Member Reviews

This novel provided a pleasantly unexpected journey that surpassed my initial expectations. Initially perceived as a tale of vengeful teens in the realm of YA thriller, it kicked off with the compelling story of past events at Yosemite, fueling the desire for revenge against Lily for Elke's expulsion. Yet, as the narrative unfolded, a significant shift occurred midway, transforming it into a poignant narrative of survival and hope.

Throughout the read, I found myself eagerly anticipating a twist, contemplating various scenarios that might unfold. Surprisingly, the ultimate revelation was a powerful story of survival, hope, and redemption. I was so engrossed in the plot that I ended up binge-reading the entire book in a single day, driven by the need to unravel its conclusion.

What made this novel particularly relatable was its exploration of the tween experience, a phase we've all traversed. The story hit close to home, with some of the most gripping moments arising from the chilling depictions of the destructive and rapid nature of bushfires. As someone from Australia, this truth resonated deeply, adding an extra layer of connection to the narrative. In essence, this book expertly wove together elements of revenge, survival, and relatability, creating a compelling and emotionally resonant reading experience. I wholeheartedly recommend it to others seeking a multifaceted and impactful story.

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"10 Hours to Go" by Keeley Parrack is a thrilling rollercoaster of suspense and action that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The pacing is impeccable, ensuring that every moment is packed with tension and excitement. Parrack has a knack for weaving a compelling narrative that hooks you right from the beginning and doesn't let go until the very last page.

What sets this book apart is its cast of flawed yet endearing characters. Each one is a beautifully crafted individual with their own set of mistakes and imperfections, making them feel incredibly real and relatable. Despite their flaws, you can't help but root for them as they navigate the challenges thrown their way.

One of the standout qualities of "10 Hours to Go" is its exploration of redemption and forgiveness. As the characters grapple with their past mistakes, Parrack takes the reader on a journey of self-discovery and growth. The narrative skillfully portrays the characters' ability to overcome their shortcomings and find the strength to forgive both themselves and others. It's a powerful and uplifting message that adds depth to the overall storytelling.

In conclusion, "10 Hours to Go" is a must-read for anyone who enjoys a perfect blend of suspense, action, and character development. Keeley Parrack's storytelling prowess shines through, creating a captivating narrative that will leave you eagerly awaiting her next literary venture.

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I really enjoyed this YA thriller about a road trip gone awry somewhat ..
Secrets are revealed as fire takes hold and the characters determine how to survive
Highly recommend

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Few things scare me in this world as much as fire does. It destroys so completely and devastatingly and in nature it can turn so quickly. So for me this book was a heartstopping rush down a mountain as the fire nips at their heels raining ash down on them! Lily, Elle and Natasha are not friends, in fact even though the incident that broke them apart happened over 4years ago they still hate each other. However, nothing brings people together like an emergency and they are determined to get out alive together!

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Really enjoyed this book, so many twists and turns, really fast paced and the wild fire part had me griped (as someone who doesn’t live somewhere where fires happen the description of it was incredible and me beyond speechless).
Amazing written!

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A fun starter book for teens just getting into YA thrillers. It's fast paced and easy to read, and the plot will keep you hooked from start to finish. I couldn't find myself liking any of the characters though. The revenge plot was such a small portion and instead they repeated the same argument which sort of pulled you out of dramatic wildfire aspect. But this will definitely find it's place with a younger audience.

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This was a fun one. I love a roadtrip gone awry plot line but this didn’t try to be something that’s been already done.

The stress as the fire creeps up and the secrets come out make it so you don’t want to put it down. I swear I was almost choking on smoke as I was finishing this book.

The characters are real and stick true to themselves which I really appreciate, especially in books that have enough stressful stuff going on.

Thank you netgalley for the ARC of this book I cannot wait till it comes out!

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I was pleasantly surprised by this novel and enjoyed it more than I was expecting. I went in thinking it was going to be a YA revenge novel with teenage girls, which it was partly, but it moved onto something different. After the initial revenge story it moved into more of a survival story of the three girls trying to make the drive home from Oregon to California during a forest fire. It had a lot of suspense and reading about the fires fore sure made me nervous but in a good way. While it was still definitely aimed at the YA crowd I was entertained by this book and would recommend. I want to thank NetGalley and SOURCEBOOKS Fire for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Book review: this was a pleasantly unexpected read as I thought it was going to be about vengeful teens. At the beginning it was very much a YA thriller, what happened at Yosemite back in middle school, how are they going to seek their revenge on Lily for getting Elke expelled. However half way through the book it became more a matter of survival and hope. I kept thinking where’s the twist, coming up with so many possible scenarios. However in the end it was a story of survival, of hope and of redemption. I binged this book in a day, I needed to know how it ended. This book is relatable (we’ve all been tweens!) and hit close to home. Some of the scariest descriptions came from how destructive and quick bushfires are. Being from Australia, this is a truth very close to home. I gave this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️, it surprised me and made me want to binge read it. I would definitely recommend it when it hits the shelves!
10 hours to go will be released for publication on the 6th of February 2024.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for the opportunity to read an ARC copy of this book in return for my honest opinion.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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Thank you very much to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me early access to this book. I really enjoyed this read, it was full of action and suspense, which made it go by way too quickly strictly because I wanted more. The pacing was really well done, and I really enjoyed the characters as well, This is my first read by this author, but I’ll certainly be adding them to my must-read list!

