Member Reviews

The Clinic
By Cate Quinn
Publisher Sourcebooks Landmark
Release Date January 23, 2024

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Suspense: 5/5
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

WOW!!! What a freaking great book.

Meg works at a casino on the lookout for cheaters and boy is she kick ass at her job. She is great with the investigations that keep the casino from losing money. Her sister Haley Banks is an actress and now Meg is told that Haley passed away due to an apparent suicide. Haley had been staying in a rehab facility working on her addiction. Obviously, Haley would never take her own life, she was way too selfish and full of herself to actually go that far. So Meg, in obvious disbelief of the suicide rumor, decides that since she has a problem with pain medicine, to check into the same rehab. Once she arrives she finds out how difficult it really is and being away from friends and family is harder than she thought. While becoming sober, she is learning things about her past as well as her sister that is allowing her to become more focused on the truth. She finds out that someone there did not like her sister. Someone who may have had something to do with her death. Can Meg find out the truth? Will the outcome of her investigation bring her the truth or will someone do anything to hide what really happened?

This is a well told story with short chapters that keep the reader engaged and enthralled in the story. The characters are so well developed, flawed and unreliable. The chapters flowed together perfectly and I ABSOLUTELY did not know how the book would end. The ending…..oh the ending was something I could never have predicted. It was like being on a roller coaster with all of the twists and turns but when you get to the end, you need to hold on tightly because you will be in for one hell of a ride.

5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author and publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.

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I literally couldn’t put this book down from the moment I picked it up. A woman researches a familial death in a mysterious and haunted clinic. This book has so many twists and turns it left my head spinning and holding my breath to find out what happened! I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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The Clinic
Care Quinn
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
Thriller, suspense
If you like a gothic mystery, a twisted medical prison story, or just a complicated heroine, this book is for you!
Things I liked
Short chapters, riveting tone in the second half, jaw dropping twists, plot, authors approach to mental illness.
Questions: the characters were not likeable, difficult for me to connect, I felt the ending was rushed, far fetched, first half was slow,
Good book!
4 stars

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This is a don’t miss, short chapter thriller that is told through a double POV of Meg and Cara. When I first saw the cover, I thought we were going to be in a haunted hospital/clinic type setting. Nope. Meg is a drug addicted shark card player who brings down bad guys in casinos. Her estranged sister Haley, has entered a rehab facility, but ends up dead. Meg does not believe this is possible and wants to go into the rehab clinic undercover – and she does. With each new character and the secrets they hide along with their sordid pasts, it is impossible to predict the ending to this book.
Don't skip out on reading the author's note. It will make the book that much more special. I applaud the author for sharing her story and congrats on writing your first book sober!

Thanks to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark, Sourcebooks Landmark for a digital ARC.

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3.5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Sisters Meg and Haley could not be more different. While Meg is busy catching cheaters in an LA casino, Haley is chasing fame as an actress and musician. When her estranged sister dies of a supposed suicide at the remote rehab facility where she is being treated for substance abuse disorder, Meg takes it upon herself to go undercover. Unconvinced that her sister’s death was self-inflicted, she endeavors to get to know Haley’s friends (and enemies) to be able to catch her killer and bring them to justice. Unfortunately, operations at the Clinic are far more complex than Meg had bargained for, especially while in the throes of her own addiction. Far away from anyone she knows, Meg has only herself to rely on as she fights to bring the truth of Haley’s death to light.

I really enjoyed this book. Moody and luxurious, the Clinic comes to life through Cate Quinn’s atmospheric writing style. With short chapters that keep the reader guessing, this is a quick read that packs a punch. Quinn handles the matters of addiction, recovery, and mental health with grace and sensitivity, speaking candidly in her acknowledgements about her own struggles with addiction. Though the book held my attention throughout, she lost me a bit at the very end. I can’t say much without giving anything away, but the ending felt fairly unconvincing. I know, I know, it’s fiction, it’s rarely realistic, but this was just one notch above what I want out of a plot twist. That said, I will definitely still recommend the Clinic to mystery/thriller fans!

