Member Reviews

⭐️ rating: 4/5

🫧my thoughts: first off, thank you so much to netgalley, julie johnson, & johnson ink for this arc!

i loved this story! it was an amazing mix of mystery & romance set in the perfect fall setting of salem. all the characters were so fun & unique and i loved seeing them all interact together✨

i am such a fan of gwen & graham. the history they have plus their banter & chemistry was so fun to read!! graham had me swooning with the way he was always there for gwen🥹

the mystery aspect was so interesting and really kept me on my toes and intrigued💫
if you want a romance with all the fall, witchy vibes and some mystery mixed in, bad luck charm is the book for you — it will be released august 8, 2023🧹

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This witchy romance novel will have you OBSESSED from the first chapter. I was immediately hooked from the backstory of the Gwen and Graham.

Gwen is the sweetest, although she comes with a lot of trust issues which you learn stem from her not-so-great mother. Graham is your typical bad boy, with a protective nature, and it's hard not to fall for him from the start. Sure, he's a little sassy and honest -- but so is Gwen! She gives it right back to him and their banter throughout the book is SO good.

Read this if you want:
- a mystery that actually keeps you on your toes (!!!)
- a childhood "friends" to lovers because they have known each other for a loooonnng time
- a witchy vibe that takes place in Salem at what I would think would be the cutest coffee shop

This was a cute read and I adored Gwen and Graham. I especially loved how it was also a mystery (which I don't typically read) and I was SO hooked until the end!!

I can't wait until book #2 in this series!

Thank you Johnson Ink, Inc. and Julie Johnson for this ARC!

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Book: Bad Luck Charm
Author: Julie Johnson

Thank you for the arcs Julie Johnson, NetGalley and Grey’s Promotions an exchange for an honest review. 🩵

I want to begin by saying that I am very happy that Julie is writing and thriving right now, it’s making me want to scream for more lol but I’m practicing patience over here 😅.


I think that if you’re an og fan of Julie and have read CROSS THE LINE, you’ll find some similarities between BAD LUCK CHARM and CROSS THE LINE. For example, the avoidance of the MMC’s using the FMC’s first name until a moment of desperation or there’s a situation that arises. There’s also the similarity of Nate (CROSS THE LINE) who works in private security and our MMC Graham is a private investigator. Nate takes care of Phoebe after she’s kidnapped and so does Graham.

I feel like since both of the stories hold a lot of similarities to me, I’ve read two versions of it, but if you’re new to Julie Johnson’s books than you should absolutely give, BAD LUCK CHARM, a read. I personally love the shit out of, CROSS THE LINE. It is one of my favorite contemporary reads.

I really enjoyed the ending that sets up book two that’s going to center on Imogen and Caden. I look forward to their story. I found them very interesting and intriguing. Gwen’s house Lowkey reminded me of Charmed the Tv show’s house and the older women (iykyk) reminded me of the Sanderson sisters from Hocus Pocus.

If you read BAD LUCK CHARM please let me know your thoughts and if you’re leaving a review for the author please be mindful and considerate of your words. I’m a fan of Julie Johnson’s and always will be 🩵

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1,5 stars

DNF @ 10%

As soon as I started reading this I KNEW it wasn't for me, the writing style was just doing TOO MUCH. A scene that should've been half a paragraph at most took up nearly three pages, and it was just Gwen describing this angry man coming towards her. THREE PAGES for what should've been 2 sentences at most.
Even when Gwen was remembering how her and Graham, her love interest, met (SHE WAS TEN AND HE WAS 15!!!!) it was just all very RED ALERT RED ALERT in my head. And then three years later, he's now a full grown 18 and she is 13, he just needs to know about her....a literal child.... like that is NOT swoonworthy grab my hand mr. darcy energy. Just No. Throw the man away.
(also what kind of 13 year old remembers a guy by his "v lines")

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC for an honest review

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This is a hard one to start... because this might be my favorite book I have ever reviewed! Nearly three weeks after I finished this and I still can't stop thinking about it.

Honestly, this is easily one of the best books I've read this year. I'm a romcom girlie through and through and I've consumed so many books from this genre but this one? PERFECTION. I truly couldn’t put it down, it had all the things that make me love this genre... The bantering, the smut, the love/hate relationship. I just feel like this deserves to go viral.

This is the first book I've read from Julie Johnson and after this experience, she just became an instant-buy for me! I can't wait to read the sequel (I needed it so badly).

I just fell in love with Gwen, she's just such a lovable character. And Graham? PERFECT BOOK BOYFRIEND. Listen, I'm a simple girlie with simple needs, and this man? Check all of the boxes. He's just so protective of Gwen, even when she kinda hated him he still went livid when other men came near her.

The witchy vibes and the mystery bit were my favorite part. I finished this book wanting more, I kinda wanted to learn a bit more about Graham's backstory, family history, and his relationship with the twins.

