Member Reviews

Mount Orange, Florida is a small town with big secrets. 20 years ago, Celeste and Bailey, teenagers and best friends, were brutally murdered while camping. Their murders have never been solved. But it’s not for lack of trying from the true crime community and its obsessed fans.

Trulee is a recent high school graduate who’s always been fascinated with the case, and spends most of her time free-diving. Her favorite place to dive is the Well, near where the girls were murdered. And one of her favorite dive partners is East, her boyfriend of several years, best friend for her whole life, and my favorite character. Protect East at all costs, he deserves the world. Unfortunately, he’s only Tru’s dive partner until mysterious new girl, Rio, rolls into town.

Rio and Tru have an instant connection and bond over their interest in the murder case. But when suspicious things start happening in the town again, they wonder if they can find the killer before he or she finds them.

The town in this story is almost its own character, which I really loved. The descriptions are so vivid throughout the story, I felt fully immersed. And also like I needed bug spray. The air is humid and sticky, there’s suspicious small-town politics, embarrassing family members, and viscerally realistic swamps and forests. I don’t know how any of these characters were outside for more than 5 minutes at a time, I read this in January in Montana but wanted to turn on my AC for them vicariously.

I enjoyed the supernatural twist in this being something that was up front and not The Twist of the book. It added an interesting angle but didn’t overpower the mystery for me, and I’ve never read a story that did that. I guessed part of the big reveal but there was enough I didn’t see coming for me to be both surprised and vindicated by my half-right guesses.

I really enjoyed the plot and atmosphere of this, but wanted to connected more with Tru and Rio as characters than I did. Tru’s journey of self-discovery is clearly part of her arc on several levels, but I never really got to the point where I felt like I knew her enough to be fully comfortable in her POV. Also maybe part of the problem was how much I loved East. Maybe if he sucked I’d have shipped the girls more!

Thanks to Penguin Teen for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review!

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Thanks to Netgalley for the eARC of this novel. This was a lot of fun. The sweaty Florida atmosphere (complete with gators), the descriptions of the deep springs, the sketchy characters, the string of tragedies, the queer first love story. All of this worked together well. Even the supernatural element felt real and organic. The ending had a twist that I didn't guess but that made the whole story make more sense. I will read more from this author.

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Mount Orange, Florida is famous for the murder of two best friends, Bailey and Celeste. The murder took place twenty years ago.
Tru has always been fascinated by the murders, even though they happened before she was born. She's been obsessed with trying to help find the killer. Tru is supposed to go to college with her boyfriend in the fall. However, the unsolved murders and the death of her own sister invade her every thought.
One day, a stranger shows up that goes by the name of Rio. Tru and Rio hit it off and start hanging out together. Rio is interested in the murders too. The two of them start looking into it more. Then strange things start happening and they worry that the killer could be back.
I found this book really interesting. The characters were well written. I was kept on my toes until the end of the book.
I highly recommend this book if you like mystery books. I'd rate it 4 out of 5 stars.

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as a Florida native and also as one who grew up 5 minutes away from the springs i enjoyed this so very much Tru and Rio deserve the most and so do Dill and Derry. getting to read a book that mentions my tiny little college town is the best feeling ever since i constantly think people forget about it. I truly couldn’t predict what would happen this was the most unpredictable book ever and i absolutely loved it and couldn’t put it down, I fell in love with every character in this charming small town and I'm already planning a reread.

thank you so much to penguin teen for sending me a copy of this amazing book, all opinions are my own

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Such a fun, wild ride! The ending was cray.

Celeste and Bailey were murdered 20 years ago in the small Florida town of Mount Orange. Tru has spent her whole life hearing about it and seeing their faces, feeling like she knew them. She, like the entire town, has always wanted to know who was behind the tragedy, however no answers were ever found. Then, Rio, a stunning girl who Tru instantly clicks with, enters her life from seemingly nowhere. They’re so in tune in almost every aspect-diving in particular-like they’ve known each other their whole lives. Rio says she knows who murdered the girls, but it’s too outlandish to even consider. Can Tru even trust Rio? Is she who she says she is? As the two begin working together to find clues, they start to get threatening messages. Someone is after them, stalking them. Is it a message to stay away or are Tru and Rio the next victims?

I’ve always been intrigued by the idea of reincarnation so I loved that added element. Such a fun spin on the ya thriller genre! This story completely pulled me in and I couldn’t put it down for the life of me. Bailey and Rio were such interesting characters in their own right, but together, they were dynamic. Literally soulmates.

While this was a bit predictable in some areas, it was also fun and well thought out. It also had parts of complete shock, that I didn’t see coming. Thrillers, especially YA thrillers, all become predictable to a point after you read so many, so it’s nice to be surprised from time to time. For me, it’s about the journey to get there. Did it keep me entertained? Did I like the characters? Did anything at all make me go “wtf”? Did it bring out any emotion at all? Yes, yes, yes and yes. That’s a winner in my book!