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A slow-burn thriller capturing the nitty gritty of addiction and how powerful it can be to the human mind and body. This story is told in two different POV, the clinic coordinator, Cora and Meg, an addict who is supposedly here for rehab, but really here to find out who killed her sister.

While this thriller is slower paced, it does a great job with character development, with the ending full of unpredictable twists. Given the author's personal experience with rehab facilities, she offers a unique take on the benefits but also the risks that come with addiction. Overall, a solid thriller!

Thank you NetGalley for this ARC, all opinions are my own.

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I read a book. That should be the first clue that this book was a page turner.

Long story short since 2020 I have struggled to read books, and for someone that used to read and review 50-60 a year this was killing me. After every test in the book over the last 3 years finally was told I likely have the LC. Started taking meds and boom...2 weeks later I was staying up until 3am finishing this book like the good old days. I even woke up after getting barely 6 hours of sleep excited and told my husband, "I read a book!"

And what a book it was! The idea of a celebrity rehab gave me massive A Cure For Wellness vibes when I first read the synopsis and it didn't disappoint. I really enjoyed all of the characters and Meg's job is a unique one that as a fellow poker player I really appreciated.

This was just the page turner I needed to get me out of the worst funk ever! And that ending...O.M.G! Highly recommend everyone keep on eye out for this one in 2024! Thank you to Netgalley for the arc!

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EXCELLENT read by Cate Quinn. Discusses the complicated dynamics of trauma, addiction, and family. While most of the book was a mystery, the end showcased the depth of human emotion and how far people are willing to go for family. Really enjoyed this one- would highly recommend.

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This was a tense read that left me questioning everyone. It was also very quick as each chapter is a few minutes long. It alternates between two perspectives: Meg, an addict who checks herself into the clinic to investigate the death of her sister, Haley, at the same facility, and Cara, the manager of the clinic. I would have liked Haley's perspective but that might have revealed too much. I liked the mental health aspect, especially the focus on childhood trauma. As it got closer to the end it became too far fetched for me and some things just didn't make sense to the point that I found myself rolling my eyes. I would still recommend if you're looking for a wild whodunit.

Thank you NetGalley, Sourcebooks Landmark and Cate Quinn for an advanced copy of 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜 that releases January 23, 2024.

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This mystery/thriller was set in a high-end luxury rehab center, which had me hooked from the start. I loved the dual POV and short chapters. I did not see the ending coming which kept me on the edge of my seat. Some of the ending was a bit unbelievable/outrageous, but overall this was a great read!

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Thank you so much to Cate Quinn, Sourcebooks Landmark, and NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When I requested this book on NetGalley, I was so hopeful I would get approved for an ARC copy. So needless to say, I have been greatly anticipating reading this book. Everything made it seem like such a good story: the cover, title, and overview. I mean, how doesn’t a creepy rehabilitation clinic on a hill, famous characters, and a supposed suicide draw a reader in? And it lived up to the hype I'd pretty much made up for myself. This honestly hit pretty much every mark for me and kept me engaged and entertained until the very end. I enjoyed that it didn’t end with one person being at fault, but that there were multiple intertwined stories at play. It's definitely a perfect read for those who like something spooky around the fall season, because you’ll be feeling like you need to keep looking over your shoulder after finishing this book. Also, credit goes to Cate Quinn for digging into a part of her past in rehab to craft this story. In my opinion, it can be difficult to be so vulnerable about a period such as that in your life, and she did it beautifully, and I respect her for that.

