Member Reviews

Pain, regrets and utter devastation. The feels are real in this good vs evil kind of book and I'm here for it. This book is massive 763 pages and took awhile to read. It has spicy scenes, vengeance, betrayal and love and war. It is a sequel to Book of Azrael.
Dianna is utter destruction and she loves fiercely as she hates. Samkiel is a God that finds himself again. Him and Dianna are inevitable.

I got this as an Arc from Net Galley but I decided to also buy the book due to it's size. And I don't regret it.

"How deeply you must love someone that death itself fears taking them"

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The Throne of Broken Gods is the second book in the Gods and Monsters series. The best part of this book for me was Dianna’s revenge arc. However, the story is way longer than it needs to be and has a lot of filler that doesn’t contribute to the plot. The writing is also extremely repetitive which makes it hard to get through. Thank you to NetGalley and Rose & Star Publishing for the ARC.

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The Throne of Broken Gods is book two in the Gods & Monsters series and follows The Book of Azrael. After the events at the end of The Book of Azrael, Dianna has lost her last shreds of humanity and the whole world is going to pay for her pain. It kind of reminded me of when Elena loses her humanity. Samkiel, on the other hand, is determined to bring her back and help keep her safe and goes all “I will burn the world down.” We love that.

This was a fun continuation of the series. I really love a good morally grey FMC and I found Dianna’s character to be very unique. It’s really sloooow burn/enemies to lovers. I enjoyed the characters but felt like this story dragged in a few places for me, there were times where it could have been sped up. However, others like that, so perhaps it’s just me. It does offer a lot of detail, but I don’t think it was overly repetitive. I’m just not overly a fan of long-winded books. It still has a powerful ending. However, I likely won't be continuing with this series. I think other people should still give it a shot though!

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Second books are hard. Unfortunately, I feel like this one fell into that dreaded sequel hole. I originally picked up the first book in this series because I saw it getting a lot of hype within the romantasy community. I didn’t love it as much as I expected to but I liked it enough to continue the series. This one was way longer than the first book and I think it dragged in a lot of places. Part of that is probably because of the many new POVs that are introduced. I normally love it when books in a series do this because it adds more depth to the plot and keeps things from getting stale within the same perspectives. But I don’t feel as though the new POVs were actually beneficial in this way. They didn’t really add a whole lot to the story arc as a whole and it just slowed the pacing down significantly. I also struggled to contend with the direction some of the character development went. This book needed to go through way more drastic cuts during the editing phase to really tighten up everything and make it more engaging. The world-building, magic-system, and lore are truly the highlights in these stories. I would definitely consider reading something new from this author in the future, but I am done with this series. This really needed much more time spent in the developmental editing phase.

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Wow! What a page turner! This story was non stop. Dianna is dealing with her grief. Samkiel is trying to reach her. Secrets revealed. Betrayal. Spice. And gut wrenching heartache. I need book three! Thank you, Amber Nicole and NetGalley!

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I predicted that reading this would be emotional, and I was completely correct.
Amber always delivers a story that takes you on a wild ride, complete with twists and characters with so many layers that it is incredible.

I do have one complaint: this book felt a little too long; some aspects could have been cut and the
story would still be incredible.
Aside from that, I adore this series and can't wait for book three, even though I know it will break my heart once more.

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I adore Amber. I love seeing her posts on booktok. Book of Az was fantastic and this was a sublime sequel. THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING

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3.5 / 5 ⭐ Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC. In the writing I see the growth of the writer or maybe having a better editor. The start, after previous book, was right in the action. The ending of this book was, too late or too early, depending how you look at it. It didn't felt like an ending and was like; where is the next chapter? But a lot, maybe too much happens in this book, making it a bit out to give me a whiplash. I like the more PoV's to give that "behind the scenes" feel, but some, I felt, were unnecessary and not adding to the overal story. I loved the book but this was more 1,5 book trying to be 1 whole book. Though some things I coming from miles away there were still some unexpected twists I liked to see. I absolutely will look forward to the next book.

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THIS WAS EVERYTHING. Dianna’s revenge era >>>> anything else. The absolute love I have for these characters is unreal. Amber’s words are magical. I need book 3 ASAP.

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This book is the perfect example of how a villain should be portrayed! It is so well done that you understand their reasons to be and you still root for them!

I am devastated that I don’t know more now!

The MMC is a softie for her, he just doesn’t give up on her no matter what! I really enjoyed their relationship.

The plot is amazing, the action scenes are great and there is banter that I love.

