Member Reviews

Genre: YA Paranormal Mystery

The 20 year old unsolved murder in a small Florida town resurfaces when teens girls think the killer has returned.

I listened to this on audio and really enjoyed the narration. This book was a good murder mystery set in the lakes of Florida. It had twists and turns and will keep you guessing who the killer is. There was a little bit of a sapphic romance mixed in, but not the main focus. It touches on the paranormal too in a ghostly way. The main character is a free diver and I enjoyed learning about it.
This is the second book I have read by this author and really enjoy her writing!

Thank you to Penguin Teen for the gifted copy & PRH Audio for the complimentary audiobook! 🐊

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This is a fast paced thriller, with so many good twists and turns. I had like three different guesses for who the killer once and I kept changing my mind right until the reveal. There are a couple of spoilery aspects that I really liked, that made this book feel unique and not like just another teen thriller. I really enjoyed the story and how everything played out.

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Thank you so much to PenguinTeen for sending me the Netgalley widget for One Last Breath. This review is entirely my own thoughts and opinions based on the digital ARC I received from PenguinTeen.


One Last Breath is a stunning YA Thriller that marries small town murder mystery with the supernatural in a spellbinding tale that feels completely real. Tru is a fresh outta high school teen who is preparing to head off to Florida State with her longtime boyfriend in the fall, the future that seemed almost predetermined for her from birth. But this summer quickly becomes unlike any other. Her town, Mount Orange, has been haunted by a case of unsolved killings of two woman from twenty years ago. And it seems the ghosts of those women haunt Tru. When a stranger rolls into town dead set on solving the murders, Tru joins her in digging into the past while also finding herself inexplicably pulled towards this newcomer who also appears to have some kind of other wordly connection to the two murdered women.



This was an great story! This is my first time reading Ginny Myers Sain's works and now I need to go check out her backlist!
Whenever I read a thriller/mystery, I'm absolutely one of those who tries to figure out the mystery before the characters does. Sometimes I'm able to figure out, but this time, noooope. It absolutely was one of those reveals that made me go OOOOOOOOOOOOOH and realize all the little details the author dropped and I totally missed because I was too absorbed into the story. I loved it.

Ginny Myer Sain's writing is easy to follow and fun to read. I enjoyed the slow burn style of storytelling for a thriller. It added to the creep factor, which kept me turning the page. The level of atmosphere and just the right amount of description drew me deeply into Tru's world. I felt like I was in Florida, dealing with the muggy humid heat. I could feel the thrill of diving deep into the freshwater springs, the cool water on my skin, the ache of my lungs. This level of immersion allowed for the slow burn style of storytelling to work excellently for me.

As a character, Tru is incredibly relevant—for both teens, new adults, and even adults my age. Her struggle with choosing what she wants to do with her life while also worrying about letting down those important to her is a universal theme that can connect with so many people. While this story is about finding the truth of the 20 year old murders, but its also a story of learning to take the reigns of your life into your own hands and finding the path that is yours. I absolutely loved it. Relevant and incredibly well thought out.

This is a fantastic read for those who loves YA, small town murders, supernatural elements, bi representation, and coming of age summer vibes. I absolutely recommend this book!

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I am bummed that I didn’t like this book. The premise sounded so good, but this story just fell flat for me. The mystery was pretty interesting in the beginning, but I guessed who the killer was early on in the story. I didn’t feel a connection to any of the characters and I just didn’t care what happened to any of them by end of the book. There was a heavy focus on the main character’s romantic relationships and I couldn’t care less about that stuff. There were some supernatural elements which I loved and I wish there were more of those moments in the story.

If you enjoy young adult mystery thrillers, you might like this book, but this book was not for me.

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Perfect for those of us who like....
- haunted small towns
- True Crime/Thrillers
- Dash of supernatural
- Summer vibes
- Sapphic love stories

This small town focused story follows Tru during her last summer before starting adulthood and going to college. Did I mention this is Florida so everything trapped by the humidity. You can feel this as you read along. Tru is obsessed with the murder of two girls and develops feelings for Rio while digging into the mystery.

