Member Reviews

While I did read this book to its completion, sadly I did not enjoy it or find the romance satisfying/compelling. The main characters encountered significant barriers to their relationship in terms of conflicting lifestyles & life goals. The FMC in particular let her whole life go to pieces trying to appease and hold onto the MMC, only to get blindsided with jealousy due to a series of manipulations and misunderstandings. The final "grand gestures" on both sides were melodramatic and didn't address the core problems that drove them apart in the first place. Altogether it felt like a couple destined for divorce, not a happy ending.

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Super cute story between Lexi and Jake! One night after culinary school Lexi joins her friends at happy hour and she meets Jake who turned out to be the musical act for the night and they bond over musicals. They share an amazing weekend together before Jake sets off to LA to record his demo and becomes an overnight sensation. Heartbroken, lexi puts all her focus into finishing culinary school and getting a job at a restaurant in hopes to push Jake out of her mind. But when he turns up one night at her apartment hoping to explain himself and ask for a second chance, Lexi is hesitant but can’t deny the connection they have. He’s a famous musician and she’s a chef, they live in two different worlds so how would it work out?

I really enjoyed this story and loved how Lexi and Jake were just Lexi and Jake and not chef and famous musician. They tried so hard to block the outside world from their bubble but it’s hard to fight those small insecurities even when you’re just a “normal” person and not a celebrity. They have such a sweet story and this was such a quick read it worked perfectly.

Thank you @stmartinspress and @netgalley for this eARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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Till There Was You was a super cute romance! The main character Lexi is an aspiring chef who runs into a super swoony singer named Jake at a dive bar. When Jake becomes a world-wide music sensation the two must navigate a relationship while working towards their dreams when their schedules don't always align.

I really enjoyed both of the main characters in this book. Sure there were some cliches with some misunderstandings between the two, but they were both very likable characters with strong chemistry. I was connected to their storyline and rooting for them the whole way. There was a lot of technical jargon about cooking and working in the restaurant business that I'm not sure added a lot to the romance part, but did help set the scene. I really enjoyed this novel, some spice, but more of a focus on their emotional development as a couple. Good romance!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for granting me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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There are two things I absolutely love: pancakes and music. Till There Was You first captured my interest because of those paired elements, from the blueberry pancakes on the cover to the plot of a young chef having a second-chance romance with the musician she spent a weekend with the year before.

At first, the romance between Lexi and Jake is a bit instant: They meet at a bar, end up having a one-night-stand, and then stretch that to a whole weekend of serious chemistry. It’s only been a couple days, but it feels like true love. Then he heads off to LA to record a demo album, and just as his music career is experiencing a sudden and meteoric rise, he ghosts her. Rude. So Lexi focuses on finishing culinary school and getting her first job as a line chef.

After Jake ghosted Lexi, I can see why it’d be so hard to let him back in. But I can also understand his reasoning for failing to reach out. Their second chance may need to start off as a tentative friendship, which gives their insta-love romance a bit more realism. It’s some necessary breathing room that makes me appreciate their relationship all the more once it gets going again.

I enjoyed seeing the different aspects of Lexi and Jake’s careers. Lexi loves to cook, but her new job working in a restaurant isn’t quite as fulfilling as she’d thought it would be. It’s uninspiring work with gruesome hours, and it’s hard to have a relationship with anyone (let alone a celebrity) when working in such a career. Jake has had whirlwind success with his first single (“Blueberry”) and album, becoming the biggest new music star in only a span of months. And while he loves many aspects of his music career, there are other parts that are draining on him. Like the chef career path, it can be hard for a celebrity of his caliber to have a solid relationship with anyone. How can Jake and Lexi make it work, despite the hurdles and media attention?

In addition to their romance and careers, I also enjoyed the other relationships they have. Lexi has some good friendships with Ali, Chloe, and later Mia, giving her some needed support at times. But her relationship with her father has become strained since her mother’s death. Grief and dealing with loss are major themes, and driving factors behind many of Lexi’s decisions. Jake also has a complicated relationship with his dad, though his mom is supportive and sweet. His bigger difficulties come from his professional connections.

Till There Was You is a deliciously sweet love story for foodies, music fans, and anyone with a soft spot for a second-chance romance. It has added depth in both family and career arcs, but is ultimately about a cute couple that has to work extra hard to make a relationship work. This is a wonderful debut, and I look forward to reading more from Lindsay Hameroff.

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This was decent for a debut. The writing style didn't click 100% for me, but that's a me issue. I liked the chef/food aspect of the book, and that the rock star wasn't a full fledged rock star at the beginning of the book.

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I received a copy of Till There Was You from the publisher and NetGalley in return for an honest review. Thank you for the advanced reader copy!

Oh this book is just too dang sweet, like the syrup and pancakes on the cover. Lexi is an aspiring chef who recently graduated culinary school. She goes out to a dive bar and meets a very handsome man, Jake Taylor, who she spends a whirlwind one-weekend stand with, which is loaded with chemistry and insta-love. A few months later, she sees Jake Taylor performing his new hit song "Blueberry" which was inspired by her and her blueberry pancakes. Even more months pass, and somehow Jake shows back up at her door, and the romance between them is on fire.

