Member Reviews

Oh wow, this book was good! For a long book, it took me a surprisingly short amount of time to read.

This book was so emotional and heart wrenching but somehow was also really funny and fun to read! All of the characters are so well written and fleshed out and there were so many new facets to this follow-up book that I thought made it even better than the first book!

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I have never read a book so fast in my life. I am more mad at myself that I’ve had this ARC for MONTHS and didn’t read it. This book is PHENOMENAL. Amber V Nicole expertly uses romance as such a key part of this story and plot. Yes, it’s a fantasy romance, but it’s so much more than that. It focuses on anxiety, communication, trauma of all kinds and the issues that strive from all those unresolved issues. For someone who struggles with mental health and some other topics our FMC has gone through, SINCE BOOK ONE, it is so easy to put yourself not only in Dianna’s shoes, but Samkiel, Logan, Cameron, Gabby and more. I thoroughly enjoy any book that provides me the emotions of a character. It means it was written well and with reference to the pain these characters go through. The pain is yours but easy to disguise as the characters. But what you feel is yours. I think that’s art. I LOVED the different point of views and I loved the bread crumbs left throughout this entire book, which then led to the cliff hanger at the end of this novel. There are just way too many good things to say. I cannot believe I have to wait a year for the next installment, but this book has made my TOP 10 books of all time. Super recommend, don’t even think just buy the entire series.

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The Throne of Broken Glass is book 2 in the Gods & Monsters series.
A well constructed morally grey, unique world of Gods, Monsters & Humans.
A slow burn scenario of enemies to lovers with plenty of action, twists & turns throughout both books 1 & 2.

With book 1’s cliffhanger we leap right into book 2. It is emotionally heart wrenching and subsequently a great and easy read.
The characters are well written and have fantastic development coming from book one.
The otherworldly world building has true skill and is so expertly done, you are transported into a dark and fantastical world with relatable characters. The dialogue is well executed and deals with many serious subject matters.

All in all a fantastic series.
I absolutely loved this second book. Simply excellence.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy.
I just reviewed The Throne of Broken Gods by Amber V. Nicole. #TheThroneofBrokenGods #NetGalley

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I was so happy to continue with the story of Dianna Samkiel!

Love, patience, found family, twists and turns were a pleasure to read! A little more romance built in the second book as tends to be the case.

I really enjoy books with multiple POV’s so this was another way this book was one I couldn’t put down!

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A special thanks to NetGalley and Rose & Star Publishing; Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA); and Members' Titles for the ARC!

3 out of 5⭐ as the book really needed a mean, thorough editor to go through it before publishing, because 93 chapters is super excessive for how little happened in a third of the book. It was so long and uneventful that I am incredibly resentful that I slugged through it only to receive the dastardly criminal cliffhanger we were given at the end of the novel.

The story continues where The Book of Azrael lets off: Diana's sister is dead, and Diana's whole world, sense of self, and control of the monster inside shattered instantly in the wake of Gabby's murder on screen. The persona of Liam is retired, and Samkiel stops pretending and finally takes on the responsibility of kinghood he'd been ignoring the past millenia as he scrambles to search and perform damage control on the multitude of disasters Diana leaves behind on the revenge murder spree she throws herself into. Questions raised in the first novel are eventually answered, but we are left with more due to an unsatisfactory cliffhanger.

Some positives that I enjoyed are the character development we see in members of the Hand and the return of Roccurem.

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Whew, that was... devastatingly beautiful. I swear this author is trying to kill me.

This book takes a more somber approach than the first, The Book of Azrael, and expands on side characters' experiences through multi-POV. There is still some humor and it still hits every time, but because of the circumstances of the storyline, it's bittersweet.

Some authors tend to over do it on the distress and woe-is-me internal dialogue; however, I never felt like "omg, pls stop having a pity party." I felt alongside each character even when they were revoicing events that had been repeated multiple times. I was constantly torn between reading more and setting the book down (to give my heart a break lol). In all seriousness, I had to take my time reading it because I was so emotionally invested and my poor heart was just aching the entire time. If you're in one of those pockets after reading a heavy/emotional book, I would not start this one. Nothing terribly traumatic happens (until the climax, of course) but the anguish of all the characters is just a lot if you're an empathetic reader. BUT once you're out of that pocket, you HAVE to read this jewel.

