Member Reviews

This was a twisted dark read yet so exciting adventure. There was the element of mystery that kept me on my toes. I really enjoyed this novel. Thank you for approving my request. I can't wait to reread again once my hands get on a physical copy.

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Loved this pyschological thriller! It was so much fun to read and see from two different perspectives. Definitely didn't see the different twists, and enjoyed the character development.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC opportunity!

When Meg finds out her estranged sister died in rehab- she believes it can’t possibly be true. She doesn’t believe her sister would take her own life. Meg goes undercover to learn about what is going on in this exclusive clinic and what the truth must be.

Meg’s own experiences with substances makes this both easier and harder, as she starts to suspect that the clinic is using the patients there to experiment. The question is, will she ever find out what happened to her sister Haley?

I took off stars due to the inaccuracies in the writing about addiction and substance abuse. I am a licensed therapist, though, so I believe only those who have experienced addiction or work in healthcare might recognize these inconsistencies- however it did stand out to me.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is a mystery/thriller set in an isolated rehab in the pacific northwest. Alternating between two POVs, we follow Meg, the sister of a patient at the rehab who died under mysterious circumstances, and Cara, the luxury rehab's manager.
Meg is a poker player with an alcohol and prescription pill dependency. She gets herself checked into the same rehab that her sister, famous musician Haley Banks, overdosed at while inpatient. Cara is a former hotel manager who was recruited by the rehab's quirky owner after a scandal at her last job.
This book started out strong, and was fast paced, however there were some aspects I just could not get into. In a cast of unlikeable characters, Cara was my least favorite, and I had a hard time engaging with her chapters. She was very naïve and made some very questionable choices. I liked Meg, and the other rehab patients, but it was very unbelievable that she would be able to so easily sneak contraband into a high security rehab facility, and then conduct herself the way she did for as long as she did.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of The Clinic in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a phycological thriller that had many twists and turns throughout the entire read. I did not get fully engrossed until about 1/4 of the way into the book. Kudo's to Cate Quinn for the excellent research and writing abilities.

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Cate Quinn really takes you on a roller coaster journey. This story is told in a two person point of view, which I love!

First we Meg, she has several issues of her own. Her demons are deep rooted in her childhood and have traveled with her into her adult life. Meg sets out to join an upscale rehab facility to help find out who killed her sister who is a famous singer with several demons of her own. What Meg doesn't plan for is the people she will be forged with on this journey and the friends she left behind. She doesn't know who will help her OR hurt her along the way.

Second up is Cara, the rehab facility's live-in administrator. She has taken on this new role for her second chance to in life. Dr. Lutz's single her out by special invitation for this role? WHY? She too will also find out several things she didn't know about herself. Her journey is one of discovery. She will also find strength she didn't know she had.

This story has some big surprises I didn't see coming. I never guessed the outcome which I love in a thriller. I would definitely like to read more from this author. Thank you Netgalley for giving me a sneak peek at this great novel.

RUN and get this one, IT does NOT disappoint.

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Thank you Netgalley and Sourcebooks for this ARC!

This is my first book by Cate Quinn, and it did not disappoint. The Clinic is about two sisters, Meg and Hailey, who lead two very different yet similar lives. Meg is a poker player who goes undercover to catch casino thieves while Hailey is a popular country music star both of whom struggle with addiction. After a late-night shift Meg learns Hailey committed suicide in the luxury rehab center she’s been recovering in. Although Hailey has her issues, there is no way she could have done this to herself, so Meg decides to admit herself to The Clinic and investigate first hand which of the high profile patients killed her sister.

Admittedly, I don’t love long books because my attention span is low, but I flew through this one (about 450pgs). I unreliable narrators and as you can imagine -- an addict going into rehab, going through withdrawals, experiencing hallucinations, undergoing experimental treatments can bring all sorts of confusion. Everyone has the potential to be a suspect, but you don’t really know what’s real and what’s a symptom of the treatment/withdrawal. The writing and cohesiveness of the story was great. Although there were a lot of characters, and I didn’t find myself getting confused by the story lines, however, it would have been nice to go into more detail on a handful of them - especially Hailey and Dr. Lutz. I didn't realize until after I finished that the Cate Quinn experienced her own stint in rehab and took a inspiration from her time there to write this book. Kudos to not only making it to the other side, but to writing a very well done book!