Thank you NetGalley and Amber V. Nicole for allowing me access to this book in exchange of a review

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This book showcases character development and boundless creativity. However, the extensive length of over 800 pages became a source of frustration, as the pivotal events were crammed into the final 50 pages. I found numerous chapters to be extraneous, lacking contribution to the overall plot and serving as mere fluff that could have been omitted. In the book's first half, Samkiel and Dianna's prolonged cat-and-mouse game felt repetitive and unnecessarily drawn out.
Despite these frustrations, the plot takes readers on a captivating journey from enemies to lovers and back again. The bond between Dianna and Samkiel is nothing short of a soulmate connection, with each willing to make ultimate sacrifices for the other. The level of passion is truly astounding, particularly considering Samkiel's divine nature. The narrative beautifully explores themes of overcoming grief and navigating the stages of loss. Samkiel embodies the archetype of an overprotective alpha male, while Dianna shines as a fierce female protagonist brimming with feminine rage. Their clashes ignite explosive confrontations, compelling them to question their deepest beliefs. Amidst age-old lies and misrepresentation, the characters strive to uncover the truth. This book delivers high-stakes thrills and relentless action, satisfying the cravings of those seeking excitement. To fully grasp the characters' motivations and gain proper context, I highly recommend reading The Book of Azrael before diving into this book.

Personally, Although the final fight scene held promise for heightened action and intensity, I yearned for a more profound resolution and further exploration in its aftermath. It's challenging to put into words, but after investing significant time in reading, I was left on a cliffhanger, longing for more.

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The character development was TOP TIER!!!! Diana and Samkiel,!?! I'd let them both RUIN me!!! Everything about this book was phenomenal. And you can truly see how much improvement the author has made towards her writing.

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A lot of spice in the book! I enjoy a book that has the woman as the “villain” and finding her love. Looking forward to what comes in book 3

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Um, oh my god. This book was SO GOOD. Talk about the sequel getting even better than the first.

This book picks up after the cliffhanger in the first (also, EVERY book in a series should come with a recap of the previous, and this one does so with a sort of journal entry style letter written from Dianna’s perspective). We get multi-POV, but all done in the spirit of carrying Dianna and Samkiel’s story, not for the addition of different plotlines.

Dianna is on a rampage to destroy everyone who had anything to do with the death of her sister and pushes away any attempt from Samkiel (or anyone) to help her because she feels unworthy due to her perceived failure in keeping her sister alive and her immense guilt. It is honestly a heartbreaking story of love, loss, and trauma with a big dose of found family, perseverance, and betrayal (oh, and some spicy times!). But it’s not all doom and gloom! There is still witty banter and humour and lightness - especially with the addition of Cameron and Xavier. This book had me FEELING all the things.

Were there plot points I saw coming? Yes. Were there also some super twists? Absolutely yes! Did I cry? Why yes I did. Will this be rated as one of my top fantasy reads this year so far? Also yes.

Throne of Broken Gods does end on another cliffhanger though, so prepare yourself to have to wait on this currently unfinished series!!! Still worth it!

⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐

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Well i thought book one was a lot but this book was filled with even more. The Throne of Broken Gods is a must read if you read book one. I don't know how to describe this other than huge. The story is long but it doesn't feel that way. The characters are complex and well written. You are just fully submerged in the world while you're reading it. Make sure you check some of the trigger warning before picking up either of the books but they are worth the read.

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I had seen good things about the first book in this series when I decided to pick this book up and it did not disappoint. My only criticism is that I was under the impression that the books in this series were shorter than they are - which is more an issue of Instagram/TikTok videos than with the books themselves. I found the characters and the story very compelling and I couldn't put this book down, even while on holiday in a dream destination. The plot was very well thought-out and the character arcs kept me on the edge of my seat at all times. I will definitely be picking up more books by this author in future and highly recommend this book to anyone who will listen.

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This book sure knows how to start with a bang! This book begins a few weeks after the events of book one and if you thought Dianna was badass in that book, oh just wait. I was thoroughly entertained, I loved seeing Dianna in her villain era and scaring the absolute shit out of people, she was dynamite, she made this book. Seeing her character development from the first book to now is just astounding, every layer of her character is so complex and delicate and I loved it. After finishing book one I was genuinely left speechless, so I understood her grief and her reasoning and I was with her every step of the way. That is why in this book Samkiel's character also just hit the mark of perfection. How was he so patient and kind and lovely in all the right ways? These two are honestly everything. So much happened behind the scenes but this book stepped up the stakes higher than ever. Every second was a game of trying to figure out what's going to happen next and how could it get worse at the same time. While it seemed like a lot of pages, I was devouring the story so quickly I barely noticed. The end of this book just had me staring of into space thinking 'holy shit' what more can I say?

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🖤💀 The Throne of Broken Gods Review 💀🖤

Thank you so much to Amber Nichole and netGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book!!

