Member Reviews

Really enjoyed the book from start to finish. Author wrote this with great pace. This book is now one of my top books of the year for sure. Loved every second of this book

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While I thought this book was pretty good and liked the character develop especially between Elke and Lilly I felt like it dragged a little especially in the middle. The part going through the woods felt long. I did enjoy the climax with them running from the fire and it did a good job describing the feel of the fire.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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My opinion of this book might be colored by the fact that it is not in my usual YA wheelhouse. I don't usually read suspense novels and so what I think of as "too much description" might be necessary for the genre.

We were in that forest for just too long. I understand that it served to heighten the threat both from the characters to each other and the wildfires to everything, but it just took so long to describe every tree, rock and path in addition to every flash of lightening that I wanted to skip ahead. I knew that would definitely ruin the whole suspense aspect of the book but at times I just wanted to move on and get to where something really happened. I do have to commend the author for making me really understand the power and malevolence of a wildfire. The part in the book between the forest and the emergency rendezvous area was absolutely breath taking, especially when the group was trapped in the school as the fire went over them.

The characters were well developed enough that I managed to almost universally dislike them - Lily and Elke were interesting and had some redeeming qualities but Natasha just grated on me and Darius was simply there to advance the plot.

I know that the back story of the girls' was important to their actions and to the plot but for me it was only that. What I loved about the book was really the last 25-30% when they were out of the hunt/hunted phase and moving on with the story. I would definitely recommend this book to people, but it didn't make me want to read more suspense.

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Thank you Netgalley, Keely Parrack, and Sourcebooks Fire for the advanced reader ebook! This book had me on the edge of my seat until the very end! A thrilling read!

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Thanks to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book just fell short for me. I can't see anyone getting in a car for a road trip with girls that you didn't get a long with in school. The revenge prank they played on Lily was pretty juvenile. The premise of the book sounded amazing but I just couldn't get drawn in. I do think if I were younger that this book would have appealed to me. So I would suggest it for a younger audience. I did enjoy the authors notes at the end and how she came up with this story though.

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The day had gone so well. Lily had spent it checking out her dream college, but now her transport home had vanished. Wild fires had sprung up between her and her home in California. Oregon was known for its forest fires, but Lily never imagined her train home would be cancelled because of them.

An opportunity for a ride home comes up, but it's with someone she thought she would never see again. Someone she used to love with all her heart in middle school, but who turned on her. A terrible event rose from that hurt and shunning back then. Something she has pushed down deep and would rather not remember.

Lily accepts the ride as she is worried about her mum. The hospital is going to ring her mum with some test results, and Lily would prefer her not to be alone when she receives them, just in case they're not good.

Although a little awkward and uncomfortable in the car with her old BFF Natasha all seems okay at first. As 11 year olds they were inseparable, but that changed when they were 12. Suddenly the girl who wrecked their friendship back then is also in the car. Natasha never told Lily she was picking up Elke too. Relegated to the back seat, Lily just wants to stare out the window and try not to think of that terrible time back in middle school. Only 10 hours to go.

But Natasha and Elke begin their mind games, just like back when they were 12. Subtle comments about that time and the event that ripped them apart are dropped into conversation, and Lily wishes she never accepted the ride.

Hours later, when lost in the bush alone, she worries she has been part of a sick joke in revenge for the past. Wanting to be home with her mum more than anything, she knows that even if she finds her way back to Natasha and Elke, there is still over 10 hours to go.

The smell of smoke is growing. Is the bush fire coming their way? All three girls soon find themselves deep in an Oregon forest. They're lost, it's dark, there are old traps, crevasses could be anywhere and they've lost cell coverage.

Trying to find their way out after a double prank gone wrong, they begin to work through the tensions they had at 12. One by one they admit the other pressures in their lives back then, and truths are revealed. The only problem for Lily is the more she thinks of that time, the more she remembers what she did.

A ride-share gone horrible wrong - 10 Hours to Go is a great read. I could feel the awkwardness of the past between the three teens in the beginning, and enjoyed the journey they made, both physically and mentally to work through all that old tension.