I loved this book. Highly recommend this one, hiiiiighly recommend.

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I really enjoyed myself with this one!! the vibes were immaculate: witchy, cozy mystery, lite enemies to lovers, hilarious banter, and the tension/spice 🥵🔥 vibes alone would’ve made this an easy 5 stars, however…

there were a few minor things (not deal breakers in the slightest, but worth noting):
- the book was possibly, maybe 100-200 pages too long. definitely not a “lite” one-sitting read for me, personally. I couldn’t decide if it was a pacing issue or entirely one too many side quests and background info dumping going on. 😂

- the overuse of “babe” and “baby” as terms of endearment is something I haven’t seen (surprisingly??) in a long time. I absolutely adored Graham’s initial use of “Glinda” as a tantalizing nickname infinitely more, so I let that negate the ick of “babe/baby”.

- lastly, this one is entirely my personal opinion to be taken with the smallest grain of salt: as much as I love(d) Graham Graves, our super hot over-protective alpha-asshole MMC, I often found him to be a bit pushy bordering uncomfy. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really think a Graham POV chapter might’ve help redeem him.

Overall, I would definitely still recommend this book for your cozy fall tbr! I’m immensely intrigued by book 2 and can’t wait to head back to Witch City ❤️

Thank you to Netgalley and Julie Johnson for the ARC!

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I will officially read anything Julia Johnson writes. This was so much fun. Spooky witchy vibes, Salem, slow burn enemies to lovers, murder mystery. This has it all. The FMC is relatable and has depth. You can’t decide if you hate or love the MMC most of the time but by the end he’s going to be your new book boyfriend. The writing was a delight. The pacing was perfect. The plot was well developed- which is a good thing since this story contains so much.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Julie Johnson for the opportunity to read this amazing book!

"Bad Luck Charm" is a gripping and atmospheric read that takes readers on a thrilling journey through the occult world of Salem. With a strong and relatable protagonist, Gwen, at its center, the story unfolds with a bloody warning that turns her life upside down. Faced with danger from all sides, including crazed pagans and nefarious henchmen, Gwen's sunny existence is shattered.

I really love Gwen as a main character, she is super relatable and I personally really resonate with the way that she handled a lot of these situations. Literally running from the awkwardness, I feel that deeply. I also really enjoyed the relationship between her and Graham, I love that he waited so long to tell her that he remembered her from when they were kids. It was really cute the way it all worked out. And the spice 10/10, loved everything about it.

This book does a great job of combining elements of mystery, suspense, and romance, immersing readers in a captivating tale filled with otherworldly intrigue. I loved every second of this book, I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys romance with a side helping of mystery and occult. I cannot wait to read the next book in this cute world the author has shaped for us.

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I read this book in one sitting! I thought it was super cute and I loved the banter between the two main characters. I distinctly remember being at around the 11% mark of the book and already feeling super emotional. Gwen was describing the first time she encountered Graham when she was 10 years old and the way it was written brought me back to the days when I was hopelessly infatuated with my childhood crush. When we found out why Gwen began hating Graham, I felt that heartbreak like it was my own. There were parts that made me laugh out loud, smile, and feel giddy over. The use of “babe/baby” that started out of the blue was a little jarring, so I didn’t love that. The plot was kind of unhinged but in a good way, so I didn’t mind all that much. Overall, this book was super cozy and made me want to curl up on the couch with some hot chocolate or a pumpkin spice latte!

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I love Julie Johnson, and this book of hers is amazing! I'm not usually into fantasy type books, so I wasn't sure about this one. That being said there isn't much real fantasy type stuff in it. Just some characters in the book who believe in witches and such. I loved it!! The characters are well written and the swoon factor of the hero is off the charts. He is just the right amount of alpha male and protective. You have to read this book. You won't regret it!

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Bad Luck Charm was my first read by Julie Johnson, but definitely not my last!

This was such a cozy and steamy witchy mystery that kept me hooked from the get go. I absolutely loved Gwen, such a strong character! I liked Graham, but he was kind of a dick in the beginning and took some time to grow on me

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Bad Luck Charm drew me in with the cover and it has the plot and characters to back it up. This book is funny and spooky and atmospheric. It so easily could’ve been 5 stars for me, but there were just a few things that didn’t work for me. That doesn’t mean they won’t work for you!

The things I loved:

- Gwen. She was so charming and loveable and funny. Her stubbornness could be a bit frustrating, but who am I to talk.
- Graham. He was definitely grumpy. Definitely growly. He doesn’t technically fall first, but he definitely falls harder. He’s obsessed and possessive, but like. In an attractive way. For real Touch Her and You Die energy. He’s patient and loving and never gives up. Don’t forget though, he’s arrogant!
- Gwen and Graham. Their arguments had me laughing out loud sometimes and sometimes I wanted to knock their heads together. I loved them so much. Their backstory was really cute.
- There were quite a few lines that were just so lovely and made my heart want to burst.
- The setting was so fun! I wanted to live there and work at The Gallows (maybe without all the blood sacrifices and death threats and kidnapping though.
- The Bay Colony Coven and Aunt Colette.
- The absurdness of it all.

