Member Reviews

What a ride! I couldn’t put this book down! When megs sister, dies at a posh rehab on the Oregon coast, she checks herself in to try and discover what really happened. Although she was not intending to really get clean herself, in order to find out what happened to her sister she has to find out About herself first. I really loved getting to know the characters, and the staff were so interesting. As a person with family members who have been to rehab I could relate to a lot of this book. This thriller kept me guessing who the killer was till the very end… And the plot twists were dynamite! Thank you NetGalley for the electronic copy.

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3.5⭐️ Meg works at a casino, catching criminals while undercover. She finds out her sister died in rehab and it was ruled a suicide. Meg decides to check herself into rehab to do a little investigating because she can’t believe her estranged sister would do that.

The Clinic is super boujee and high tech. Meg sneaks her oxy stash in with her, but quickly finds that while on her pills, she can’t get to the bottom of her self run investigation.

I love the unreliable narrator angle. You never know what you can trust in the storyline. Lay people investigating crimes doesn’t always sit well for me though. I tend to find it unrealistic. The ending was a little far fetched for my imagination. I also felt like I couldn’t connect with many of the characters. While this book captivated me quickly, it seemed to start off strong and kind of dwindle in interest.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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I should have been in bed hours ago…

I do this thing, when my husband turns on HGTV to watch projects he’ll never do, I read.

I picked up The Clinic, as I was skimming and I became hooked. I won’t lie to you, it wasn’t right away. This is a slow burn, which usually looses my attention but the premise drew me in and I knew I had to keep going to see how everything would come together.

I’m not a fan of police procedurals so I was happy that the detective stuff was held to a minimum. I’m more of a first hand kind of person and I only wish there were flash back chapters of Haley’s POV and earlier on. I loved Meg’s POV yet had a hard time attaching myself to her. I begged to know more about Haley.

This book is filled with unlikeable and unreliable characters. I had a hard time with the pace but I understand how the author wanted to create the build up. I in no way fault the author as I have the attention span of a gerbil and just prefer an instant capture with a lot of suspense . I believe this book will do well and capture a wide audience.

My only suggestion would be to add in chapters from Haileys POV

Make sure you read the authors note at the end, it makes the book even more special than it already is.


From the critically acclaimed author of Black Widows comes a thriller set in a remote rehab clinic on the Pacific Northwest coast, in which the death of a woman inside prompts her sister to enter the clinic as a patient in order to find the truth. Perfect for fans of Stacy Willingham and Tarryn Fisher!

Meg works for a casino in LA, catching cheaters and popping a few too many pain pills to cope, following a far different path than her sister Haley, a famous actress. But suddenly reports surface of Haley dying at the remote rehab facility where she had been forced to go to get her addictions under control.

There are whispers of suicide, but Meg can't believe it. She decides that the best way to find out what happened to her sister is to check in herself – to investigate what really happened from the inside.

Battling her own addictions and figuring out the truth will be much more difficult than she imagined, far away from friends, family – and anyone who could help her.

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A psychological thriller to keep you continuously guessing during the 2nd half of the book. So much of this had the bones of a great thriller and the twist kept you turning for more. The ending wasn’t exactly what I expected it to be, neither good nor bad. I’m not sure I can say I LOVED the way it ended but it didn’t take away from my overall enjoyment. It’s important to tackle mental health in an illuminating way and I think the author did a superb job in doing so.

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WOW!! The Clinic had my attention from the very first page!! I really enjoyed guessing what happened to Meg's sister, Haley. I had my ideas through out the WHOLE book and I have certain I knew what was going on and BAM a twist that I did see coming. This was also a novel that I could not put down and read quickly in order to find out if I was right in the end. I high recommend this novel and cant wait to read more from Cate Quinn.

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Meg and her sister Haley are barely on speaking terms. Meg works at a casino, but a job that went wrong, has left her in physical pain and hooked on drugs. When the news of her sister‘s death reaches her, she cannot believe that it’s being called self inflicted. If Meg knows one thing, it is that Haley would never ever have made that choice.
Haley was at a high priced rehab clinic, and soon Meg gets herself admitted. Determined to discover what really happened, Meg gets more than she bargained for. She can’t avoid all the detox and all the therapy sessions, even though she is determined to try.
Told in alternating chapters by Meg and by Cara, the manager of the clinic, there is much more going on than breaking rich people’s addictions. There were numerous twists that kept me guessing, and deciding who might’ve wanted Haley dead. The final twist was well done, though, in hindsight, I should have at least guessed it.
Do not skip the conversation with the author at the end. Powerful stuff.

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When I read the title I thought, that’s a creepy one! When I read the synopsis, i couldn’t wait to start reading. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for your sister? I knew i was in for a good story. We follow Meg as she goes undercover at a rehab clinic trying to uncover who killed her sister. I was skeptical of every character from the start. I loved the short chapters and the cliffhangers in each of them because i could not stop reading. The twist at the end? I’m never good at guessing so of course I fell for this one too. Whoa 😳. Not what i was expecting! Definitely a great read that i totally recommend! 4 ⭐️ from me!

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First, thanks to @netgalley and @bookmarked for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

I’ll start by saying: I read this book cover-to-cover in one day. I started it with my coffee and finished it with a Moscow Mule (which I’m at least partly apologetic for, as this is a book about rehab). It was largely unputdownable.

