Member Reviews

This 2nd book in the Gods & Monsters series had me on an emotional roller coaster. I really enjoyed book 1, but this book!!! Wow, I am obsessed. The plot twists and turns had me gripping my kindle.. And now I need book 3.

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Amber V. Nicole needs to take my wallet now. The Throne of Broken Gods was even better than The Book of Azrael and I can’t get over it! I could not put this book down! The world building! The tension! The betrayal and plot twists! This book was such a roller coaster and I don’t have enough nice things to say. I’m running to purchase the physical copies because I need them on my shelves. The cliffhanger is brutal, but this series is like crack and I can’t wait for the next.

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I love this book so much; it's such a freaking phenomenal book by the author. It really surprised me how amazing the book is. The world-building and character development are remarkable. I enjoyed every single minute of reading this. I love both Samkiel and Dianna so much, as well as The Hand; they are so precious, and I adore them. I can't wait for book 3.

Thank you, Netgalley, for the ARC!

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Myth: 4.5/5

Oooh, buddy, this book packed a punch. We knew it would, given the devastating ending to book one, but Amber Nicole took morally grey to a new level. Dianna is chaos incarnate as she seeks her revenge, pushing away everyone and destroying anyone in her path. This book is a big one, so it gives plenty of time to both the chaos and destruction and steps toward redemption.

Magic: 4/5

Lots of prophecies and secrets of the godly world reveals. Book two sticks with the celestials, Ig'Morruthen, and the paranormal contingent of vampires, werewolves, and witches. I love when the fates dance around, causing their own chaos, so expect some of that too.

Overall: 4.5/5

I thoroughly enjoyed book two, it left us on another cliffhanger, but this emotional roller coaster is so worth it. This book somehow dove into the depths of rage, grief, and guilt, along with a heavy dose of romance, and it did so really gracefully. I highly recommend this series.

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This book picks up where The Book of Azrael left off. There are some good twists and turns which are so good! The characters were good. The setting was excellent. I love their world. Am waiting for the next one. Thanks#Netgalley and #RoseandStarPublishing for the eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are mine.

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I immediately started this book after I finished the book.

The one thing that seemed prominent in this book was it seemed to drag more than halfway before making any real progress. The plot development was really inconsistent and I felt like it was just unnecessary to be this long.

I did forge on hoping it might get better but the progress in the character seemed forced and rushed. And there was like an heavy influx of information near the end of the book which could have distributed across the book especially the parts where nothing happened.

There was a great potential for the idea of the world and it's characters but the execution was really bad. I am going to stop with this series here.

Thank you Netgalley for a copy of this book!

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Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a free copy.

The throne of broken gods is a solid sequel. It was a lot more emotional with a great character development. There were many unexpected twists and many questions I'm left with by the end. The only issue I had with it was that the book felt too long and slow at times. Overall this was a solid book. I can't wait for the next book to know what happens to Dianna and Samkiel.

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The Throne of Broken Gods was a book I so badly wanted to love. The Book of Azrael set this book up so well. This series was already so full of rich world building, establishing a theme of Gods vs Monsters, anti hero versus anti hero, I was rooting for it so hard. The first book had me engrossed. The characters were so fascinating and I felt myself enraptured by Dianna’s witty nature. Samkiel was the perfect love interest, he was protective in a way that wasn’t toxic and proved his intentions to not just himself but to all of us. I loved the dynamic of those two characters. But in The Throne of Broken Gods I found part of the character growth missing and overshadowed by the multiple points of view. With trying to keep track of everyone’s perspective you lose part of the main storyline. Beyond this I felt like the multiple points of view were used to stretch the storyline longer than necessary. I feel like if it remained simple like the first book it would’ve been more cohesive.
Even though I was a huge fan of this novel in comparison to the Book of Azrael, it still had a lot worth merit. The way Dianna’s grief process was displayed was so raw and captivating. She grieved in ab albeit unusual way but you felt yourself justifying every violent action. I also loved getting to see the found family trope come into play as Dianna attempts to save herself. How she finds solace in an unexpected place with unexpected people is admirable. Family and love are big themes in this book and I felt they were displayed beautifully.
Even though I didn’t feel as hooked on this book as I was the first novel, it could have been because I wasn’t in the proper mood and it was definitely more of a slow burn than expected. Despite all of this the ending has me hopeful for the next book!

