Member Reviews

3/5 stars. I really liked the premise of this book and really loved the first 25% but after that it lost a bit my excitement. I honestly just didn’t like the main male character (which I don’t think has ever really happened before??) he was borderline TOO grumpy (which I also don’t think has ever happened to me before??). Usually there’s the sweetness or something else that balances with the grumpiness but this character was grumpy truly 97% of the time- even in talking about his feelings/attraction/love he was yelling or insulting the main female character in some way? I think if we had gotten more about his background, his POV, or more about their relationship when they were younger that their current relationship/feelings/attraction would have read better. Also - the word “babe” had to have been used at least a hundred times.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Jonson Ink Inc. for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

So… I did not like this book. I went into it expecting a witchy romcom with a mystery to solve and Halloween spooky fun vibes. And while those are definitely present, there were just so many things I could not get behind!

The FMC and the MMC were completely unbearable. Gwendolyn has inherited her aunts occult/coffee shop in Salem and runs it. She had a ROUGH childhood with a terrible mother but summers with her aunt were her reprieve. Graham Graves is a surly no nonsense “alpha” dude. That’s basically it as far as his personality goes. The entire first nearly 70% of this book is these two bickering over the stupidest, trivial things. At least 5 times they get kinda close and steamy, he says something she takes wrong, and she yells and storms out. It happened every single time like CLOCKWORK. I’m sorry, get a new thing!

I found the dynamic of the couple to be off putting as well, but mostly because it wasn’t what I expect in a romcom. This MMC was described as very “alpha” several times. He was controlling, had a terrible temper, and would do things to protect the MMC that went way out of bounds (slight spoilers, skip over these brackets if you want to: setting up video surveillance at her store without her permission, making a copy of her house key and coming into her space in the middle of the night to prove how unsafe she is, kissing her to get her to stop talking/teach her a lesson). I have seen behavior like this in more dark romance type books which is fine and if that’s what you enjoy in your books I 100% support it, but I felt like it was out of place in this witchy romcom world that was presented in this story.

The characters also meet when she is 10 and he’s 15 and a lifeguard. He’s nice and gets a sea urchin spine out of her foot. Okay, great? If this was mentioned one time and then moved on from I wouldn’t mind, but it’s referenced SO MANY TIMES in the present when they are adults it just made me incredibly uncomfortable. I had the ick anytime it came up. And then (small spoiler: the nickname he gives her as a child comes back towards the end of the book and just NO NO NO).

The way law enforcement worked in this “mystery” was not at all how law enforcement works. That was cringey to read. Oh! And the “mystery” begins with animal sacrifices being left through Salem at weird times. That would already be off putting, the the animals are described in detail within the first 10% of the book several times, and if you’re sensitive to this I think you might need to skip this one. I was truly not prepared for that and it should’ve been a sign to jump ship, but for some reason I persevered.

The writing style was over the top descriptive. To the point where there would be paragraphs upon paragraphs describing a room in excruciating detail, from the wall color to the textiles to the layout, but it wouldn’t move the plot forward at all? The same detail went into describing the outfits the FMC wore. And while I can appreciate the ability to paint a good scene and add depth to a charter through clothing, we could’ve cut out at least 200 pages of a freaking 500 PAGE WITCHY ROM COM by being slightly more succinct.

Yes, 500 pages. What what the reason?!

So. This was not for me, and I love witchy romcoms. I’m not sure who the audience is for this book, but based on the glowing reviews I’ve seen so far I am in the minority. Which is fine! I’m glad people enjoyed this book, I really wish I did. But if you don’t typically jive with animal sacrifice, super alpha male characters in a contemporary setting, very stupid and emotionally constipated FMCs, then I would avoid this one.

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This was kind of miss for me which i hate to say because i was enjoying the vibes at first but then it just went in all kinds of crazy directions. I really did not like the MMC at all i thought he was very possessive and weird. I could see how other readers who like books/ fictional men like that would enjoy this but i personally only like that in fantasy setting. Some random dude acting like he’s the boss doesn’t really do it for me. The vibes her right and it had potential but the writing and execution just wasn’t for me.

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As the owner of an occult shop in Salem, MA, Gwen is used to all things witchy, however, that doesn't mean she was prepared to find a bloody animal sacrifice in her back alleyway. The police think it's a warning that she's being targeted, so PI Graham Graves is hired to help solve the crime before things escalate further. Trouble is, Gwen can't stand him...