Don't be dissuaded by how many pages it is. This book will keep you wanting more, wishing it will never end. Like The Book of Azrael, I strongly recommend this read for NA readers. This story will have you believing in unconditional love, redemption arcs, and forgiveness. There are more intimate scenes than the first book for those that would like to know.

TDLR; I don't even need to read the remaining books in this series, I will be buying them for my shelves. 100%. I recommend the same for you.

I received this title as an eARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to NetGalley, Rose & Star Publishing, and Amber Nicole for the opportunity to read this treasure!

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TTOBG's blew all my expectations for how this world was going to go, and while I was able to guess at a couple of the reveals that played out in this sequel, I can say for sure that there are going to be MANY more playing out in the books that follow. The world has only expanded exponentially, with so many characters to dive into now that we have introduced more POVS. I have cried so many times because of this book, my heart broke for Dianna, Samkiel and the Hand.

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Update: "Eventually, we get tired of pretending to be something we aren't"
The book was great! Still leaving me on a cliffhanger and I cant wait till book 3. Plot was perfection!
Plot: 5 stars
Spice; 3 stars
(I think all the spice is gonna be in book 3(; )
Resurrection's comes with a price, I should've seen it coming that it would be her mark. Also knew I didn't like Vincent for a reason but thats not the reason I seen coming

This book... You just keep breaking my heart. I'm going to have to come back to this review because I'm just a little broken right now....

Recieved E-ARC copy from Netgalley! My honest review will come later. Too busy crying right now.

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I loved it. I was nervous (as I always am) about the second book in a series when I loved the first so much, but Nicole absolutely did not disappoint with this follow-on and next book in the series.

This is not a book you can hop right into. You do need to read the first to understand the second, and while I haven’t read the first since last year, I was able to jump right back into the world. I loved Dianna even more in this novel than in the first and the way Samkiel just adores her is so beautiful.

Something that a lot of authors do that I think makes novels shallower, is make characters extremely old (500-1000 years) and then not give them the maturity and understanding that comes with that age. Nicole however absolutely does not do this, in fact her characters demonstrate their wisdom gleaned from those eons of time beautifully.

The only issue I have is that there were entirely too many flashbacks in the beginning of the novel. I was overwhelmed in a not so good way. Once we got over the halfway point, those seemed to disappear.

I literally cannot wait for the next novel.

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I don’t think I have the word to describe just how amazing this book really was! One of my top reads if the year!

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First of all, this is THE sexiest book I’ve ever read in more ways than one. The spicy scenes… *chef’s kiss.* The redemption arc… *chef’s kiss.* The deep dive into trauma and grief…*double chef’s kiss.*

I absolutely love this series. I am DEVASTATED that it ended on a cliff-hanger because I will not know peace until the next book comes out.

This book is action-packed and FAST PACED. There was not a boring moment in this book, and the ratio of sad moments to heartwarming moments was perfect.

The FMC’s internal battle between her own happiness and revenge was very believable (minus the murder…hahaha), and the grieving process felt very raw. I absolutely ate this up, and I cannot wait for the next one.

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Thank you to this series for getting me out of the reading slump that Carissa Broadbent's Serpent and the Wings of Night put me in.

I haven't loved a FMC like this in a really long time. She doesn't cower, she doesn't apologize, and she loves harder than most.

That being said, I also love her because of how imperfect she is.

I also love the world building/world Amber creates. I'm looking forward to the third installment of this series and will have to keep myself occupied by rereading Gods and Monsters #1 and #2 in the mean time.

