Member Reviews

Wow, this is easily one of my favorite 2023 reads so far, and hello to a new top tier book boyfriend in Mr. Graham Graves...PHEW is it hot in here?? A huge thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this amazing book in exchange for an honest review.

Five whole incredible stars for Bad Luck Charm. All of the stars really--if there were an option for more than five, this book would have it. It has everything you need for the absolutely perfect fall/spooky romance: lots of gooood spice. love. romance. murder. witches. spells. fortune tellers. pirates. crystals and tinctures. history. characters you will both relate to and fall in love with. friendship. amazing writing. the wittiest of witty banter. Reading this felt like actually perusing Gwen's shop in Salem with smoky incense burning in the background, drinking one of her pumpkin spice lattes while listening to (and ogling) Graham while he banters with/obsesses over Gwen. Going beyond the romance, this book honestly had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going on and who was behind the occult ritual sacrifices and what was going to happen?? I couldn't put this down.

So Gwen and Graham...are now one of my honest to god favorite book couples. Gwen is a self-preserving, brave, feisty redhead who is a tad reckless and takes-no-shit in a totally non-obnoxious way (a lot of FMC's who are like this tend to be overdone and annoy me..Gwen was written perfectly.) The more I read about her, the more I wanted to be her best friend. And GRAHAM. Woah boy. Tall, sexy, dark haired green eyed Graham the former teenage lifeguard turned Harvard educated fixer. Graham is the epitome of a book boyfriend. I am now addicted to him. Their relationship is a well-done enemies to lovers with the most amazing banter and a tad of unrequited love. He is FERAL over her and definitely an alpha male, but she fights him all the way. Their chemistry is off the charts. So, so good.

You can find me rereading this in October, complete with my burning incense and pumpkin spice latte, pretending to be (with Graham) in Gwen's shop. Come for the spooky murder witchy vibes. Stay for the absolute god-tier man that is "handyman" (hehe) Graham Graves and his relationship with Gwen. I will be purchasing a physical copy of this and placing it in a place of honor of my shelf. That's how much I loved this.

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Thank you to Johnson Ink, Julie Johnson and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Bad Luck Charm is an exciting blend of romance and spice, fall witchy vibes, and mystery and magic all rolled into one. This book pulled me in and didn't let go! I'm obsessed with the two main characters, Gwen Goode and Graham Graves. It's very much childhood crush-to-enemies-to-lovers trope with some slow burn thrown in there. Their push and pull, tension, and banter was everything I could have ever asked for and more. Gwen is such a funny and relatable character--her inner dialogue was hilarious. Graham is the possessive 'touch her and you die' kind of guy but patient & sweet at the same time, and I ate. it. all. up. The spice was ~very~ hot and ~very~ welcomed. I squealed when Graham and Gwen are having the conversation about their relationship and the past comes up...they came full circle.

The plot was dramatic and I never felt bored. I liked that there was always more than one thing happening. This book did a good job keeping me guessing on who was to blame for everything that was happening. I only wish we got more clarification on the Irish mafia brothers after their altercation with the twins--did that problem sort itself out?? This book did take me a minute to get through even though the pacing was fine, but I honestly think it's the setting I read it in. This is perfect fall vibes and being in Greece in the summer killed that vibe a bit...I think I'll revisit this book in the fall so I can fall in love with it even more.

I enjoyed the side characters, Flo & Desmond, Eliza&Agatha&Sally, the twins (which I hope we get future books on, ahem), and even Cade--though he tested me a few times for getting in the way of Graham & Gwen lol. I cannot wait till Cade & Imogen's book--I will devour it just as I did this. I sincerely hope people add this to their shelves because it is perfect amounts cute and mysterious while giving witchy vibes & hot steamy romance.

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I liked this a lot more than I expected to! I've never read any witchy novels or anything in the romantasy category so as my first one, I didn't know what to expect. It was fun and entertaining with the right amount of spice. I always have trouble with worldbuilding and understanding concepts that are foreign to me (i.e. witch ancestry and how powers work), but I think I did alright with this one.

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Bad Luck Charm is a cosy witchy vibe which is so easy to fall in love with!

Johnson's attention to description and detail is incredible which makes this such an immersive read! I'm excited for this to be released and see how the world absolutely take to this story, love!

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I ended up really enjoying this! At first, I felt like it was a little cheesy but hey, it's a romcom, but after the first 30% i became really invested in the characters. If a book can make me laugh, I'm sold and this left me cacking a few times with all of the banter. I also enjoyed the plot and seeing where it was going and who was behind the mystery.

The second book in the series comes out this winter and I can't wait to continue the series.

(hint, hint: publishing friends, if you need someone to review the second book, let a sis know.)

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A quick thank you to NetGalley, Johnson Ink, and Julie Johnson for providing me this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

"Skeletons? In my closet? Not with all these shoes.- Gwen Goode, lamenting her lack of storage"

WOW. This book had me in a trance from the first page to the last, and boy did I enjoy the ride.