I have a lot of thoughts about this one lol. Immediately, I was pulled in by the writing style, Gwen’s voice, and how absolutely hilarious this was—even some of the more serious/dangerous scenes had me in hysterics. That being said, I didn’t quite love the romance or Graham himself. His behavior was a little questionable and so was the way he talked to Gwen so those things turned me off. I really needed this to have been dual pov because I needed to be in his head to better understand him. Also, while it added to the high jinx, I felt like the Zelda storyline was random and unnecessary. I would have rather focused more on the coven aspect and Gwen’s connection to that (this storyline left me wanting more). Anyway, this is still a fun and entertaining fall read. I’ll be picking up the sequel in the winter!

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Enchanting and cozy, this witchy romance brews a spell of delight. A perfect blend of magic and love in a charming setting. Relatable characters, whimsical spells, and a touch of mystery. Curl up and get swept away in this enchanting tale.

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Thank you NetGalley & Johnson Ink Inc for the opportunity to review!

There isn't a single thing about "Bad Luck Charm" that I didn't absolutely fall in love with. Honestly truly, this story was so perfect for that spooky, fall feeling with the perfect amount of spice (both pumpkin and non-pumpkin varieties). Gwen & Graham have some very fun tension that keeps the reader interested and guessing, but also gives off some alpha vibes that are just *chef's kiss*. There is a mystery aspect that kept me interested, and the identities of the 3 hooded figures was the cherry on top that added the humor I was looking for.

This story absolutely checked every box I could have hoped for. I sincerely hope there are more stories to come from this world - Perhaps I can ask a certain psychic...

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Well, that was definitely entertaining, spicy and spooky!

I loved pretty much everything about this book: The spooky Halloween vibes, the spicy romance and smut scenes, the snark and sass between these characters, the insanely comfortable writing style and the whirlwind plot in general. I have to say though, I could not really get on board with the alpha-male bullsh*t Graham constantly dished out.

I think I would've loved it even more if there was some (more) witchy stuff involved, but all together I'm a happy camper with everything I got. And I'm already looking forward to the sequel!

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OH MY STARS✨✨!!Thank you NetGalley, Johnson Ink, Inc. and Julie Johnson for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

OBSESSED!! This book is utter PERFECTION!! A definite MASTERPIECE!! I absolutely loved EVERYTHING about this book!! Wish there were more than five stars allowed because it would receive a million stars!! I literally could not stop reading!! Perfect for Halloween👻🔮🧙‍♀️!! This is my first read by Julie Johnson and I am a HUGE fan already!! Bad Luck Charm is the first book in the "Witch City" series and I need book two NOW!! Easily at the top of my favorite rom-com list for 2023!! 💜💜💜💜💜

What a magical witchy mystery romance with your enemies to lovers trope and is filled with witches, spells, fortune tellers, graveyards, murder, suspense, bodyguards, love, betrayal, friendships, humor, tension, amazing banter, forced proximity, sizzling chemistry❤️‍🔥🌶️, spice and a hysterically funny talking 🦜 !! Honestly, this story has it ALL!! The rich character development, atmospheric setting, perfect pacing and incredible plot all attribute to this PHENOMENAL book!!

Gwen inherited an occult shop in downtown Salem, Massachusetts, from her aunt about two years ago. The shop sells all things witchy and has a cute coffee section with a place to hang and study. When grisly killings start happening in the town and behind her shop Gwen has to work with Graham, who is her archenemy, and the private investigator on the case. Realizing that Gwen is the ultimate target for murder, Graham will pull out all the stops to keep her safe! The true adventure starts now! I encourage you to go unto the rest of it blind because it will be so worth it.

Graham is a sexy, possessive, confident alpha guy but also vulnerable and loving, swoon-worthy🥰🥰!! Gwen is a strong firecracker who has been through so much in her life. I loved the personal growth she went through of opening up and learning to trust again. The banter between these two is off the charts good! I loved all the secondary characters as well!

I cannot recommend this book enough!! I will definitely be buying the physical copy for my personal library. Now I patiently tap my fingers waiting for the second book in the series. 💫💫💫💫💫

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This book has all the things for a great spooky fall read: witches, murder, mystery, spice, history, and cemeteries. Not to mention: the banter!
It is told from the POV of Gwen, a occult shop owner in Salem, MA. She becomes the target of a coven of dark witches. Who comes to her aid, but her childhood crush, turned overprotective alphahole?!
Their banter was top tier, funny, and swoon worthy.
Graham was almost too alpha (if that is even a thing), but Gwen did a good job of putting him in his place when he went too far. When he wasn't being over the top, he was compassionate and patient and was there for Gwen as she worked through some past hurts and trauma.
I enjoyed the mystery, which kept me guessing and engaged. There was a bit of a lull in the middle, but the build up to the ending more than made up for it.
This is the first book in a new series, and I can't wait for the rest.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5/5 Stars

Bad Luck Charm is a quirky romantic suspense / mystery set against a magical backdrop that left me confused as to whether or not magic is supposed to actually be real in this world or not... Either way, one thing is for sure, if magic is actually a thing in this world, Gwen doesn't possess it. What she DOES possess, however, is her grandmother's witchy shop in Salem alongside super savvy business acumen which (when combined with her sass) was enough for me to like her.

