Member Reviews

Overall rated 4.5, but rounded up cause I got so much joy out of it!

It was fun, actually quirky, and challenged some of the standard romance tropes while still being a fluffy romcom. I loved the dynamic between the MC love interests and seeing how careers played a role in their character growths

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This one was an utter delight! Lexi and Jake were an adorable couple and I loved watching their instant chemistry turn into actual communication and a relationship.

I was highly concerned that Lexi was going to just give up her career for Jake and no spoilers but I'm so pleased with how her arc ended. This one had lots of emotions and was so fun to read.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I gave it 17% and allowed myself to DNF. I usually love a one-night-stand, but this one didn’t captivate me. And it was just slow/underwhelming after.

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I tried this one but I wasn't buying the premise - felt a bit too contrived, and then it was like, insta-love and I wasn't a fan. It was heavier than I expected too.

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Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff

Published: February 20, 2024
St. Martin’s Griffin
Genre: Romance
KKECReads Rating: 4/5
I received a copy of this book for free and leave my review voluntarily.

This was an easy read. The plot moved along just fine, and the story was told in an engaging manner. For a debut, Lindsay nailed it.

This has all the elements for a Lifetime Romance movie, plus a little spice. While the storyline was a tad predictable, with how things ebbed and flowed, I enjoyed the journey.

The comical bits were well-placed, and the spice was just right. As a debut, this is a strong start for Lindsay, and I think readers will enjoy her writing.

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This is a cute and charming read by a debut author. Lexi is focused on her goal of becoming an executive chef in a Michelin-star restaurant. She doesn't let anything or anyone deter her from that goal until she meets Jake, a dive bar musician. She has a very brief romance with him and then he takes off for LA and she never expects to see him again. When he becomes an overnight sensation, she keeps her brief relationship with him a secret. She goes about her life, focused on her goal, and even starts seeing someone. But then Jake reappears one day and her world tilts on its axis and she is no longer certain of her path. The life she would lead being with a celebrity scares her, but she can't deny the bond between them. Lexi has to decide if she wants to continue with her well-planned out life, or take a chance at love.
A cute story that was a very pleasant read. I wouldn't mind reading more of this author's work in the future.
I received a complimentary copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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Just finished Till There Was You, and it’s a cute, sweet story—even though I’m not usually the biggest fan of celebrity romances.

Lexi, a culinary student with big dreams, meets Jake, a musician who quickly becomes a star. While the romance was enjoyable, I found the characters a bit lackluster, especially compared to the dynamic plot. Still, the combination of foodie vibes and celebrity drama made for a fun, light read.

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okay i loved this! such a cute book! i especially appreciate that there was no miscommunication trope! the broadway and golden girls references were super cute!
the only thing that annoyed me was lexi's immaturity at times. especially with her dad. i also wish it was more known that women shouldn't have to choose between a career or healthy relationship. fun and quick read!

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I really wanted to like this book and there are definitely parts of it that I enjoyed but overall the plot was not well conceived and I desired so much more from it.

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Till There Was You was such a sweet second chance romance, and I'm so glad I finally read it. It's perfect for anyone who is a fan of celebrity romances and chef shows--it's a perfect balance of swoony, spicy, and sweet.

Lexi Berman is in the middle of culinary school when she meets Jake Taylor at a bar--and they share one amazingly hot weekend together before he travels to LA to record his demo. He never calls her back, and she moves on with her life--until one day she hears his hot single on the radio--a song she's 99.9% sure is about her.

She graduates and lands her first job working in a real kitchen...and one day, out of the blue, Jake shows up on her doorstep. She's naturally cautious after the way he ghosted her before--but there's just something about their connection that neither one of them can deny. He's in New York for two months to record his next album, and before long, she's invited him to stay with her. They work on building a friendship but it's obvious they're destined to be more than just friends. But can their genuine love for one another survive the distance and the fame?

I loved all the small Jewish details Lindsay Hameroff included in the book--a reflection of her own Jewish experience. I love seeing representation like this in romance books. Everyone deserves love and happily ever afters. And now I want matzo ball soup!