Meg, a professional poker player turned undercover law enforcement officer, is trying to escape her past through the use of drugs and alcohol. Her relationship with her sister Haley, who is a famous actress, hasn’t been great since they were children. It's supposedly because of negative childhood trauma, but neither of them seems to allow those parts through anymore. The recent news of Haley’s suicide while in rehab just doesn’t sit right with Meg, and no one seems to feel the same way. Facing potential unemployment due to her increasingly noticeable dependence on opioids and alcohol, Meg is asked to take a break from work and figure herself out. In dire need to get clean and having a gut feeling that her sister was murdered, Meg decides she will admit herself to rehab. With her employer knowing how integral she is to what they do, they are not shy about putting out the famous figure fees to admit her into the clinic. She just can’t let anyone know that she’s Haley’s sister, because then they’ll know her true motive behind becoming a patient. The problem is that Meg can’t truly figure out the story behind her sister's death until she figures out herself, and she can’t do that while continuing to sneak pills while at the rehab facility. After ruining every relationship with the other patients at the facility and getting nowhere on her investigation, she decides it’s time to become serious about getting clean. She flushes the oxy and prepares herself for the shakes, sweating, and hallucinations that are bound to ensue. This all in the hopes of figuring out who in the facility is the one who killed her sister. What Meg didn't know is that there is so much more going on at this clinic than a potential murder.

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This book had the potential to be amazing. The writing was good and the story was good. It was unnecessarily long and dragged on for the entire book until something finally happened at the end. I stuck through it, but it wasn’t what I hoped for.

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This book just was not for me. I couldn’t get into it and I tried reading it multiple times but was completely unable to her hooked. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc ebook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The authors writing style was very easy to follow & really set the pace of the book. I liked the building of the tension throughout the book as we found out more & how quickly it seemed to progress - almost like an intense thriller movie. The characters were interesting & captivating. The storyline was original & brilliant. I really enjoyed this book. I appreciate the opportunity to read & review this book!

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A very compelling page-turner! This is one of those books where you just never know who to trust or believe, which is a favorite trope of mine. And I absolutely love the short chapters! The story explores some dark but important themes of addiction and mental health. The atmosphere is adeptly crafted to create the perfect creepy, ominous tone, with the locked-room feels on top of that. There’s cultish vibes and hints at medical malpractice. I also liked the investigative side of things. It is a little long for a thriller (450 pages) and I did find the first half to be a rather slow build, but Quinn expertly builds the tension to keep you hooked. And the second half gets wild. I loved trying to guess what was going on right along with the main characters. The twists will definitely have you reeling. Cate Quinn is a new-to-me author and after reading this one I will absolutely be awaiting whatever she writes next. If you are a fan of psychological thrillers, this is a must-read for you!

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Spooky!! This book was dark and twisted and I loved every second! I didn’t want it to end but also couldn’t wait to know the ending. A total mind game!

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Thank you to NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book! I thoroughly enjoyed it and could not put it down.

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Thank you to the publisher for my copy, all opinions are my own,

I couldn't help but dive right into this one after reading the synopsis, and as promised, this story is chaotic and filled with unreliable narrators and drama galore. The premise of this whole story taking place at an ultra-luxury and remote rehab was right up my alley, and I love me some slightly unhinged characters and intense undercurrent of dark things happening just beyond the veil.

I think this will be a book best consumed without any preconceived notions, and with minimal idea of what to expect, as you want to enjoy the ride as it unfolds. It is dark, it is twisted and it is a brutally honest view of what happens to people detoxing from addiction. Throw in a mysterious death and a rehab owner/operator who is clearly up to something fishy and you have a book that will keep you glued to the page.

This is a must for 2024 reading piles!

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What a ride!!! I loved this thriller and the spooky gothic vibes. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this ARC!

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Thank you, @netgalley , for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! I was SO excited when I saw I was approved for this one. I loved the synopsis of this one and knew it was one I would enjoy.
This book was full of twists and turns, and I loved the multiple POVs. I couldn’t wait to get home and read each night, and just wanted to figure out how it ended. For my thriller lovers, I highly recommend this one!

This one publishes in January 2024, so be sure to add to your list!

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