The whole book focuses around a series of weird ritualistic sacrifices which puts Gwen at the top of the intended victim list and throws her into the protective clutches of her childhood crush turned adulthood "enemy" Graham.

The push/pull between Gwen and Graham was initially delicious (how Gwen didn't know the snark between them was foreplay, I'll never know!) but it went on for so long that it got exhausting before they finally got it together... And just when you think all is good on that front Gwen is a pain in the ass again. But! Once together *together* there is no third act break up which was great as I really wouldn't have survived anymore drama/acrimony between those two...

The story was engaging but it would have read a lot better had it not been quite so long! 500 odd pages was a bit excessive considering a lot of it was relationship drama (that I've already mentioned was exhausting) and the story really wasn't that complex. That said, I didn't work out who the killer was until embarrassingly late in the story so that was genuinely fun!

I absolutely loved the setting, the witchy vibes, the history, Salem... Johnson really brought the environment to life... Plus, Graham gave me serious Henry Cavill vibes from his description and the supporting characters were interesting enough that I'm up for reading the next book in this series.

All in all, a good addition to the spooky season reading list, I'd say!

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Such a cute and spooky fall read. This book has me ready for Halloween. I really enjoyed Graham and Gwen as a couple. They had a great banter and amazing chemistry. This book is a mix of romance and mystery. Personally I am a romance girlie so at times I wasn't a fan of the mystery elements and just wanted to get back to the romance aspects. I was also unsure how some of the plots were all going to relate back to each other, but it wrapped up pretty nicely.

While reading I kept wishing that the other characters would get their own sequels. So you can imagine how excited I was to learn that this is the start of a series. There were just too many hot men for them to not get their own stories. I also have such a clear vision of the Salem in this book that I want to keep living in for more books.

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This book really started with a bang and Gwen was effortlessly cool and witty in a way I wish I could be. In a way that had her firing back barbs and funny observations that would probably take me hours to come up with. The book sucked me in and I really regretted starting it before bed on a work night.

There was a lot going on. Witches, curses, heretics, kidnapping, murder, mystery this book had it all. It was slightly enemies to lovers, but really they were both in love with each other but in denial about it or trying to pretend otherwise. The addition of a second possible love interest for Gwen gave Graham a good excuse to get a bit possessive, which is always fun to read.

I was also glad to see that Cade seems to be getting his own book next. Can’t wait to read it!!

Thanks to #NetGallery and the publisher. I voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Genre: Romance
Format: Digital
POV: Single
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️/5
Age suggestion: 18+

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Started: 8/6/23
Finished: 8/9/23
Rating:⭐️⭐️⭐️.75 / 🌶️🌶️

✔️ Enemies to Lovers
✔️ Grumpy/ Sunshine
✔️ Witchy Vibes
✔️ Who did this to you?
✔️ Forced Proximity
✔️ Great banter between MC’s

“Relationships are basically algebra. Haven’t you ever looked at your X and wondered Y?”

Let me start off by saying I loved the chapter titles in this book. They were funny and creative, and it made me excited to start the next chapter. I really miss when books used to have them, so I was so happy when I first saw a title in the first chapter.

This was a 3.75 star read for me, and a spice rating of 2. Maybe I was in a reading slump when I started this, because I normally love books with this same similar plot. It has a lot of the tropes that I normally love, which is why I’m disappointed that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. Regardless, it was a very fun story and I’m sure there are others that will absolutely love this book.


This book is told entirely in the FMC’s perspective. The story follows Gwendolyn “Gwen” Goode, a witchy shop owner, and Graham Graves, a consultant for the police force who owns his own badass business. When someone starts targeting Gwen, Graham has no choice but to get involved, and thus begins their adventure.

“I suppose you were ready to whip out a magic wand to keep him at bay.”

“Are you sure you love me? You can’t even say it without insulting me at the same time!”