Their 10 hours to go is stretched and stretched again as one thing after another goes wrong. A prank turns into another which turns into bad decisions and then life changing ones. Misconceptions are rife, but sorted through and old secrets revealed. The worse things get in an oncoming bushfire, lost in the bush in an area where many have disappeared before, the closer the girls become. Fear sparks old squabbles now and then, but maturity works its way into their predicament.

Smoke. A strange hunter. Missing persons. Lost in a forest. All this and more test these teens to their limits. 

Age - 12+

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2.5 stars rounded up.

Lots of unbelievable situations throughout the book, like for starters that a teenage girl would agree to a 10 hour car ride with a girl she hasn’t talked to in 4 years and wasn’t on good terms the last time they spoke.

Three girls, lost in the woods, almost run the car out of gas, get lost, get out of the car for no reason, encounter some scary man with a gun and they later worry if he made it out of the area alive….cheesy at times. Wasn’t good for me. All three girls were annoying or just clueless, reads not even at YA for me.

Thanks to netgalley and Sourcebooks for my advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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A road trip. Revenge. The threat of impending wild fires. On paper I should have loved this one, but having the focal point of the story revolve around an incident from middle school just didn’t really work for me. Even when stories are geared toward a younger audience, I still tend to be able to really enjoy them, but this time around I just didn’t connect with the characters. I have no doubt there will be plenty of people who will enjoy this one, but for me it was just okay. 2.5 stars out of 5. (Rounded up to 3) Thanks so much to Sourcebooks Fire and NetGalley for the chance to read and review 10 Hours to Go.

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Would you get into a car with two girls who hated you in middle school? Surely they’re over you getting one of them expelled, right? Right??? In 10 Hours to Go, Lily is stranded after her college visit because an incoming fire has cancelled her train. Her ex-best friend offers her a ride home, 10 hours away. But first they have to pick up the girl whose life Lily ruined four years ago. Is the fire the only thing burning or is there a revenge plot cooking as well?
The little moments were my favorites: relatable bickering and not knowing whose side to take, Lily throwing her voice to trick Elke, two truths and a lie.
I found everything to be overdone. The nature being the villain was very similar to Keely Parrack’s other novel, Don’t Let In The Cold, except this wasn’t as well done. Theo fire never really felt like a threat for most of the book because the characters were all so nonchalant about it. The ending was very abrupt and off tone. Because of this, I gave this book a 2.75⭐️.
Thank you to NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! 10 Hours to Go publishes tomorrow, February 5!

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A mystery with no twists and one single plot point. It ended up DNFing this, premise sounded cool but was beaten to death.

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10 Hours to Go is one of those books where the tension is so high and so well-controlled that it is borderline suffocating. The pacing was spectacular and what is a simple premise became so fraught and intense. I can see why this book is so highly anticipated.

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I love a survival thriller and this one definitely kept my attention and had me flying through the pages to get to the end. The drama between these characters felt particularly immature and unrealistic (holding grudges since middle school that led to them literally risking each others’ lives and then waffling back and forth between whether they would actually make up or not). I also feel like I didn’t get full closure on a couple of plot points and story lines which makes me feel unsatisfied. Also, classic YA in that I was constantly asking “WHERE are the parents???” But even despite all that I can’t deny I was intrigued to find out what happened in the end. Not my favorite book or my most resounding recommendation but if the synopsis sounds interesting to you and you wanna dive in to high school girl drama, that’s what you’re getting here!

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Lily’s way home has been canceled due to the ever growing wildfires all around her. But in a twist of fate, her mother gets her a ride home with the last person she was expecting, her ex best friend. To make things worse, the girl she got expelled from school is so tagging along. They have a not so fun ride planned for Lilly that is made ever worse because of the wildfires. Her hopes of making it home safe a slowly going up
In smoke.

Thank you to Keely Patrick and NetGalley for this eARC! All thoughts and opinions are my own!

I feel in love with the concept of this book the second I read the synopsis. I was slightly disappointed when the plans her ex friends have for her play out, and conclude, pretty quickly in the beginning of the story.

