Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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I really hate to rate this so low, especially since I loved Quinn's earlier novel, Black Widows. Unfortunately, this book just didn't ring true to me. I found the characters all incredibly difficult to connect with or even to understand. Cara, in particular, didn't make sense to me. Her strict sense of morality felt very at-odds with her (unrealistic) blind spots when it came to Dr. Lynch. Max was another big question mark. I struggled to believe that everything he said he believed was really true, and I found it poor writing that, after spending so much time on his character throughout the book, Quinn chooses to basically forget about him. The other addicts in rehab did not really have distinct voices for me, and it took me a while to be able to differentiate them. Some of the plot points were so ridiculous that they took me completely out of the story. I did love the mental health aspect, especially the focus on childhood trauma. As someone recently diagnosed with C-PTSD, I found some of the more soul-searching scenes rang extremely true. I didn't dislike this book, and certainly enjoyed reading it, but I honestly don't think it's very well-written, and it needed me to suspend disbelief a bit more than I was willing to.

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Wow! My first Cate Quinn book but definitely not my last! I loved everything about this book. The tension and lies just kept coming from every direction. Nonstop action that kept me spinning. The characters were awesome and kept me totally engaged in the book. Absolutely loved it.
Thank you Cate Quinn, NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Landmark for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Special thank you to NetGalley, Sourcebooks Landmark, and Cate Quinn for an ARC of this unique and captivating thriller!

The author combined mental health, addictions and trauma to create a distinctive narrative. Although I did find the plot a bit slow initially, the multiple twists at the end are surprising and worthwhile! The short chapters made the book very easy to read and unputdownable! Highly recommend!

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WOOOO I LOVED THIS BOOK. The characters were so easy to connect with. I truly did not want the book to end. I had my suspicions of the ending and I could not put it down until I found out if I was right.

A must read!

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I give this book a 3.5 stars but rounded up to 4. I thoroughly enjoyed about 75% of this book. I feel as though the last portion was rushed and far fetched. The twist did surprise me though and wasn't what I was expecting at all. The main character, Meg, had such growth throughout the book and I loved that. Overall, it was a good read. Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to reach before the publishing date!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.
This book was ok. I struggled to stay interested in the storyline and the entire concept of this rehab facility was hard to grasp and unrealistic.
I didn’t at all find the setting to have enough atmosphere to make this a gothic novel like it was made to sound.
It was really a mystery of Haley being listed as dead and her sisters search for answers at the same facility.
I just didn’t find it to be as much of a thriller as I expected or as interesting as the summary made it sound.

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A thrilling story that involves addiction and mental illness while throwing in murder! This one was a page turner that had me constantly wanting to get to the end to find out if my ultimate guess was correct. It had me guessing and second guessing until the very end.

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I absolutely hate not finishing a ARC but unfortunately as someone in the medical field I think I was too close to the subject matter for this one to work for me. From the first few chapters I was dismayed at the inaccurate depictions of addiction treatments and felt there was more research to be done on the author’s part to address such a sensitive topic appropriately. While this one didn’t land for me personally I do think the plot is very interesting and others would likely be able to look past the medical accuracy and enjoy the story.

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The cover drew me in but the mystery kept me here. This is a great mood setting gothic mystery! I loved the setting of a rehab clinic/medical prison. The experimenting without regulation had me. What a story!

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The Clinic is one of those books that you can see it happening on screen in your mind's eye, a story that seemed like it would be wildly popular as a ridiculously fun, twisty, and binge-able murder mystery series on Netflix. Strung-out Meg works undercover at a casino in L.A., catching cheaters, loan sharks, and related nogoodniks. Upon learning that her famous, manipulative rockstar twin had died after having checked into a remote, luxurious rehab facility and that the death is being passed off as a suicide, Meg decides to check herself in and investigate, believing that her selfish narcissist sister would never do such a thing. Also, Meg is in desperate need of a detox herself. The story unfolds both through Meg's perspective and Cara's, an individual who manages the facility and prides herself on the orderliness and beauty of the resort...and with whom Meg immediately butts heard. Meg learns the stories of the other residents, all of whom could be suspects, as well as the shady tactics of the clinic's head psychologist and doctor, all the while Meg is struggling with her own addiction and finding herself quite against her nature, making friends and becoming vulnerable. I understand that the author struggled with addiction and has her own experience to draw from in terms of rehab and what may go on there, but I oftentimes found myself struggling with the book's explanations of trauma and addiction and how it talked about sociopathy. From an outsider's POV, I don't know how much I can comment on it, but some of it felt a little irresponsible. Then again, this book was pretty absurd overall, so maybe I am overthinking it. Still--it was one of those compulsive, impossible-to-put-down reads, so maybe just don't get caught up in the details.