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Obsessed. This book was fantastic. I honestly didn't figure it out which is very rare for me. I loved the topic, content, and characters. Zero complaints. Bravo.

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I absolutely loved this book!

The atmosphere was haunting, the storyline was unique and the characters were complicated in the best way possible. The combination of it being a family drama and a found family was refreshing. There are quite a few triggers with overdosing, drug use and discussions of abuse, but overall it wasn’t detailed enough to cause concern for myself.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me preview The Clinic by Cate Quinn. I requested this book based on the description and promising reviews. I wasn't familiar with Quinn's other work.

The Clinic was a wild ride through a celebrity rehab center with a mysterious doctor all while trying to solve a character's mysterious death. As with most books of this genre, it's full of twists and perilous situations. My main issue with this book is that I didn't feel like I got to know any of the characters very well despite having two narrators. Each felt more like an archetype rather than a real person. I also struggled to follow the timeline as it was being told from two viewpoints. These are minor issues that I suspect won't be a problem for many readers.

Overall, The Clinic was a fun new addition to the thriller/suspense genre.

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4.75 stars rounded to 5.

I really enjoyed this book! It was filled with twists and turns at every corner and was a typical whodunit book. I thought I knew who the culprit was, but I was wrong. The last 25% of the book really picked up and the ending was so good! There was great character development of Meg, whom I really liked towards the end of the book.

Megs sister Haley died at a rehab facility and Meg decides to check herself into the clinic to find out who killed her. Meg, herself, likes to over indulge in alcohol and oxy. The book is in duel POV and we are able to meet the various staff and patients in the clinic. You will not expect that ending!

Overall, this was an excellent book and I would highly recommend it. I am looking forward to reading. more from Cate Quinn.

Thank you Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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📖 The Clinic x Cate Quinn

What would you do if you found out something unnerving happened to your sister while in rehab? Well follow along with Meg as she goes to discover the truth about her older sister’s time in recovery.

The story is a dual POV with Meg and Cara, the center’s manager/receptionist. I did appreciate having Cara’s POV as we are able to see how the week is unfolding from not only a patient’s POV, but how the management of the facility is trying to handle the events that unfolded prior to Meg’s arrival.

The story had a very interesting plot line and held my attention although it was a slow start for me. I didn’t think I would connect with Meg in the very beginning, but sticking it out she grew on me by seeing her develop over her time in the rehab center and working to find out the truth surprised me. Throughout Meg’s investigation I tried to figure out who the actual culprit could have been. However, all of the information Meg acquired in the last 20-25% of the book constantly changed who I believed the main suspect should have been. Her character development and adjusting to the lifestyle of being within the clinic played a vital role in discovering the truth about her sister.

Overall, I would rate this book 🌟🌟🌟🌟.

Favorite 💬: “Sometimes it’s the hands you don’t play that win you the game.” - Harry, Chapter 7

Be sure to pre-order The Clinic for its release in Jan 2024.

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In an attempt to uncover the suspicious circumstances surrounding her famous sister, Hayley's, death, Meg checks herself into The Clinic - The same rehab Haley died at. Although Meg has been estranged from Haley, she knows there is no way she would have killed herself. With her role as a semi-professional poker player/"undercover bad guy stopper", Meg throws herself into the facility and program with only a contraband cellphone and her wits. Meg doesn't think she needs any substance abuse help, but she has been burning the candle at both ends for a long while and is an alcoholic and addicted to Oxy. When she has to go through detox, she does not know if she can think clearly enough to catch Haley's killer; Meg must figure out who killed her sister, or potentially be the next target.

