Member Reviews

Wow. It was literally impossible to put this book down. It is such a page turner with an amazing story, short chapters, different POV's and a unreliable author. This book dives deep into different types of trauma and addictions and how different people deal with it. The twists kept on coming.
Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Talk about a twisty ride. Mysteries are not my go to genre but I’ve been slumpy and needed something different. The Clinic kept me guessing until the very end.

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What a crazy ride! This physiological thriller has so many twists and turns! And this cover is literally amazing!

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The premise of this book attracted me immediately. An alcoholic drug addicted poker playing undercover cop enters a very prestigious, hugely expensive, celebrity rehab facility where her sister died of a presumed heroine overdose. The potential for addressing some very real and timely issues woven into a mystery thriller had me interested from the first page. Although I read every chapter, I felt that the middle of the book dragged on way too long and because of that the ending was not a surprise for me. I am giving the book 3.5 stars because despite the fact that it went on too long I did want to finish reading the book.

Thanks to Netgalley, publisher and author for the opportunity to review this book.

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This was a well-done thriller! It deftly handles heavy topics of addiction, childhood trauma, and mental illness much better than most thriller/mystery writers. In the author’s note at the end of the book, Quinn mentions that she drew on her own experiences in rehab and journey to recovery. There were some elements that were unrealistic and required a lot of suspension of disbelief (such as a casino covering 20k in supplemental rehab fees, not to mention offering extremely good insurance, for one of their mid-level employees). However, the internal monologue of the main character, Meg’s, struggle with addiction felt very raw and real, not simply a plot device to create an unreliable narrator.

The book’s blurb does not mention or allude to this at all so I was surprised to find that it is written with a dual POV. There is Meg, who enters rehab as a patient to uncover the truth of her sister’s death, and Cara, the manager of the rehab. I actually thought the dual POV was well executed as Meg and Cara are essentially running parallel but separate investigations so there’s not a lot of overlap or the same scene from both POVs.

There are some parts, especially in the first half of the book, that drag on too long and events essentially repeat themselves (eg: detectives visiting the rehab multiple times to the same response). If those parts were removed or reworked, it would have made the pacing so much better.

The plot twists were really great in combining both POVs together though a bit too foreshadowed. The ending felt a bit too rushed by trying to tie up all loose ends neatly.

Overall, super engaging and once I got past the slow beginning, I couldn’t put it down!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Cate Quinn books are instantly addicting. Haley is in a fancy rehab clinic when she dies. Her sister Meg works in casinos catching loan sharks but she has her own addictions. She decides to "get help" in order to find out what happened to her sister.
I love the little notes she finds warning her away.
Cara is the manager of the clinic. She has her own issues and thinks perfection can keep bad stuff from happening, that's a popular mindset in Utah, so I felt that.

I can tell that Cate did a lot of research while working on this book. I took quite a few classes on human development and the damage trauma does to our brains, as well as class on addiction and she has nailed the terminology.
I learned a lot about rehab, even though this is a fictional book. The Florida Shuffle is a real thing! I was online reading the articles and just absorbing information.
More of these please.

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WOW! I could not put this book down. The character's stories were gripping from the first chapter, I was immediately hooked. The twists and turns were a rollercoaster. I feel like I have read so many thrillers/mystery's at this point that I can try to guess the ending but I did NOT see the main twist coming! I audibly gasped. Jaw on the floor. I loved all of the different characters, not just the main narrators.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that's a fan of thrillers, mysteries, for a quick-paced, intelligent (yet easy to follow) read.

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When singer Haley Banks is found dead in a swanky rehab, her sister Meg checks in to investigate. From the viewpoints of Meg and Cara, the rehab’s concierge, we take a look at every person from the doctors to the patients. Very twisty, but this book does go off the rails at the end.

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The Clinic is an excellent page-turning thriller for the majority of its run; in the final act, however, it takes a turn towards perpetuating stigmatization that it claims to decry, something that is then pummeled into readers despite being immediately obvious to those with any degree of knowledge or the field.
It’s odd that the portrayal of this specific personality disorder is actually perfectly fine until it’s named in-text, at which point everything becomes a caricature of itself and a character does a near-instantaneous 180 personality wise. It’s bizarre, and it brings what would have been a 4 star suspense novel down to a generous 2.5.
That aside, the actual twist itself is not necessarily surprising, and would be at home in daytime soaps, but it also was perfectly fine. In nearly every respect, The Clinic accomplishes what it sets out to do; its missteps are simply incredibly glaring to the point of immense distraction.
That’s not to say I don’t think there’s any merit in reading it to decide for yourself; as I said, for its majority, it’s well-paced and populated by distinct and memorable characters. Quite simply, I enjoyed it until I didn’t.

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This book was fine but I just couldn’t get into it

~This book was given by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This thrilling mystery kept me hooked right from the start. I loved the alternating POVs, and while I understand why we couldn't have more, I would have loved to have seen things from the eyes of other characters.
This is one of those stories where you think you know what is going on, and it teases you into a smug sense of satisfaction, only to trash your ego completely because you were wrong.
I would love to see this on film.

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I will not look at another set of playing cards the same again without thinking of this book.
Meg and her sister Haley are at odd but when Haley dies Meg is determined to find out what exactly happened to her even if it means putting herself in harms way. The mind games that happen throughout the story has you on the edge of your seat all the way to the end. The well to do Clinic is supposed to help those in need but once they check in do they ever leave? The story has you guessing what is going to happen with each chapter, even when I thought I knew what was going to happen I was thrown back to nope thats not it. A quick read because you will not want to put it down.
I want to thank Netgalley, Sourcebooks and Cate Quinn for the ARC of "the Clinic". which is due out January 23, 2024 do yourself a favor and put this on your 2024 TBR list!