We follow Meg, who goes undercover into a prestigious, fancy rehab for celebrities and rich folks in the woods of Seattle after learning her sister died there. His sister’s death was ruled a suicide by heroin overdose, but Meg- an undercover cop who excels at the poker scene, busting perps - doesn’t buy it. While she and Hayley weren’t close due to some remnants of childhood trauma mixed with Hayley’s career as a famous singer, Meg still has bad vibes about how things went down at rehab.

So, great premise, right? It’s atmospheric, dark, and the characters within are a batch of unreliable ne’er-do-wells with enough suspicion to keep everyone guessing. And I loved that.

The problem is, parts of this book just drag. Although it’s only 320 pages, I genuinely feel it could have been pared down by 5% and it would have greatly improved the story. We are hit over the head over and over about the same thing, and we don’t get anywhere until the last maybe 15% of the book.

That said, the depiction of withdrawal was spot-on and well-done. The psychotherapy and rehab portions, where they were more realistic, were also excellent.

This has high “creep” factor and straddles the line between thriller and horror for me.

There’s a lot of suspension of disbelief for where the story goes and some of the subplots, and I was straight up angry at the ending and the way some of the other loose ends tied up. I don’t like plot twists that don’t make sense and this has more than one of those in my opinion.

This is well-written, and with a heavier editing hand, it will definitely appeal to the masses. It’s the perfect fall/winter type of read, minus my own issues with some of the plot, and it drops in January 2024.

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Such a fast paced and gripping thriller! Loved the setting and the plot. Care Quinn’s writing delivered suspense and anticipation. Great read!

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I truly believe this book is going to be super popular when it comes out. I loved the writing, the flow, the story. This is such a great thriller.

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The Clinic by Cate Quinn was a solid suspense mystery for me. There were twists and turns I did not expect, especially the ending. What I thought was going to be a story of an addict-crazed murder turned out to be something completely different and I loved that. I felt hopeful for the lead character and was really rooting for her. The ending was odd but satisfying. Definitely recommend this book for someone who is looking for something a little different!

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The Clinic kept me wanting to read more with twist and turns throughout the book. The characters were relatable and the sitatuation possibly believable. I would recommend the book to those that enjoy a thriller and good mystery.

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Wow! I loved this book! This is my favorite type of book with multiple narrators and viewpoints. The setting lent itself to the creepiness of the story and there were so many plot twists and turns- the man with the playing card eyes!. I tried to read as far into the night as I could because I just couldn’t stop turning pages. The insight into addiction was also well-portrayed. Kept me guessing the whole time. Highly, highly recommended! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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"The Clinic" is a must-read for fans of the Mystery Thriller genre! From start to finish I was pulled into this storyline and ended up reading the entire book in one session because I needed to know what happened.

I really appreciated reading the story from multiple perspectives, I was questioning the sanity/reliability of both Cara and Meg throughout most of this tale. It almost felt like their unreliability added an additional layer of mystery and intrigue.

I was able to unravel parts of this mystery but there were elements that shocked me.

I'll definitely be recommending this book!

Thank you Cate Quinn, Net Galley and SourceBooks Landmark for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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Okay, so it appears that I am a bit of an outlier here, so take my review with a grain of salt. I had high hopes for this book - the plot was intriguing and the two narrators had so much potential. But the rest of the cast of characters were flat and hard to connect with. I found that, to me, the story dragged on and was padded with interactions that didn't really add anything to the plot. Overall, a fine thriller, just a bit long for my taste.

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This book was twisty and if you can suspend disbelief a bit, a fun ride. Cate Quinn kept me wondering about what was happening at the clinic and what happened to Haley- I never felt like I had a feeling that any character or patient was the killer, so I wish we explored those possibilities a bit more. There were some pretty unbelievable aspects, but overall it was a quick, fun, entertaining read!

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Cate Quinn is a master of psychological thrillers! The Clinic was written so well. I loved the plot, the characters, the ending- absolutely everything! Like all of this author's books, I was hooked from cover to cover! I cannot wait to see this one on best seller's lists! It deserves nothing but success.

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This one took a minute to start but once you jump in, it's all hands on deck. Meg finds out her celebrity sister has died while in rehab then decides to take her undercover skills with her and checks herself in. The balance between gothic horror and the rawness of addiction. I LOVE an unreliable narrator and was gifted with TWO. Highly recommend for fans of thrillers. It was not an obvious ending!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a mystery thriller set in a luxury celebrity rehab center, which had me hooked from the start. I could see this secluded high end facility in my head perfectly. The characters, both patients and staff, all had major issues of some sort. The story was told in short chapters by 2 of the characters POV— one a patient, the other a staff member. I kept guessing who was guilty of murder out of all of the characters and was wrong. The ending wasn’t obvious, which is great for those that see the twists a mile away. Personally I felt a few things were a bit hard to buy into, but overall it was an enjoyable read. Make sure to read the author acknowledgments at the end.

Thank you @CateQuinn, @SourcebooksLandmark and @NetGalley for a free e-ARC. The opinions are mine alone and not biased in any way.

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A masterfully written thriller that takes you on a winding journey through rehab, addiction, trauma and family ties.

Meg was the perfect unreliable narrator and Cara’s constant questioning was the perfect secondary POV to help balance but also further Meg’s.

The author’s depiction of addiction is so nuanced and incredible.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the digital arc!

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