This was a really cute read! The banter between Gwen and Graham was amazing! They both had a retort to everything, and they’re both so stubborn! Gwen and Graham have some history together, and they clearly don’t get along at the beginning of the book. In fact, Gwen does everything she can to avoid him at all costs. Not very feasible, however, since her best friend is dating his best friend. Although I can completely understand why Gwen hated him at the start of the book, Graham won me over as the book went on.

I enjoyed the plot of the book, even though I called the villain pretty early on. It didn’t take away a lot from the book though! I still very much enjoyed reading how we got to that conclusion. I do wish we would have gotten some more backstory on the coven and their history. Maybe we’ll get more information in the second book.


“But some scars don’t fade. Some wounds alter you on a molecular level, rearrange your body-chemistry in such a way that there’s no undoing the damage.”

“They spill more tea than the Sons of Liberty did in Boston Harbor.”

I really liked Gwendolyn’s character, and enjoyed reading about her. She was funny, and her backstory explained why she acted the way she did. I really enjoyed watching her character progress as the book went on, and seeing her work on her past issues.


“You are so fucking gorgeous, Gwendolyn, it almost hurts to look at you.”

Graham was a very hot badass. He gave very much “The Fallen Men” vibes. He talks just like if he was in that particular motorcycle club. The way he cared for and protected Gwen was so cute! Even if he was possessive a lot of the time. We love possessive men! (Only in books, of course.)

Overall I enjoyed the book and would recommend it. I am really looking forward to reading the next book in this series! I just know it’s going to be another great read!

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This story follows Gwendolyn as she runs her own occult shop in the town of Salem. As autumn starts to roll in, a lot of strange events start to occur where Gwen finds herself involuntarily involved in. Enter Graham, a private investigator who was called in by the local police to gather information on the strange activity.

There were a lot of things about this book that I enjoyed, especially the autumnal vibes, seeing the stress of being a small business owner, and the mystery elements are the story unfolds. Some of the story, mostly the romance felt very odd to me. Without spoiling it, the connection did not feel believable in the beginning. The beginning of the story was overly descriptive, to the point where it took away from parts of the story, but luckily it felt more smooth after about the 20% mark.

That being said, there were some loose ends that were not explain in the story which I hope may be explored further in the next one! I will be continuing in the series, as I would love to read Cade's story and be transported back to Juila Johnson's Salem.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Gwendolyn Goode lives in Salem, Massachusetts and runs a cafe/occult/book shop she inherited from her aunt. Gwen is used to the bizarre. However, when there is a ritualistic animal sacrifice in her shop’s alley, she finds herself entangled in a mystery that gets more and more dangerous.
Good thing she has police consultant, Graham Graves, in her orbit to keep her safe… only thing is… she can’t STAND him. He is ICE COLD to her. But he vows to be right by her side to solve the crimes and mysteries that threaten Gwen. But will she trust him as they discover that love and hate are two sides of the same coin?

This is a romantic comedy that blends danger and crime solving with a dose of the occult and witchcraft. City of Salem is the story’s backdrop and it felt like the town was character of its own, especially with all the references to its history going back to the Witch Trials, plus the modern day tourism madness during Halloween season.

Loved: Gwen is super independent. She had an awful and turbulent childhood and is determined to make sure her adult self will never be vulnerable again. Superficially, the descriptions of Graham sounded sexy (dark hair, green eyes, over 6ft, abs of steel? all that was missing was some wings or powers and he’d fit right in with SJM universe) 😅 More importantly he’ll do whatever he can to protect Gwen, which made me root for him and forgive some of his alphahole-ness. Loved how we delved into Gwen’s backstory and I felt it made sense where her dislike of Graham originated.

Didn’t love: the single POV. I wish we could get more of Graham from his perspective because a lot of times he came off like an irredeemable jerk. I came to terms with his alphahole-ness, but felt we could have benefited from a peek inside his brain. The flip-flopping of Gwen’s feelings towards Graham seemed like too much for me after a while, like, are you in or out, Gwen? Sometimes her comebacks could be just as cruel as Graham’s comments, and their relationship seemed super toxica when they first got together.

Overall, it was a very fun read and the spicy moments were pretty steamy 🧖🏽‍♀️ (if that’s your thing and full disclosure it is my thing). I think the spicy moments really benefited from the suspense and danger surrounding Gwen, and that makes me think of the phrase Fated Mates Jen & Sarah brought to my awareness: DANGER BANG!

Book CW: animal mutilation. I had to skim/skip some parts, but it’s not the majority of the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy. This review is provided voluntarily and represents my own opinion.

