Member Reviews

This book was amazing! The first installment of this series was a bit hard to get in to at first. This second book however was so good!
I feel like the author is coming with something new and I really recommend it!

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Good overall theme of grief and recovery. I liked the multiple POVs and continued story line. The character growth and story lines were great. It was length but not insurmountable- but the phrase “a lock on a door in the house rattled” was way overused.

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Unfortunately, The Thone of Broken Gods was a major letdown for me. Despite its intriguing blurb and the praise, it has received, I found the book to be dull and repetitive. The plot felt stagnant, with the same themes and scenarios being revisited over and over without adding new dimensions to keep me engaged.

I feel bad about not finishing it, especially given the positive reviews and the promise the book held. However, I struggled to maintain my interest and couldn’t bring myself to continue. It’s disappointing when a book doesn’t live up to expectations, but I hope that others might find it more captivating than I did.

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The beginning was hard for me… I’m a super emotional reader so there’s that. It wasn’t bad. Just a little angsty. It also had a bit of repetition.

But it really starts picking up around 33% and by 50% I’m totally back into the world!

The last 10% of this book is a pure masterpiece! So many shocking moments I didn’t even know what to do!

The book begins where the last one ended. Diana is completely unhinged and out for revenge. For legal purposes, I would never act that way… but I could see slaughtering everyone who betrayed me and killed my last remaining family… and considering it’s a fantasy world, totally made sense to me.

Her treatment of Samkiel I struggled with a bit. I get wanting to push him away and feeling guilty, but she goes a bit too far imo.

Safety warning: it’s mentioned several times she sleeps with OM during this time. Nothing on page. But it iffed me.

Samkiel was so enamored. His unwillingness to give up on her was astounding… I wish he’d made Diana grovel a little when she came around.

Let’s talk about Queen Imogen!!! I was worried after the last book how she would be once she was on page… Amber did such a great job! I hate sabotaging jealous exes. Imogen was supportive, sweet, not jealous, and befriended Diana. I loved her! Maybe we can get a spin off novella with her story one day.

I adored the rest of the Hand as well (except Vincent!!! He can fly into a window for all I care).

The mates aspect in this series is so interesting. I figured out pretty quickly that Diana was Samkiels. I figured when they said she died they were referring to her turning or they knew she’d be “evil” and just said that hoping he’d marry Imogen.

The delay in them saying I love you pissed me off. They both admitted it in their inner monologues. They gave themselves fully to eachother yet were scarred to say it until that ending???

Cam and Logan’s actions at the end make sense. Camilla even seems redeemed mostly to me. Fuck Drake! Nothing worse than a fake ass bestie.

Now I must patiently wait 3 months to see what sacrifice was made. ISTG I will scream if they end up with different mates.

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I am still reeling from the masterful conclusion of The Throne of Broken Gods, the second installment in the Book of Azrael series. Amber V. Nicole has outdone herself, weaving a complex tapestry of characters, politics, and magic that will leave you breathless and yearning for more.

The world-building in this installment is nothing short of phenomenal. The author has taken the foundation laid in The Book of Azrael and expanded upon it with reckless abandon, introducing new characters, histories, and secrets that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The result is a narrative that is both epic in scope and intimate in its character-driven focus.

One of the standout aspects of this book is the morally gray protagonist, whose inner turmoil and struggles will resonate deeply with readers. Their perspective is a wild ride, full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end. And yet, it's not just the protagonist who shines - the cast of characters is richly diverse and multidimensional, with each one bringing their own unique brand of complexity to the table.

The Throne of Broken Gods is a triumph. It's a testament to Amber V. Nicole's skill as a writer that I found myself completely invested in these characters and their struggles, even when they didn't always agree with me. I devoured every word, desperate to know what lay ahead for this fractured cast of characters. And now, I'm left eagerly awaiting the next installment, my heart racing with anticipation.

If you're a fan of epic fantasy with complex characters, morally gray protagonists, and intricate world-building, then The Throne of Broken Gods is an absolute must-read. Trust me when I say that you won't be disappointed.

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Quite the sequal! This book is definitely lengthy but never felt boring or without purpose. We get to see the fallout, disaster, and subsequent healing from the events of book 1 and this book sets up nicely for the third installment. I cant wait to see what happens next for Dianna and Samkiel!

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I actually loved this one more than the first book! That never happens. This is a good recommendation for those who like SJM.

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My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

General Thoughts: I have been meaning to read this one for forever but the sheer length of the books scared me off for a bit. They are LONG! But somehow they didn't feel long. The author did an excellent job of pacing this one. Everything felt like it was moving the story along rather than dragging the story. The main characters were super interesting, as was the world-building. I'm very invested in this story, and I can't wait to see what comes next.

I am semi-regretting starting another incomplete five-book series where only the first two books are out, but this one is honestly worth the pain and suffering that it will cause me.

This is fantasy and romantasy at its best, and I'm glad I finally gave in and read these.

Spice Meter: ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

Romantic Tropes
-dark romance
-true enemies to lovers
-dislike to like
-slow burn
-urban fantasy

You can also find me on Insta @mylastromancenovel.

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As a reader, I feel like the second books never compare to first books, but The Throne of Broken Gods absolutely lived up to the hype of the first book, Book of Azrael. I love a badass FMC and I loved the soft and gooey MMC. This book had me in a chokehold the entire time and my only complaint is the wait for the next book!