Gwen Goode has returned to Salem in the wake of her aunt's death, abandoning her lifelong dreams of a bigger life for a small occult shop in the heart of town and the house that served as her summer refuge from her abusive mother. It was during one of those summers that she meets Graham Graves, the town's golden boy who just so happens to become the object of a certain gawky teenagers adoration. Though both are now adults, Gwen still held affection in her heart until one night when that infatuation turns to loathing. But when Gwen's life is threatened, she must turn to the one person she is determined to push away.

Bad Luck Charm was a fun story that read more like a small town romcom than a paranormal romance. There are witchy elements of course, but no actual magic wielding that we see. Gwen is relatable and actually hilarious, her thoughts at the opening of each chapter were comedy gold. Where Gwen was one of us, Graham was the overprotective bad boy that we all want. The progression of being enemies (one sided, I must add) to lovers was beautifully done, and the spice was tasteful enough to not overshadow the story.

The HEA is inevitable, and the set up for the featured couple in the next book was perfect. All in all, this is a perfect read to get you in the Halloween spirit!

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Book : Bad Luck Charm
Author : Julie Johnson
Pub Date : 08 Aug 2023

Thank you NetGalley, Johnson Ink, Inc. & the author for the opportunity to read and review this book.

Do you love :
- Romcoms
- Witchy & Mysterious
- One POV/First Person
- Enemies to Lovers

Then this book is a must snag!

OHHHH YEAAAAH! This book was so fun and I loved every single page of this. I sat down while on vacation and read this from front to back in one sitting and was sad when it was over.

This book had all my favorite things rolled into one. I was in the mood for a fun cozy witchy mystery with a hint of spice. The main character Gwen inherits her grandmas witchy shop in he heart of Salem. When some killings involving rituals show up right behind her door she meets a steamy PI and that’s where their story begins. I loved watching the relationship between these two build and the fun little storyline.

This is absolutely going on my shelf and will be pulled out again when the weather cools down again. This needs to be on your shelf or kindle if it isn’t already on your pre-order/TBR.

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“Convince yourself this was a lapse of judgement. But Gwen, I’ll be here when you’re ready to lapse again.” Graham Graves is one of those possessive book boyfriends who gives us everything we love. He’s the epitome of “she’s mine” and “touch her and you die” energy.

Julie Johnson has an absolutely eloquent way with words. Her main character, Gwendolyn Goode, has a loquacious inner dialogue really stands out. Her voice firmly cements you as a reader in her world as a successful small business owner who grew up neglected and abused. Gwen is a character who armors herself in designer clothes and maintains a perpetual “every thing is fine” attitude. However, she remains as closed off as a knight who’s vowed celibacy to protect the kingdom, never letting anyone get close enough to hurt her. Graham Graves sees right through her facade, and is willing to fight tooth and nail to be the one to break down those walls. Luckily, they’re forced into each other's close proximity as he’s a Fixer (Private Investigator) working closely with the Police Department to solve a string of brutal animal sacrifices. It all gruesomely points to her being the next victim. It’s a thrilling mystery that had me completely entertained when the angsty-romantic stuff took a breather. And I can’t forget the killer playlist to listen to printed at the end of the book!

If you don’t appreciate blatant disregard of how actual crime scenes probably work, and miscommunication tropes, especially when it’s because the Main Character is so ambivalent to the love interest that she’ll not tell him a single thing that would help him protect her. You might want to avoid this read. Though, It does make for quite a delicious amount of angst and drama.

Overall, I really enjoyed Julie Johnson’s book and I’ll definitely be looking forward to reading the next book in the series!

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I really really liked this one. Gwendolyn is cool and sassy. She has such great comebacks. This is definitely a suspenseful romance which I love. Gwendolyn Goode and Graham Graves! Love the names! He starts as her childhood crush turned enemy. He falls first, the coming slow burn is great. Really plays well with the back and forth. I would say it is explicit with the open door sex scenes. It also has a witchy vibe being in Salem, there’s covens, and a psychic. My only meh part for me was that once they got together the suspense part kind of slowed down. Things took some time so get going again.

I will purchase this and continue reading!

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Holy hell I freakin loved this book! Everything about it was perfection. I cannot wait for the second book!

Gwen Goode is the owner of an occult shop in downtown Salem. She’s use to all things weird and spooky. But when an animal sacrifice is left outside her business, the police think she’s the target of something evil brewing. Enter Graham. He doesn’t have time for all the witchy nonsense with all his private detective business going on. When he’s put on the job to protect Gwen, who might I add, annoys the heck out of him and gets under his skin like no other, they both soon realize there’s a very thin line between love and hate.

I’m so in love with this story and the characters it’s not even funny. I loved the spooky witchy feel of the book and the mystery aspect of the book made it even better. The bantering, the tension, the spice, all of it was just fabulous. Graham can for sure have my babies anytime he pleases!

If you love a good enemies to lovers with lots of tension and good spice then I highly recommend picking this one up on August 8th!

Thank you so much to NetGalley for the e-arc!

