Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

What an action-packed ending to a thrilling series! This is one of my favorite series to recommend to reading enthusiasts and reluctant readers alike, because there's always so much happening in it - mysteries, murder, romance, friendship and found family, intrigue, twists and turns and sooo much action (plus, the books are all pretty short). Also, a whooole lot of teenage angst, which, as an adult, can wear on me at times, but I know the target audience (teenagers) loves that kind of thing. I'm happy with the way the series ended, even if it wasn't 100% ideal for everyone and everything, it still felt true to the series and the characters as a whole.

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I received this digital ARC free from NetGalley. I love this trilogy, it’s well written and engaging. I was so happy to read the rest of this trilogy. I love these characters and am so happy to have such a great ending to their story.

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What a great conclusion to this series. Following Eric, Signal and the others as they seek to testify about what has happened to them. As Signal and Eric's relationship develops it will be tested. Can this group of teens finally find peace? I have enjoyed every book in this series. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I LOVED LOVED LOVED this!!!! Such a fun little novel to devour in a night!!! Highly recommend giving this one a try, especially since it’s not as talked about as it should be!!!

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I could not get enough of these books, I binge read all three in a matter of days, I laughed, I cried and I’m literally OBSESSED. The girl from hell meets her true family, a gang of teen killers, in a camp designed to make them better killers and under government control, what could go wrong? Signal and Erik were the most dis functional adorable couple and I’m so glad their story is being told, their love, their fight against the justice system and basically against the whole world, and I hope this isn’t the final book because I NEED MORE

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Teen Killers at Large may not have claimed the top spot in the trilogy, but it stands as a worthy conclusion that wraps up the series with flair. The book delivers an ample dose of fun and intrigue, maintaining the elements that drew readers into the series. While the pacing occasionally slows, it doesn't detract significantly from the overall enjoyment. The story remains engaging, and the resolution of the trilogy is satisfying. Despite not being the favorite, Teen Killers at Large successfully provides a fitting ending, making it a solid read for fans of the series who are eager to see how the narrative concludes.

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And so it ends. For the last 3 years I have been living off the Halloween high of the Teen Killers Club books. Quick recap. There is a test to determine how possible it is to become a serial killer. Kids who get an A on this test are sent to camp to become assassins for the government. Book 1 is about the test and about Camp. Our main character Signal Deere swears she did not kill her best friend and that she is no killer. Erik is the bad boy. He is Class A all the way. Book 2 Erik and Signal run away from camp and fall in love. Signal also learns about Erik’s backstory, where the test came from, and why he is a Class A. Read the books, their great I promise. I loved books 1 and 2,

Now for book 3. This is the cumulation of the story. Signal is back with her campmates. They are trying to take down camp, get rid of the test, and get everyone free. Yeahhhh. Erik is still on the run, because his brother wants him dead. The entire group have become celebrities. There are pro killers club groups and anti-killers club groups. It is time to end things. This book is my least favorite. Some much revolves around drama. Not horror drama, girl/boy drama. Teen drama. Drama that has been absent from the rest of the books. While I hate using the word this book would be considered “clean”. There is extensive talk of marriage that services a purpose other then to allow for sex. But the marriage is just more drama that I could not wait to be over. This book does wrap up nicely. I thought the very end was too rushed, but it does set up for a sequel series. I don’t think a direct sequel (I could be wrong), but a new series about after. I hope not. I like it where it is. I love this series, and while this is a nice wrap up, it is the worse book of the series.

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This was such a good ending to the trilogy. It made me feel all kinds of emotions, and I really will miss these characters.
I thought the plot of this was so engaging and interesting, and I think it was the perfect way to end the trilogy.
It's got intense action, fights for justice, and a lot of heart.
The romance between Signal and Erik is so sweet and their loyalty is insane.
My favourite thing about this series is and always will be the friendships and the found family vibes. I am a sucker for strong friendships between outcasts, and I just really loved them all.
Overall this is such a solid series and I am so glad to have read it.

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I’ve loved this series from the start, and it’s underrated in my opinion. I’ve dreaded saying goodbye to these characters, but I’ll hold on to the hope someone will snatch it up for a movie adaptation.

It’s difficult to review the third book in a series without spoilers, but I’ll try. Signal’s story started when she was framed for the murder of her best friend. To avoid prison, she’s sent to a top secret camp where Class A teens – those deemed to have the most dangerous and manipulative criminal profiles – are trained to be assassins. Signal isn’t a Class A, but she’s surrounded by other teens who are. Some of them become loyal friends, and the friendships between them are one of my favorite aspects of this series. Criminals or not, they’re good people at their core and want the best for each other.

The series is full of twists, turns, surprises – and all the feels. I experienced a rollercoaster of emotions with this final book and wanted to shut out everything so I could learn the fate of these characters. Erik and Signal really put me through it. They have their ups, downs, fights, and romantic moments, but are willing to sacrifice for each other at every turn.

I listened to the audiobook and the narrator, Jesse Vilinsky, is outstanding – one of the best I’ve heard. If you enjoy going through the gamut of emotions with characters, strong friendships, tons of suspense, and a mystery that keeps you guessing, I highly recommend the Teen Killers Club series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Can a Test truly dictate if you are a criminal. Here are reasons to read the thriller book:

Finale in trilogy - in this final book in the Teen Killers Club series, we follow Signal as she lives with a few of the other campers in a house

Trial - she is on trial for what the camp made her do, and is trying to expose them

On the Run - Meanwhile her boyfriend Erik is on the run from everyone and seeing Signal may put her in even more danger

Betrayal - and when she learns that someone in the house she lives in may be betraying them, she has even more of a reason to watch her back with these killers

I originally read the first 2 books back to back, and I have to say that if you pick up this series, read all 3 at once. The author does not waste time re-explaining things so sometimes it’s hard to remember. However, to me this was a very satisfying ending to this series. You really got to see these characters in a better light and see how bringing them together in the right circumstances diminishes the killing they were trained to do. I really did like this series a lot!