Overall, this was fast paced and a super enjoyable read! I will definitely be recommending this book and will ready more from this author!


Also, justice for East. That boy deserved so much better. Heart of pure gold, that one.

4.5 ⭐️

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I have been provided with a review copy of The Empire’s Ghost from NetGalley for an impartial review. I was just drawn into this wonderful story and I just couldn’t get enough of it. It was just so easy to get lost in this great story. I just didn’t want it to end. I just lost myself in and I just couldn’t get enough of these interesting characters. I can’t wait to see what’s next from this author.

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A really great read. I loved the supernatural aspects of the story. I would definitely recommend this author to any fan of young adult suspense.

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One Last Breath by Ginny Myers Sain
Pub Date: March 5, 2024

Eighteen-year-old Trulee lives in Mount Orange, Florida, a sleepy small-town famous for a twenty-year-old unsolved murder of two young women, Bailey and Celeste. Trulee has always been fascinated with the case and feels a pull towards the young women, but especially to Bailey.

It’s the start of summer vacation before she’s supposed to head off to FSU with her long-time boyfriend, Trulee is planning on spending it free-diving and working at the small local paper but she’s really scouring the archives looking for any clues or details that might have been missed during the investigation of the murder.

When mysterious Rio comes to town, Trulee finds that her interest in the murders is just as intense but it goes much deeper and before too long, they’re in the crosshairs of someone who doesn’t want them digging into the past.

This story has everything to keep me turning pages; murder, mayhem, a mystery that needs solving – all while outsmarting a killer! So good! The atmosphere is creepy and foreboding, the plot intense and twisty with a hint of the supernatural.

Loved this one front to back!

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Thank you Netgalley and G.P. Putnam's Sons Books for Young Readers for the ARC!

"One Last Breath" dives into the murky waters of a decades-old murder mystery, combining elements of thriller, supernatural intrigue, and a dash of sapphic romance. Set in the small town of Mount Orange, Florida, the narrative follows Trulee's relentless quest to unravel the truth behind the unsolved murders of two best friends, Bailey and Celeste.

The novel masterfully weaves mystery, thriller, and supernatural elements into a gripping narrative. Trulee's connection to the case takes a fascinating turn when Rio, a mysterious newcomer, arrives in town, sparking a profound and unexpected connection. "One Last Breath" is a slow burn mystery that keeps readers on their toes until the very end. The plot unfolds gradually, allowing for detailed exploration of characters and their relationships. While the plot itself is a bit slow, especially at the beginning, the slow burn adds layers to the narrative, keep you guessing and invested.

GMS excels in character development, creating a cast that resonates with depth and authenticity. Trulee, Rio, and supporting characters like East, Dill, and Derry each contribute uniquely to the story, making them memorable and engaging. I also like how GMS focused on free diving, which is something that I haven’t read a lot of in YA books, and the process of free diving and Trulee’s thought process was unique and well-written. The setting was also very sensory and descriptive throughout. I felt like I was in Florida when I was reading this book, especially the descriptions of the Florida humidity. I definitely appreciated this when it’s currently freezing outside when I read the book.

Beyond the mystery, the novel delves into themes of obsession, grief, and the impact of a heinous crime on a tight-knit community. Trulee's personal struggles, particularly her haunted past and complex family dynamics, add depth to the storyline. The inclusion of sapphic romance and paranormal elements adds a unique flavor to the murder mystery genre. The evolving connection between Trulee and Rio, intertwined with supernatural elements, creates a rich and immersive reading experience. While at times predictable (and making me feel for East who Trulee is dating at the beginning of the book), I enjoyed the romance part of the book as it felt very realistic for a just-graduated teenager in a small town discovering the world is much bigger than what she’s used to. It also didn’t take up too much focus in the book, leaving a lot of room for the mystery to develop.

"One Last Breath" stands out as a genre-blending thriller, offering a fresh take on cold-case mysteries with its well-drawn characters, atmospheric setting, and a narrative that skillfully balances suspense, romance, and the supernatural. I especially found the unique background of the murders to stand out (Trulee seemingly has no connection to the murders that were committed 20 years ago). I definitely enjoyed this book, and I look forward to exploring GMS’s other YA books.

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I was really interested in this book and the cover drew me in. However, I found the book to be not very thrilling and quite slow. YA Thrillers are some of my favorite books to read but for whatever reason I couldn’t get into this one. I even put it down and tried picking it back up, but it just wasn’t clicking. I think that I found the slow burn aspect of it to be too long and drawn out to hold my interest.

I’ve enjoyed books with slow burn plots before because they’ve had other aspects that have held my interest. I found the characters to be a bit one dimensional and lacking depth.