With an eclectic cast of characters, the story is narrated in alternating perspectives of Meg and Cara, the no-nonsense manager of The Clinic. This story captivated me immediately! The plot had me continuously guessing incorrect culprits, and ultimately, it ended in a way I DID NOT expect. Written based on her own experience in rehab, Quinn had a very methodical approach to mental health and rehab clinics as a whole. If you like a twisty and dark thriller filled with junkies, personality disorders, and some questionable medical tactics, The Clinic will be a read you enjoy!

Thank you to Sourcebooks and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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I was incredibly impressed with Cate Quinn's The Clinic. Meg's sister Haley is dead. Although the two of them seem to reside on different planets: Haley following in her mother's show business footsteps, while younger sister Meg works as an investigator in a casino. When Meg finds out that her sister died as in an exclusive rehab, she's determined to find out why. Both Meg and Haley were traumatized as children, both have buried that trauma, and both have self-medicated for years, so even though Meg has no intention of getting clean, she enters the rehab under the premise that she is going to do exactly that. She hides her identity so no one will know her true intentions.

I loved this novel as it kept me guessing about who and what was responsible for Haley's death with a major plot twist that I didn't see coming towards the end.

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It was fine. I did t see the end coming. It it might have been because it didn’t fee like a logic choice.

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Thanks NetGalley, Cate Quinn and Sourcebooks Landmark for the copy of this book for my honest review.

The Clinic is a fast-paced thriller that takes place in an exclusive rehabilitation Clinic. The story is told through the POVs of Meg and Cara.

Meg works as a poker player helping a casino catch cheaters and loan sharks. Meg also likes to over indulge in alcohol and pills to forget her tragic childhood and suppress any and all emotions. Meg learns her famous sister died in the Clinic by apparent suicide. Even though she has not spoken to her sister Hayley in years, Meg knows her sister would not kill herself. Meg decides to check herself into the Clinic to investigate what really happened to Hayley. As Meg looks into her sisters death and tries to detox herself, she finds it hard to figure out who to believe and who to trust even questioning herself and her memories.

Cara is the manager of the Clinic. As the police begin to investigate Hayley's death, Cara begins to realize that not everything is as it seems at the Clinic. Dr. Lutz, the owner of the Clinic, previously worked at a rehab clinic that was shut down because of unethical practices. Cara eventually learns of the dangerous and illegal treatments being conducted at the Clinic. She is torn between wanting to help the patients and doing what is moral.

The author did a fantastic job keeping the audience guessing throughout the book. I think it was great to have the setting in a rehab clinic where everyone is an unreliable character. The "treatment" at the Clinic was very interesting and the last third of the book blew me away. I would have never guessed the ending. I highly recommend this book for readers who love thrillers.

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While I did enjoy my time reading this, I just found that I didn’t connect to the plot, characters, or really anything about the novel. There was nothing wrong with it, there was just nothing that particularly stood out to me either. I would be more than willing to give this author a second chance and if you’re just looking for another thriller to fill up some time I wouldn’t try to dissuade anyone from reading this.

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Wow! This story was gripping from the first page to the last! 10/10. Just wow! This is the kind of book you stay up until 3am finishing. Highly recommend!

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The Clinic is a suspense novel that slowly unravels the secret behind Haley's death. I never in a million years would have expected this ending, however, you DO have to suspend belief for this one. I would say this book was on a 5 star track until the last 15%-ish due to the unrealistic ending. Despite that, I enjoyed this one very much. There were a lot of grammatical errors but I did read the pre-release so that doesn't count. I liked the writing and the realistic descriptions. Overall, I think a lot of people would enjoy this book and I would certainly read other novels by Quinn.

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Meg works in the world of casino sting operations.
Her sister is a famous addict. Meg has demons too.
Upon hearing about her sisters death at the fancy rehab clinic Meg admits herself to solve the mystery.
I enjoyed this book. At first I saw how many chapters there were and was thrown off, but they’re short chapters which I love.
The book definitely captured my attention and I was pleasantly surprised with it.
Thank you NetGalley and Source Books for the opportunity to read this one!

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