The Throne of Broken Gods is book two in the Gods & Monsters series and picks up where The Book of Azrael left off. I’m gonna keep this as spoiler free as possible, so if this seems vague - that’s why. After the events at the end of The Book of Azrael, Dianna is on a murderous rampage and determined to have vengeance against those that wronged her. Samkiel is determined to bring her back and help keep her safe

This was a fun continuation of the series. I really loved The Book of Azrael and I liked where the story went in this one. I enjoyed the characters but felt like this story dragged in a few places for me. It was a good read, just felt like it was a little long in some places. I’m also personally not a fan of the “you deserve better than me so I’m just going to leave without talking about it” thing - but that’s absolutely a “me” issue and not a book issue

Overall this was a four star read for me! I enjoy this series and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes in the future! This series is definitely a slow burn, and this book lacked a little bit of the tension that I enjoyed in the first book, but the spice did payoff later in the book - three flames for spice

If you enjoy paranormal romances with magic, sassy characters and possessive men, absolutely pick this series up! As there is a continuation of the story, I absolutely recommend that you read The Book of Azrael before picking this one up!

Please note: Amazon review has been submitted but is currently pending approval

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I'd put The Book of Azrael, the story that kicked off this series, in my Top Ten of 2022 last year, months before the year was even out so when it came time for Book 2 to be released, I started getting nervy about what direction the story would go. I'd loved the first book so much, I almost didn't want to start this one on the off chance it would ruin my feelings for Book 1. Well, I can breathe a sigh of relief and am happy to say that TBOA wasn't a one hit wonder and that The Throne of Broken Gods definitely backed it up and then some. While the first novel in Gods and Monsters spent a lot of time world building, this installment delved more into character development, taking the great fantasy elements established by the author in TBOA and weaving them further into the story while giving the main and secondary characters some room to spread their wings - literally lol. Quick note: These books aren't standalones and continue an ongoing series of events so if you haven't started reading from the beginning, you need to. Fair warning - as a result, there might be tiny spoilers for the first book below.

Book 2 picks straight up from TBOA (I think it's about 2 weeks post life-changing event), following the aftermath of Dianna's tragedy and following her straight down the rabbit hole to rage and vengeance. The world of gods and monsters is out in the open with the mortals, adding an extra challenge for the celestials and The Hand. With blood on her mind and cold revenge in her heart, a fair chunk of the book revolves around Dianna ticking names off her kill list while our favourite book boyfriend, Samkiel, does everything he can to find her and bring her back to him. Overarching that is the continuing mystery of Kaden's nefarious plots and deeds and how our favourite couple tie into them. For those that haven't read TBOA for a minute, there are some helpful recaps done cleverly by retelling parts of the story from different perspectives, adding further depth to the story (I loved these - they really added to the book by giving a more in-depth look at important scenes and events, both recent and past). While Dianna and Samkiel obviously take centre stage as most of the book is told from their point of view, readers are given more time with The Hand and Roccurem this time around with the author even giving some of them their own cheeky chapter here and there. Logan and Cameron's role in the book was especially good, especially that latter's humour.

The book packed a punch, ticking heaps of boxes for me. Apart from being a really decent length (because let's face it, I can't get enough of this series), there was suspense, action, mystery, betrayal, snappy dialogue and a fiery, slow burn romance that finally turned into some really decent steam that left me fanning myself. Also, the arguing and back and forth between Dianna and Samkiel that came across as some kind of angry foreplay was super. Yet again, I loved both of the main characters and how they complemented each other so well and Samkiel is everything you want in a male lead: confident, powerful, jealous, possessive and just the right amount of obsessive without being a Jerky McJerkface. Dianna's wrath and consequent unwillingness to play nice went on for a long time and her efforts to push away Samkiel didn't really present any surprises but it wrapped up in a really satisfying way (thank goodness because there can be a fine line between fiery, mean rampage and annoying heroine that pushes her bad girl vibe too far). A lot of readers will guess a couple of the bigger reveals in the story line but the author threw in a couple of fantastic plot twists that I didn't see coming that definitely gave the book extra wow factor.

Overall, this was another terrific read. It was well-written with great world building, fantastic characters and a solid hit of romance. I loved how unapologetic and committed Samkiel was for his feelings for Diana and his need to have her in his life and every time a part of him went silver, I wanted to cheer out loud. This author has a desire to make me want to set things on fire while simultaneously stomping all over my heart and I am here for every minute of it. The coming together of a heroine who doesn't think she's good enough to be loved and a hero who can't live without her is like catnip. I've just finished Book 2 and I'm already chomping at the bit for the next in the series. I love the melding of a modern civilisation with ancient gods and magic. It'll be in my Top Ten for this year and will also be going straight into my Favourites folder - it's a definite winner.

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2.5 stars - The pacing in this book was SLOW. There is no reason this book needed to be over 800 pages…around 90% was when the plot picked up and the action started to happen but until that it was very hard to read. I almost DNFed it but I really like the characters and I loved the first book so I was interested in seeing where the plot was going (and I thought a lot of it was predictable!)

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