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The Throne of Broken Gods is an amazing book. I didn’t know what was going to happen after The Book of Azrael. I loved the continuing development of the world. We saw more and more of how everything functions in the world and who is who. The building of the characters and their different perspectives was a nice change. It did take me out of the story a little bit since I didn’t know it was going to be multiple POVs, but once I got into them, I totally fell in love with being inside other characters’ heads to learn more about what they were thinking. The relationships that developed in this book were beautiful and a nice continuation of the first book. I loved how Samkiel always believed in Dianna and never gave up on her or them. I was pining for them to be together and work all of their issues out, but I know Dianna had to work through her stuff first, and Samkiel was there every step of the way to help her.

The Hand is such a fun Scooby gang of characters. I can’t believe the twist that happens with The Hand. I did not see that coming until right before it did, and I was still in shock! The twists and turns this book has for the plot are AMAZING. The writing is so well done - the descriptions, world-building, character-building - everything is awesome. It truly brings you into the story and never feels rushed or info dumping.

For some odd reason, I totally thought this was going to be a 2 book series, so you can imagine my surprise when I was 80% through, and I am thinking to myself, there is no way this is going to wrap up in the next 20% of the book. I am so excited there are going to be more books, and that this series is going to continue. I want more of Samkiel and Dianna!

Thank you so much for the eARC - amazing read!

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Thank you NetGalley and Rose and Star Publishing for the books! Here I leave my honest review.

This book is such a roller coaster journey and give me a mental breakdown!

For me this book is such a perfection! I love everything that happen from the beginning to the end. Like I said, reading this book really feels like ride a roller coaster but I can’t predict when will I go up or down.

Dianna is a great villain but also great main character. From the first book we know how Dianna become on the “dark” side but she’s become a better character. But in this book, we see Dianna go rampage, kill all the people that hurt her beloved one. The one who once her friend or at the same side at least, now become her target. She’s so lost, so hurt, showing all the bad things she can do to the world. Here we see the real power of Dianna. How scary it is to become her enemies. But it also sad at the same time. She’s so lost that she turn from the people who actually care for the real her. For at least 50% on this book, we will see the stress, frustrating Dianna and how she refuse everyone around her. You must prepare your heart to see how hurt Dianna is and how hurt is also for Samkiel because he lost her too.

Samkiel is such a great character here! I love him so much. Especially when it comes to Dianna. He become the only one who believes on Dianna and care for her. He never leave Dianna, never turn from her, help her to cure, help her to find her peace, respected Dianna's wishes and did not force her will at all. But he still carry out his responsibility as the king.

Dianna and Samkiel relationship is also so good. Their tension, their longing for each other. I love to see their banter again, especially from Dianna who didn’t want to see or hear his name. Their connection is so deep and perfectly described. Every thing about their love story is so good!

I feel familiar while reading the second book, I believe it has ACOTAR series vibes in it. Totally different plot but the vibes in there. Especially if its with The Hand. The Hand is Samkiel warrior and family. I love to see them with Dianna and how they love each other so deep. If you love ACOTAR, you will love this too I think.

The plot is progress really well. The plot twist everywhere, some I can predict but the other can not at all. After 80% on the book, the plot back again to the main plot. With all the bad guy with Kaden, etc. I love how author open up the twist one by one and affect all conflict on this book. This book also has multiple POV. Not only from Dianna or Samkiel, we also get other POV from member of The Hand and Kaden. Kind of surprising to see villain POV here, but with his POV we know more about their back story and I still hate him of course.

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I just reread the first book in the series prior to reading The Throne of Broken Gods.

The Book of Azrael has been a 5 Star read both times. I can’t say that this entry into the series was on the same level.

Yes there were some epic battles and the world building was pretty on point. We learn more about our main characters and get side character POVs this time around.

However, I really wasn’t a fan of Dianna & Samkiel for the majority of the story. Samkiel acts kind of pathetic, Dianna is super immature and no one is communicating. The chemistry between the two and in general, their emotions felt “blah”, and didn’t suck me in.

