’t have done that. She decides to get to the bottom of what happened to her sister by doing what she know how to do best. Immerse herself in the clinic to catch the bad guy!

Thoughts: I loved this fast paced, short chapter, wild, heart pounding ride! I actually really enjoyed the way the author touched on addiction and the struggle to get sober. It seemed very realistic! The characters in this book kept me guessing and I found myself constantly flip flopping back and forth on who I thought was the bad person 😂 I love when books are like that! The ending was definitely crazy and not very realistic but it didn’t bother me! I have another of Cate’s books on my shelf now and I can’t wait to grab it after having read this one!

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An engaging, fast-paced, “locked room” mystery. The Clinic by Cate Quinn is easy to read and has all the elements of an intriguing mystery - love, drama, addiction, deception, competition, crime, quirkiness and Hollywood.

Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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The Clinic is a modern locked-room murder mystery that will keep you guessing about the who and why? I liked that one of the main narrators was an unreliable narrator as it made you question reality along with her. Overall, a fun mystery.

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This book is getting a sold 4 out of 5 stars! I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the intriguing plot.

Cate Quinn does a fantastic job taking the experience she had in rehab herself and turning it into a diabolical read.

The plot mainly surrounds Meg. Meg has some troubles with alcohol and pills, but gets by as a professional poker player spotting out and arresting loan sharks. She does have a way with accents and disguises… When she finds out her Hollywood singer sister dies in a celebrity luxury rehab on the Pacific Northwest Coast, Meg becomes obsessed with finding out who murdered her. So she commits herself to this facility and finds that there is way more going on behind the scenes than she was prepared for.

I’ll admit it- I didn’t see the big plot twist coming. I was totally set up. I was shocked! The ending also blew me away.

Short chapters, multiple viewpoints, characters with history and depth, themes of addiction and childhood trauma. These are all the things that made this a fantastic read for me.

However, there’s also a not terribly reliable protagonist, annoying characters, decisions made that were a little crazy, and slow sections of this novel. But, I got over it. The plot twist was worth it for me.

I loved The Clinic and I now love Cate Quinn. I would completely recommend to anyone!

A great thank you goes out to Cate Quinn, Sourcebooks Landmark, and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Meg works for the casinos, playing poker and busting bad guys. When she learns her estranged sister, famous singer Haley, has died at an in-patient rehab under suspicious circumstances, she is compelled to investigate.

She makes her way through winding, foggy roads to the state-of-the-art clinic in the Pacific Northwest, and meets a mysterious and secretive cast of characters. Everyone from the other patients to the staff seems to have something to hide.

Meg goes undercover, her alcohol and pill addictions coming in useful in therapy and treatments. She's convinced her sister didn't commit suicide, but who can lie better than addicts? Forced to dig into her own traumatic past to find the truth, Meg discovers betrayal, greed, and treatments that push ethical and moral boundaries.

Quinn writes a compelling tale about love, family, and addiction. In the afterword, I was touched to read about her own journey with addiction, and the emotion she brought to it via her experience shone through. On top of that, the story was compelling and suspenseful, with lots of twists and turns.

One thing I loved about this book was the author's ability to leave you wanting more of whatever character's POV it was that chapter. It felt like nearly every close to a chapter was a mini-cliffhanger, and I love that in a thriller!

Reviews to come on @pittelsbookclub on TikTok and Instagram

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The Clinic is enjoyable suspense/mystery story which provides thought-provoking theories and insights into trauma and addiction woven through interesting characters and a compelling plot. The story is told through rapidly alternating viewpoints of two of the main characters, Meg and Cara. The short chapters switching back and forth from Meg’s story to Cara’s story could have been a distraction to the flow of the plot, but Cate Quinn actually used this technique effectively to create a relatively seamless, fast-paced and gripping narrative.

On the downside, I couldn’t quite connect with a few of the characters. I was never sure of just what to make of Cara. I felt that I needed to empathize with her but just couldn’t quite get there. The police officers, Hanson and Meyers presented a dilemma: they seemed to be intent on finding answers that would protect people, which should have made them “good guys”, but they came across as mostly annoying interruptions.

I enjoyed the plot twists, although the explanations behind two of the major surprises seemed a bit dubious to me. I felt there was a hole in the final twist which I will want to revisit at some point. I plan to scan he other reviews to see if anyone else had the same reaction.

This book is worth a look. Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for providing me with an advance digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Unreliable narrator at it's best!

This book alternates between Meg (who's sister died mysteriously while at the clinic), and Clara who works admin for the clinic. These were the perfect two characters to focus on. Meg enters the clinic undercover to see if she can find out the truth behind her sisters death. Clara has eyes on the clinic but once she starts digging into things a bit more realizes she never actually knew what was going on.