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The storyline consistently captivated me, maintaining a dynamic pace throughout. I appreciated the absence of unnecessary content, keeping the narrative concise.

Nonetheless, I found the characters quite unsympathetic, and the recurrence of the same argument at frequent intervals proved bothersome, although this issue diminished around the halfway mark.

Provided one can endure the repetitive conflict, this book proves to be a straightforward read, particularly suited to young adult audiences fond of survival tales.

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10 hours to go was EVERYTHING! It was so twisted and I loved every second of it. I didn’t see the end coming which is all I want in a thriller!

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This book did have a lot of action but somehow, I still found myself bored and not that interested in carrying on. It got more interesting after the 60% mark or so, especially once the girls actually properly started to get along. I’ll be honest, I found the characters mostly tiring and annoying.

I give this 2.5 stars rounded up. I think the author does do a good job writing tense situations, but the characters let it down.

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for the arc in exchange for an honest review,

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10 Hours To Go | 4 stars

What happens when your friendship with your childhood best friend ends abruptly and you were never able to say you were sorry or explain yourself? That is exactly what happens to Lily in 10 Hours To Go. Suddenly, 5 years later she is offered a car ride back home from her best friend after doing a college visit, whom she hasn’t talked to for years. While she thought everything was forgotten, her friends were trying to get her back. What will happen throughout the 10 hours of road trip? Will they encounter a fire? Will they even survive?
10 hours to go was a good ready, only took me 2 days and it got me out of a reading slump, which I’m very happy about! It was a good book but not what I was expecting. To me, the book seemed (because of the cover page, the lines, and the back cover) as a murder mystery or a book mostly about Lily escaping and trying to survive. It felt as if the fires were the biggest plot line and getting back at her was just a little something they did.

I will say that, sometimes things felt too repetitive, talking about the fire but not actually ending the story and the description of how the fire and the woods were. I got lost sometimes because the details of the scenery were too much compared to the details of what they were actually doing. Which was confusing.

But honestly to me, it didn’t matter than much that it actually wasn’t a murder mystery because it kept me entertained.

Good book, just not what I was expecting

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I did really enjoy reading this! I felt the first half was a bit slow for me, but it really picked up in the second half. I’ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately but I was able to stay interested and get through this rather quickly! A good YA thriller with a heartwarming conclusion. I recommend it!

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This was more environmental thriller than anything, providing a terrifying element of risk. But there is also this level of deception on a human level when Lily travels home with two girls who clearly do not have her best interests at heart.

There were levels to this book, and figuring out these girls was like whiplash… one minute you think you can trust them and the next, you’re certain they’re up to no good, but then you just might be able to… and so on. I liked that. It provided a great sense of underlying concern.

Pairing all of that with the approach of these wildfires sweeping through, you get the sense that everyone needs to work together to survive and it was fantastic!

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10 Hours to Go is a Ya road trip thriller. Would you accept a ride from someone who you didn't like in middle school? Would they still hold a grudge from middle school? Lily need a ride home and Natasha decides to give her a ride. They also pick up Elke and what a ride this will be. Natasha and Elke hold a grudge from middle school and decide to get some revenge on the trip. There are also out of control wildfires in Oregon which will make the trip a scary adventure. You will be gripped from the beginning. What will happen to the girls? Will everyone survive the trip. How will they change on this trip?

What an exciting read. You will get hooked from the beginning and will not want to put the book down. It is a quick read.

Thank you to #NetGalley, #KeelyParrack, and #SourcebooksFire for a copy of this exciting read.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Sourcebooks for giving me an arc in return for an honest review.

I would give this story a 3.5/5 stars. I've been in a reading slump and this book brought me out of it. It is a fast paced, easy, thriller read. The plot kept me entertained the entire time and something was always happening. There was not a lot of filler going on which I enjoyed. The only two things that I would day could be improved were that the characters in my opinion were pretty unlikable. They also mentioned the same argument every few pages which started to get really annoying but it passed about halfway through. As long as you can push through them having the same argument, this will be an easy read.

I would definitely recommend this book and I'm looking forward to getting a paper copy when it releases!

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A road trip gone wrong involving three teens. Plenty of drama and danger in this novel in which the main character finds herself face to face with her ex best friend from school. The story is a mix of surviving a series of disasters and dealing with grudges from the past.

I found the first half of the book interesting and was motivated to keep reading but by the second half my interest had waned a bit. Luckily there were some hints that the main character had forgotten something from the past, as this gave the story an element of mystery which kept me reading to the end.

I received this arc from netgalley and Sourcebooks Fire in exchange for my honest review.

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