Ginny Myers Sain's latest work, One Last Breath, was a fantastic read. I am definitely outside the age range for this book, but I've firmly become a believer that reading YA is for everyone. You just have to live within the confines of this genre. I love the feeling of reading a story that throws my mindset back to my trying times as a teen. Plus, sometimes you just want to see what the kiddos are up to now a days.

I was overwhelmed in the best way by the diving scenes in this book. They were my favorite parts.

Thoroughly enjoyed!

Thank you to PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group, G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers, and Netgalley for providing an eARC in exchange for a honest review.

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I had such a great time with this book. I suspected who the killer was through the whole story but the twists kept talking me out of it. It was still the person that I thought it was but still was a surprise. Loved the whole reincarnation storyline. Great quick read.

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This one took me a little bit to get into it, but once I got really into the story I had a hard time putting it down. I’ve read this author’s previous works and I really enjoy the way she blends just the hint of the magical into realistic stories. She does an excellent job with bringing characters to life. Trulee has always been fascinated with the deaths of two best friends Bailey and Celeste before she was even born. The murders were never solved and the town hasn’t fully moved on. When Rio comes to town Trulee is instantly attracted and she doesn’t know why, but when she finds out Rio is also trying to find out what happened to Bailey and Celeste she can’t help but join in. But it’s clear that someone isn’t happy they are looking for the answers and they find themselves being hunted. I gave this one 4.5 stars rounded up because the second half of the book was impossible to put down.

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One Last Breath follows Tru and Rio through summer while they try to solve a twenty year old murder in Hidden Glen.

First of all I would like to say that I am a total freak and ALWAYS figure out the whodunit of it all insanely early with very little information. That being said I still enjoyed reading this book. The story unfolds around the twenty year murder and a potential serial killer. It also has aspects of new romance and trying to figure yourself out as you become an adult.

It was a quick and entertaining read.

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A murder mystery 20 years in the past coming back to haunt people in the present. There are a good number of characters to keep straight, yet not overwhelming. I was pretty confident who the guilty party was about half way through, whoever was only partially correct. Was this a fast-paced story that kept you on the edge all throughout? Sorry to say it isn’t. The majority was a series of clue hunting and the progression of feelings. This story also involves the female lead who has both male and female love interests.

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""𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝒘𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒗𝒆, 𝑻𝒓𝒖? 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒍 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏? 𝑩𝒆𝒄𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕'𝒔 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒘𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆. 𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒘𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒐𝒇.""

Special thanks to @penguinteen @ginnymyerssain for my beautiful hardcover and @netgalley for my #gifted eARC.

👉🏼 swipe for synopsis ➡️


This was more of a slow burn thriller for me. I did have some trouble jumping into the beginning. Once I finally focused, it flowed very nicely. The main concept of free diving is very unique, and makes this book special. I do feel like these kids had a lot of freedom. I mean, I know it's summer, but I don't remember having that much time on my hands. Also, it's very small town secret vibes. Which makes everyone a suspect, except who it actually ends up being (in my opinion). Also, a lot of self exploration happens for Tru in an emotional sense, but also in a sexual sense. She needs to find her own way, not what way she thinks she needs to go in life according to everyone else.

This was a great read!


QOTD ❓️⁉️❓️ Have you ever been to Florida?
If so where is your go to spot?
If not, would you like to go?


#mysteryandthrills #thrillerlover #penguinteen #ginnymyerssain #onelastbreath #freediving #bookbuzz #pubdaypost #happypubday #bookcommunity

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I really enjoy thrillers in general, and I knew I would like this one as soon as it started. I thought it was a little bit slow at times, but I kept going back and forth with my guesses about how it would end. And some of the twists I didn't anticipate. That twisty aspect made it really enjoyable to read. I mean, who doesn't love a Sapphic, small town, murder mystery?

I liked the characters, and the setting, but the pacing was a bit off in my opinion. The overall novel was a lot of fun to read, and I read the last 75% of the book in day --I got sucked in to it.

Thanks so so much to NetGalley and Penguin Teen for the opportunity to read this novel, so I can share my honest opinion!

