Member Reviews

Thank you netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Meh. When I read a thriller, I want to be immersed in the story. I want to be hooked. I want twists and turns and fast pacing to keep me interested. The pacing in this book was very slow through out. I didn't like any of the characters, and it didn't shock me like I wanted it to, either. It was just okay.

2.5/5 ⭐

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Meg has learned that her sister, Haley, has died at a rehab for the rich and famous. Although Haley can be selfish and has many problems of her own, Meg doesn’t believe she would commit suicide. Meg decided to check herself into the rehab to investigate what really happened to her sister. It wasn’t my favorite thriller of the year, bit will still recommend to other thriller lovers! Also, how can you pass up that cover??

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Cate Quinn’s lasted is new take on a locked room thriller. I love a good psychological thriller and have so read many of them in the last few years that I started to get bored of them but this one is different. The book is set inside a rehab and a patient is murdered. A who done it with some great twists. I highly recommend.

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Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC of this book for an honest review.
It takes place in a very high end addiction clinic. One girl dies while being there so her sister who has her own addiction goes into the clinic herself to see if she can figure out just how her sister died. There are several different characters in the book It gets a little confusing and far fetched at times. I couldn’t really connect with them. Overall it’s fair but some people really did like it a lot.

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What a doozy! This was a really amazing book! The characters were just barely deep enough for you to care but not so built up you felt you really knew them. But this is a story of deception and well, a lot of confusion. I think the book really she’s a lot of light on the complexities of addiction and mental illness. I was totally in on this book and really couldn’t put it down once I really got into it! I would absolutely recommend this one! Psychological Thriller at its best! I am so grateful I was allowed to read this one early!

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A thoughtful and pulse-pounding exploration of addiction, trauma, and mental health. I really enjoyed the writing style - the short chapters and two distinct POVs kept the plot moving forward despite its slow pace. I was furiously flipping the pages to find out the next piece of the puzzle. The murder mystery was the perfect backdrop to explore these heavier themes and I enjoyed the light hearted moments between the patients. In some ways this story reminded me a lot of Orange is the New Black. It was obvious the author had intimate knowledge of the rehab social structure, treatments, and billing practices. Meg’s job is really intriguing and I loved Harry! I would happily read more books featuring the two of them and their undercover work in casinos. Overall a solid mystery/thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I love a book with short chapters because it feels like I can read through it so much faster! Not to mention you don't have to read 20+ pages until you can get to a stopping point if you have to take a break. The story was very engaging and realistic. I like how the different aspects of mental health and addiction/sobriety. This book did have some riveting twists, I was completely blindsided. To be fair, Cara was my least liked character. I find it hard to connect with her and she just over wasn't very likeable. The ending was a little disappointing, it felt like after the buildup that it just fell flat.

4/5 stars

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Summary: Meg is a professional gambler who works for a casino, catching high roller criminals. Her poker skills are also applied to her life – being stoic, not feeling or showing emotion and keeping her nerve under pressure. But Meg’s life is shaken when her sister Haley, a Hollywood star with substance abuse issues who shows up frequently in the scandal headlines, dies at an exclusive rehab facility on the Pacific Northwest coast. The official line is that Haley committed suicide at The Clinic, but Meg doesn’t believe it and is determined to find out what happened to her sibling. She decides to enter The Clinic as a patient to uncover what happened to Haley. Meg has some serious addiction issues of her own, and as she struggles to stay grounded while coming off alcohol and opioids, she realizes that her own life might be in danger.

Thoughts: The Clinic is an engrossing and tense read, set on the Pacific Northwest coast in a high-end private rehab clinic. The remote and foggy setting adds greatly to the ominous mood and sense of impending danger. The author notes that the book was inspired by her own stay in a rehab facility, and certainly her first-hand knowledge gives the program and treatment inside the clinic a sense of authenticity. However, the reader never really receives an adequate sense of the traumatic upbringing that Haley and Meg experienced, which makes their present-day issues difficult to grasp. The short chapters constantly change perspective which can get a little confusing at times. The twist at the end was a stretch for me to believe in, being somewhat unrealistic. And in yet another novel, the affable but slow and bumbling cops arrive at the scene to discover that our heroine has managed everything herself. There are many creative and original elements here, but a predictable ending.

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Meg is working undercover in casinos to catch loan sharks, drowning in her own addiction when she finds out that her pop star sister Hayley has died of an overdose in rehab. Unwilling to accept that her sister would give up on the spotlight so easily, she decides to infiltrate the clinic to find her killer. Cara is the newly appointed manager of the clinic after leaving the Beaumont hotel group and has a sinking suspicion that something isn’t quite right after Hayley’s death. Each woman paints a startlingly horrifying picture of the rehab facility, with one as a patient receiving the dubious treatment, and the other as a staff member dealing with the local police. To the both of them, everyone looks like a suspect.

