Member Reviews

This thriller had all of my favorite things… unreliable narrator, isolated location, a crime to solve, and a big cast of possibly guilty people. I figured out some things, but not all and the major ending wasn’t what I was anticipating, which is amazing in a thriller!

Meg’s sister, famous singer Haley, shows up dead from a heroine overdose in a celebrity rehab. Meg and Haley haven’t been in touch, but Meg doesn’t believe that Haley did heroine or killed herself, so she checks herself into the Clinic to solve the case. However, because of her own past, Meg has an oxy addiction and is an alcoholic, so as she starts to get sober, it’s harder to tell what is real and what isn’t. With Meg is a bevy of famous addicts, all of whom could have been responsible for Haley’s death. Or Meg could be wrong about her sister.

Overall, I really enjoyed this thriller. It’s told from Meg half the time and the other half from Cara, the manager of the clinic. Both women definitely need their own therapy but act like they don’t in comparison to the other patients and I think Quinn’s exploration of that was super interesting. I also thought she showed kindness and understanding to addicts, which thrillers don’t always do. Finally, it did surprise me!! My only things I didn’t love were that at first I thought I missed a previous novel because the backstory for Meg and Cara felt like it was big enough to carry over from another book. Their info comes out but it was not enough at the start. Finally, I think the ending drug just a tiny bit after the big reveal. But overall I still think if you love thrillers this is one to put on the list! Out January 2024!

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The Clinic
The clinic by Cate Quinn is a thriller novel that is set at a remote rehab location for the rich and famous. The story is told from two perspectives. One is Meg, sister to Harley Banks, who died while at this rehab facility. The other is Cara, the manager of the facility.

When Haley Banks dies, this causes suspicion. The police begin to investigate what is deemed a suicide, but are met with resistance from the owner, Dr. Lutz.

Struggling with her own addiction to alcohol and oxy, Meg decides to investigate the death of her sister herself by admitting herself into this rehab facility. While there, she comes up with many theories of what may have happened to her sister. Some of them are more believable than others. (She’s not always lucid due to her detox.)

Cara begins to question what really happened when Dr. Lutz is resistant to the police. While there, she discovers some of the stuff that was being covered up, as well as Dr. Lutz’ past.

All in all, I found this to be an enjoyable book. I wasn’t real impressed with the ending. Dr. Lutz didn’t really face any consequences for his actions and I think Meg and Haley’s relationship was rather strange. Also considering that the police thought that the suicide wasn’t actually a suicide, they were rather hands off most of the story. It seemed like their investigation dropped off once Meg was admitted.

I did enjoy the themes of addiction and trauma. Though, Meg’s trauma was weird. It was like she didn’t actually face any actual trauma, but her young mind molded the events at the time to make it seem like she was traumatized. The Matthew Price guy and the Queen of Hearts just didn’t really fully fit into the story for me. However, I think addiction was covered pretty well. Being sober is hard, and that’s evident in this book. I’m sure this was in part due to the author’s own struggle with addiction.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book! This honest review is an exchange for a free ARC.

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An amazing read from start to finish is exciting. The twists and turns kept me guessing.

The characters were completely messed up and call me crazy but i loved it.

The only negative thing was the way it was written. Other than that an awesome book

Thanks Netgalley and Sourcebooks. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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I received this ebook from Netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I have to say, for the first half, I was hooked. I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next. When some truths were revealed, that was when they lost me. I just didn’t feel like that storyline fit in with the original narrative. The story would have been fantastic without that extra plot twist. Overall I thought it was well written and kept my interested.

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3.75 rounded up. It feels really close to a 4 but there's just something that can't make me say it.

This was a great book about addiction and recovery set within a super trendy, yet creepy, rehabilitation center. It has the classic "is he a good doctor or a bad doctor" trope which I really enjoyed watching unfold. The third quarter felt a little dragged out but the ending really swooped in and blew me away. It was very well done.

Overall a very enjoyable thriller! I do recommend it.

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An amazing read from start to finish is exciting. The twists and turns keep you confused just enough that you truly don’t see the killer till you are buried deep in the excitement of this strange place.

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This is is a solid thriller perfect for a cold wet day.
Honestly this is a pretty solid story with some surprising twists at the end. I think this is great if you’re getting into throller/psychological suspense genre.

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A solid three-stars for a twisty thriller lover. There were so many twists at the end of this novel that it became honestly hard to follow...or maybe I couldn't suspend my disbelief enough to want to follow it? The centerpiece of this thriller was the spooky clinic, an expensive rehab for celebrity patients that is run by an all-too-obviously questionable, culty non-doctor. Our plucky heroine is an addict herself, fighting with the demons of a tough childhood and then the death of her sister.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC!