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LThis was a wild ride of a book. There were so many twists and turns and everytime I thought I knew who the big baddie was I was proven wrong. I definitely did not see the twist at the end coming so kudos to the author for keeping me on my toes. The only thing I didn't like was the reincarnation worked ok within the storyline but was a little unbelievable and took me out of the story.

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3.5 ⭐️

An unsolved murder of two teens unfolds when two friends uncover its mystery. I liked it but wasn’t super sold on how the story was told only because I had a hard time following character names. Maybe it was me and just my overall attention span because it was a busy time when I picked it up. But I did start this on audio but 30% in had to switch to reading. Overall, I thought it would translate well on screen.

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I loved this author's first book Dark and Shallow Lies, and then went on to hate Secrets So Deep. I am very happy to say this felt more like reading dark and shallow lies! It was also sapphic which I wasn't expecting! The setting being in Florida and diving was interesting, as well as the reincarnated thriller plot line.

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Content Warning: death, alcoholism, violence

This was an interesting read with a few twists in the story but it is a slow burn of a mystery. I felt like the first half was so slow but I did feel the setting was pretty immersive. I could feel that Florida humidity and mosquito bites just from the descriptions. It’s definitely a summer vibe kind of book and does take place before Tru is supposed to go off to college. Tru comes from a broken home, her father is a deadbeat, her mom is grieving and dealing with it through alcohol and her older sister, Dani was killed years ago in a hit and run.

Tru does have a bit of a awakening as she is steadfast in love with her best friend since forever, East, but then meets a girl Rio who intrigues her. There is a twist to their attraction though.

And throughout this story this town is the place where murders that happened years ago that people are obsessed with, including Tru. When Rio comes along, the both of them do some digging and find out the truth. I think I caught on quick who was the suspect and I was right. There is a lot that happens in the second half of the book which is what helped hold my attention. Also I don’t know that the paranormal aspect of the story worked for me

My Thoughts:

Overall, this one was too slow for me but the ending is where most of the action happens. I thought the twists were interesting but I didn’t quite vibe with the paranormal stuff going on. I think if you love mysteries you will really enjoy this one but for me it was just okay.

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A sinister thriller set in a haunted, small Florida town.

One Last Breath is set in a small town famous for a brutal murder of two young girls twenty years ago. The story follows Tru during her summer vacation before starting university in the fall. She spends her hot, humid days organizing the newspaper archives and diving 100-feet deep in a spring in the woods. Tru is obsessed with one of the dead girls—Bailey—and with the anniversary of their deaths comes a lot of true crime fanatics into her town. She meets Rio, fellow diver and intriguing girl hell-bent on figuring out Bailey and Celeste’s murder. Tru and Rio dig deeper into the murder when someone starts stalking and threatening them. The girls believe it’s the murderer from twenty years ago and have to outwit the killer or end up like Bailey and Celeste.

Overall, I had fun with this book. The vibes were immaculate and I’d definitely recommend reading it during summer. I loved the eerie vibes of the Florida wilderness and small town. And most of all, I loved the diving scenes! They were claustrophobic and enticing and added a nice layer to the scenes.

I really liked Tru and Rio. They were both clever, confident, and steadfast in solving the murder. Tru’s arc was nice to read out about as she figured out who she was and what she wanted and then being confident enough to voice it. Rio was a good love interest and suspect as she had a lot of secrets. I enjoyed the progression of their relationship.

I didn’t guess who the killer was which makes this a great mystery in my book! I had some suspicions, some partially right and most wrong. It’s definitely crafted well to keep you guessing until the end!
The reason this isn’t rated higher is because of one of the twists. Not the big twist at the end—I enjoyed that! But there’s another twist I don’t want to spoil that didn’t do it for me. It’s one of those plot devices that I’ve never really liked. I tried to keep an open mind but it took over the story too much for me.

Overall, a fun, enjoyable supernatural thriller I’d recommend checking out!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for am honest review.

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This book started out as a slow burn thriller but I have loved all of Sain’s books so I knew it would pay off in the end! Sain never disappoints and this book was no exception!! I love that the main characters just felt drawn to each other and to the mystery of the girls’ murders.

