Member Reviews

This story was bittersweet, filled with love, compassion and what it takes to be a community. I loved the human spirit of two main characters, the will to survive and follow a different path the one they were meant to be on.

Seventeen-year-old Cade finds a girl in the cornfield of his family farm, she is broken and bleeding. Her request is to hide her, without second guessing it he hides her in the barn on his property. Cade has saved her life but the danger is not over, Jane (The name Cade gives her) is being hunted by drug gang members. They will not give up finding her. Her and Cade come up with a plan for them to disappear. But will it be enough? Can you really become someone else?

If you love a good thriller this one is for you, includes love, danger, the power to forgive and small town coming together to save the town and the ones they love.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wise Wolf Books for copy of this book for my honest review.

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"Borderline" by Sorboni Banerjee proved to be a somewhat challenging read, as the narrative was difficult to immerse oneself in and lacked a fully developed depth. While the story struggled to captivate from the beginning, it managed to hold its own as an okay read overall. The plot, though not extensively nuanced, carried a certain charm that kept the reader engaged enough to see it through. Despite the initial hurdles in connecting with the storyline and characters, the book ultimately offered a passable reading experience that may appeal to those seeking a lighter narrative without demanding intricate complexities.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for granting me a copy of this book in return for my honest opinions.

Took me a while to get into it, but
overall a good book, just not something I am into.

It is about the Mexican drug cartel and a beaten up girl found on a Texas ranch.

The plot and story line could have been a bit more developed, but overall YA readers should find it an enjoyable read.

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An intriguing story of a teenage boy named Cade, who finds a badly beaten up teenage girl in his farm, in Tanner, TX. He finds out she is running from a drug cartel that her brother was involved with. He and his friends help her hide in his barn. Some parts of the story, are very sugar coated and would not happen in reality in the US. The atrocities of the drug cartels and the towns living close to the Mexican border affected by them is real and horrifying. Overall, it’s an enjoyable young adult story.

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I read this whole book in one day. The short chapters paired well with the fast pace plot, and the characters complimented each other well. I liked that this book also gave the story time to breathe. In the midst of all the danger and questions, they were also just navigating high school.

I did not like some of the content in this book that felt too mature for a YA novel. The romance went too far and there was a fair amount of language.

If you're into action movies, you'll probably like this book.

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This book took me quite awhile to get into. I initially picked it because of the cover art and while that did hold my interest until I learned about the characters, it was much slower than I thought. Once I was into it I really enjoyed the characters and watching them evolve.

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Well written book for a YA book. It’s a damsel in distress with a handsome hunk hero but this damsel has a history that made her weak. It is well written and easy to follow. The dangers of interfering with a cartels operation was lightly touched on compared to the reality of how severe it is.

As a reader in Texas, Ive seen first hand the dangers at the border. I was raised in a small town where the schools educations rating is below average but they have several trophies from the football team going to state playoffs. As I read Borderline, I was mentally transported back to standing in the hot cornfields in the days when we prayed for rain.

I look forward to reading other books by Sorbonne Banerjee.

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Full of suspense. This kept me glued to my kindle and on the edge of my seat. Excellent characters, great plot, and brilliant writing. Loved this wild ride.

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THE BEST SO FAR!!! The storytelling, the plotline, everything was top notch! I so loved the different POV chapter pattern. Cade & Jane/Jaya falling in love was a highlight for me(amongst other highlights).
I would so love more of this kind of books from you. Perfect writing! ✨💓

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It was kind of hard to get into and I personally just didn’t love it as much as other books. It wasn’t bad and was in fact quite good it just wasn’t as good as others.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing this arc!

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Beautifully written, timely and suspenseful, "Borderline" is a great read. Highly recommended for YA and adults who enjoy realistic suspense. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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