This story was also incredibly long. I felt some areas could’ve been trimmed down, the side character POVs cut out, and maybe having this split into two books would’ve helped with the flow.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and Rose & Star Publishing for a copy.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Rose & Star Publishing for giving me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book is better than the first, this is why I'm giving it 4 stars.

But even though I could justify having more than 1 POV this book had way too many of them and I don't think they were needed in this particular one.

Like maybe the Samkiel/Dianna + Kandem would've been enough. I didn't get any valuable information other than Immogen having a thing for feelings but I don't know what it added to the plot. All the others were strange fillers and due to the ending, I don't see how justifying was necessary if we were going to the ending we ended up with anyway. Sexy times are still too cringe to read for me and not enjoyable. Also... Azrael????????????????? just for some facts anyone could've given us...... IDK seemed extra. And the terrible baddie girly that showed up at the end I feel like she wasn't relevant enough for me to care about her showing up.

Samkiel was an excellent little-to-nothing giver through this book, I think maybe that was done so he would contrast against Dianna's stories of Kandem but... yeah I didn't get much from him that I can remember.

Did love Dianna and her unaliving streak through it tho. I did like Kandem's POVs because I'm hoping to read multiple beheadings. I also liked Dianna growing but not at the same time. she was relatable in that aspect. Actually, Samkiel was nice by promising the hand their freedom and I liked that but look at where that got us...

📚In conclusion: 📚
Did I like the book?
I liked Dianna.
Would I read a sequel?
yes? but after some time, I need a break.
Would I recommend it?
I will pretend I didn't read it before recommending it.
Would I re-read it?
not in the near future.

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This book is not bad by any stretch of the imagination but at almost 750 pages it started to feel that long and I also felt like it was really slow. It took me awhile to finish this and found myself wanting to read something else about half way through.. I did really enjoy the perspective of the other characters though.

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Thank you NetGalley and Rose and Star Publishing for the Arc.

I fell in love with the world, characters, and writing after reading the first book in the series The Book of Azrael. I am very thankful to have received this because I have been waiting in anticipation after finishing the first book!! It was great to immerse myself into the world and characters again, and also be able to meet new characters and POVs.

The world building was still so well written and easy to follow because this book is a sequel. I really love Nicole’s writing, it is so beautiful and intricate and really ties the whole story together.

The different and new POVs added something new and refreshing to the story, I enjoyed being able to see different aspects of the plot from different perspectives.

Dianna’s grief was dealt with so well, the author wrote her inner struggle, grief, anger, and vengeance brilliantly. This book was incredibly emotional which I loved because I could connect more to the characters. However, as well as being emotional there was a balance between all of the pain, grief, suffering with lighthearted and funny moments between the characters — this really added to their interesting dynamics as well.

I also really enjoyed reading more about the side characters. The characters all have so much depth and their dynamics and interactions add to their depths, they are intricately written and developed — something that Nicole does really well throughout all of their books.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend the series to anyone.

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It was well written and the plot was captivating. I had a hard time connecting with the characters, but the writing was very well done!

All opinions expressed are my own, I was gifted this book through NetGallery.

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I ended up dnfing this. The first book was good but I couldn’t get this to hold my attention and I tried to get through it but I couldn’t. It’s slow not bad but really really slow in my opinion.

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And a lock on a door in a house ratted.