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I've never read a book quite like this one before. One girl's obsession with a brutal unsolved murder that happened in her town leads her down a dangerous pat that ends with her uncovering secrets about herself and those that she considers family. I was just so fascinated by everything about this story. Tru is at that point in her life where she is figuring out that what everyone wants for her is not what she wants for herself. I've never read a book that features free diving, so that was really cool and different. I loved Tru's connection to the water and the bond of trust diving created between her and the other characters.

The supernatural element to this story was really unique. Figuring things out as Tru is sorting through memories that are both her and not hers was really fun and I loved the theme of people who are meant to be together will find each other even in death. This was such a good story about how small towns often hide the biggest secrets and that people you think you know can turn out to be someone completely different. This one was so good!

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I don’t often find myself in a reading slump but I think I might after finishing One Last Breath. It’s going to be difficult to find a book that will rival the way Ginny Myers Sain has yet again left me feeling about her writing, and I can confidently say that she is one of my favorite YA writers I’ve come across in years.

In her newest book, we are drawn in to the life of recent high school graduate Trulee, a small-town girl who is haunted by the secrets and death that seems to permeate the small Florida town she lives in. Years ago, two young girls were murdered in a small area near the springs that attract tourists and locals, and although Trulee wasn’t born yet, the murders have always fascinated her. No one was ever arrested or found guilty, and the twentieth anniversary of their death is coming up, which means the stories and rumors about what happened that night are surfacing again. And then there’s the other murders in nearby towns that have never been solved, making Tru wonder if there’s a serial killer who’s still out there.

Trulee has close ties with the town of Mount Orange, and although her life certainly hasn’t been easy, it’s all she knows. Her best friend and boyfriend, East, has been a constant in her life, helping her stay steady under all sorts of circumstances. I’ll admit that I’m not much for romance, so their lovey-dovey-kiss-at-every-opportunity relationship was a bit tough to get past at times, but it’s a common theme in YA so I get it.

I loved reading about how simple yet difficult Trulee’s life was. She’s a young girl who has been through multiple losses of loved ones. Her sister was killed years ago in an unsolved hit and run, she doesn’t have any idea about where her dad is, and although her mom is still with her, she’s slowly slipping into her habit of drinking much more than she should. In some ways, Tru has grown up parenting herself, but she’s always had people around to help her along the way and they all hold very important places in her life.

Tru loves her home and the fresh springs that she is enamored with free diving in, but she knows it can’t last forever. Someday soon she’s expected to go to college with her boyfriend and probably get married and settle down, but she’s just not there yet mentally. But then Rio shows up out of nowhere and knows way too much about Tru and the entire town’s past and yet no one knows anything about Rio. One thing that Rio and Trulee have in common is their love for free diving in the springs, and that’s where they begin to get closer and form a friendship that feels different from any that Tru has ever had. Rio seems to be able to look into her eyes and just know things. And she’s fearless- offering to help Trulee look further into the murders that occurred years ago. The appearance of Rio is like getting something you didn’t ask for or know you needed; they just click and understand each other in ways Tru has never experienced. Good things can never last, especially in books that are part mystery. From the first page to the last, I wasn’t sure what would happen. I almost laughed out loud at a few of the twists just because they were so cliché and yet still fit in with the story so well.

If you’re looking for an easy-to-read book that is hard to put down, with characters that seem like they could be your best friend themselves, then I’d recommend you pick up One Last Breath. And when you’re finished, you’ll be pleased to know that the author has two previously published books you can run to, because I’m pretty sure you’re going to be left wanting more. Ginny’s books are just that good.

Review of a Digital Advance Reading Copy from Penguin Young Readers Group

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I was super excited to open One Last Breath by Ginny Myers Sain. And I truly enjoyed reading it.
Ginny Myers Sain weaves an atmospheric Southern Gothic paranormal mystery that’s well-written, with complex and intriguing characters, a strong and imaginative plot, and loads of atmosphere.
I could not put this book down. I loved it. Page after page, I got sucked in and read it in one setting!
This book was absolutely fantastic. It sucked me in and did not disappoint.

Thank You NetGalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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