Member Reviews

I liked this sequel and am really enjoying the series. It has a lot of action, intrige and amazing characters. That being said I feel like this book could have been half as long and told the same story. There were several times where I felt the story kind of dragged and I found myself skimming a bit to get through some sequences.

Something I did really enjoy though was the fact that this took place over a relatively long period of time. That felt very realistic for a book as this with such high stakes conflicts and emotions. I loved reading about the relationship between Dianna and Samkiel and can’t wait to see how it evolves in the next book.

One thing I wish as a bit different that also goes hand in hand with the length of the book is that I wish Dianna would have been a more active character in this book. It felt like, especially in the second half of the book, she was a very passive character and this started to annoy me a bit towards the end..

My rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨
Spice rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️

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It was so good! I loved the first book, and the 2nd one is just as good, if not even better!
All the actions, the fast paced, and all the wholesome moments??? I need my own Samkiel now aaaaaaa
But also to be as unforgiving and unapologetic as Dianna would be a blessing lol
I love Samkiel and Dianna with my whole heart, and the whole gang as well!

But that ending AAAAAA need next book ASAP!

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I went through so many stages of emotions reading this...initially hated the turn this book took, and to add to it the choices Dianna made when she was on a rampage...some very questionable decisions and aspects that were mostly brushed off. And just when I came close to giving up it caught me on the hook again. Samkiel & Diana's dynamic leapt off the pages and could not be ignored. I was too invested in these two finding a semblance of a happy ending to give up. It's too late now...I NEED the third book to make it happen. Though this ends on a cliffhanger, it wasn't as terrible as I'd half expected it. I still have hope and can't wait to see how things work out in the next book.

Special thanks to Rose & Star publishing and Netgalley for providing me an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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okay the first 80% of this book had me GAGGED!!!! i was obsessed couldnt stop reading it and liked it better than the first one bc the GROVELING and the way he is so obsessed w her while she is being evil and powerful had me gagged im serious theres no other word to describe it but this book did NOT need to be almost 900 pages. at all. you lost me after the 80% i still finished it and still gasped at all the plot twists but i was less enthusiastic than before. HOWEVER would i recommend this series? yes

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I loved the first book so much I honestly didn't think it could get better because it was already amazing but man was I wrong this arthur is amazing and a must read.

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<b>“When I burn this world to embers, and you paint me as the villain, remember, I really did try to be good… once.”</b>

Dianna is grappling with the sudden and violent loss of her sister, Gabby, and seeking revenge on everyone who played a part in her betrayal. Samkiel is forced to fight his way to Dianna to try to help her heal her grief, and ultimately face their true feelings for each other.

This book picks up right where TBoA left off and was absolutely everything I wanted in a sequel. I loved seeing Dianna be so blood thirsty and in her true villain era, and Samkiel caring for her despite it all. This book was so fun to read and I honestly loved every minute of it. It’s action packed, sexy, and funny, and Amber Nicole really knows how to leave you with the most epic cliffhangers. I am totally going to die waiting for the third book.

<b>“Regardless of what happens or what you decide, I will stand by your side. I will fight this fight with you. You will not be alone, and I will do all I can to keep you safe.”</b>

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I have a habit of picking books based on the cover and nothing else. This was one of those cases. Beautiful cover. I had high hopes going in solely based on that.

I did enjoy this book enough that I kept going and was able to finish, but there was so much going on. So many sun plots, so many characters (which usually isn’t bad) but just added extra onto the already over flowing info dumped into this and it was way too long imo.

The world building and magic system was nice. I enjoyed that. I really did. And sometimes you need to give extra info for important things to come, however, all that info wasn’t really for anything.

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The Throne of Broken Gods is an epic and ambitious fantasy novel that follows the fate of four kingdoms that are on the brink of war. Each kingdom is ruled by a different god, who grants their chosen one's special abilities and weapons. However, the gods are not benevolent or omnipotent. They are flawed and corrupted, and their chosen ones are not always loyal or obedient. When a mysterious prophecy foretells the rise of a new god and the fall of the old ones, chaos and conflict ensue.

I liked this book because it was complex and creative. The author built a vast and detailed world with a lot of mythology and politics. The magic system was unique and fascinating, and the battles were intense and thrilling. The characters were diverse and multi-faceted, each with their own goals and motivations. I enjoyed reading about their interactions and conflicts, their alliances and betrayals, their love and hate. The plot was intricate and unpredictable, with a lot of twists and surprises.

However, I also had some complaints about this book that made me deduct a star from my rating. First of all, I felt that the book was too long and dense. There were too many characters, too many subplots, too many details to keep track of. I sometimes got confused or bored by the excessive information and descriptions. I would have preferred a more streamlined and focused narrative. Secondly, I felt that the book lacked emotional depth and connection. I did not care much about the characters or their fates, because they were not very relatable or sympathetic. They seemed too distant and cold, too ruthless and selfish. I would have liked to see more vulnerability and humanity in them.