The Book of Azrael was a gorgeous painfully amazing debut from Amber Nicole and it took my breath away. I waited impatiently for the sequel, creating all crazy theories and imagining all the wild stuff Amber can write down. As always, with a sequel to an incredible book, there is some worry for the next one not coming through as well. Gods, was I surprised! The Thone of Broken Gods not only delivered on all I wanted from the anticipated book but it surpassed all my expectations.
This book made me feel all the things. It had everything a person could want and more. The main characters, our queen and goddess Dianna and our future and shared book boyfriend Samkiel, were written amazingly. They kept their wild and calm, respectively, energy and kept shinning through hard topics such as grief, loss and loneliness. I appreciated how Amber gave them both time to work through a little of their personal grieving, to heal a little, instead of just shoving them instantly in bed and bury the heavy topics. With the beautiful writing in this book, it was incredibly easy to relate and understand the pain Dianna felt, the helplessness and stuborness in Samkiel, and their love bloomed naturally (and healthily) during them healing on their own and together. It was a beautiful to read them coming together in their own pace and I'm so glad they got the time to stand on their own for a little while more.
The side characters were amazing, again, and I appreciated the different and new POVs we got in this book (although I was very freaked the first time I saw a new narrator, as I was on my toes wanting to see what'll happen with Dianna and Samkiel and had no patience for new entirely new and separate plotlines, sorry not sorry). I adore Cameron and his love subplot, I loved reading about the Hand and I enjoyed (through tears) every single mention of Gabby. Yes, keep breaking my heart, Amber, why not, I don't need it.
I went through painful saddness, felling helpless, laughing and crying with the characters, feeling hot (the spice in this book was *chef's kiss*) and entirely kept on my toes on this roller coast of pain and plot twists and love.
Overall, I loved this book as much as book one and I was so glad to have received and ARC from Amber Nicole, NetGalley and Rose and Star Publishing. I'd love if we do it again next year.

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What to expect?
• Multi-POV
• Forbidden romance
• Epic world-building
• Found family
• Twist/turns/betrayals
• Slow burn
• Cliffhanger
“When I burn this world to embers, and you paint me as the villain, remember, I really did try to be good… once.”

"A thousand plus worlds he has seen, yet when he dreams, he dreams of you."

"They wrote stories about us. Me, the Ig'Morruthen, and you, Samkiel, the World Ender. Two creatures destined to spill each other's blood until the cosmos bleed."

“Devil,” he whispered, and to him, maybe I did look like the demons from his legends.
“Actually, it’s Dianna.”

“If he hurt you again, touched you, I'd level the world"
My lips twisted in a smirk. "You're cute when you're homicidal."

“You’ve been doing anything you can to keep moving because you know the second you stop, you’ll fell all of it. So you lash out and attack because anger is better than grief.”

“The way I care for you is vastly different. The lengths I will go to for you are unfathomable. I refuse to let you hurt yourself, no matter how vile or mean you are to me.”

“It won't be easy, and there will be days you will feel like you don't want to get out of bed, but I want to be there for you. Every day if you will let me."
WARNING: If you haven’t read ‘The Book of Azrael’ do not read the rest! There are spoilers for the first book!
To be honest, I liked this one more than The Book of Azrael. Even though it broke my heart, I loved the way Dianna’s grief, a result of the devastating ending of the first book, was handled. Her grief and inner struggle were presented so well and take a lot which I actually liked but also irritated at some point just a little but given the circumstances I totally get it. I read many books with similar grieving characters that go back to normal in no time which is not realistic to me. The only thing on Dianna’s mind is vengeance on every single one involved in her loss. She is on a killing spree while avoiding Liam (Samkiel) and The Hand. The Hand is determined to stop her one way or another while Liam insists on bringing back her good side. I loved his patience, understanding, and devotion toward Dianna. They are just perfect!
I really enjoyed reading more about the side characters and the dynamics of The Hand. There are so many twists and turns, I found myself gasping more than I expect. I saw a few incidents coming from a mile, I really enjoyed it when they happened nonetheless.
All in all, it was one of the easiest five-star reads for me! I can’t recommend it enough!
Many thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.5 Stars!

"When I burn this world to embers, and you paint me as the villain, remember, I really did try to be good ......once."

Dianna has lost her last shreds of humanity and the whole world is going to pay for her pain. Picking up right where we left Dianna and the aftermath of the devastating events that took place in The Book of Azrael, vengeance is consuming Dianna's every breathe and she is ready to destroy the whole world to get it. Only one person stands in her way, the God King. Samkiel, refuses to believe that Dianna has turned into the monster everyone keeps telling him she is, can he reach her before she is forever lost to her bloodlust and thirst for revenge?

"I always thought of myself as a monster, and now I suppose it's true. You have no idea what I have done. All I will do. I used to hate that part of me. I didn't realize how freeing it would be just not to care and fully embrace it."