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I finished this book last week and I don’t think I’ll ever be okay again…
This story is harrowing from start to finish, it cracked my heart only to rebuild it and then absolutely shatter it again.
It started where The Book of Azrael finished and it progressed beautifully with twists and turns galore.
It depicted trauma and MH so amazingly I can’t say enough good things about this series

I will never get enough of these, I will reread, reread and reread until I know the book by heart so I can recite it in my sleep 💜 that is how obsessed I am with Amber V. Nicole’s words

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This book has everything I could ask for in a romantasy series! A world-ending battle, a romance that will bring you to your knees, and all of the defining moments in between.

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This sequel served all the themes: betrayal, revenge, grief and loss in such a poignant way. I know most are reading this series for Liam and Dianna's relationship but the absolute gut wrenching portrayal of loss and finding your way back and whether or not getting revenge is worth it, whilst struggling to remain yourself but also changing /losing yourself at the same time is the highlight of this series for me. Speaking on the romance, it was fantastic. I love the intertwining of present and thousand of years ago timelines and finding each other in different realms is shown through Liam and Dianna. Theirs is one of the best versions of this trope portrayed to me. Just highly recommend this series for this lines alone: "There is no place in the world or the next that you could hide from me Akrai".

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Immediately you are thrown into the story where book 1 left you. I loved that you get multiple POVs from the side characters as well, which makes you see the bigger picture and is nice to get their side as well, not only the main characters. Dianna is growing so much in this second book. From how she is dealing with grief, to acceptance that she is worthy and working on being her best self. Every transition was done perfectly. Samkiel was so supportive of her throughout the book and their love story was not forced at all. I did felt that it was a little lengthy and some parts were drawn out but I still enjoyed it. I cannot wait for book no 3, as this one ends with a cliffhanger and just leaves you hanging!

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This book was slow at the beginning just like the first one. The first half of the book is filled with lots of world building and character development just like the beginning of the first book was. It was all well written and well done and the world created is amazing, it just took long for the book to grasp my full attention because of it, however if you enjoyed the first book or are curious about what happens next you will enjoy the second book.

This book was a slow burn, with an unbelievable and intense ending. The fantasy aspects and character development were very well done. And the plot though slow at first did successfully grab my attention and had me on the edge of my seat by the end.

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Thank you so much to netgalley for a copy of this eARC in exchange for a honest opinion ❤️

Short spoiler free review

We pretty much pick up where The Book of Azrael ended, Dianna's on the war path, leaving destruction in her wake while she seeks revenge for the death of the person she loved most in the world.

Samkiel is devoting his time to both locating and trying to break down Dianna's walls, whilst also placating their world and the council regarding her.

Kaden is up to something BIG! and both Samkiel and Dianna are running out of time to stop him...

Will they be too late?

My thoughts....

This book was SO GOOD, in terms of plot, characters and overall experience. The side characters and their stories are just as important as the main characters and I love that.

Figuring out who Kaden really is and what's happening was a Rollercoaster to say the least! But in the best way.

The only thing, for ME, that was a bit hectic, is this book felt WAY TOO LONG 🙈 coming in 866 pages she THICC. The first large chunk of the book is also spent watching Dianna self destruct and ruin everything in her path, and at around the 25% mark I wondered if I even wanted to continue 🙈 #honestly xxx

But, I'm glad I pushed through - The payoff at the end was worth it for me 👌 great story of redemption, betrayal and love, magic, power and secrets. It has it all - highly recommend... Just you know, prepare yourself for the size and push through the first 3836383 pages of Dianna 😉 #trigger

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This book was everything I wanted and more! So much happened and so much new information my head might explode (in the best way of course)
Book 3 can't come soon enough!!!
The fact that Samkiel and Dianna are total opposites yet also so similar is mind boggling and makes me love these characters even more.
This book is full of action, death, betrayal, love and friendship and most importantly revenge.
If you're anything like me you'll have some trouble putting it down once you start reading.

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I love this series. Diana was full on in her villain era and her grief throughout the book over Gaby’s death was palpable. The relationship between progression between Diana and Samkiel feels very real and earned. Plot wise this really expanded the world from book one and it’s now clearly laid out who the big bad is and where this is headed. The new characters and POVs were a welcome addition. The twists were great and I can’t wait for the next book.

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