Overall, The Throne of Broken Gods is an impressive and ambitious read for fans of high fantasy and adventure. It has a lot of scope and scale, intrigue and action, magic and mystery that will keep you engaged and entertained. It is not an easy or flawless book, but it is a remarkable one.


I had high hopes for The Throne of Broken Gods by Amber V. Nicole, the second book in the Gods and Monsters series, but I was disappointed by it. It is a fantasy romance that continues the story of Dianna, a human girl who is possessed by the angel of death, and Liam, a fae prince who is her mate. In this book, Dianna has lost her humanity and is on the verge of becoming a monster, while Liam tries to save her and stop a war between the fae and the angels.

The book has some positive aspects: the premise is intriguing, the cover is beautiful, and the writing style is decent. The book also has some action-packed scenes, some steamy moments, and some surprising twists that keep the reader interested.

However, the book also has many flaws that outweigh the positives. The main problem I had with the book was the characters. I found them to be inconsistent, illogical, and annoying. Dianna was supposed to be a strong and independent heroine, but she acted like a spoiled and selfish brat who made stupid decisions and hurt everyone around her. Liam was supposed to be a loyal and protective mate, but he was a pushover who let Dianna walk all over him and forgave her for everything. The secondary characters were either bland or stereotypical, such as the evil king, the sassy best friend, and the wise mentor.

Another problem I had with the book was the plot. It was too predictable, too convenient, and too repetitive. The book followed the same pattern over and over: Dianna does something reckless or cruel, Liam tries to stop her or save her, they argue or make up, they face some danger or enemy, they escape or defeat them, they have sex or confess their love, rinse and repeat. The book also relied on too many coincidences and deus ex machina to move the story forward. For example, Dianna always found a way to escape from her enemies or to get what she wanted, even when it made no sense or contradicted the rules of the world.

The last problem I had with the book was the world-building. It was vague, confusing, and inconsistent. The book introduced many elements of fantasy, such as magic, gods, angels, fae, demons, etc., but it did not explain them well or how they related to each other. The book also changed or ignored some of the rules or facts that were established in the previous book or earlier in this book. For example, in the first book, it was said that Dianna's possession by Azrael was irreversible and that she would die if he left her body. But in this book, it was revealed that there was a way to separate them and that she could survive without him.

Overall, I think The Throne of Broken Gods is a disappointing sequel that fails to live up to its potential. It has some good moments, but they are overshadowed by its many flaws. I give it 2 stars out of 5.

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If I could rate this more than 5 stars, I would. This book had me reading faster than I knew I could read just trying to find out what happened next.

There was violence, heartbreak, betrayal, and all the things a fantasy book thrives on.

I am going to be on the edge of my seat waiting for book three to come out. It can’t come out soon enough!!

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Throne of Broken Gods blew the first out of the water. How does that even happen when book one was just short of a master piece? I love that Dianna (MFC) is the villain in this series! It’s such a unique plot point that we don’t get it most fantasy series. Going from enemies to lovers and back to enemies was just what I never knew I needed! It’s got a perfect amount of tension between characters, themes of grief and healing to make it relatable. And the endings are always masterfully done and leaving us wanting more!

I do have to say, honestly, my only quarrel with book two is I feel like it’s a couple hundred pages too long! I enjoyed it but by the last quarter I was ready for it to be wrapping up. The plot was great at the beginning, lagged and dragged in the middle, and then the last hundred pages were like bomb drop one after the other. I felt it could’ve been paced a little better or shortened at the least. If a book gets too long, I start to mentally check out. I want something that will hold my attention well throughout, without sacrificing the message the writer wants to convey.

That aside, this series is my new fantasy obsession. Can’t wait for book three. 🙌🏻 Will update with an Instagram link as soon as I get my review up on there! Thanks for the ARC!!

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This is book two in a series. I would suggest reading book 1 so you have context for the overall story. I loved how this had everything you wanted with it being original and unpredictable. I also loved the character development and relationship between Samkiel and Dianna. You get to see more characters and get to know them from different perspectives. I enjoyed everything it had to offer and would recommend if you’re a fan of fantasy. I think this series would be in my top ten reads for this year so far, I would rate a five out of five. This ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

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#TheThroneofBrokenGods OMG this book is everything! Trust me when I say it will consume you until you finish and you will be begging for more. Please note this is the second in the series and you will want to read The Book of Azrael first. 10/5 stars. And 100% unstoppable once you pick it up.

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Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an ARC for an honest review…

The story continues where The Book of Azrael concludes with pain, grief and loss…The twist and turns, the characters with extended POV’s and timeline for reference made for a whirlwind of emotions…So much betrayal, nothing is as it seems, some twists I never saw coming…My heart broke so many times, from betrayal to death to that ending

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What a perfect sequel to Book of Azrael! I loved that in this book we explored the FMC’s past more. This was the perfect enemies to lovers where they were true enemies. I’m still loving the change of having a morally grey FMC for once and both the FMC + MMC being almost equal in strength and power. I loved that the grief process wasn’t rushed and it was a bit more realistic in terms of the emotions and different ways in which we process these. I originally felt this series was a 4/5 however since I’ve had time to process this read I have had to increase it to a 5. The author really took the time to give us a lot more depth in this book. I look forward to the next one!