Things I didn’t love:

- It had so much potential and it could’ve been perfect with some more editing. Easily could’ve been 150 pages shorter without all the repetitiveness and unnecessary side stories. I got too much information about some things and not nearly enough about others.
- This one is very minor, but the terms of endearment. I am so picky about them and while some were cute, “Babe” will just never work for me and will always take me out of the story.
- Some of it was a little cheesy and cringy and some of the smut was good and some of it was not.
- Sometimes it felt like there were two authors. One that wrote these really beautiful words about love and life and then another that didn’t understand the characters.
- Unfortunately predictable. I wanted it to be [redacted]. I wanted betrayal. Had Gwen suffered enough? Yes, but it would’ve been a more satisfying ending. This was a bit anticlimactic, but perfect for an easy and low stress read.

This review also could’ve been 150 pages shorter if I wasn’t so picky. But overall I really did love this story! It was my first book by Julie Johnson, so I wasn’t familiar with her style. Undetermined if I will go back to read previous books of hers, but 100% will be continuing this series. Definitely a good comfort read.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC.

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-Thank you to Netgally for giving me an arc in exchange for an honest review-

First off this book is hilarious! the chapter titles are perfect and Gwen is one of my new favorite characters, her personality is the best. The banter between her and Graham was the best, I love how they go back and forth through the whole book. The childhood crush to enemies to lovers was such a fun aspect of the story.

The book ends perfectly while setting up for the next book, which I cannot wait for.

- witchy mystery (no actual paranormal activity)
- enemies to lovers (kind of)
- he falls first
- single pov
- First person

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I know there is an audience for this book and they will love it and unfortunately I am not a member of that audience. I wanted more of a witchy read and this was just a little bit more romance than it was a cozy, witchy novel. With that said, I did love the premise of this book. Gwendolyn grows up spending her summers with her aunt in Salem and moves back full-time when her aunt passes away and leaves her occult shop to her niece. She also is forced to spend time with her childhood crush and current nemesis when she finds a witchy sacrifice in the alley of her shop.

I think a lot of people will fall in love with Graham Graves. My main problems were that:
1. I wanted to know when, how, and why he fell for Gwendolyn. We never find that out and it made things feel very unsatisfying to me.
2. I found Graham a little on the toxic side for me. I did not appreciate that he never apologized the Gwen. I also didn't like how he didn't listen to her and forced her to do things she wasn't comfortable with.

However, I fully recognize that I was not the main audience for this book. I would categorize this book as a romance, that takes place in the fall and with witchy elements, not a witchy book with romance. If that makes sense.

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Umm okay. I was not expecting to absolutely tumble head over heels for this masterpiece. There is no denying that summer time is my rom-com beach reads era and this paranormal/ rom-com/ mystery far surpassed any expectation I could have had. A quick blessing to Netgalley for letting me snag this pre- release because omg this is what was missing in my life. I could not PHYSICALLY put it down. The little notes on the top of the chapters- iconic. Gwen and Graham *chefs kiss. Julie Johnson keep on keeping on- can’t wait to read the next one.

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Despite being the owner of The Gallows, a cafe/bookshop/occult store in the heart of Salem, Massachusetts, you might be surprised to know that Gwendolyn Goode does NOT believe in the witchy woo-woo.

Graham Graves is assisting the Salem Police Department with investigating a string of animal sacrifices- the latest one right outside Gwen’s shop. The problem? They think the killer is about to escalate to murder, and they fear Gwen might be the next target.

Graham swears to protect her and keep her safe from the town crazies - who, in Salem, appear to be everywhere. But Gwen and Graham share a past, and the closer the two of them get under his protection, the more those past feelings become stronger in the present.

“Love - especially new love- is so delicate. So unbearable fragile. It can shatter if you don’t handle it correctly. And those shatters can cut you. Deep.”

The plot of this book is really what drew me in. Witches are some of my favorite characters to read about, and this seemed like a cozy/spooky read, and it definitely was! There were so many moments when I was laughing out loud at the humor intertwined between the chaos. With that being said, the humor is really what carried this story for me.

The book started out strong, but as the story progressed, I felt like there was a lot of side action happening that almost took away from the main plot. I found it hard to connect with the characters at certain points, and some of the humor was misplaced and really didn’t flow well in certain scenes, which just felt distracting to the story.

All in all, it was still a cute romance with some humor and spookiness tied into it. There was a cast of crazy side characters who really supported the uniqueness of what I imagine it’s like to live in the witch city of Salem.