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This novel is a mystery thriller wrapped up in an isolated celebrity rehab center. When the news of famous country music star Haley Banks dying of an overdose in rehab makes the news, her estranged sister,Meg, doesn't believe it.
To prove her theory that Haley was murdered, Meg, who has her own addictions, checks into the center herself. Not to get clean, but to investigate what really happened.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and the research the author put into the mental health industry, trauma, and detoxing were on point.
I applaud Miss Quinn on her sobriety and being able to bring this book to life with her own experiences mixed in with a little mystery and murder.
There are SO many fantastic twists and turns, which kept me turning pages.
The ending was a bit over the top, but otherwise, it was a great read that everyone will enjoy.

Thank you, Netgally and Sourcebooks Landmark, for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A woman enters a luxury rehab clinic after disbelieving that her sister ended her life while admitted. She vows to determine what really happened, but discovers more than she bargained for.

This book was filled, and I mean FILLED with so many twists and turns. In a good way though! There’s the mystery of what happened to her sister, their mysterious childhood trauma, and the secrets of what’s really going on at this clinic. My head was spinning as the story unfolded. I didn’t know what was going to happen for the most part, which is honestly rare for me. I did guess one of the plot twists somewhat, but how it was revealed was jaw-dropping.

The topics of addiction and trauma, and the lack of support for people with substance abuse issues was fantastic. I loved the highlighting of Florida’s issue with halfway houses as a Florida native who’s worked with that population several times. So much trust slipped in effortlessly.

My only real issue was some of the pacing. I think this could have been a tad shorter because some parts dragged in the beginning. I had somewhat of a hard time getting into the book initially because I was waiting for it to pick up. The second 2/3 of the book is really fantastic though and makes up for it.

I’ll definitely be recommending this further to publication date.

Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my review. All opinions are my own and freely given.

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I loved The Clinic! This thriller is set in a luxury rehab clinic that the main character infiltrates in order to find out who killed her celebrity sister there. Meg is also an addict so the process of getting sober adds a very interesting element to the story as she tries to solve the case. No one can be trusted and up until the very end, I had no idea what was going on. There were many twists and I didn't see any of them coming! A thrilling and suspenseful read! Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I actually quite enjoyed this book! I have little to no knowledge of how rehab really works and what goes on behind the scenes, so I don’t know how true all of the treatments and what not were. But it hooked me and really had me going What the heck throughout the book.

I really liked the dual POV of Cara and Meg, both from a different perspective of The Clinic. It was intriguing, having me feel empathetic towards some of the characters. The story felt a little slow to me with the build up taking longer than it should have, but it was easy to follow along.

I would recommend this book to people looking for something a little different than your typical thriller story.

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Thanks so much netgalley for the chance to read this book early! This book took a complete turn than what I was expecting in the end! It literally had me second guessing everyone and everything. The end was a bit far fetched in my opinion so that’s why I rated it lower but it did leave the suspense throughout the book. I also had a hard time believing certain parts within the book that wouldn’t actually happen at a real facility. Overall good read though!

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Had to take a little time to decide how I felt about this one...

It immediately drew me in, with a lot of tension, suspense and suspicion - I thought 5 stars for sure and raved to my thriller book club about it.

While it continued to be an engaging story that I just couldn't put down, the final third just got a little too far-fetched to be semi-believable and lost me a bit. However, still one of the better thrillers I've read in awhile.

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This was such a captivating read but unfortunately while I couldn’t put it down there are things that kept it from being 5 stars. First I felt that it dragged at the beginning and took me a while to become invested and secondly there was a lot of repetition. This book didn’t need to be over 100 chapters. I did enjoy the setting and the unreliability amongst all of the characters, this kept me guessing right until the end. My biggest issue though was how the character undercover never came revealed by the other characters. Comeeeevon, that was not realistic based on her actions throughout the plot. Overall I enjoyed it and will recommend. I do hope all the typos are fixed before final copies are released.

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This book was a wild ride from start to finish. Very fast paced with twists and turns throughout. No one is safe in this story!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for this advance reader copy. This story is about two sisters, both with trauma from their childhood, two different paths, two different lives yet one goes to a rehabilitation center to get help but what happens there changes the course of both of their lives. Just when you think you know the story, there is a twist and an unraveling of both characters storylines.. As a therapist the clinic bothered me and I hope these barbarian type of interventions really don’t happen in the real world because ultimately the client goes to a clinic to receive help, but what happens to Haley and Meg will have you wondering. Get ready for the twist!

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