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“Love is such a dangerous and powerful emotion. The gods curse it, for it has power. Empires have fallen for it, reduced to sand and scriptures. Worlds have burned for it, and they will once more. Love has the power to touch even the untouchable. Use it.”

I honestly really enjoyed Dianna’s villain era. However, I also cried so much during this book. The way Amber Nicole wrote this story, you could feel Dianna’s pain coming off the page.
Samkiel was such a supportive, caring person for her and she absolutely deserved that even if she didn’t think so.
The multiple POVs were a little hard to keep track of at first but I think it really added to the story to see it from multiple perspectives.
The ending left me wanting more and I can’t wait to see where their journey takes us next.

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Wow what a sequel! And I need the next book ASAP after that ending!

This book is very long and feels a bit repetitive. The story picks up about 40% of the way in when the FMC and MMC reunite. I wish the first 40% was cut down a bit. This book had more POVs than book 1 and I think they were mainly unnecessary. But I did appreciate the changes in tone and storytelling for each POV.

I found it hard to read about Diana and the way she was acting out in her grief in the beginning. I get that she wanted to get vengeance/revenge. But I also dont believe that she would kill whole covens/groups indiscriminately. So she killed people that had no choice or anything to do with her sister's death. I also think she was hypocritical because she would have done anything to protect her sister but she couldn't understand why others would do the same for their loved ones.

Once she comes to a little bit I found the story much more enjoyable. I loved meeting more of the Hand and seeing their personalities. Cameron and Xavier are my absolute favorites.

I think Amber Nicole did a great job of mixing in predictable twists to distract you from the unpredictable ones. It was obvious that Diana and Samkiel were amata. But the surprises about both of their fathers were interesting, and I didn't see coming until they were happening. The twist with Vincent I only started predicting right at the end.

Thank you NetGalley, Rose & Star Publishing, and Amber Nicole for providing an eARC.

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Title: The Throne of Broken Gods
Author: Amber V Nicole
Publisher: Rose & Star Publishing
Publishing Date: May 23, 2023
Pages: 726
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, New Adult
Rating: ☆☆☆☆.5

Another knock outta the park for Amber V Nicole!
The Throne of Broken Gods does not disappoint, even after the insanely good prequel, The Book of Azrael.
This book is heartbreaking, high tension, SPICY, SPICY, and the pining throughout is ev-er-y-thing. Dianna is QUEEN and I absolutely adore her, and Samkiel- SAMKIEL! The sweetest ever.
I really loved the found family aspect in this book, and even though I felt like the second half dragged a little, it did feel like it was setting up for book 3, which I can forgive.
Loved the whole book and this whole series so far. Can’t wait for book 3!

Thank you to NetGalley and Rose & Star Publishing for sending this book for review consideration! All opinions are my own.

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DNF 35% of this book.
I’m really sorry to have to say this, since the first book is one of my fav lecture last year.
I was around page 250 when I decided that this book had to stop. The length is about 700 pages and the first 200 is the same story, on repeat.
I understand the sorrow, the bad feeling that Dianna is feeling but need to be some development at some point.

It took me two months to go all through 250 pages.
Surely the story can get better, but for now it is not for me. Hope one day I will manage to read it again and maybe have another opinion.

Thank you NetGalley and author Amber Nicole for this ARC.

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Marked as a DNF, couldn’t get through it. I made an effort to finish the book, but it proved to be quite challenging and I ultimately couldn't get through it.

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The Throne of Broken Gods by Amber V. Nicole is the second book in a fantasy or paranormal enemies to lovers romance series about a God, Samkiel, and Dianna, a fiery beast whose breed had been Samkiel’s mortal enemies in a past war. The book also has a cast of supporting characters who take the role of narrator at times during the story. The first book in this series ended with the death of Dianna’s beloved sister. Dianna is very angry and intent on vengeance for every character who played any part in that betrayal. Samkiel did his best to reach Dianna and turn her from her destructive path. Dianna was drowning in anger, guilt, and grief and wreaking destruction upon the world. Many forces were at work on both sides of a great conflict, and the decisions Dianna would make would have a huge impact on the outcome. This book also ends on a cliffhanger, and I will be waiting anxiously for the publication of a third book in the Gods & Monsters series.

I absolutely loved this book. I had no idea what I was delving into when I started this series and it was such a treat. I believe this may be a debut series for the author. She executed fantastic world building and created a completely original universe. I was glued to every page of this novel and its predecessor. I recommend this story whole heartedly to lovers of paranormal or fantasy romance who love books about Gods, These are not any Gods I have encountered before. I am sure you won’t regret it. I am voluntarily submitting this honest review after reading an advanced complementary copy of this book thanks to Netgalley and Rose and Star Publishing.

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