I really enjoyed this book so much. Even though I usually do not like instalove as a trope, the way that Jake and Lexi both want to pursue their passions (music and cooking) but also want to be with each other, and the timing and schedules of their industries is a barrier to their ability to build a relationship felt realistic, even against a "fame" backdrop. Also, Lexi grappling with not wanting to "let down" her deceased mother, while also following and refining her own dreams is a concept I think most people could connect to. And Jake Taylor is from my hometown of Marietta, GA, so obviously brownie points for that. ;)

Overall if you are looking for a well-written romance, that isn't just fluff but also isn't overly introspective, Till There Was You delivers! I also enjoyed Lexi's friends, Chloe and Ali, and even Mia in the end.

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In “Till There Was You" by Lindsay Hameroff, readers are served a delectable blend of flavours. Come along on a delightful romp through the complexities of love, ambition, and the unexpected twists of life.

Meet Lexi Berman. She is a culinary student with a singular goal: to honour her late mother's memory by becoming an executive chef at a prestigious Michelin-starred restaurant. Her determination is unwavering, and she's not about to let anything or anyone derail her path. Then she meets a dive bar musician whose show tunes and charm break down her defences. She has a strict no-dating policy, but will she make an exception for him?

I found Hameroff's writing to be witty, warm, and I adored her clever one-liners. We’re a Dad Joke kind of household. This story was a delightful concoction of romance, ambition, and the irresistible allure of real blueberry pancakes.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for a temporary e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I absolutely loved this book! It was funny, heartwarming, romantic, and swoon worthy! Lindsay Hameroff did a great job, especially for her debut novel! The independent bookstore I work at hosted her release party, and she was also a super nice person! Someone I would gladly promote, and will definitely be an auto buy for me whenever she comes out with a new book. I can't wait for the next book in the series!

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For those of us who occasionally need light, easy, and fun reads with likeable characters and cute boys…..this is the book for you. It did sometimes feel as if I had read this book before, in some other form, but the ending for me was uniquely its own. I appreciated that the characters were more mature and not whiny in nature. For the readers that enjoy this genre and love a good laugh, this is definitely one to try! Till There Was You by Lindsay Hameroff. #NetGalley

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Thank you NetGallery for this ARC!! I loved the second chance romance in this along with the friends to lovers and who doesn’t love a super star and a chef? The only thing I didn’t like was the third act breakup even though it did add to the character arc! I wish that the ending wasn’t so rushed but overall such a cute story !

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Rating: 4/5
I received an eARC for my honest opinion.

After Lexi loses someone very close to her, she has made it her life’s mission to become a chef. Her entire life has revolved around her making her goal come to life, until one night when a handsome stranger named Jake comes into her life and turns it upside down, at times in the most amazing way possible, and at times the worst. Jake is not sure what happened over that weekend before he left for L.A. but all he knows is that he cannot get this girl out of his mind in the most wonderful way. When he comes back from L.A. all he knows is that he must meet her again and see if the sparks are still there.

I am normally not a fan of insta-love, I love a good slow burn. However I really enjoyed this book, I think it was the give and take and of course the puppy love scenes that did it, also the way that this author writes. I could see this book playing out while I was reading it and I couldn’t put it down, I started it in the morning before work and went through chapter after chapter. Then when I got home, I started it right back up. I loved that their relationship felt real to me, like I can see that happening to people I know. I thought the pace was perfect and the ending did melt my heart. I know that mis-communication trope is not the most popular but the way the author made it come across just worked for me. Now with that being said I was a little mad at times at both of them for not seeing what was really happening but that is what makes books fun.

I enjoyed the characters throughout the book, I loved the banter, the raw emotions that everyone knows and understands when it comes to new relationships and even ones that have to go weeks without having to see each other. I think the growth that Lexi showed in the book was by far the best that I have seen in a romance book. She really became herself and made it shine; with Jake I feel like he made growth but not like Lexi.

I will be reading more from this author. If you like contemporary romance, with a little celebrity drama, steamy moments, character growth and more you should read this book.

I want to thank NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the opportunity to review this book.

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A charming and entertaining story, Lexi is an aspiring chef, fresh out of culinary school. Jake’s a musician who likes to perform at dive bars. The two have a meet-cute at a local bar then spend an unforgettable weekend together. Jake takes a trip to LA and becomes a star. A year gone by he comes back to rekindle the love for Lexi, but will Lexi follow through? Lexi is finally finding her footing and moving on with her life, that is until Jake shows up on her doorstep. Fate has stepped in to give these two a second chance. Is Lexi willing to risk it all for Jake?

If you’re looking for a fast-paced and fun read, then I highly suggest you pick this one up! You will enjoy it, Thank you.

I received a copy of TILL THERE WAS YOU by Lindsay Hammeroff from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!!!