I knew going into this that 99% of the story would take place on a road trip, but unfortunately this is not a road trip I would want to take again. The best part of the plot takes place in the first 20% and kind of goes up in smoke (pun intended) pretty quickly.

Every plot point after feels forced and out of place, included just for the purpose of making the story a full length novel.

I did enjoy her writing style for the most parts and the first part was good enough for me to rate this a 3/5 star read.

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Three girls- Lily, Elke, and Natasha- take off on a road trip from Oregon to California. The trip is supposed to take them 10 hours, but they're going to have to survive a series of wildfires and their own ruined friendships and self-destructive tendencies in order to make it through the trip.
The girls' history of broken friendships, misunderstandings, and old resentments now threatens their future as they race the clock and the fires to try to make it home.
Sadly, for me the story felt like it went in circles as much as the girls' journey did, and none of the three characters was likeable enough for me to really invest in their story.

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The cover on this is great, and so is the title. I love a good YA mystery/thriller. Add the aspect of survival and I'm there!

The premise sounded great, I just don't think it was really executed super well. I knew what I was getting into, but the reason for such high tension felt really weak?

I know that they're teenagers, so small things are bigger deals, but they just seemed so far past that. Their age compared to the drama they hated each other over and what they did because of it did not all match.

The survival part was the best part honestly. I think this was alright, but it wasn't a satisfying read.

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I had really high hopes for this one. I always feel like first impressions of a book are really important and the first few chapters can make or break a book for someone. In this case for me, the first chapter didn't give me a great first impression. Because of that, I didn't find myself eager to pick this one up. I thought it would be a quick read (since it's under 300 pages), but it took be a bit longer than expected because I just wasn't invested in the story.

The thing that kind of rubbed me the wrong way was just how petty and passive aggressive both girls were right out the gate. There was no disguising their animosity at all. I especially didn't love how Natasha was portrayed. I don't think there was opportunity to form our own opinion of her because she started with the passive aggressive drama as soon as Lily got in the car. I know this is YA and the girls were basically returning from college visits, but the little digs and snide remarks were incredibly annoying and it was really hard to care about where the story was going or any of the characters. All of the drama stems from something that happened in middle school and it read like the girls were still in middle school not about to go to college.

I'm so bummed this was a miss for me because the premise sounded very intriguing. I think this may work better for a younger teen audience.

Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire for an early copy. All opinions are my own.

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The premise sounded good and the intensity of a wildfire set an expectation for me. Unfortunately, only the last 1/4 of the book met those expectations.

The three main characters bickered over the same event from middle school for most of the book. There was multiple times they forgave each other only to turn around and fight again.

If you like a survival story with a bit of revenge plot this book is for you.

Thanks to @netgalley and @sourcebooksfire for providing the ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley for this copy of “10 Hours to Go” by Keely Parrack!

It was so so tension filled and suspenseful. I learned through this reading experience that i loove ya thrillers. I’m so glad to read more now.
I highly recommend it.

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I really wanted to like this more. I tried to tell myself that just because I wouldn't ask my ex best friend for a ride back home that doesn't mean anything. I told myself that this is YA and not for me. I tried to put myself in the mind frame of this being my first YA thriller. And if it was....then yes, I feel like I would have enjoyed it more. However, I will say that this would probably be better as a movie.

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Thank you NetGalley for this copy of “10 Hours to Go” by Keely Parrack.

A college visit turns into something more for Lily Williams, after she has to accept a ride from an unexpected person. It’s fire season in Oregon, and with this California girl’s return trip cancelled due to a fire, she climbs into Natasha’s car.

The girls were friends once, but that changed with the arrival of Elke Azizi, who is also along for this return trip from Portland.
It’s clear that Elke and Natasha are still good friends, and Lily quickly feels this road trip take a turn, but she has no idea just how much they’ll go through together. After all, Portland’s just 10 hours from home, right?

Not during fire season. Lily, Natasha, and Elke are determined to get home. Scared, but determined. And the journey they go on is one that will change their lives.

Partial builds the tension and suspense, while giving clues and slowly divulging the girls’ history in a way that keeps a reader hooked.

This was a gripping coming-of-age tale that I couldn’t put down!

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