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I didn’t think the first book could be topped but WOWWWW! I am counting down the seconds till book 3 comes out

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"The Throne of Broken Gods" by Amber Nicole plunges readers into a world on the brink of destruction, where the fate of humanity rests in the hands of a tormented protagonist named Dianna.

As Dianna grapples with the loss of her humanity, the world trembles in fear at the impending darkness threatening to consume everything in its path. Grief consumes Dianna, stripping away the last vestiges of goodness within her and jeopardizing her burgeoning connection with Liam. Now, Liam must embark on a perilous journey to save Dianna from the abyss of damnation before it's too late.

With its gripping narrative and high-stakes tension, "The Throne of Broken Gods" explores themes of grief, redemption, and the enduring power of love in the face of darkness. As Dianna teeters on the edge of oblivion, Liam must summon all his strength and courage to rescue her and prevent the world from descending into chaos.

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An amazing continuation to Samkiel and Diana's story! I love that reading this fantasy series feels like watching a tv show in my mind. Much like anime, there are chapters of pure wholesomeness that give such a bright spark of light and humor during what could be a very dark twisted fantasy. I personally really love that, there's a chapter where all the characters just spend the day at the beach and personally for me those are the moments that make me fall in love with the characters cause it gives them human qualities. Makes it feel real, like I am part of the found family. At first I was not as invested in the celestials or getting to know them but by the end of the book I was heart broken and distraught for them!!! I need the third book ASAP

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I really struggled to get into this book, unfortunately. The pacing was quite slow and this was not helped by so much repetition. The themes of the book were very powerful but they felt diluted after labouring over them endlessly. I will not be leaving a review online or through socials as I chose to DNF this book and I don’t think it would be fair to the author. Sometimes a book just isn’t for you and that’s ok. Thank you for the arc and apologies for the delay in rating, I really did try to stick with it but it just isn’t the book for me.

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Just like the first book, this book was very slow paced and spent a lot of time on world building. More things were revealed and it was good to get the culmination of this duet with a satisfying ending.

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I absolutely adored Book of Azreal (the first book in this series) and went in with very high hopes. Unfortunately, this didn't match up and I wish it had. The main issues I had were the amount of POVs throughout the book and the length of it, it's over 800 pages and could do with a trim (these could actually be the same thing - less POVs = shorter book) The Throne of Broken Gods is still a good read and I love the fact the FMC is a villain and is as dark and complex as the other characters, Amber V Nicole is a great writer and I look forward to reading more of her books.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing this e-ARC. I am anticipating reading this soon and reviewing on my socials.

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So I slogged and slogged to around 55% waiting for the story to get going in this ridiculously and unnecessarily long book, but ultimately had to DNF when the main character flipped a switch from the embodiment of female rage and grief to a giggling schoolgirl within one heartbeat to the next.

Diana is hurting at the start of this story, quite understandably. She’s much worse and more stabby than even the morally grey MC we met in book one. Wouldn’t it have been better for her to show signs of slowly healing in those 400-500 pages I pushed through instead of the repetitiveness we had instead followed by an immediately switch up? It would have made it much more realistic then when she eventually softened towards everyone.

What’s annoying is that this series has some interesting world building elements and some really good action and magic scenes. What lets it down for me is the pacing due to the length, the romance is lacking for me and the characterisation of these apparently centuries-old beings is too juvenile.

I think I’m done with this series.

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I love the continuation of this series! It had me on the edge of my seat in anticipation for more. I can't wait to read the next one!

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In this continuation of The Book of Azrael, we find Dianna consumed by vengeance after the devastating events that have taken place. She has lost her humanity and is determined to destroy the world. The only obstacle in her path is the God King, Samkiel. Despite the warnings of others, he refuses to believe that Dianna has become a monster. Will he be able to reach her before she succumbs to her bloodlust and thirst for revenge?

Dianna was an amazing character! She was portrayed as unforgiving, terrifying and lethal, but at the same time, her pain was palpable and I couldn't help but feel for her. Her character development was beautiful and seeing her make new relationships was great. Her quick wit and banter with Samkiel were unmatched, and their relationship development was one of the best enemies-to-lovers stories I've ever read. Samkiel's unwavering devotion and belief in Dianna is amazing, even when she gives him no hope and literally stabs him. He never falters in his love for her or his determination to save her from herself.

Also, I absolutely adore The Hand, the group of Celestials. This book truly embraced the found family theme with this group, and it was one of my absolute favorite things about it!

This book was both emotional and funny. The characters were well-written and fleshed out, and the world-building was well-developed. The book explored a newfound family dynamic, which I thought was great. The author did a great job balancing serious subject matters with lighthearted banter and character relationships. However, the book felt a bit overwritten at times and could have been shorter. Overall, I really enjoyed the book.

Thanks to NetGalley and Rose & Star Publishing, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles for providing me with an early, free copy of this book.

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Read these books because my sister was obsessed with them... and guess what... I loved them!

Loved the tension between Dianna and Samkiel was sooo good! The bickering, the banter, the heat... so on point! Loved the emotional part of their relationship. They've been through to much.... I just loved them so much! Thank you sis.

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