The premise of this book reminded me of other YA Thrillers I’ve read. Where teenage girls end up solving cold case crimes. While I don’t usually have a problem with this, I did find it to be a bit played out at this point and I was looking for more of a unique twist. To me adding queer rep and a paranormal element just wasn’t what I was looking for and it felt too familiar to me.

This isn’t a horrible book, but it wasn’t a great read. I would recommend it to certain people, but not everyone. I just wish that this book would have been a little more unique and deeper overall.

Thank you so much to the publisher G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers, Penguin Group, and Netgalley for this e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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First off, awesome cover! Was I drawn to this book because of the Florida setting? Yes. Born and raised so I had to pick up with paranormal mystery thriller since I enjoyed Ginny Myer Sain’s first two books.

This was slow to start and o did struggle to get into the story initially. While I never really connected with any of the characters, the plot is what carried this book for me. It was slow for the most part but the ending goes out with a bang and a twist of who did it.

Worth the read if you enjoy paranormal mysteries.

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What a ride! This was my first Ginny Myers Sain read and I loved every bit of it. I was intrigued by the synopsis of the book, so I was so excited when I was able to get an ARC for it. I am a Florida girlie and FSU isn't too far from my town, so it was an additional bonus to read about the mysterious town of Mount Orange.

Overall the storyline was fun and thrilling, and the characters were top tier! It's always a personal goal of mine to collect all the clues and guess the big mystery by the end of the book...I was kind of right with this one. So, I take it as a partial win. If you are a misery/supernatural reader, give this book a try!

Thank you to Ginny Myers Sain, Penguin Teen, and Netgalley for providing an ARC of this book for an honest review.

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Gorgeous horror and a. Ice ARC, very supernatural and very much like a dark thriller. I loved the blending. Thanks for the arc

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A massive thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!! I really enjoyed this book; definitely something I will tell my friends about!

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This is an amazing YA thriller book. The story takes place 20 years after the double murder of two high school aged girls. Tru was born after the murders in the same town and her family lost her sister in a tragic hit and run. Tru meets Rio on one of her many outings to the local springs that she frequently free dives at. Rio also is interested in the murders and the more the two dig into the past the more dangerous it becomes when it becomes clear that someone is stalking the two girls. Both girls can remember various parts of the murders even though they weren't born yet it is as though they are the murder victims reincarnated. This book had me continuously turning the pages I couldn't put it down. It had my heart racing as I was scared and nervous for the girls and if they would make it out of this alive.

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Celeste and Bailey were gruesomely murdered nearly 20 years ago in Mount Orange, Florida.
Present day, Tru and Rio join forces to try and solve the cold case of the teenagers. Someone starts stalking them and disturbing things come to light. Things heat up with Tru and Rio as the summer progresses even though Tru has a childhood sweetheart.
This was a creepy, intense read that I stayed up late into the night to finish.
Thanks NetGalley and PENGUIN GROUP Penguin Young Readers Group for this ARC that will be released March 5, 2024!

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4.25 Stars
The story begins with the unveiling of yet another memorial for Bailey and Celeste, whose unsolved murders occurred almost twenty years ago. Tru has just graduated from high school and is spending as much time as she can free diving in the freshwater springs her small town is well known for. Diving and the unsolved murders are both top of mind for her this summer. It is at the springs that she meets Rio, who is new in town, and as focused on the murders as Tru. They become fast friends, and diving companions, while they search for answers about the murders and their own identities.

This story was very compelling, and I breezed right through it. The twists kept me guessing almost to the very end. The writing in this book was so crisp I felt like I could see this small town and the springs from the descriptions. This is a must read for anyone that likes small town mysteries.

Thank you to Net Galley, the author and publisher for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Such a great thriller! I loved the current timeline meshing with a story of the past. I love how this book also managed to be a wonderful coming of as he story. We got not only this wonderful thriller but also Tru and Rio finding themselves in the process. The end had my jaw on the floor!

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When I first started to read this story, I thought I knew where it was going to go and then things kept happening causing me to second guess everything. I had to keep reading it, just to see how it ended. The crazy amount of things that went on in this town, it is a wonder how anyone ever trusted someone. Then I learned about free diving from this book, never knew that was a thing and seeing it used as both an escape and it makes sense when one of the twists comes to light. This was a rather fun ride of a story and how it ended, I was pleasantly happy with it. Everything did come together perfectly and I am so happy to have gotten an arc of it. Thank you so much for allowing me to read it.

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One Last Breath was captivating from the first page. Tru is a fascinating main character--true to herself, curious, and brave. This was a pretty fast-paced read, perfect for true crime fans, and one that keeps you guessing until the very end. There's an unsolved murder, a killer on the loose, and an investigation that was fun to piece together along with Tru and Rio. The side characters added so much to the tension and mystery, and the end wraps up nicely, although a bit abruptly. I didn't know what to expect picking up this book, but I was pleasantly surprised and read it quickly. Fans thrillers, supernatural mysteries, and true crime will love this!

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