Loved this one and highly recommend!

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I read this thanks to NetGalley and I’m so glad I did. I really enjoyed this mystery and trying to figure it all out. Even if you pick up on some of it along the way I doubt anyone could solve this mystery completely. I loved the guessing and the changing POV. The writing was well done and fast paced but not rushed. I finished the second half in a couple of hours because I was so eager to know more.

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For an atmospheric twisted who-dun-it thriller, then Cate Quinn’s, “The Clinic,” is definitely one for your to-be-read shelves because all of the Clinic addiction patients are suspicious and the doctor running the place is certifiably nuts.

When poker player par excellence, Megan learns that her older sister, Hollywood actress, Hayley, is missing and assumed dead from this remote Pacific Northwest Clinic, she immediately checks herself in as a patient to try to learn the truth about Hayley.

Meg finds herself struggling with rehab because both she and Hayley were exposed to extensive trauma as children and the psychological team are determined to uncover the root cause—regardless how painful the process to Meg. Also, Megan has a secret OxyContin addiction from a recent shoulder injury—never a good thing at an addiction treatment center.

Things get progressively strange and sometimes torturous for not only Meg, but other patients while the hunt for Hayley proves troublesome. Enjoy this fascinating mystery that will surprise you with it’s intriguing mystery end.

JoyReaderGirl1 graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Cate Quinn, and Publisher SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for this advanced readers copy (ARC) for review.

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Loved this book! Book is about two sisters Meg and Haley. Haley is admitted to rehab and ends up dead. Meg believes she was murdered and did not overdose (like everyone said happened). Meg struggles with alcohol and oxys so she decides to go under cover and admit herself to the same rehab her sister died at. Meg wants to find the killer but also is learning about her trauma. Meg tries to become friends with the other patients however does not do a good job. She continues to try to find out what happened to her sister but has found two notes warning her to stay away from the rehab and both signed by her sister.

This book kept me interested the whole way through and had several twists at the end which made it even more enjoyable!

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Review: I finally finished this book. It took me a while as I couldn’t get into it. The characters were so unrelateable that I didn’t really care what happened to them, which isn’t a good sign in a thriller book. I liked that the book was based off the author’s own experience in rehab, because I feel that makes the book a little more real. But all the things that happened were just too out there and I thought were thrown into the book. Just not the book for me…I hope others enjoy it. Thank you @netgalley for the ARC copy!

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3.5 stars

This was such an interesting book with serious Shutter Island vibes. Though the secondary characters were less developed, I found The Clinic to be suspenseful and engaging throughout. There were some parts of the story that were a little bit far-fetched, but I mostly enjoyed the book and the way that addiction was portrayed.

The only bit that really confused me was how the one cop kept bringing her baby with her while she was on shift. I thought this was really strange and didn't serve much of a purpose except to showcase her quirks. But, that aside, I found the book quite enjoyable.

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This book was a surprise to me. I felt myself drawn in from page one. I loved the alternating chapters, I always feel like I get so much more of the story this way. After finishing the book, I read that the author based much of this story off her own experience and this really shined through in the story. I thought the author did a great job giving a glimpse into the world of rehab. The story provided great twists and kept me guessing throughout. I did not see it coming and man, I just really loved this story. I thought there was a great creepy vibe to this story and will definitely be one that I recommend!

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This book, for me, was the most interesting psychological thriller I have read. Kate Quinn takes us into the world of rehab, addiction, mental health and trauma. Meg works at a casino going undercover to catch loan sharks and other criminals. Meg hears that her sister, Haley, has died in rehab. These two sisters were raised in Hollywood under the push of their mother. While Haley became a fomous singer, Meg stayed in the background.

Meg is battling addictions of her own and decides to check into this elite clinic. There are only 5 patients there. The cost to go there is astronimical. Meg is investigating her sisters death because she feels there is no way Haley committed suicide. Kate Quinn is spot on with addiction, rehab, and mental illness.

This book was so good, I hated to put it down to do life. The writing was flawless and interesting. The characters were very well developed. The book does get dark and dangerous which is to be expected. I absolutely loved it and loved the ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this ARC. I greatly appreciate it and highly recommend this book.

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I received this as an ARC digital copy in exchange for an honest review. I definitely enjoyed this thriller. Normally the “everyone could be guilty” style is too much for me but these characters were all fleshed out and different enough that keeping them apart was easy. I liked the dual POVs. A couple of nice twists. Overall I say 4.5 stars. Will read more by this author.

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I really enjoyed this book. I think the story tells the love for family even when there is so much space between them. I found that I was rooting for Meg and hoping that she can overcome her demons and find peace in herself.

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