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I'm definitely in the middle with my review. This book has five-star potential, but it didn't quite get there for me. The dialogues were very choppy at times and the book needs some serious editing. I hope that this was due to me reading an ARC and that it hasn't been edited yet, but the mistakes were so consistent that it distracted me from the creepiness of the setting and storyline. The mystery aspect was solid and held my interest throughout. I loved the short chapters as well. The author did a wonderful job portraying addiction and the numerous struggles that addicts go through in order to overcome it. I can't say that I connected to any of the characters, but I did get a kick out of Hanson and Meyers. The ending was a surprise but the climax fell flat after the reveal. It was just a mediocre read for me.

Thank you to the author, Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for allowing me digital access in exchange for my honest review!

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Thanks to Sourcebooks and Netgalley for the ARC! I absolutely loved this book. I enjoyed the short chapters and the two alternating POV’s: a patient and a staff at the rehab facility. I was constantly trying to figure out who the murderer was but was unsuccessful each and every time. I didn’t see the ending coming at all. As much as I felt a few things were far fetched it always kept me on edge and I was hooked to the very end. I also really enjoyed the authors note at the end and learning where the ideas to create this story came from. Well done Cate Quinn and can’t wait to read more by her!

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Wow! What a ride. I just finished this book in less than 24 hours.

Meg is working in security in the casinos. She spends her nights playing cards, drinking and taking Oxy for an old shoulder injury. She is on yet another binge when she sees her sister has committed suicide at an upscale rehab facility. Meg thinks that is impossible and checks herself in to find out what happened to her sister,

The rest is a twisty ride to the truth. You will be turning pages quickly and wondering where it all went wrong! Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for allowing me to read this ARC.

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The Clinic is a great story that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I was addicted from the first chapter. The story starts out with the one and only chapter from Haley. Haley is famous like many people in the clinic rehab center. She is a country music star. She has a drug addiction. She is killed with an injected heroin overdose. This story alternates POV from Cara (manager at the rehab clinic) and Meg (sister of Haley) who goes to the clinic to investigate her sisters death. Meg is an addict just like her sister Haley, so getting into the rehab is easy. Meg knows Haley would never inject heroin. Now it’s about investing Haley’s death and finding out the truth but when Meg gets there, she starts getting letters in Haley’s handwriting telling Meg to stay away. How can a dead girl be writing letters?
Thank you so much NetGalley and Sourcebooks for this ARC. This book was amazing. Oh my gosh, I couldn’t wait to open up my e-reader and find out what was going to happen next. There were twist and turns in every chapter. Some chapters had me breathing so hard I was worried about the characters and if they would be able to get out of that situation. I highly recommend this book and it is the first I’ve read by Cate Quinn and I look forward to finding and reading more of her books.

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Loved the suspense and gothic vibes of this one! This is the perfect twisty thriller for fans of the genre- highly recommend.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn is going to be this Winters big hit. The character development was on point and short chapters kept me engaged the entire time! I actually read it in one sitting! I love thrillers with unreliable MCs and boy did this one have it! The story unfolds as Meg learns that her superstar sister commited suicide in the lavish rehab on the cliff and instantly has a hunch that something more sinister is happening. You follow Meg as she ventures to the Clinic to investigate her sisters death while also battling her own demons. The second MC is Cara, who is employed by the Clinic and oversees the guests but is starting to question what's really going on behind closed doors and out of sight of her all-seeing eyes. This gothic thriller is fast paced and super moody. Cate Quinn does an amazing job of transporting you into the ultra-exclusive rehab. Thank you for the ARC!

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Name of Book: The Clinic
Author: Cate Quinn
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Pub Date: January 23, 2024
My Rating: 3.2 Stars!
Pages: 320

Meg works for a casino in LA, when she learns that her sister Haley has died while in rehab at a very exclusive and expensive clinic. . Meg cannot believe that someone like Haley Banks a famous actress would never take her own life as she is much too vain

Meg decides to take a hiatus from her undercover casino job to go into the rehab and find out more. Since she is good at undercover work she takes those skills and poses as a patient and is able to check in as a patient.
Story is told from the POV of Meg and Cara, the manager of the rehab facility.
We soon find out that Meg posing as a patient is not all an act. She as well as her sister had a tough childhood. Their mother would never win any awards as “Mother of the year”.

We soon find out more about the doctor of this this high class clinic. It seems he may not be a physician at all. Is the clinic doing unregulated and experimenting on its own clients?

Story had me curious. I kept at it as it was intriguing. The link/connection between personality disorders as well as other mental illnesses and addictions seems all too clear. It appears Mental Health Professionals need to be a part of every working staff!

The psychological aspects are interesting but the back of the book is actually super interesting.
In ““Truth is Stranger Than Fiction” ~ We are informed that our author Cate Quinn’s inspiration for this story is based on her own experience in rehab. You may want to read her personal account at clinic
The “Reading Group Guide” has great points that makes readers think as well want to reread some pages again.
Conservation with the Author” is a ‘must read’

Want to thank NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for January 23, 2024.

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The Clinic is a heart pounding thriller ride! It weaves topics like trauma and addiction within the lines. Since this book is due out in January, I won’t say much. I will say don’t miss out! I had jaw dropping experiences throughout reading it. It also made me jump a few times because it spooked me! Loved it! ❤️


Thank you Netgalley for another awesome opportunity to read an ARC novel!

Off to choose my next book! Happy reading, y’all! 📚❤️📚


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