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Currently experiencing a book hangover. I need more! I need to know Eric’s plan. I need to know if Eric was able to accomplish what he needed during his “death”. Signal! She has been through it. I need to know about the new retreat. I need to know about life for everyone once free. Jada and Dennis? Does it work out? Nobody? What happens in her life?

I need a Javier book. He deserves his own ending!

These characters all have a piece of my heart. Even the twins. Their story is devastating and completely shattered my heart. They are well written and you will fall for every single one of them. I adored this series and the found family of a group of misfits the world cast aside.

Read this series. It is fast paced, constantly have you questioning everything. Seriously so good.

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This was a fantastic end to the series! I had such a fantastic time reading it, I loved having this final send off with these characters! And man, what a send off! So much happened, and I loved watching them deal with the remaining issues!

This book, there's slightly less pressure. The case into her has been reopened, and she has several key pieces of evidence. And then they go missing, and things get tense again. I just had to know what was going on, and how they were going to fix it!

Also going on was her relationship with Erik. It's been complicated since the beginning, but since he's still on the run, his brother is still a threat, well, yeah, it's still not resolved. I loved every up and down, and every realization. It was just so fantastic to read! Loved how it ended up!

Where we left things, yeah, that was a pretty good spot. After everything that they went through, I think it's fitting where we left them-they have a future, they have hope, and I'm really glad, they deserve it after they went though!

Loved reading this book and I can't wait to read more by Lily Sparks!

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Something I realised fairly quickly was that this is part of a series, which I have not read. Therefore I definitely missed a lot of the context as to how they got here.
I ended up DNFing this book, not because I thought that the concept was bad, but because I was just missing a lot of context and was having a difficult time actually following and understanding what was going on as a result.
I think if I'd have read the other books in the series, and had a better grasp on the characters and the plot, I think I might've really enjoyed it because from what I've read it seems really interesting. However, because of the fact I had these challenges with it, and due to starting the series at the end, it didn't get a very high rating from me.

Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an ARC copy of this book.

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Teen Killers At Large by Lily Spark is book three in the Teen Killers Club Series.
I loved the first two in this series. And I couldn’t hold my excitement when I seen book three. Lily Sparks has outdone herself with this one.
Another wonderful story with an incredible twist.
The author does a brilliant job of developing a dark and suspenseful plot filled with characters who are flawed and engaging you just can't help but root for.
This book is a crazy ride with lots of twists and turns.
I can’t wait for Naramauke!

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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While not my favorite of the bunch, this is a fitting end to the trilogy. I enjoyed it for the most part, outside of the pace, which was slow at times. Also, Signal can be very exhausting at times.

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This may not have been my favorite of the trilogy, but the FEELS were EVERYWHERE.

(I'm currently listening to 'This is How Villains are Made' on repeat, so if I'm extra villaney, I'll blame it on that)

- Take for example the addictiveness of this series as a whole??? The plot twists, the writing, the nuance of the characters, the relationships??? Excuse me??? I was not ready for this to be the end of the famous group of serial killer friends (or the like).

- I adored the fact that I binged this whole story because the pace was gripping me by the non-existent gray hairs and I COULD NOT STOP, OKAY, I TRIED. (which is why I went to sleep at like 4am, but who cares??? It's a BOOK. It's law to break curfew when words on paper try to kill you, so yeah. Only fair)

- The romance was maybe the weakest point of the book, but WAIT wait. I'm single, therefore I'm entitled of being mad at romance, HOWEVER, there were some cute moments and some sizzling ones that had my grimace turning into a Cheshire grin that really, looked unhealthy and demented.

- On the other hand, the friendships were maybe my favorite thing about this book (apart from the whole, you know, beautiful murder vibes. Like, go off queen ( for the record, FBI, I didn't say that. I was hacked)). Like, they were so ADORABLE and ugh, just take my heart and put it in a blender if you hate it so much.

If you enjoy series (I still stand by the serieses for the plural of series, but the red line marking it on my screen screams oppression of creativity) that grab you by the metaphorical lapels (which should be bought at the earliest convenience because aren't they just dandy?) and don't let you go-- not even to breathe-- sizzling moments and dashing instances, paired with a good-ish MC??? Um, SIGN ME UP.

So even if I'm not completely in love with this book (mainly because it should've lasted about 100 more pages, let's be honest), I can say I don't regret it.

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A strong finish to a series that has had me gripped from the start. Although neither of the sequels has quite reached the same brilliance as the first book, they've still been really enjoyable reads, and I'm thrilled to have read the conclusion to Signal's story. I cannot recommend this series enough!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Going into this I didnt realize it was a series but this was such a great book and I enjoyed every moment.

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Wonderful to see the series come to a conclusion! Pace was a bit slow but other than that it was a great read.

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I have been looking forward to this book since I binge read the first two earlier this year. This is a fast-paced, romantic, YA, thriller with a storyline and characters that leave you wanting more. An awesome conclusion to an amazing trilogy and I still kind of wish there was more.

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