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After an intense weekend, Jake and Lexi go their separate ways and lose touch. They are both working hard at demanding careers. When they reconnect, they both still have demanding careers and much of the book is about how (and if) they can work things out.
I thought the story had some great things to say about following your goals. I also really liked the music references brought in, especially the musicals. And the Golden Girls! I did get frustrated with Lexi's insecurities towards the end - I would have thought they would maybe have happened earlier. I loved the trip to Georgia, and meeting Jake's parents. The ending was epic, and it was a fun and fast read.

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This book was so frustrating! This premise could have been so good.

Till There Was You is about Lexi Berman, an aspiring chef making her way through culinary school in NYC. Lexi has a plan and she is sticking to it. However, the plan goes a little haywire when she meets Jake Taylor, a charming dive bar musician who is leaving town soon to record a demo in LA. They spend a passionate weekend together before he leaves. She never hears from him but he skyrockets to fame with a song that is obviously about her. A year(?) later, Jake shows up on her doorstep, begging her to try to take a chance with him.

I loved this concept of chef life meets celebrity romance, but this book gave me so much angst and frustration for all the wrong reasons. Lexi was SO insecure and often self-sabotaged herself instead of just trusting Jake. Jake felt rather flat as a character; I feel like I didn’t know much about him other than he was a musician from the South that loved Lexi. Some of the side characters felt like caricatures of Hollywood types. But what frustrated me most was the lack of research into what working as a chef is like. There was a minor detail towards the beginning of the book that was super incorrect and it was really hard for me to get past it as it took me completely out of the book at the time and it took a bit to get back into it.

Unfortunately, I didn’t love this even though I was so excited going in. I recognize this is a debut book and I do look forward to future works by this author. Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Griffin for the advanced copy, all thoughts are my own.

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Another book with a good premise, but the writing fell a little short for me. Characters were entertaining, but they just weren't as full as I expected. Not a bad debut! I will pick up my by this author. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Lexi is determined to make it as a chef. She is not dating at all. Her life revolves totally around her goal. So, she is caught unaware when she meets Jake, a night club singer. Jake charms her and he is totally irresistible. So, after their one night stand, she never expects to see him again. But, as you can guess…things change.

Oh boy! Lexi and Jake are wonderful together….even when they are not in the best of terms! I mean it is a romance book so you know they are going to break up and then get back together. And that is exactly what happens. These two have chemistry that cannot be denied. I enjoyed how the author wove in music AND food!

Need an adorable, witty romance…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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i’m submitting the reviews for books by you that I already have, but I will never request another one. In October one of your employees made a horribly racist statement and you have chosen to do nothing about it. People have continuously asked you to say that you don’t stand with what the employee said, and you refuse to. This is not someone who I want to promote ever because you are sending the wrong message. These reviews will not be posted on social media because you don’t deserve the promotion. By not speaking out you are also not preventing your followers from stalking and harassing people who are participating in the boycott. Your silence speaks volumes. I hope that all of your authors move to other publishers because you are standing with a genocide. You are also currently saying that you support black women in black history month but you have ignored their concerns for months and shown them no support.

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Till There Was You 🫐🥞

This debut romance charmed my pants off. A normal person + celebrity romance couple, one who is a chef and another who is a musician! I liked the chef element since that isn’t an occupation I see the female lead characters usually having.

Lexi meets Jake during her second year of culinary school in New York City out at a dive bar one night. She’s there blowing off steam from messing up during class, and he happens to be the night’s musical act. Though she is notorious for avoiding dates by throwing herself into her studies and cooking, they hit it off and end up spending a whirlwind weekend together before he leaves for LA to record his demo, and she never hears from him again…

Until over a year later when he shows back up in New York to apologize to her and try to make things right. But now, he is a HUGE star, having blown up with his hit single, Blueberry 😏👀. While Lexi tries to forgive him and rekindle their friendship, they cannot deny that their feelings run deeper than that. People said dating as a chef, and a celebrity dating someone with a job, wouldn’t work, but how hard could it be? Things start getting messy when they start spending more and more time together, Lexi is distracted at her restaurant kitchen prep job, and also still dealing with the fallout he had with her dad after her mom’s death.

I just loved Lexi and Jake’s characters, their careers, and how cute their relationship is. Please READ THIS!

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Honestly, I downloaded this book because there were pancakes on the cover and I’m a slut for breakfast carbs. I had a really hard time getting j to the book though. I didn’t really connect with the characters and I definitely didn’t find myself rooting for the second chance romance. Not the book for me unfortunately. Great cover though.

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Jewish rep
NYC setting
Second chance romance
Celebrity romance
Food is love

One of my reading goals this year is to read more books by Jewish authors, so I was very excited to get a chance to read Till There Was You. Till There Was You is an enjoyable second-chance romance between a famous musician, Jake Taylor, and an aspiring chef, Lexi Berman. Jake and Lexi meet and spend an unforgettable weekend in NYC just before his career takes off. But when he becomes famous, he ghosts Lexi until months later, he appears on Lexi's doorstep distraught. They rekindle their relationship, but dating a celebrity is not easy, and the question is, will their relationship survive the tabloids, the mean internet comments, and their very different work schedules?

I recommend Till There Was You to romance readers who enjoy second-chance and celebrity romance.

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