Member Reviews

The premise of this book was really intriguing and I loved that it is set in Oregon. I did feel like the pacing was slow at times and I sort of had to push myself to keep reading. Overall, it had a good resolution and I thought the intensity was good near the climax.

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Lily is catching a ride home with her ex-best friend, Natasha. Lily is surprised to learn that Natasha is also giving Elke a ride home. Lily and Elke had a big falling out years ago and haven’t spoke since.

Things are tense in the car and tensions are rising with the forest fires in their path. When Natasha and Elke decide to detour to get around the fire, they end up going straight into danger instead of around it.

As night comes, plans change again, and now the three of them are trapped in the woods under the burning sky. In order to get out they will be forced to work together.

This book was a lot of fun despite being extremely farfetched. This was one of those books that you just have to sort of suspend all sense of belief and just roll with it. I don’t live far from the area that this book takes place, so I think that is why it was even more far-fetched. Yes, we have forest fires, but not really like what was depicted in the book, but it sure created some amazing drama, and I ate it up. I really enjoyed all the tension in the beginning of the book. I will say that the tension was resolved really quickly though, I think that I wanted it to last longer to create more tension throughout the book. It just seemed that the majority of the book was a drama not necessarily a suspense or thriller like I was expecting. I still enjoyed this read overall, and had fun with it, it just wasn’t exactly what I was expecting. The writing was well done and on point and the author did a great job of being descriptive. I felt that I could easily picture the scenes in my head.

Thank you so much to Sourcebooks Fire @sourcebooksfire and Netgalley @netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for gifting me an advanced copy. Below is my honest review.

This YA suspense is an intense look into the flames of friendships and the sparks of old grudges. As these three girls start their ten hour journey home, old issues between them come cropping back up, but what starts as a potential prank is quickly swapped for a situation much more dangerous when local wildfires threaten not only their path home, but their very ability to make to through the night.

While I enjoyed the writing and think the author did a great job pushing the girls through the dangers of the night, I didn't love this one. It felt like there was a lot of hemming and hawing about past grudges, but then when it came down to it, the reveal was just meh. And while the fires definitely added a lot of tension and some great situational drama, but there was some wasted potential with the dropping of the "other people are dangerous" storyline. We got this whole situation with the scary guy and the disappearing people, but then it just got dropped completely.

All in all, if you enjoy some good character tension and environmental suspense with a YA spin, then you'll really enjoy this one. I think the author is great and will definitely try their next novel to see their growth.

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This was a unique idea - being trapped in a car for ten hours with your ex-best friend only for it to get worse in ways you could never imagine! I love stories about friendship breakups because I feel like they aren't as commonly spoken about despite being incredibly relatable. Unfortunately, the characters fell flat and the story dragged on - the way the characters were written didn't sound like it was coming from college-aged girls and some parts of the plot kept going and going...I think the story would have been much more exciting and had better pacing if some events were tightening up and the book was about 40 pages shorter. I think I'm just not the target audience, but I think my students will love this one! Thanks for the ARC!

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Imagine being trapped in a car with people you don’t really like. Now imagine one of them is someone you have wronged in the past. I wouldn’t have even gotten in that car.
Now imagine you have to depend on those people for your own survival.

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I loved 10 Hours to Go- an environmental thriller about ex-friends' ride from California to Oregon and the wildfire that gets in their way. I haven't read a thriller about wildfires, and as an Oregonian, I felt that this theme was very current and fresh. I loved the mystery of figuring out the background of the characters, and the last few pages were so intense!

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Be careful who you accept rides from! Especially not from ex-best friends! An enjoyable thriller with an interesting plot. Plenty of action with getting lost in the woods, a wild fire and a revenge plot.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I like this. Honestly, it's really interesting how it uses it setting and just overall these fires as a way to kind of make the tension higher. I like this book a lot.

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Unfortunately the "action/revenge" happens right in the beginning of the book and the rest is just constant bickering trapped in a car together. I did not enjoy that.

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"10 Hours To Go" was a very atmospheric read. The author's descriptions are vivid and it pulls you right into the story. This book would be a great fit for the YA Thriller audience.

The FMC finds herself in an incredibly unfortunate and uncomfortable position where she has to not only survive the elements but also a long road trip home after a college visit with her ex best friends that are holding onto grudges from their shared past.

I would recommend this book and enjoyed reading it.

Thank you Keely Parrack, Net Galley and Sourcebooks Fire for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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I loved the suspenseful atmosphere of this book, it had everything that I look for in this type of book. I really felt for Lily and that was a scary idea for a novel. Keely Parrack does a great job in creating tension and realistic characters.

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Will be posted November 24th

Well, that was not what I was expecting. I was expecting a revenge story, but it's not really what it is. 10 Hours to Go becomes more a story about surviving a wildfire, as it slowly closes around them.
I don't really know what to say about this book. It wasn't really my cup of tea, and I struggled a little getting through the book. I think mostly the issue I had with this book was that it wasn't what I expected, the revenge plan felt overkill and childish, and the 'survival'/car ride felt like it was never ending.

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This book was a quick read, and I enjoyed it, but it seemed like everything 'bad' happened to keep the book a bit longer.

The last few chapters really had me anxious for our MC's, and the end of the book was lovely. I'm just not sure why it fell flat for me.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for an arc of this book. All opinions are my own.

This was okay. I really liked the survival element and the different obstacles the characters had to go through. The characters themselves were a bit bland and didn't really have well established personalities.

The writing was otherwise fun, but some bits of dialog were somewhat unrealistic or flowed in an odd way.

I do feel like the plot was interesting, but I was waiting for the revenge element to have a bigger part in the whole story

I would recommend this still to people looking for survival stories or younger YA readers!

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This book really surprised me in such a positive way. With a writing style that felt effortless to read, complex teenage girl friendship dynamics and a tense plot that kept on giving - this is one I will be thinking about for a long time after closing the last page.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 10 Hours to Go by Keely Parrack will be released on February 6th, 2024.

Ex-best friends can be the worst types of enemies, but can you trust them when left with no other choice?

The premise of this book sounds AMAZING and I was so excited to read a good revenge thriller, maybe see some friendship rekindling, but my enthusiasm fell flat as I read the story. Maybe I just wasn't the target audience, but I don't think I would have been sucked into this book as a teenager either? The writing is fine, a little choppy, and the reasons for the tension were just SO stupid in my opinion. That might be the adult side of me talking though, haha.

I'm rounding up to three stars because it wasn't horrible to get through and I would probably read another book from this author.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book! It was one that really stood out to me based on the synopsis given but was surprised at the different type of storyline it was once it got going. I thought initially that it was going to be a mystery type of story but it ended up being a YA thriller but environmentally and not psychologically. Some of the arguments of the characters got repetitive but getting past that it was an interesting story and got me turning the pages trying to find out what was going to happen next. It was a quick read which I thought was nice and held my interest even though it was different than my initial thought. I would be interested to see what other books this author has and would recommend this to others that are looking to read a short and to the point story.

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This story made me remember why I don’t trust people at times and how they come across as sketchy or off putting

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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
10 Hours to Go releases February 6, 2024

This environmental thriller blends together survival, wildfires in the Pacific Northwest, and a road trip, which is what initially drew me in.
However, it was hard to root for the characters when they were acting so juvenile and reckless.
I feel like I’m too old to be caring about petty grudges over something that happened between them four years ago in middle school.

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