CW: death of a parent (off page), cancer, grief

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Overall, I thought this was a fine debut. It had some cute moments.

That said, I did wish there was a bit more romance and banter. I didn’t really feel the love or sparks between the characters and I felt this teetered a bit between too much backstory drama and not enough character development.

There were some cute moments but I didn’t feel like either character stood on their own, and the FMC especially felt overpowered by her parental drama instead of feeling like she had her own personality. The resolution with her dad was far too quick and simplistic and I didn’t really understand the whole ghosting in the beginning honestly. The ending especially felt very abrupt and unfinished, it definitely would have benefited from an epilogue.

As a debut, I can understand why the spicy scenes went back and forth between fade to black and some more vivid scenes, but the uncertainty showed. It will be interesting to see what the author lands on in terms of comfortability in future books.

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The storyline was a typical rockstar romance, and unfortunately, it lacked any originality for me. I enjoyed reading it nonetheless. There was one scene that I felt I had already read in another book. Like a déjà vu. I realized it was almost identical to a scene from the book. The idea of you by Robinne Lee. This missed the mark for me.

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An early DNF, I found the characters very cringey and. childish. I did not think it would get better if I continued

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I really loved this book, but at times, it felt like I was reading gender-swapped Taylor Swift/Jake Gyllenhaal fanfic. The main character's name is even Jake Taylor. Every once in a while, it just felt a bit like a creepy intrusion into real people's lives. When I was able to really get lost in the story, though, I loved it. As much as I hate to say how unrealistic it is that a guy who became famous would want to stay with someone he dated before. I know it happens, but...not often. My only real issue was that we never got any reasonable explanation for Jake ghosting Lexi after their weekend together. He thought she told him to leave her alone, sure, but only after like a week. He still was basically a total jerk at first. I also wish he hadn't been so ridiculously oblivious to the other pop star's interest in him. Jake never came across as a dumb guy, except when she was mentioned. Minor quibbles. I'll read it again.

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Till There Was You is a sweet romance that takes readers on a journey filled with love, loss, and second chances. Lindsay Hameroff’s characters are relatable and the chemistry between MCs feels genuine. The way they confront their pasts and find a way forward is both realistic and inspiring.

That said, I did find that the pacing felt a bit uneven, with some parts dragging on while others wrapped up too quickly.

Overall, Till There Was You is a great read for romance lovers who love a second-chance story.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Lindsay Hameroff for an early review copy. These are my honest thoughts.

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This deliciously sweet romance whisks together culinary ambition, celebrity chaos, and just the right amount of sizzle! Lexi Berman is focused on one thing—becoming a Michelin-star chef—until Jake Taylor, a charming dive bar musician, sings his way into her life (and possibly writes a hit song about her pancakes). As Lexi juggles her perfectly planned future with Jake’s rising fame, sparks fly, drama simmers, and her love life starts heating up faster than her matzah ball soup. Set in the mouthwatering world of NYC’s restaurant scene, this book serves up laughs, love, and second chances—it’s a recipe you won’t want to miss! Thank you to the NetGalley Peeps and the publishers for letting me read this sweet book

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A year and a half after spending a weekend together Jake comes back into Lexi’s life. She has moved on with a possible new love interest, has a new job at a kitchen, these scenes were fun to read as I’ve just recently watched The Bear, the yelling in the kitchen was fun.
She accepts him back as a friend only, they get to know each other until it turns to more.
There was a little tension in the second half now that Jake is famous Lexi is self conscious about not being beautiful or attractive enough for him. Jake tried to assure her many times he was not leaving. Really enjoyed this book, it had humor and high stakes and the ending was fun.

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A cutesy romcom, full of a sugar!
I enjoyed this one a lot. It was a quick and easy read!
If you're looking for something to just bring some happiness into your life scoop this up!

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I thought the romance was lots of insta-love, not much depth. Safe to say, this book was just not for me.

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This was an interesting read. It definitely delivered on the celebrity dating trope and I enjoyed the cooking aspects, however the romance felt a bit like insta-love which I wasn't a big fan of. Otherwise, the main couple was cute and I enjoyed my time reading it!

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