Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Rose and Star Publishing for the E-arc!
So excited that the sequel is finally out! The Book of Azrael was one of the first books I reviewed on net galley and I am so happy to be continuing with the series. Definitely check out the series if you'd like morally Grey characters and the perfect amount of spice. I think Diana is a great mean character despite or sometimes not making the best choices. She is passionate and fiery in the best ways. I think I honestly ended up liking this book better than the first and I can't wait to see how this continues.

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Wow. What a sequel! I am so impressed with Amber's ability to make you care about these characters so deeply! The plot was so good and kept me intrigued the entire time! This series will be on the top of my romantasy rec list for a while!

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Unfortunately I ended up DNFing the book. I got lost in the plot and it felt like I was reading with no end in sight.

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After adoring The Book of Azrael, I was thrilled to jump into this one. Unfortunately, I found this one to be more difficult to get into. As such, without the addictive quality of the first, the worldbuilding felt lacking in areas and the romance seemed more far fetched especially with the brutal turnaround on Dianna's character at the start of the story.

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A great second book. I love these characters and having a morally grey FMC. I didn't inhale it quite as fast as the first book but I still really enjoyed it.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. This is part of a series and you probably should read the first one before reading this one.

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Epic, wrenching, raw, and often downright painful the intrigue, betrayals, and power plays intensify as tale begun in The Book of Asrael continues, relentlessly. The pain of intense grief vies with intense love and longing, between family and soulmates as gods manipulate, deceive, and vie for power. I think I held my breath the last dozen pages ....

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While I didn't love this story as much as the first, The Book of Azrael, it was still a good addition to the series that dove deep into the characters and expanded on this fascinating world. I really believe that Amber Nicole is such a fantastic writer with a unique ability to share a captivating tale and evoke strong emotions.

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I started this book without knowing it was sequel of another so I couldn't finish, however, I quite enjoyed the bits I read! It has such a nice writing style and a storyline, it really gets you hooked to make you continue reading. I will definitely be coming back to the first book and this later.

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The Throne of Broken Gods picks up immediately after The Book of Azrael and takes you on the most intense ride. this book revolves around the aspect of grief and overcoming it, seeking revenge on those who betrayed you and working through the phases you go through after a permanent loss of a loved one

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"When I burn this world to embers, and you paint me as the villain, remember, I really did try to be good... once"

This book picks up right where The Book of Azreal left off and Dianna is coming for revenge.

Dianna was everything! Everytime she was on the page she stole the show. Her emotions were palpable and her pain broke my heart.

Samkiel is unwavering in his love of Dianna and I loved him so so much!

The characters are all so well developed and I was consumed by this book. I couldn't put it down. The balance between serious matters and lightening things up with fun was so well done.

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A female villain mc is where it's at!! This was an amazing follow up to the first book. The character development and world building were perfect. The book was emotional while still being fun to read. I cannot wait for the next one!!!

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If you don't like cliffhangers I would hold off reading until the next book in the series comes out.
But this was an engaging follow-up to the first book in the series, The Book of Azrael. If you enjoyed the first book you will probably like this one. it has love, vengeance and spice. It did feel a little long at times, there were just aspects that were too drawn out.

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I really enjoyed this book., The whole experience was bittersweet, by being both heartwarming and heartbreaking The MC's struggle with grief and pain so was well written. The world building was interesting and the character growth was amazing. My main complaints about this book are there are too many different points of view and this book was longer than I think necessary. But overall it was a fun interesting read.

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🙌🙌🙌 A villainous female main character. Loved this perspective again in book 2. The multiple povs were so good, I loved getting to hear from The Hand and their relationships, and a little Kaden pov 😈.
I really enjoyed this, especially the ending. But oh boy did the middle get LONG. I was tempted to put it off, but I'm glad I stuck it out. The banter, the redemption, the betrayal, the growth, the family. So good.

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So I enjoyed a good bit of the first book in this series, the growth and such from the two main characters was great to see. However, about halfway through this book, it just felt like they had both regressed into something not great. And while I don't mind POVs, this one had just too many to keep track of, and it became really hard to read.

Not to mention that this book is over 90 chapters. It truly felt like half of them could have been pulled to cut down the length and make the book drag less.

Overall, it was not the greatest book I have read this year, and I personally don't feel like I would continue with the series.

Thank you to Rose & Star Publishing and NetGally for the ARC, in exchange for my honest review.

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Although ‘The Book of Azrael’ was not one of my favorite reads, I was intrigued by the premise and romance, and was looking forward to seeing how its sequel would play out - unfortunately I just don’t think this book/series is for me.

The addictive quality that the first book had was missing this time around, in part I think this was due to poor pacing, we circled around the same issues for a significant portion of this book and there was very little character development with Dianna or Samkiel

I wanted to empathize with Dianna's grief after the death of her sister, but her desire to be constantly self-destructive was exhausting. I needed more vulnerability from her, but instead she came across as immature with the over-the-top self-loathing.

I quite enjoyed the romantic tension and spice in the first book - but it fell into the realm of cringy in this book. The nicknames they had for each other were so jarring to me. Samkiel has always felt distant as a character, but he seems to somehow regress even further in this book.

The multiple POVs are another thing that felt distracting and in my opinion, were a main contributor to the slow pacing. Some POVs weren’t engaging enough to hold my interest.

Ultimately the book was too long and too repetitive, I think it could have done with some additional editing and shortening. The last 100 pages are packed with a ton of action and is where the pacing really takes off for me. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to make me want to come back for the third book.

A massive thank you to Rose & Star Publishing and NetGally for the ARC, in exchange for my honest review.

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4.5 stars !

This book was the perfect sequel to Volume 1!

We meet up with Dianna and Samkiel after Gabby's death, and its consequences for Dianna and her relationship with her team.
The beginning of the book is rather slow, giving Dianna time to "settle" her conflicts with the people responsible for her sister's death.
The author has succeeded perfectly in conveying the emotions of the characters in her book: we cry for them, we hope for them and we expect a happy ending for them!

But this ending! WHY?
Volume 3 is going to be a long time coming, and I can't wait to see what the author has in store for us!

I want to thank Amber V. Nicole,Rose & Star Publishing and netgalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion

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What a second installment.

This book development the characters, history, magic system abd secrets of the first book.

I love the multiple POV. Seeing the story from different pov I think enhances my reading experience.

The book took me on an emotional rollercoaster ride which took me a while to get over haha.

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The Throne of Broken Gods by Amber V. Nicole is an intriguing fantasy that changes the game and I cannot wait to read more. I had no expectations going in and was pleasantly and happily surprised.

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