I read so many thrillers and I couldn’t pin down what was going on behind the scenes. There are so many layers of deception here. I feel like there might have been a little too much obvious foreshadowing with Lutz, and Cara definitely is too trusting to be believable. I think we need a little bit more backstory on her to make sense of it. Also, why fedoras???? Overall though, on the edge of my seat the whole time.

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Bravo Cate Quinn! I loved this book it had lots of twists and turns. The author does a great job of keeping you guessing until the very end. I could not put this book down!
Please read the author's note at the end! Congratulations Cate Quinn on your sobriety and your novel. You rock!
You definitely have a new fan here and I expect even more after this book!
#TheClinic #NetGalley

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While I did enjoy reading this book, it did seem to go off the rails a bit. I felt like the character were all very flat. They were all unlikeable and unreliable. It started off very strong and then started losing its steam for me. And the ending was pretty far fetched for my taste.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher

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Absolute best book I've read recently!
I really enjoyed this mystery/ thriller. I stayed up late to finish it, which, for me, is saying a lot. We hear the story from the perspective of two characters: Meg and Cara. I enjoyed both of their storylines, but I tend to think Meg was a bit more compelling. I thought that the twists were great and really kept me engaged and guessing. I also found the story very unique. I don't want to spoil, but I've never heard of Dr. Lutz's treatment before, and I thought it was very interesting.
Thanks to Net Galley for the book to review.

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This was a fun, twisty book that I really couldn’t put down. It was clearly written by someone with personal knowledge of what rehab is like. I had a few small quibbles though; some of the plot points were pretty far-fetched, and I would have liked a little more character development with some of the secondary characters, who seemed more like “types” than real people. Also, the writing style was a bit quirky, and seemed like it was written by someone whose first language wasn’t American English. All that aside, this is an entertaining book that should have broad appeal. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Loved the cover. Quick read. TW: Substance abuse, addiction and suicidal ideation. The story is told from 2 POV. Meg who is an undercover worker in a casino with alcoholism and addiction enters the rehab clinic to find the murderer of her sister. Cara is the manager of the rehab facility who seems utterly clueless, I didn’t like the Cara character much. The environment of the luxury spa sounds great, very descriptive. Some twists at the end of the psychological thriller that were totally far fetched and unbelievable. Would have liked to know more about some of the other characters in rehab.
Overall a decent read

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Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebook Landmarks for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book!

There’s things about this book I liked and then there’s things I hated. I liked the way the story was told through two different swapping POVs and I felt like the storyline had SO much potential. However, unfortunately it fell flat for me. The characters were extremely hard to connect to and seemed to have very sporadic personalities. The book was very drawn out, yet somehow it seemed like things happened so quickly with no build up. I found myself rushing to get to the end so I could finally be done reading it. There were also a couple spelling and grammar mistakes throughout the book.

I did love the excerpt at the end that reveals this story was written after the author’s own experience from rehab. Kudos to her on her sobriety!

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Lots of twists. I enjoyed the writing style and short chapters that made this book a fast read! I wojld Have liked a little more character development, but otherwise good book! I will definitely read the next book by this author!

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This was such a fun thriller! This 'who done it' story really stands out, I appreciated the time the author took to set up the different elements like poker, addiction, rehab and a couple of other things I don't want to spoil.
The character development was great... We followed an unreliable protagonist and a lot of morally grey characters.
The two POV's was such a great addition to the interest of this story and kept you searching for answers!

A lot of research and personal experience went into this story, and it doesn't go unnoticed! I look forward to more books from this author...

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“The Clinic” is Cate Quinn’s newest novel. This story focuses on Meg, a casino worker who is determined to investigate the death of her celebrity sister, Haley. This involves going into an isolated rehab, where Haley died. Meg decides the best way to get through rehab is to continue drinking and using drugs, but will that cloud her from seeing what’s really happening around her?

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebook Landmarks for the ARC of “The Clinic”.

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★ ★ ★ ★ //5
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜
by Cate Quinn
Pub Date : 24 Jan. 2024


I love a good mysterious dark thriller and Cate brought us just that with this book—she did not disappoint. This was a fast paced page turner that had me on the edge of my seat and questioning so many things, my jaw was literally on the floor half the time. We follow Meg who’s sister dies while in rehab but she believes that there’s more behind this story and she’s going to get to the bottom of it. She decides to go undercover in the same rehab and she starts uncovering some secrets and coverups within the walls. I loved that this book has dual POV of Meg and another employee at the rehab. I would absolutely recommend this to all of my thriller loving book friends. I cannot wait for its release Jan 2024!

If you love :
- Gothic Thrillers
- Dual POV
- multiple POV

Race and put this on your TBR NOW!
Thank you to Netgalley, Sourceboooks Landmark and to the author for the opportunity to review this ARC for my honest opinion.

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While I like the premise of the story and amazing cover art, overall it just didnt do it for me. I felt like the story was drawn out, along with medical errors. I enjoyed it until about halfway through when things got obvious as far as what happened to Haley.

Props to the author though for beating addiction! I love that!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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