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✨ Bad Luck Charm ✨

Thank you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Publishing August 8, 2023 (today)

Bad Luck Charm follows, Gwen, who inherited her Aunt’s occult shop and house in Salem. Gwen has been running the shop for two years, when she becomes involved with an investigation after an animal sacrifice is found outside of her shop. Gwen works together with Grahm, who she “hates” to solve the mystery and to stay safe.

This book is a solid 3 star read for me. I did enjoy it, and I think that this would be a great Halloween romance for this Halloween season.

I was not a fan of the animal sacrifices, and I had to skip over the details when reading. However, the magic and mystery kept me interested throughout the book.

I did like the main character, and I liked how much of her childhood is shared. I think her past is interwoven really well, and the reader gets to really understand her thoughts and feelings.

My main issue while reading is some of the strange pacing and weirdness regarding the relationship between Grahm and Gwen. Grahm is a bit of a jerk, and I think some of the things he does and says to Gwen are not okay. I did not like how they get together for the first time the day Gwen finds a dead body (not a spoiler as it is mentioned right away in the prologue). I just felt icky reading it.

However, some of the weirdness aside, I did finish this quickly and did enjoy it overall.

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Julie Johnson is a new to me author and Bad Luck Charm was the perfect introduction to her writing. I really enjoyed this adventure and these characters stole my heart. I mean, Graham Graves is the ultimate book boyfriend and Gwen is quirky and cute. I really wish I could check out her coffee shop out here in the real world because it sounds pretty epic and cozy.

Gwen Goode is the owner of a beautiful historic house and quirky occult/coffee show in Salem, MA. She loves her life but isn’t really living it and the bane of her existence is Graham Graves. Graham is the Golden Boy and hometown hero and has now come to Gwen’s aid more than once in the past week because she is now the center of a bad coven of witches. Gwen and Graham have the best banter and the chemistry is off the charts. These two have quickly stolen my heart and found a place on my bookshelf.

If you’re into enemies to lovers, crazy antics, small(ish) town charm, hot heroes, and fabulously dresses heroines then this is definitely something you should add to your tbr. I cannot wait to see where the next book takes us but I know the characters will be fire and the chemistry will be steamy.

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I really loved this book, it has fantastic banter, a solid about of witchyness, spice and a strong female lead! As we’re about to head into the spooky season this was the perfect read, I thought that the mix of the mystery behind the sacrifices around town, the relationship ship over the years between Graham and Gwen, and the general romcom banter was great!

I loved the backstory that we got from Gwen and how you really can sink into her feelings surrounding her aunt and Graham. It makes the whole story that much more impactful.

I loved the supporting characters in this book, they all had their own thing going on and felt like real people as opposed to accessories to Gwen.

Though I liked the romance between Gwen and Graham I did feel he was a kind of too intense at times, but that being said Gwen put him in his place, she calls him out for his BS and actions that aren’t okay which is good.

Overall I really loved this story and I was absolutely thrilled when I got to the end and saw a sequel is already in the works.

Thanks to Netgalley, Johnson Ink Inc. and the author Julie Johnson for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This is exactly what I am looking for in a witchy romance- mystery, spice, and witchy vibes! I read this book in about 24 hours and I was enthralled the entire time! It had the perfect balance of romance and mystery to keep me guessing. I truly enjoyed reading this book and I will definitely purchase the next Julie Johnson book I see!

I received an ARC of ‘Bad Luck Charm’ in exchange for my honest review.

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Bad Luck Charm is the perfect read to get you into the autumn mood! I’m fairly new to reading books with a paranormal, witchy vibe but I’ve loved Julie Johnson’s work since about 2016 and she did not disappoint!

This is the perfect romcom packed with spice, spooky moments with witches, murder, graveyards, fortune tellers and more!

Gwen lives in Salem and runs her aunts old shop full of everything a witch could want plus a little coffee section perfect to pop in for a quick cup in between spooky activities or to study. I really felt like I was right there in the shop with the writing. Gwen is self preserving, brave and sassy and the one person she hates is Graham.

Graham is the former teenage lifeguard now fixer who occasionally helps law enforcement when they need him. He’s the perfect book boyfriend and I loved him straight away even when Gwen didn’t.

Gwen and Graham’s chemistry is burning hot and I loved their banter. Graham is completely gone for Gwen but she’s trying to stay away from him because of something in her past, but they can’t deny their chemistry for too long, especially when they’re thrown together when Gwen becomes a target for something dark happening around town.

Julie Johnson has written the perfect romantic mystery rom com that gives you ALL the cozy autumn vibes with a perfect amount of spice.

Definitely add this to your TBR this autumn! I couldn’t put it down.

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