This book was so emotional and heart wrenching but somehow was also really funny and fun to read! All of the characters are so well written and fleshed out and there were so many new facets to this follow-up book that I thought made it even better than the first book! The world building continues to be well developed and detailed and the new, found family dynamic that this book explores is EVERYTHING!!! The balance between dealing with serious subject matters and also more lighthearted banter and character relationships was expertly done and helped keep the story moving. I thought at times it felt a little overwritten and probably didn't need to be so long but overall, I really, really enjoyed this book so much!

"I am a creature born of chaos, born to destroy you. You are the protector of all twelve realms and every dimension in between. Shall we be what we were always destined to be. lover?"

Dianna-She is my QUEEN! Dianna absolutely delivered in this book. She was unforgiving, terrifying and lethal. Seeing her unleashed in all her glorious brutality was thrilling but also her pain was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel for her. She is always the most entertaining character on the page and I love her quick wit and her banter with Samkiel is unmatched! Her character development in this book is so beautiful and I loved seeing her make new relationships but it's all about her and Samkiel! 😍 One of the best enemies to lovers I have ever read.

Do it, if you are truly gone, I refuse to live in a world without you, so you'll have to angle it farther to the right. That's where a God's heart lies, and mine already belongs to you, so do with it what you will."

Samkiel-This man is PERFECT. His absolute and unwavering devotion and belief in Dianna was so amazing. Even when she gave him zero hope and is literally stabbing him, this man never falters in his love for her or his determination to save her from herself. He is willing to burn the world for her. The chemistry between him and Dianna is white hot!! I can't get enough of them! 🥰

"We swore that no matter what happened, we would try to bring her back because if Samkiel loved her, she was also ours."

The Hand- Aaah! I love this group of Celestials so much!!! The way this book really leaned into the found family theme with this group was one of my absolute favorite things and really made this book stand apart. I loved every aspect of their dynamic. Cameron and Xavier are my new obsession!! How can they be so perfect? Cameron is the made me laugh the entire book. And Logan and Nev are couple goals. I loved getting to know Imme more and Vincent......(nevermind!) I am so invested in them all and I am scared for all my babies!!!

Sigh, so yes, it does end on another cliffhanger, so we are sentenced to another long torturous wait until we find out the fates of our beloved characters. 😭 I leave you with more quotes I loved in the meantime.

"I am not fond of others touching what's mine"

"If you wanted me on my knees, Dianna, all you had to do was ask."

"There is no place in this world or the next that you could hide from me, akrai."

"I can barely breathe without you Dianna."

"There is no force in this world or the next strong enough to keep me from you."

Thank you NetGalley and Rose and Star Publishing for the gifted arc.

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4.5 ⭐️
Amber Nicole is my go to example of an author that is not afraid of ruffling feathers and going against the grain of typical author styles of writing. The Book of Azrael was the definition of this. It caused such a loud discussion in the book community, especially because of that crucial ending, something not a lot of authors have the guts to do. One thing that becomes repetitive in books is similar patterns and safe decisions. No major or favorite character deaths, mild cliffhangers, happy endings or resolutions and agreeable plot points. Well, Amber Nicole threw those out of the window and decided to do her own thing.
The Throne of Broken Gods was highly anticipated by readers and boy it was a ride. The sequel picks up immediately during the aftermath of that whopper of an ending previously. Dianna has gone full on villain mode and Samkiel (Liam) is kind of following her in the hopes he can ground her and bring her back to him because let’s be real, he’s absolutely in love with her. Dianna isn’t having any of it though. She’s out for all sorts of revenge, retribution, blood, payback. Basically all those words. One by one she in hunting down everyone who betrayed or did her wrong and boy that list can go on.
This is definitely the type of book you have to experience for yourself and not ruin it by readings reviews.
There were a few holdups for me that prevented a full five star read. One is that the book is insanely long. At over 800 pages there were points where I was skimming, hoping something would happen already, Secondly, I liked the different points of view from the side characters. Some I didn’t feel were entirely necessary but it was cool seeing someone else’s perspective. But, the timeline was confusing. I felt it was jumping back and forth, then back a little and forward a little. I get the plot requires some time in between to flow but I was lost sometimes.
Thank you for the eARC, but I did end up reading this on Kindle Unlimited and look forward to the next one!

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