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What I loved: the setting with its magical and witchy atmosphere. The quirkyness of the female charachter and the building of the relationship. The suspance and the pace.
What I couldn't connect with: the style, the long sentences during the descriptions.
Thank you Netgalley for the early copy.

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I have NEVER related to any character as much as I did with Gwen. I was screaming half the time while reading this book and I kid you not this book made my soul happy. It referenced Wednesday Addams, gossip girl, Gilmore Girls, taylor swift and soo many more as well but these hit me straight like Cupid for god’s sake. And who doesn't like a little witchy woo, It had a bit of tvd vibe which was a cherry on top I can safely say that this is my new comfort read. I really really didn't want it to end . Andddddd I’m all in for the next books in Witch City. This was the first book. Although I would have liked to get a bit more details about Graham as well. Each chapter begins with words of wisdom from our dear old Gwen 😂 Trust me they are worth reading. I loved all the side characters as well SO MUCH. This book was hilarious, comforting (most of the time😂), adorable (all the time) with loads of sassy banter.

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Okayyyyy this was so good!!
I had zero expectations going into it but was pleasantly surprised.

This was a solid 4 stars for me.
One thing I noticed was when Flo and Gwen are talking about Colette, Flo says Gwen is her ancestor when it should say descendent.
A few too many hellfires and babe/baby’s for me but the spice was mucho caliente, the plot was great if slightly unhinged and I’m so excited to read book two!

Thanks for the ARC!

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This book was so charming it has completely invaded my mind and I can think of nothing else! It was absolutely spellbinding! I adored this book and Gwen and Graham! There has to be more from this setting!! I need more!! This is the Salem Massachusetts that I have always wanted to know!
I just reviewed Bad Luck Charm by Julie Johnson. #BadLuckCharm #NetGalley
[NetGalley URL]

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"Bad Luck Charm" is a sweet and spicy, slow-burn romantic suspense that I absolutely loved! Gwendolyn Goode inherits a house and witchy store in Salem, MA from her aunt who raised her during her childhood summers. She has a best friend/hilarious sidekick, Florence, and Flo's boyfriend Desmond, who's best friend is a hunky, alpha male, Graham Graves, that Gwen would rather avoid at all possibilities. When animal sacrifices and kidnappings start happening Gwen realizes Graham is the only person who can keep her safe.

This book is filled with small-town charm, amazing banter, and a feeling of absolute certainty that I need to visit Salem soon! I've read plenty of Julie Johnson's other books but this one has taken the favorite slot! You could read this book anytime of the year but I highly recommend reading it during the spooky season.

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I really enjoyed this story! It has enemies to lovers with so much tension, with a witchy story that's really fun - without being actually witchy. Gwen is such a fun character to read the perspective of: she's witty, but a little too *quirky*. The banter is everything, there is fun sass and spicy moments, all set in a small town. It was a charming and fun read.

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I really enjoyed this book. It’s got that enemy to lover trope that sometimes gets annoying the more the stubbornness of characters interferes with the relationship. However, this one is very tolerable, as the MMC makes his intentions clear the whole time and adds more to the spicy tension. Graham is your typical overprotective alpha-male romantic dreamboat, while Gwen is a stubborn, fun, and quirky character. What sold this book for me was Gwen’s dialogue, she’s a hoot! I liked the aspect of this book being ‘witchy’ and set in Salem.. while not actually being witchy. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for a medium-burn, fast paced book that is light hearted, but packed with laughs and emotions.

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This book is clever and addicting! From the moment I started it I couldn’t put it down. The setting, the characters, the BANTER!! The enemies to lovers' romance was filled with tension, sass, and the perfect amount of smut. The only thing that would have made my experience better was if I had been sipping on a pumpkin spice chai to really set the mood. I can’t wait to see what else Julie Johnson comes up with!

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I absolutely loved the cozy, witchy, mystery, small town vibes of this book!! This is the perfect book to read in the fall, right before Halloween to help get you into the mood!!

The banter, the slow burn, the opposites attract, the he falls first ~ it's all there and it's fantastic!! Gwen doesn't let people in, but Graham isn't going anywhere, and boy is he patient!

The witchy mystery keeps you on your toes - it kept me guessing up until the end, I was never 100% sure who was going to be behind it.

The world building made you feel like you were right there in Salem. The pacing was perfect ~ between the mystery, romance and witchy humor you were able to stay connected with the story at all times.

I can't wait to see where the story leads in book two!!

Thanks to Julie Johnson, NetGalley, and Johnson Ink, Inc for an ARC.

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‘Bad Luck Charm’ was a gem to read, with so much to love about it. It had the perfect slow burn pairing that had me rooting for them from the start, plenty of steam, lots of banter, a little mystery, witchy twists, characters that were easily swooned over, & it was set up well for book two of the series, At Last Sight (coming in Winter 2023). I was able to read an advance copy of Bad Luck Charm thanks to NetGalley & throughly enjoyed it! I could hardly put it down, & can’t wait to read book two of the Witch City Series by Julie Johnson.

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