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Wow… just wow. Once I started this cute witchy mystery enemies to lovers romance I could not put it down!!

Liked: I loved the banter between the main characters. I literally was laughing out loud at the sassy one liners. Gwen is definitely my new idol. She is the perfect funny, tough, sweet and vulnerable. I couldn’t get enough of her character development!! Graham is now my new favorite book boyfriend. 💜 The author did an amazing job of brining the story together and keeping me guessing on what was going to happen next.

Disliked: N/A

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Bad Luck Charm by Julie Johnson

I received a digital copy of this book from NetGalley for review. My opinions are my own.

3/5 stars

I am a big fan of witchy books so I was super excited to pick this book up. I was also excited about reading an author I had not read before.

I really love the storyline. I am a big fan of strong female characters. Gwen is definitely a strong woman, having had to fend for herself due to a rough upbringing.

Gwen had spent summers in Salem, MA with her aunt. She lands there after inheriting the shop after her aunt’s untimely death.

Graham is someone Gwen has had a crush on since she was ten. Upon returning to Salem, she overhears him make an off-color statement and she wants nothing to do with him. Which is where the story REALLY begins…

I am not a fan of alpha males. I’m not docking stars for that because I know some people are really into that. My biggest pet peeve is that the male characters, who are presumably very intelligent, speak in broken sentences. It drives me crazy! Example - “‘Spent a long time thinking I’d never get to lie here in the dark, you in my arms…’” Many sentences don’t start with “I” or “We” and it makes the character sound slightly…. Neanderthal.

Overall, enjoyable and I’m looking forward to book 2!

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Bad Luck Charm originally caught my attention for cute cover and promise of spookiness. The premise of a witchy shop owner and no-nonsense private investigator really caught my eye, and I did love all the witchy details included in the story as far in as I had read. I appreciated the variety of occult paraphernalia described in the shop, as well as mention of specific crystals.

Unfortunately, I did have to DNF the book. The writing style was making me skeptical about continuing, then I had to stop completely at 10% when I read the backstory between our two main characters.

This story is very heavy-handed with descriptions and backstory. The characters and settings were over-described, which kept interrupting the story and made the author hold our hands too tightly. The author included a lot of varied word choice which is always lovely in moderation, but it seems here the author over-used a thesaurus and tried to never repeat a word or phrase. This led to a clunky read, and the dialogue was sometimes overly formal. With the use of backstory, it felt like we were unable to move forward with the story due to always needing to look back. For every paragraph we move forward, we get two pages of backstory. At the beginning of the story when you're trying to dive right in, this can be very off-putting. Now, all of these things are very subjective and based in personal-preference. None of this style is my preference, but I was willing to continue on to evaluate other aspects of the story.

My true discomfort came with the backstory of Gwen and Graham. Mild spoiler in the paragraph.

When Gwen is 10, she meets 15-year-old Graham while he is working as a lifeguard on the beach. Gwen steps on a sea urchin, Graham helps her, then she goes home. The encounter is very short, yet Graham still manages to create a unique, unexplained nickname and call her it three times. Also, Gwen notices things about Graham that are very mature for a 10 year old, like staring at his "v lines". Gwen carries an obsession for Graham for three years after, which isn't entirely inappropriate for a 10 year old to do. However, what isn't appropriate is Graham's assumed feelings. When Gwen (13) and Graham (18) run into each other at a pizza shop, Graham gives her immediate attention. Though Gwen says he didn't notice her all these years, he references the sea urchin injury and calls her by her nickname again. This was highly inappropriate. A 10 year old should not have made that much of an impression on a 15 year old that three years later he remembers the specifics of their brief encounter. The story is first person so we of course only have Gwen's word that he didn't notice her for three years, but him not noticing her and remembering is weird, as her looks had probably changed a lot in three years. The likelier possibility of him watching her (without her noticing and unable to tell the reader about it) enough to still recognize her is completely disturbing. I did stop the book at this point so I'm unsure if Graham ever does explain his side of this, but I cannot fathom a scenario that isn't wildly inappropriate. Even if Gwen held on to this memory on the beach, there is no reality where a 15 year old should be giving a second thought to a ten year old that he has no up-close encounters to in three years.

My preferences to the writing style aside, this book does have an interesting premise and would likely be a fun read for the right audience, which is why I'm giving two stars. Unfortunately, I cannot give a higher rating or read more of the book with the inappropriate backstory of the main characters.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an eARC in exhange for an honest review.

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I LOVED THIS BOOK SO MUCH! I can feel myself falling into a book slump as I type this review. Gwen was such a fun character overcoming her traumatic childhood and Graham was truly swoon-worthy. Like, “add him to my list of book boyfriends right now” level of swoon.
This gave the Stephanie Plum series + spooky vibes and I loved every single minute of it!! I can’t wait for book 2!!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc ebook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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