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I really wanted to enjoy this book and this was the first book I’ve read from this author, and unfortunately it will be the last. Overall, it had good twists and turns, but I was just not a fan of the author’s writing style. I felt like there could have been better characterization as well as less environmental descriptions which could take over every sentence.

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I love the setting for this psychological thriller/murder mystery. I'm always down for a creepy, back of beyond location with storms and fog. The characters were well thought out and played off of each other perfectly to match the crazy twists and turns. I think this book would be perfect for people who like mysteries but always figure out the end early on. With this book I just kept on guessing and was wrong every single time.

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This was a great thriller! Very fast paced, unreliable characters, and quite a few twists. I also loved the short chapters. TW: family trauma, substance abuse, suicide, and addiction.

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This book was a whodunnit set amidst a ritzy rehab clinic in the northwest US. The characters were all incredibly messed up, from patients to employees. The ending was not at all what I expected and overall I enjoyed this read. Give it a try!

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This book pulled me in right away with the set up, and the moody atmosphere really helped to set the scene. There were a lot of twists and turns that definitely kept me going to the very end. That being said, I had hard time enjoying the book as a whole. The shifting POV between Meg and Cara worked well to move the story by leaving some of the chapters on mini cliff hangers, but I also had a hard time following the shifting focus sometimes since the chapters/sections were so short. The ending was a bit of a let down as it felt very rushed and seemed to wind up a little too neatly.

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This book took me a while to get through. I found it to be slow. There were lots of twists and turns but there definitely felt like something was missing. As much as a like psychological thrillers, this one just wasn’t for me. Thank you NetGalley, Cate and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC!

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Psychological thriller - Meg enters rehab where her sister just died, to try to discover what really happened to her.

Solid 3.5⭐ rounded up to 4. Most of the questions get answered by the end of the book. It's pretty original on it's premis, and was engaging enough, but still feels like this book could have used some more editing.

Thank you to Netgaliey for the opportunity to read and review The Clinic

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This book had all of my own elements. A thriller about addiction, suicide, and investigations! I'm a big fan of Locked room mysteries and this one really scratched that itch.

Meg works at a casino, working to find bad guys. She can barely get through the day to day without popping pills and drinking. Unfortunately her famous sister goes to rehab and then ends up dead. Meg goes to rehab to see if she can solve the crime. She starts to uncover some of her own truths and questions from her childhood. All while trying to figure out what is going on in the rehab.

I enjoyed every moment of this novel. Highly recommend!

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Wow loved this book! Fast paced thriller I couldn’t put down. Loved the tension of the setting and characters and did not expect some of the twists and turns! Thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the ARC for such an enjoyable read!

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Haley was an actress at a remote rehab facility, but word gets out that she has died there, and her sister, Meg, not at all successful like Haley but with her own addictions, checks in to the facility to find out what happened to her sister. What Meg discovers is a facility with its own methods for doing things, but a patient population that seem to be functioning as guinea pigs on these unregulated and new methods. The structure of this book is told by two people: Meg, and Clara, the clinic’s manager who is also suspicious of the methods being used. This book had a great twist in the plotline, and I appreciated the author’s note about addiction and how personal that topic related to the author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark. I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh, what a ride. I love a good closed-door mystery and this one had it all, including one of the most illustrative descriptions of withdrawal I've ever read.

Meg works at a casino playing professional cards to find bad guys, popping pills and drinking to get through each day. One morning, she sees on the news that her sister Haley, a famous singer-wannabe actress has died at a remote rehab facility in the Pacific Northwest. Knowing she wouldn't have commited suicide, Meg finds a way to go to rehab, too--but not to get clean, just to discover who murdered her sister.

Meg arrives to The Clinic and is welcomed by Cara, the no-nonsense type-a manager. She meets Max, the tweed-wearing English psychologist and she hears about Dr. Lutz, the mastermind behind The Clinic. And then she meets the other patients, a veritable who's who from the pages of US Weekly and In Touch. Meg isn't entirely honest with what bottles and pills she brought and she's on the hunt to find her sister's killer as she starts getting notes warning her off and telling her to go home.

As Meg goes through rehab, as she begins to detox, her mind releases and she doesn't know if she's seeing things or seeing the truth. Questions arise from her childhood and who her sister really was and where she's going and how she's going to get there--and who are all these people she's in The Clinic with? Who are the people running it, and what are they hiding? And will Meg figure it all out before someone kills her?

This book was fantastic and had some great characters. There were some stutters toward the end, but the twists were good. I highly recommend The Clinic!

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The Clinic kept me up reading late into the night! The story centers around the mysterious death of a celebrity while in rehab. It’s told from the perspectives of both the celebrity’s sister and the manager of the clinic, which gives insights into the internal thoughts of each character.

My favorite parts of the novel were in the interactions between the patients at the rehab clinic. The story takes several twists and turns, which is always interesting!

Overall, this is a great read, especially when you want to get lost in a story!

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